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ProcrastinationSift (Blog Entry by dystopianfuturetoday)

blahpook (Member Profile)

EDD says...

Alas, in these troubled times it's whatever pays. I'm a freelancer and since my age doesn't inspire confidence in employers I get most jobs via translation agencies. Usually it's user manuals for home electronics or heavy machinery, EU guidelines and the like, and the occasional agreement or marketing brochure. Although there was also the book on international politics recently. What I'd really love to do though, are scripts/subtitles for foreign movies and novels. I'll try to scoop the upcoming Dan Brown book job as a 'career booster' next, but it's highly unlikely I'll get it, it usually all boils down to who you know in a country of couple million such as mine.

In reply to this comment by blahpook:
Yes, alas, Farm Frenzy and its offshoots are one of my favorite ways to procrastinate from various reading and writing assignments. LOL.

By the way, what do you translate?

EDD (Member Profile)

blahpook says...

Yes, alas, Farm Frenzy and its offshoots are one of my favorite ways to procrastinate from various reading and writing assignments. LOL.

By the way, what do you translate?

In reply to this comment by EDD:
The *quality was well-deserved. Although I kind of feel your pain and then again I kind of don't

I took a brief stint in English A1 (supposedly for native speakers, mostly World-lit analysis) course as a part of IBO diploma programme. It included Lermontov, 1984, Ancient Mariner, Kafka etc. etc. etc. Decided it wasn't for me, but that's mostly because other group members were even less-qualified to pass as native speakers than I was and also I simply had already read most of what was on the mandatory reading list.

Still, English is my life-long mistress. No wonder I'm 'moonlighting' as a translator/interpreter now.

*edit - I looked below and were you really playing Farm Frenzy? My wife can't get enough of those kinds of games.

In reply to this comment by blahpook:
Thanks! I still read Pooh and Catcher every once in a while, even though the first time I read both was probably because I was assigned them in class (read: English major). Interestingly enough all but a couple of the books on my list were ones I have read for leisure in-between classes. I guess that says a lot.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
oh and what the hell, anything that helps me exercise some healthy verbal diarrhea is *quality

Personal queues and dupes (Terrible Talk Post)

Recovering from Our Loss (Wtf Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Use google cache to get your profile stuff asap while it's still there

webarchive/waybackmachine might help in recovering lost information.

Votes are completely lost? As long as we still have the comments, it'll work, but aw fuck man, that's two years of procrastination down the fucking toilet. Fuck this sucks.

VideoSift Fundraiser (Sift Talk Post)

Change Request: Remove profile posts from public feeds (Sift Talk Post)

oxdottir says...

Well, I have mixed feelings about this. Let me give a few incoherent things that are true about having seen profile comments in the comments threads:

1. It contributed to my feeling of alienation in terms of there being a sift in-crowd, because I became aware of vast circles of mutual up-vote chains where people noted going through each others queues and voting madly. Strangely enough, this didn't make me feel good about puting effort into finding things for VS.

2. It's been quite entertaining to me during odd moments of procrastination, and it helped me notice odd videos I might have missed otherwise (some of which I promoted).

3. It's clued me in to various factions/rivalries on VS that I would never have noticed otherwise.

I'm not sure if these things are mostly good or mostly bad. I guess, in some sense, I would miss it. I mean, as it is there is a mechanism for keeping profile comments private, and people can use it if they like, so I don't feel the need for the change, but I say that knowing it sounds odd given my point 1 above. I mean, it happens. My knowing about it is just secondary.

Bale's Burlesque (by lavoll)

lavoll says...

hehe, this is how i doodle when i am procrastinating at the office. i can't draw, so i end up making strange things like this.
the idea here was that i also wanted to make something from christian bale's rant, but the techno ideas have already been done, so i made something else.

his voice sounds like it goes through a vocoder, but it is actually loaded into "Alchemy"'s granular engine, which chops the sound into tons of little snippets/grains that you can manipulate, here by singing a new melody. the "gimme a gimme a gimme a fucking a" in the start, is that sound.
the more normal bale scream was sent through a guitar amplifier with a spring reverb to make him even more screaming.

so then i had lots of sour

time to add something sweet

the stripper is from and her dancing already fit very well with the "swing" in christians screaming rythm. i did some things like reduce saturation and increase contrast on the long shots, and opposite on the close ones.. etc. fun in "Vegas".

but i still haven't done my accouting for last year

Happy Anti-Valentines! (Blog Entry by alien_concept)

Thylan says...

I just had a nice night out with cinema and a meal with 2 female friends of mine. tomorrow i shall do some gardening of stuff impinging on next door and some fileing. and some procrastinated avoidance of those jobs.

the 14th can go hang

The Necessity of Side-Businesses (Blog Entry by curiousity)

Farhad2000 says...

I try to do sidejobs in what am good at which is mostly video and web design, I don't get side jobs that often but when I do the extra income is great.

But you must do projects you like, I been procrastinating on doing an edit job one video for nearly 3 months now because I simply had a terrible time filming it, dealing with the client and my heart isn't in it anymore.

My deadline now is Thursday.

JAPR (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Sounds like an interesting bunch of classes.

Heh, I got my diamond like 2 days ago, so you're not that late. Thanks.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
This semester I'm taking fifth year Japanese (the highest level they offer here), a course where we read classic Chinese novels in English (stuff like "The Monkey King" and "The Water Margin"), an intro level Economics class (lol filler course), and a course on East Asian Humanities...whatever that one means. Looks like a decently busy semester, but hopefully I'll be able to be more active on here. Congrats on the diamond, by the way. I'm sorry I didn't give you props when it actually happened.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Heh, it never was answered, so thanks.

I'm good. I got myself a shiny diamond now, so my procrastination levels are high as usual. How have you been? What are you studying now?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Late reply: I actually know who posted this, the silly freaking guy uploaded it not understanding what a self-link was, and it looks like from that first comment, he also thought it'd be a good idea to make multiple accounts to upvote and apparently even comment on it, and probably wasn't using proxies.

Don't know if that question ever got answered in the past, I just noticed it today lol.

How have you been, by the way? I feel like I've missed most of what's going on at the Sift lately (thanks, school ).

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Why is the submitter banned?

*nochannel *wtf *sports *happy *gay *terrible

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

This semester I'm taking fifth year Japanese (the highest level they offer here), a course where we read classic Chinese novels in English (stuff like "The Monkey King" and "The Water Margin"), an intro level Economics class (lol filler course), and a course on East Asian Humanities...whatever that one means. Looks like a decently busy semester, but hopefully I'll be able to be more active on here. Congrats on the diamond, by the way. I'm sorry I didn't give you props when it actually happened.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Heh, it never was answered, so thanks.

I'm good. I got myself a shiny diamond now, so my procrastination levels are high as usual. How have you been? What are you studying now?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Late reply: I actually know who posted this, the silly freaking guy uploaded it not understanding what a self-link was, and it looks like from that first comment, he also thought it'd be a good idea to make multiple accounts to upvote and apparently even comment on it, and probably wasn't using proxies.

Don't know if that question ever got answered in the past, I just noticed it today lol.

How have you been, by the way? I feel like I've missed most of what's going on at the Sift lately (thanks, school ).

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Why is the submitter banned?

*nochannel *wtf *sports *happy *gay *terrible

Random sifts (Sift Talk Post)

JAPR (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Heh, it never was answered, so thanks.

I'm good. I got myself a shiny diamond now, so my procrastination levels are high as usual. How have you been? What are you studying now?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Late reply: I actually know who posted this, the silly freaking guy uploaded it not understanding what a self-link was, and it looks like from that first comment, he also thought it'd be a good idea to make multiple accounts to upvote and apparently even comment on it, and probably wasn't using proxies.

Don't know if that question ever got answered in the past, I just noticed it today lol.

How have you been, by the way? I feel like I've missed most of what's going on at the Sift lately (thanks, school ).

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Why is the submitter banned?

*nochannel *wtf *sports *happy *gay *terrible

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

burdturgler says...

1. I cooked dinner for Motley Crue.

2. I had my first real kiss while on a boat in a lake in Canada. She couldn't speak English. I couldn't speak French.

3. Some of my ancestors were pirates in Ireland.

4. I've wrecked 3 cars.

5. I fractured my neck (see #4).

6. I'm planning to be frozen by Alcor when I die.

7. I'm a formerly recovered sift addict who has fallen off the wagon.

8. I was a level 80 warlock in EQ2

9. I like cigars.

10. I grew several pounds of fantastic weed in a small closet.

11. I have an electric guitar that I've never played.

12. My first words were "wow" and "no".

13. I've seen a UFO.

14. I'm part Blackfoot Indian.

15. My first computer was a C-64 w/ a cassette tape drive.

16. I love the ocean. The salt air .. sound of the sea gulls ..

17. I sing like shit but do it loudly anyway.

18. I was on a first name basis at the emergency room when I was a kid.

19. The beauty of the sky at night and the expanse of space leaves me struck with awe every time I look up.

20. I'm terrified of bees and I think they know it.

21. If I could only ever have one video game, it would be Morrowind.

22. The only movie I've ever been to with my father was Star Wars. It's also the only time I remember an audience standing up and cheering at the end.

23. I sleep with the TV on so I don't have to hear myself think.

24. I procrastinate finishing things.


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