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L.A.'s Spiciest Fried Chicken

TheFreak says...

I just made a Carolina Reaper Monterey Jack cheese. Should be done aging in a couple weeks. 0.0

That's the problem with growing the peppers, they sit in your cabinet and you have to figure out what to do with them. And you might not be surprised just how many people have no interested in trying something that spicy.

Cop Vs Vicious Dogs FTW

vil says...

More like:

"This is fun, join our gang or fight us, unless youre much bigger than us, in which case we just dont want to embarass ourselves, so we will bark at you a bit but also wag our tails just to be safe, but dont turn your back or we will bite your ankle! Have any food? That sucks! This is kinda boring, sure you dont want to fight? WT actual F, pepper spray?! What, ride? What if anyone sees us? Its a strange car, look out! OK, ride. Come on man, get in and lets go!"

Payback said:

We're Gonna Kill YOU!

Hot Dr Pepper

Why I Left the Left

enoch says...

my main point is the the fringe of both ends of the political spectrum dominate the discussion,and BOTH are fucking horrible,ill-thought,narrow-minded and petulant.

they are part of the disease.

not every person who identifies as left is a snowflake,nor is everyone who identifies as right a bed wetter.

i wrote extensively on why trump won,and would happy to share if you would like me to,but to answer your question:no.snowflakes are not to blame (and i am struggling how you conflated that to be honest).

i have been:pepper sprayed,maced and beaten by three cops.
i have been thrown in solitary for days without food or water,and no working toilet.
i have been punched in the face by a supposedly devout christian,and i have been publicly harrassed for mistaking a young woman for a man at a gay bar.

is there anything else you would like to know to assuage the MASSIVE presumptions you made in your comment?

look dude,if you can't see that both the ultra left and ultra right are fucking bonkers and have lost their way.they co not even come close to representing the majority,and by their behavior..i do not think they really care.

so why should we?
the people who recognize that shit has gone sideways.that the politicians are purchased corporate whores,and this binary politics is just a device to keep us divided.

i am an anarchist,but i am not stupid,and refuse to be coddled or manipulated into buying into shitty philosophies and even worse politics.

the ultra left are fucking cry-babies,and the ultra right neo-fascists are bed wetters.

and both have lost their way.

Why I Left the Left

Jinx says...

Are you really blaming the debacle that is Trump on a small sect of the left wing, cos like, maybe its contributory...but you know, the straw that breaks the back is, afterall, still only a piece of straw.

Have you actually, personally, been pepper sprayed for just trying to speak?

If not...faux outrage? Irony detected.

Idk. I'm white, I'm male, I'm straight, but we clearly swim in different circles. The only person censoring me is me. I think the white, male, straight demo is heard from quite enough. He IS President afterall.

Not that I don't think there has been a tendency to stifle discussion through the abuse of "poltical correctness", but honestly, sometimes the "precious snowlflakes" thing seems like a more apt to description of the anti-SJW crowd that seem more butthurt that some people disagree with them than the people they offend.

enoch said:

the left won the moral argument decades ago,now a small cadre a shrieking harpies has taken over to....ok..i don't know WHAT they are trying to do,because everytime i try to speak to one of those snowflakes,they spray me with pepper spray,call me a rapist and run to their safe space.

or they tell me that i am not entitled to an opinion,because i am a hetero-white-male.

not saying a discussion with someone on the ultra right fares any better.either they want to share their adoration of their corporate jesus..joel olsteen..or they are constantly trying to berate me with neo-fascist literature,and show me just how patriotic a super patriot like them REALLY is,and then tell me why they couldn't join the military due to horrible bunions.

and of course one mention of muslims and they wet themselves.getting sick of loaning out my extra clothes because their bladder gets weak at the mere mention of brown people.

for years we have watched the left lose their way,and get lost in an ocean of rhetoric and faux outrage,and the same has happened with the right.

the extremes have taken hold of the megaphone,and are trying to shout each other down with their own sanctimonious self-righteous moralizing.

so the left is in the corner picking boogers and the right has gone fucking insane.

i'm telling you guys...
trump is not the disease...
he is a symptom.

our country is very very sick right now.

and i fear it is only going to get worse.

i predicted when trump won that he would rival bush in his ineptness and bungling buffoonery.well here it is a month into his presidency and i think i can say with some conviction:i was is going to be so much worse than bush.

i need a drink...

Why I Left the Left

enoch says...

the left won the moral argument decades ago,now a small cadre a shrieking harpies has taken over to....ok..i don't know WHAT they are trying to do,because everytime i try to speak to one of those snowflakes,they spray me with pepper spray,call me a rapist and run to their safe space.

or they tell me that i am not entitled to an opinion,because i am a hetero-white-male.

not saying a discussion with someone on the ultra right fares any better.either they want to share their adoration of their corporate jesus..joel olsteen..or they are constantly trying to berate me with neo-fascist literature,and show me just how patriotic a super patriot like them REALLY is,and then tell me why they couldn't join the military due to horrible bunions.

and of course one mention of muslims and they wet themselves.getting sick of loaning out my extra clothes because their bladder gets weak at the mere mention of brown people.

for years we have watched the left lose their way,and get lost in an ocean of rhetoric and faux outrage,and the same has happened with the right.

the extremes have taken hold of the megaphone,and are trying to shout each other down with their own sanctimonious self-righteous moralizing.

so the left is in the corner picking boogers and the right has gone fucking insane.

i'm telling you guys...
trump is not the disease...
he is a symptom.

our country is very very sick right now.

and i fear it is only going to get worse.

i predicted when trump won that he would rival bush in his ineptness and bungling buffoonery.well here it is a month into his presidency and i think i can say with some conviction:i was is going to be so much worse than bush.

i need a drink...

Another School Cop Body Slams a Girl

ChaosEngine says...

Nope nope nope nope.

Fuck that noise.

Even if she was fighting (which she apparently wasn't), the cop is easily twice her size, and (hopefully) a trained police officer. He should be able to restrain her without resorting to this kind of tactic.

Hell, even if he feels the situation is that out of hand that he is unable to restrain her, use pepper spray. At least that won't leave any lasting damage.

Esoog said:

Don't fight in school, and you won't get body slammed.

It's OK for her to punch another student in the face repeatedly though....

Cop Engaged In Traffic Stop Leads To Life Sentence

newtboy says...

If that's the case, that he's off duty, isn't this a much more serious crime? Improperly using the cop car, lights and siren, badge, weaponry, and authority of his position to pretend to be an officer preforming his duties when he's really harassing and pranking someone as a private citizen? That should definitely be a felony.

Actually, no. He has his badge displayed prominently, and his cuffs, pepper spray, and gun on his belt. He may be off duty, true, but there's nothing about his uniform that would indicate that. Not all officers wear blues. I've seen many officers on duty wearing similar clothing and gear.

No matter what, it's an abuse of his power and equipment for his own personal amusement.

dalumberjack said:

Just my .02 since I'm in this field of work.

He is most likely off duty. Looking at his uniform (he isn't wearing one) and the fact he has no gear on his duty belt tells me this was done off hours. Another possibility is this was done by a training facility / academy where most training Officers/Deputies wear the polo style shirt / khakis and do not wear much gear.

Either way, more than highly likely not on duty.

Now you may all proceed to rant about all other aspects of this video.

Lady Gaga Carpool Karaoke

PlayhousePals says...

Can't get enough? [me either]








Lady Gaga Carpool Karaoke

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Carpool Karaoke -- ON BROADWAY!!!! For the 2016 Tonys has been added as a related post - related requested by PlayhousePals.

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Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Rewrite: The Protests At Standing Rock | The Last Word | MSN

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

Payback says...

I hear pepper spray works wonders for getting cockroaches out of your upholstery.

...or cranking the stereo and climate control, locking the windows up and stepping out of the car. Once she reaches into the driver's compartment AT ALL, you can claim she's trying to steal the car and get medieval on her ass.

Hara: Visual Artist Makes a Stunning Entrance - AGT 2016

Why Salt & Pepper?

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