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Shepppard (Member Profile)

So What Does *Quality Do, exactly? (Sift Talk Post)

SlipperyPete (Member Profile)

Should Video Recommendations Expire? (User Poll by lucky760)

Congress threatened with Martial Law if bill is not passed

EndAll says...

Procrastination on the part of the American people in tackling and dismantling the pyramid of corrupt political entities in power will be their downfall. wait until tomorrow, wait until someone else gets around to it. The Ron Paul's of your country need help. Cling tight to your loved ones, load up your guns, stock your food, prepare your body and mind, spread the word, and take a stance.

DEADLINE -- nice post-it stop motion

EDD says...

I work with constant deadlines and I'm a pro at procrastination, so this one delivered for me

The icing on the cake though would be if the creator or the people involved would have had a deadline for another project coming up when they made this one

DEADLINE -- nice post-it stop motion

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'deadline, stop motion, post it' to 'deadline, stop motion, post it, royksopp, eple, procrastination' - edited by EDD

Tales of Mere Existence "I Have To Get Ready"

Tales of Mere Existence "I Have To Get Ready"

Reza Aslan: US War on Terror 'Validated' Jihadists

enoch says...

great find farhad!
upvote and a tweet for you my friend.
i have read reza aslan's "no god but god" a fantastic book dealing with islam and its current struggle between reformation and fundamentalism stagnation.
i have not read his newer book,i think i need to stop procrastinating.

Sophisticat! (Blog Entry by Issykitty)

Duke Nukem Forever Leaked Gameplay Demo Reel

dannym3141 says...

To me, this looks like a LOT of old school fun. I really mean that.

The graphics weren't knock your socks off crysis style, but imo it has a style all of its own that neither stands out nor looks archaic, but does a good job of getting the job done. It looked nice, it seemed to look fluid and smooth, the style was ALL duke and the engine looked quite advanced.

Even though they deserve merciless piss taking for all the procrastinating and arsing around they got up to, this looked like duke nukem as i remember it, and that would have been a dream come true for me, it's been a long time since i felt that way about a game.

They had some nice guns and animations that remind me of 3d, they had some nice moments, they had some duke humour that didn't seem forced, they had some epic areas and battled, they had some boss fights that looked classic gaming (jump over the ground stomp etc.) and no messing about on bosses with setups or lever pulling - you shoot the fuck out of it with ammo until it dies...

Yep, that definitely looks like good old fashioned kick-ass duke nukem action to me. Did you guys forget what duke was about?

BreaksTheEarth Cracks The Gold! (Happy Talk Post)

JAPR says...

I didn't notice BreaksTheEarth until a month or so ago (this is most likely due to the fact that my presence on the Sift has been really sporadic thanks to school), but from what I've seen, good comments and good videos abound in a winning combination. Thanks a ton for your contributions to the Sift (or should I say to my procrastination/entertainment?), and I hope that you're here for a good while to come.

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

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