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Flying a Mexican flag in the USA is UN-AMERICAN

EvilDeathBee says...

America needs to get over their obsession with their flag, it's seriously creepy. Walking through some nondescript hallway in JFK the other day and there were was like 30 of the things littering the place for no reason. There's being proud of your country and your flag, then there's this level of obsession. In America, the Holy Trinity is God, Jesus and the Flag

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Student Debt

RedSky says...


If you're studying something like engineering, there is a high likelihood that you will retain employment that will pay off a student loan over the next 10-20 years. Even if it's not your first preference, you will be employed somewhere with a reasonable income with such technical skills.

The government can play a useful role in amortizing your income. There's really no reason to be frugal and Starbucks aside, policy that forces you to work long hours in a dead-end job while studying to make ends meet is counter-productive as it reduces your long-term income. Not being able to even enrol because you're too poor, despite how smart you may be is also hugely destructive. This is why study assistance subsidies are such good policy. Them aside, you still have to clothe, house and feed yourself anyway.

Even if you say that there will be dropouts, fails, people who complete degrees with no job demand, you simply adjust up the interest rate you charge everyone for student debt to account for that loss. Then you have a mandatory contribution from any income you make above X amount that the student has to repay after they conclude their study. This way students can't simply retain a large debt with a low interest rate forever and subsidise everyone else by paying theirs off.

Also to incentivise correct course choice, you subsidise courses with skills in short supply/in demand more than those with good job prospects and a generally high expected income.

This is pretty much what we have in Australia under the HECS system.

It would be great if the US had something similar (because designed well it pays for itself), but the cultural obsession much of the country seems to have with total laissez faire, 'pull yourself up by your own bootstraps', even when it's not good policy makes it impossible.

Considering right now US Treasury bond rates (government borrowing rates) are at 60 year lows, it's doubly stupid.

Kiesza - Hideaway

Yogi says...

There's gotta be a couple of nice edits in there but that was a really well done music video. The best part about doing it on a street is the depth you can get. You can see all the way down the block in the long shot and it's really friggin cool. People walking in the background that hopefully weren't a part of the video, I loved it, it was done soo well that I don't know whether they shot it 3 times on an open set, or 40 times on a completely controlled closed set.

Oh and the fact that you can see the Empire State Building WAY WAY back there, can anyone tell specifically what neighborhood this was shot in? Any New Yorkers cause otherwise I'm going to google maps and obsessing for a few hours.

UGH I'm done, it shows the street signs in the beginning, should've looked for that first.,-73.9586671,3a,75y,127.39h,64.62t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s7i25BuKqA-_Fnj2mxeN7Gg!2e0

Found it! Starts at that corner and goes up the wrong way on 12th. Ending on the corner of 12th and Wythe. You can even see the same stickers on the poles.

Cellphone Video Show Officers Shoot and Kill Suspect

ChaosEngine says...

It's absolutely based in reality. I can say that with 100% certainty, because that's how the NZ police do it every day. They don't even carry guns*.

I know all of this, because a friend of mine recently became a cop and he's had to deal with situations like this.

The US is blinded by their obsession with guns. They're useful tools but they should be the last resort.

And while I don't believe that officers should be trained to get themselves killed, there is a level of risk that is inherent to the role of policing and they must be prepared to accept that.

I am not one of the rabid anti-police libertarians on the sift. If you look at my comment history you'll see that I support police more often than not. They have an incredibly hard job, but it should be a hard job. When you give some one the states monopoly on force, I expect them to be held to a high standard. In a civilised nation, "shoot first" is not an acceptable policing practice.

*they have guns available in the car and there is a special Armed Offenders Squad, but front-line uniformed police don't as a rule carry side-arms.

lucky760 said:

How about the guy had a weapon in his pocket? You cannot approach a guy with a weapon and try to talk to him, especially when he's yelling at you to kill him.

Again, what you're proposing is just not at all based in reality. Regardless of complexity, your scenario is one where you believe officers should be trained to potentially get themselves killed, and I vehemently disagree they should ever have to do that.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

enoch says...


two dimensional thinking at its finest.

just because i point out that your commentary is tantamount to harassment does not automatically equal my condoning lantern or bobs oftentimes ridiculous commentary.

just because i am pointing out your hypocrisy does not mean i disagree with your actual comments.

if my fly was open or i had a huge booger hanging from my nose i hope you would pull me aside and point that out to me not stand from the bleachers,point and laugh.

your obsession with always being right has clouded your judgement in regards to what i am trying to point out to you.

is your ego so massive that the words of another should be so easily dismissed?each consecutive comment towards me is becoming more and more irrational and paranoid.

you mentioned calling me out on another thread.
yes you did.
which was a response to ME calling YOU out first.
and i smacked you down pretty handily.mainly due to the fact that you base your commentary towards me rife with presumption and conjecture.

which is exactly what you are doing here...again.

instead of hearing my words,you marginalize me in order to dismiss and ignore them.which is what all weak-minded people do in order to hold onto their own misconceptions.

bob does it.
lantern does it.
and so do you.

but never for a second deceive yourself into thinking i do not have the stones to say what needs to be said.your commentary reveals such an ignorance about who i am that i am literally laughing while i type this to you.

stop projecting voodoo.this persona you write about is not i,but rather you.

one last thing for your consideration (since we have totally hi-jacked this thread.sorry OP,please forgive).one of the main reasons i called you out was due to multiple private emails i received in regards to your current..and i quote one.."douchey attitude".

so the silence you hear is NOT due to agreement or consensus but rather many sifters fear confrontation.

i hold no such fear.

Israel bombs U.N. school shelter, murdering children

billpayer says...

Absolutely correct. Well put.

Using precision guided missiles and mortars to kill innocent children playing on the beach.

News reports obsess over the number of rockets fired from Gaza, comparing them to Israel's missile response. Never mentioning that Israel's missiles destroy entire city blocks and whole families whilst Gaza rockets (fireworks) have had nearly no effect on Israel whatsoever,
The hypocrisy of stating Israel is under attack, yet it's safe to holiday there, there has been nearly no impact from rockets whatsoever, and how dare any airline stop flights, is stunning.
The numbers speak for themselves. Gazan death toll is over 1000, 80% civilian. Israel is 30-ish, and that is 90% soldiers due to their ground invasion.

newtboy said:

Also, the US sends Israel BILLIONS of dollars and they spend quite a bit of it on rockets that actually blow up hundreds of Palestinians....
Palestinian rockets are basically large fireworks that can only kill with a direct hit on a person, Israeli rockets are high tech, guided rockets with high explosives that have repeatedly hit known civilian targets sometimes killing hundreds in a single shot, and this kind of rocket almost NEVER misses the target they're aimed at....sooooo.
(Oh, and then there's the system the US gave Israel, but not Palestine, that shoots down 99.95% of the 'rockets' that exceedingly rarely actually kill anyone on the rare occasions when they do manage to hit ground)
Ya' don't care much about that shit though.

Jeremy Scahill: media has failed to cover massacre in Gaza

LarryASingleton says...

99.9% of the knuckleheads commenting here negatively about Israel have never read, let alone heard of, books like Andrew Bostom's Legacy of Jihad and Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism. Or From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters. Or a book I just started, A Lethal Obsession by Robert Wistrich. Thing is I'm one of these "hope springs eternal" guys because I keep thinking people are like me who was once about as close to being a card carrying member of the KKK as you can be without actually being one. Until I read some books like Malcolm X. Black Like Me and others. While I was in Jr. High getting jumped by black kids trying to punch and stomp my guts out. The useful idiots limit this "conflict" to simply Muslims against Jews yet its a lot more profound than that:

Supplemental Article “The First and Last Enemy: Jew Hatred in Islam.” by Bostom (Frontpage Magazine archive)

People just refuse to acknowledge the Jew-Hatred that is part of a Muslims DNA. Don't believe what those Interfaith frauds tell you. "Moderate" or not; if you don't hate Jews you're not a true Muslim. If you don't believe that please explain the hatred that is like a disease in Gaza. And if you have half a brain you know it's been there LONG before Israel won its Independence.

The Depravity of the Homicide Bomber’s Recruiters (Frontpage Magazine)

Female Homicide Bomber (suicide) You Tube

Failed Suicide Bomber Hopes for Another Chance to Kill (You Tube)

Jihad & Terrorism Studies Project September 26, 2002 Special Report No.10 Fiday Sermons in Saudi Mosques: Review and Analysis (MEMRI)
(This is from Saudi Arabia. Same with an article on Islam Sheikh bin Humaid that I read and am submitting below.)

Islam's Hatred of the Non-Muslim by David Bukay (Middle East Forum)

Guest Column: Palestinian TV Teaches Kids The Way to 'Jihad Street' by Abigail R. Esman (Investigative Project)

Hamas to kids: Shoot all the Jews (Jihad Watch)

Farfour "martyred" by Israelis in final episode (You Tube video)

MEMRI Transcript: Farfour, Hamas' Mickey Mouse Character, Is 'Martyred' in the Final Episode of the "Pioneers of Tomorrow" Children's Show on Hamas Al-Aqsa TV

Children as combatants: Motivating children to seek Shahada

Camp Jihad UN/US Palestine Probaganda and brainwashing

Hamas Summer Camps: Fun, Sun and Guns by Aryeh Savir 7-13-14 (Breaking Israel News)

Michael Coren & David Harris - Palestinian terrorist training camps for kids

“She's Buried Chest High” (You Tube video)

The "Right of Return" Is Suicide for Israel by Jonathan Schanzer (MEF)

The History of the Middle East Conflict in 11 Minutes (You Tube)

“Letter to the Editor” International Herald Tribune, July 1, 2003 by Giulia Boukhobza (Also in Bostom's “Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism” book: Chapter 68, page 677: "A Libyan Jew Breaks Her Silence 36 yrs after surviving the 67 Tripolitan Pogrom")
Congressional Record

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

SquidCap says...

Title of the video is misleading, it's not a student prevailing, it's a crazy person abusing laws and getting away with it because of one obscure sentence in an old scripture that does not even mean what he think it means.

Carrying a gun and walking up and down the street. Should be in jail for two days or getting treatment in an institute, IMHO. Open carry are CRAZY, mentally not balanced individuals, period. No one needs to parade with their gun unless they have some obsession about using the damn thing (or it's sexual). But then again, i come from sensible place on earth with strict and very practical gun laws (no open carry, concealment only allowed for professionals)

The Long Game Part 2: the missing chapter

Trancecoach says...

Delve Deeper:
Part one of the series:
The series was part inspired by Mastery by Robert Greene
You can read more about Leonardo daVinci's difficult years in: "Da Vinci's Ghost: Genius, Obsession and how Leonard Created the World in his Own Image" by Toby Lester
This series began life as a couple of essays on Medium
47 years to success
Released under a Creative Commons Licence 3.0 - Remix & share with non-commercial attribution
All paintings and archive in the Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons & Prelinger Archives
The Craig Ferguson Show © CBS
Music released under a Creative Commons Licence
"Lullaby" by _ghost (
"Hungaria" by Latché Swing (
"July" by Marcel Pequel (
"One" by Marcel Pequel (
"Todo se precipita a tu alrededor deprisa" by Ruido Blanco
John Coltrane By Gelderen, Hugo van / Anefo [CC-BY-SA-3.0-nl (], via Wikimedia Commons
John Lennon By Roy Kerwood [CC-BY-2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Sir Alec Guinness By Allan warren → [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons
Tim Berners Lee By John S. and James L. Knight Foundation [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Rafael Nadal By Steven Byles from Singapore, Singapore (Rafael Nadal Uploaded by russavia) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Steve Jobs By Matthew YoheAido2002 at en.wikipedia [CC-BY-3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons
Bill Gates By Kees de Vos from The Hague, The Netherlands [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Richard Branson By David Shankbone [CC-BY-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Bob Dylan by Chris Hakkens
Horse statue By Jenny Poole from London, UK (Skopje horse statue Uploaded by raso_mk) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Mark Zuckerberg :Credit line on the web (with hyperlink): Guillaume Paumier, CC-BY.
One Direction: Fiona McKinlay
Miley Cyrus: Mike Schmid
Taylor Swift: By Eva Rinaldi from Sydney Australia (Taylor Swift Uploaded by russavia) [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Spanish by Ana Ribera Molinos
Portuguese by Gustavo Silveira
Story Design and Production by Adam Westbrook
Published by

The Long Game Part 1: Why Leonardo DaVinci was no genius

Trancecoach says...

For more on Leonardo DaVinci's little known early years take a look at:
"Da Vinci's Ghost: Genius, Obsession and how Leonard Created the World in his Own Image" by Toby Lester
"Leonardo and the age of the eye" by Ritchie Calder
"Mastery" by Robert Greene
This series began life as a couple of essays on Medium
47 years to success
All paintings and archive in the Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons & Prelinger Archives
Ultimate Fails Compilation:
The Craig Ferguson Show © CBS
Music released under a Creative Commons Licence
"Nola" by Broke for Free
"Lullaby" by _ghost
With extracts from:
"Frozen Star" by Kevin Macleod
"William Tell Overture" by Giachino Rossini
Spanish by: Elena Sanchez
Portuguese: Gustavo Silveira
Story Design and Production by Adam Westbrook
Published by

Inspirational Crazy Talk - Matthew Silver Performance Art

poolcleaner says...

Ostracized to the community of the mad men. Dig it.

@TheFreak: I see what you're saying and I don't ostracize you (as much as you'd LOVE IT), but isn't it the tendency of the intellect to take moments of existence and dramatically augment them? Like a daydream memory only in your head.


The simple form of filming and interviewing this man is as overly dramatic as the scoring, if it were not skipped over by our technocratic brains. I say "our" because were it not for my obsessive hindsight into the comments of others, I'd have ignored these details, as well.

Perhaps the music stands out as more farcical because WE have fallen into the dead zone of normalized behaviors, memetic response; ignoring the obvious fact that a living man in a time now gone, was recorded on camera for all of the world to see and hear and gawk at.

All forms of tampering with that moment in time, including the recording of it -- which he advocated against in the form of "live in the moment" and "LOVE NOW" -- are merely augmentations of the majesty of biological existence; human reality. To be removed of context or placed into whatever context an intellect perceives as worthy.

And then to "CREATE" as is now manifest in our minds as any range of dramatic or mundane; having now been sifted for us to discern or merely to enjoy in passing. We can choose to enjoy fleetingly or dwell on with intellectual criticism, as much as we can ignore it.

Were I deaf, I'd have no understanding, but I'd still see this wild man.


Who is Dependent on Welfare

VoodooV says...

pfft, the rich have welfare, they just call it tax breaks, and they have the lobbyists to keep them.

No one wants those on foodstamps to use them for alcohol and other frivolous items. name me one non-foodstamp-using person who does? It's a strawman that the right obsessively cling to.

As with so many things, it's not about laws or bureaucracy, it's about enforcement. laws mean nothing without enforcement. I'm getting sick of seeing more and more panhandlers downtown where I live and I completely agree that handouts are not an efficient solution.

but you know what isn't a good solution either? negative reinforcement. We've been living under the conservative idea that if we just keep punishing the poor and making their lives more miserable, then obviously that will be motivation to not be poor.

IT DOESN'T WORK. maybe it works for a small percentage of people, but those people aren't poor then. so you have a group of people that are continually being punished and devalued for no good fucking reason because if they aren't motivated to not be poor under these kinds of conditions, then they never will be.

so again, we have this situation where there are two solutions that aren't really effective, but one is slightly less bad than the other. sure some people may use their foodstamps for alcohol and other shit...but many people do actually use their foodstamps shock.

Even if you had a much more equal distribution of wealth, we're still going to have poor people and people in poverty.

I think the issue is largely mired in health, physical and mental. Even with all our technology...mental health is still unreliable and some people are so physically impaired that they can't work or work well.

Despite largely claiming to be pro-life, the right would either secretly want them to die alone in an alley or make them indentured servants to some corporation if they aren't already. That, I submit, is no life, at least not a good and healthy one.

I don't have the answer, all we can really do is point out that many of the things we've tried aren't working and will never work, and even if there are some successes, it's still largely inefficient, but what's the alternative? if you are "pro-life" then an inefficient solution is still preferable to a solution that simply doesn't work. So I call bullshit on people who like to claim they have the solution. If someone out there has the solution, they certainly haven't demonstrated it yet.

Alain de Botton on Pessimism

cold beer

eric3579 says...

when it comes to emotion,
makes me start choking
so I, sit by the ocean
spent my last buck on a bottle of whiskey
drunk and broke
sittin' here in history
I made my mind up
I'm going
I got no where to go
don't know where I'm going
I do know one thing
one thing that is true
wherever I go, I'm gonna need you
we just cant let each other go now
were too close, to ever slow down
the only one who keeps my chin up
when you touch my lips we're like two dogs stuck
cold, cold beer
don't you ever worry I am right here
never live without you
don't care what I amount to, no.
talkin' bout cold cold beer
don't you ever worry, I am right here
can't ever live without you
I pick you up
I take you home
sit on my couch, turn off my phone,
cuz I love your taste, love your smell
who would ever thought that we could do so well
hell, I guess we're meant for each other
sorta like the microphone and my buddy Bruce Buffer
I can't really express my joy
sorta like a scrap between Osgood and Patty Roy
I cant take my eyes of you
went to rehab, thought that I lost you
but now we're are back together, with a vengeance
must be my little, Irish decendance.
it feels pretty good, to get this off my chest
even though people sayin, Jesse's obsessed
well maybe I am, maybe their right
one thing that I know, it was love at first sight.
Yeah, cold cold beer
don't you ever worry i am right here
can never live without you
i wouldn't even want to
cold, cold beer
don't you ever worry
i am right here
never live without you
you don't care what I amount to
Well I'm sitting on my stoop feelin' kinda lonely
me and Brenda fightin' so I call up the homies
but guys busy hangin' out in front of Sobey's
there's only one little fella who really knows me
he comes in a little brown, bottle or can
sits in my hand til I can barely stand
he's part of the family, he's part of the team
Took me under his wing when I was just a teen
every time he comes around he always,
takes me back to when I had a fake ID, and a little dirt stash
he rope soak cold pop 2 4 white pop pop top swish top tall boy, cold shot
BEER, cold, cold beer
don't you ever worry, I am right here
never live without you
you don't care what I amount to,
Oh cold beer,
don't you ever worry,
I am right here can't ever live without you
I wouldn't even want to

Wowcraft Episode 5 Tracked Down

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