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Woman calls 911 for help, is accused of DUI and Groped

aaronfr says...

actually, there is no law requiring that a female officer be present or conduct a search of this type. If the search required the female suspect to remove anything beyond a coat, headwear, gloves, or footwear, than a female officer should conduct it as this is considered a strip search. However, a basic pat-down (which was being conducted in this video) can be carried out by a male officer to a female suspect.

Should he have used the back of his hand? Possibly. It's a good practice but once again not a specific regulation that officers have to follow. The back of the hand would not have been effective for the area of the body he was attempting to search. Perhaps he could have used the edge of his hand along the pinkie side. Regardless, there was nothing improper in his search methods, it just wasn't following best practices.

The real travesty here is the use of field sobriety tests being used/manipulated to wrongfully arrest a woman who called for help.

Woman calls 911 for help, is accused of DUI and Groped

newtboy says...

WTF?!? They still do field sobriety tests without a breathalyzer to back them up? That's moronic. They could supply the entire force with two breathalyzers each for what this one bad arrest is going to cost us.
....and WTF 2.0....
Aren't they supposed to have female officers search women. That was not a normal search either, you don't open palm the breast and rotate, that's copping a feel, not searching. Proper search method is to use the back of the hand across the under side of the breast, and maybe a pat to the middle/top if it's possible there's something hidden, not a grab and rotate.

She's going to get paid, no matter what the cops say. All her attorney has to do is ask the jury 'what if that was your wife, mother, daughter being molested over someone else's mistake?' They won't have to leave the court room to deliberate. Sadly, the cops don't seem like they'll learn a thing.

Eroding Electoral Confidence | Full Frontal with Samantha Be

ChaosEngine says...

No, Pat McCrory is a homophobic whinging loser who is soon to be consigned to the dustbin of history where he belongs.

bobknight33 said:

Sorry to over stimulate you small leftest brain with truth and morality.

I'll keep it simple.

Roy Cooper-- BAD
Pat McCrory- GOOD

Eroding Electoral Confidence | Full Frontal with Samantha Be

bobknight33 says...

Sorry to over stimulate you small leftest brain with truth and morality.

I'll keep it simple.

Roy Cooper-- BAD
Pat McCrory- GOOD

ChaosEngine said:

Yep, in fact, it's a core part of my campaign

ChaosEngine 2020: A pervert in every bathroom.

The rest of your post was too stupid to respond to.

Eroding Electoral Confidence | Full Frontal with Samantha Be

Bernie Sanders: Trump's Tweets Are "Delusional & Insane"

TheFreak says...

I'm so angry this man is not my president elect right now.

Good work douchebags. You thought you were so clever with your fucked up voting strategies, bitching about "lesser of two evil" choices, refusing to vote and taking a stand against...whatever the fuck you thought you were doing. Now we have a thin skinned, narcissistic, ignorant, man-child for our president.

Stop trying to rationalize this. This is not a voter revolt, this is not a paradigm shift in politics, this is not Hillary Clinton's fault or Debbie Wasserman Schultz's doing; this is the result of the masses falling for decades of misinformation combined with an emotional appeal to our worst instincts by a demagogue. You fell for it while you patted yourself on the back for being so much smarter than everyone else. Now we're fucked.

So grow the fuck up and do something to fix this.

BARBARIC Dakota Access Oil Police Cause Mass Hypothermia

bcglorf says...

If Bundy would've gotten shot trying to take him by force I'd have understood. His entire group should be in jail for a terrifically long time too, not given a pat on the head sent on his way as he was....

And yes, I'm right there alongside if a harder hammer sits on these protesters than on Bundy's group. I just do side to the law should stand and I need some heavier proof before just dismissing it.

enoch said:


hehe,thanks man.
i was not suggesting that my counter point was beyond rebuke,i was actually agreeing with you that to get the full story,all the information has to be on the table.

one thing i find interesting is the response to this protest and the bundy protest.

i think we approach situations from different perspectives.i am anti-authoritarian,and am always critical of power and abuse of power.

you tend to (in my opinion) approach these situations far more cautiously,and give authority the benefit of the doubt,whereas i do not...i hold them..and possibly a higher standard.

but i have always found you reasonable and intelligent.
and i always respect your input,even though we may disagree sometimes.

Aftermath November 2016

enoch says...


i would like to say a few things.

i would personally like to welcome my anti-war democrats back to the appears it only took voting in the worlds most successful used car salesmen and professional internet troll to get you fuckers to get off the bench.

saved a seat for ya!../pats seat

while i can admire this woman's passion and self righteous indignation,i refuse to accept her moral condescension,because for all her flowery and bombastic condemnation of anyone who voted for trump was a vote for:racism,sexism,bigotry and hatred,and implies she has deep understanding the motivations for voting trump.

i submit that she does not.
i submit that she is a hypocrite.

i submit that while she decries her anger and outrage at the moral ineptitude of her fellow americans for failing to rebuke an obviously unqualified candidate,who openly used racist and sexist rhetoric to appeal to our most base fears and anxieties.

she was missing the main point.the main reason.

so while she stood upon her ivory tower aghast at the horror unfolding in front of her on election night,she STILL did not get it.

she watched in horror as her fellow americans ignored trumps obvious racism.
ignored the sexism.
ignored the proto-fascist verbiage.
ignored the narcissism and petty tantrums.
ignored pretty much everything leading an election night into the surreal and absurd.

because she didn't get it,and obviously STILL doesn't get it.

because voting trump was not a vote for:racism,sexism,bigotry or hatred.
a vote for trump was a "fuck you" vote.
a trump vote was a "no confidence" vote.

now of course there are those who are racists,and sexist and are most certainly bigots and hateful fuckheads..of course.

and there are those who are diehard rightwing republicans...of course.

but the majority of those who voted trump are NOT those people.the majority of americans have..for forty fucking years..tried to utilize a system to counter correct the political establishment only to get fucked in the ass by the very same system they were trying to correct.

you can go look for looks like a clock pendulum.swinging dem and then back to repub and then back again.

and what did the american people get?

they got:
expanding wars.
stagnant wages and jobs.
higher taxes.
higher living costs.
drone strikes and secret prisons.
a two tiered justice system.
private prisons.
debt peonage.

and a government bought and paid for by:big banks,wall street,military industrial complex and multi-national corporations.

all this while the american middle class fell off the map into poverty and working poor.

so while those who voted trump may be politically unsophisticated,they are most certainly not dumb.

they got it.
and they finally understood that the system that they had been raised to believe was "by the people,for the people" no longer functioned at that capacity.

so the very same people who voted for obama and his "hope and change" campaign.
voted trump.
the people who had become politically engaged by the message that sanders brought to the table,either stayed home,or voted trump.

this was a protest vote.
plain and simple.

your fellow americans just nuked the system.
because it was the SYSTEM that was corrupt and no longer was functioning.

i find their choice just as terrifying as you do,but i have to admire the audacity to just nuke the entire system.

but can you really blame them?
they tried for decades to course correct,but the two party dictatorship had a stranglehold,and they served not 'we the people" but money and our fellow americans utilized their one power given to them by the constitution.

and the hypocrisy here is that when bush was in office the left was losing their shit,and rightly so,but when obama was in office all we heard was crickets....and a disturbing silence from the left.(i realize this is an over generalization.there of course was some noise coming from the left).

and this woman is so out of touch that she is convinced that voting trump was a social issue matter?

i am sorry sweetheart,but some things are just not that simple,and condescending from your ivory tower,prattling on about social constructs as if you have been given some moral authority to judge others,only serves to solidify your own tiny and secluded echo chamber.where everybody can smell their own farts and pat themselves on the back for how clever they are,without ever having to critically examine ones own position.

which just means that she will never..ever..get it.

that is my .02 anyways.
take it for what it is worth.

Laziest Fight Ever

You're F*ckin' High

MilkmanDan says...

These things seem to continue to ignore Jill Stein.

And in doing so, they miss an important point: Johnson is the "spoiler candidate" for TRUMP. In other words, the chances of votes for Johnson swinging the plurality of votes in a hotly contested state in favor of Clinton are massively higher than swinging such a state into favoring Trump.

Stein is the spoiler candidate for Clinton. But die-hard Democrats should be pleased with her poll numbers being low, which suggests that fewer usually-Democrat voters are looking for an alternative option than usually-Republican voters. In other words, the Democrat party is currently more unified than the Republican party.

...But before patting themselves on the back too hard, they should remember that perhaps the only reason that their historically disliked candidate is more unifying than the GOP option is that he is even MORE historically disliked. A dubious distinction at best.

I think I'll stick with my protest vote (for Stein), thank you very much.

Dessie Sliekers Of Slick Designs

Dear Gays: The Left Betrayed You For Islam

newtboy says...

Can we call out Christianity's violent hatred towards gays first, please?
In this country, they've attacked far more homosexuals than Muslims, and have furthered violent hatred of gays in other countries, lobbying to make it illegal anywhere they can.

Really?!? So he thinks religious hatred for homosexuals is only held by Muslims? What utter bullshit.

Ask the exact same questions in a Southern Baptist church, you'll get the same 100% hands raised....and not a single one would say they're 'extremists' either.
Pat Robertson just went on TV and said Christians should stand back and let the Muslims kill the homosexuals....he has tens of millions of followers.....that are "Christians".

If you REALLY think what this guy spouts, you MUST be against ALL religion, or you're simply dishonest or totally naïve...or both.

This was some insane bullshit hyperbole. Downvote.

Pat Robertson - Let Muslims and Gays Kill Eacother

Pat Robertson - Let Muslims and Gays Kill Eacother

newtboy says...

Yep. Just like Jesus said. Love your neighbor, and treat others as you would like to be treated yourself....unless they don't believe exactly what you do, then screw 'em and hope they die.

Sorry, Pat. It seems this was about a disturbed self hating homosexual, spurred on by people like you to hate himself and those he's attracted to.

Samantha Bee on Orlando - Again? Again.

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