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The World's Fastest Tetris Player

3-piece teen girl cover of Enter Sandman

poolcleaner says...

Fuck true metal? It's mostly a joke, dude, not a sense of entitlement. You want to read entitlement and serious judgement in my comments? By all means, chaotic fool, use it as a platform for your Internet social gain. But I'm speaking from the perspective of someone with years of knowledge passing it down. I cited songs which Metallica wrote and played which are hard and fast, raw and powerful, exuding the youthful energy of their best albums, which are for some reason blacklisted and instead we hear the songs that the recording industry WANT you to hear because they're marketable. The songs I listed are awesome and considered by some to be the real gift Metallica left us with, like Van Halen's first 4 albums.

I bestowed a gift, and you saw me being high and mighty for my gain? Sounds like YOU have some problems to deal with.

I dont only listen to metal. I played sax, guitar, bass, and drums, but now mostly play percussion -- I like hitting things. I was in a rolling Stones and velvet underground cover band, played some gospel folks stuff for a while. I provided my perspective on metal because I thought it beneficial. For the music obsessed, hearing something over and over on the radio for the remainder of your life, when there is better material from the band and the idea of popularity as some sort of higher value than the subtleties you pick up on when you have standards, it's all very silly to read. You are a jerk and now I'm sad.

Thanks. Gift horse doesn't like staring contests.

ChaosEngine said:

And here we see one of the reasons I stopped listening to metal for a while.

Fuck "true" metal and anyone who says they know what is or isn't "real" metal. You go down that path and you end up listening to nothing but Manowar.

It's either a good heavy song or it isn't.

Sandman's pretty far from my favourite Metallica track, but it's a decent tune and a good "gateway drug" into heavier stuff.

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

newtboy jokingly says...

Pho is Vietnamese noodle soup.

...Or do you really want to talk about "Pho-victimhood getting more press & media coverage than actual victims" Talk about off topic...why are you obsessed with people being victimized by noodle soups?!?! I've never even heard of that being a problem.
I prefer to focus on the issue of battered women....and I keep it simple-flour, eggs, butter, and milk.

GenjiKilpatrick said:


You're doing it again. Stop it. Your point is off topic.

Asserting that "no one, you nor I, is Sarkeesian's keeper." is a pointless tangent.

You're completely distracted by it. Stop it.

Pho-victimhood getting more press & media coverage than actual victims is the topic.

Start discussing that. Then we'll talk.

19 ft. R/C B-17 "Flying Fortress"

"The Sucklord" by Joey Garfield

enoch (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Thanks for the *promote

I expect it would be a waste of keystrokes to point out that Hamas, although often unhelpful to the peace process, is not the only party to the conflict.

Lately the media seems to have been obsessed over Daesh, although there have been two vids on Gaza posted here in the past 24 hrs.

Lounging Lizards

bareboards2 says...


Back when I was obsessive about the Sift, I used to bestow videos to newly badged folks. I can't find my playlist now with all the Badge Videos. These lizards are unforgettable though!

The Truth About Being Single

poolcleaner says...

Sorry for my honesty. That's really all I can ever say.

I'm a serious control freak like before you date me sign this contract and shave twice a day. Always comb, etc. Etc. All I can say is that's just the way it is.

Earth, a land where obsession dominates. Blame my lord and master Satan on these problems. Amen.

ravioli said:

Don't miss out on girls just on account of a couple of facial hair. I tell you, these vaginas are a real treat!

Sarah Palin after the teleprompter freezes

Clive says...

Assume a great deal? Imagine you know about how governments are supposed to operate on paper in contrast to how they are manipulated by men with power? Insult people much here on this site with obsessive tomes? Been reading some of your comments here-Damn son, how's it feel to hijack a website?

newtboy said:

The Iranian 'revolution' was a surprise to most, including the Iranians. Carter didn't cause it.
Iran/Iraq war wasn't our problem, or fault. Regan getting involved and backing Saddam ended with atrocities and the US/Iraq wars to remove him later...should have let Iran do the dirty work.
Panama was a lease, which ran out. You think we should have gone to war with Panama and stolen it? Oh man.
We should have let the soviets 'take' Afghanistan, otherwise known as the graveyard of empires. We certainly should have stayed the hell out of there ourselves. Often invaded, never held, that's Afghanistan.
I'll just ignore the rest of your post. It needs no reply....except to note that your attempted insult of 'peanut farmer' (a noble career itself) ignores that he's also a Nuclear Sub Executive Officer/commanding officer AND designer.


Man Choked And Arrested For Filming Baton Rouge Police

lantern53 says...

We need to change the name from 'videosift' to 'Newtboy's obsession with bad cop videos'.

Meanwhile a million cop-citizen interactions every day and the vast majority of citizens support the cops.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

RedundantAgain says...

Hey chicchorea,

You're a high-quality Sifter and you do a lot for the community, so if you think I'm harming VideoSift, you don't have to try to ban me, I'll go away willingly. If you don't mind, please tell me how I can delete my account and I'll do so ASAP.

As for having the same username as the guy in the videos on the Angry Birds boards, I tend to get obsessive over things and I have a lot of social anxiety, so I frequently will use the usernames of people I like on other sites (I don't know why, but it makes me feel less anxious about posting). When I started getting into his videos, I probably saw a post of his somewhere else and took his name. I don't know for sure, it's hard to remember three years ago, but posting his videos has been an obsessive tendency of mine for a while now, so it's likely.

I'm not telling you this as an excuse. I'm not trying to get out of anything and I definitely won't be posting on VideoSift anymore, but I just want you to know where I'm coming from since you're a good Sifter.

So, yeah, please tell me how to delete my account (or feel free to pursue banning me with the mods if you prefer - I won't fight it) and I'll take care of that today.

Thanks for all of your contributions to VideoSift and I'm sorry that I've upset you.

chicchorea said:


User's / Member's / Serial Self Linker's Picture half way down the page w/ vid in an April 2011 comment identifies member in member's submissions here @ the Sift in which he himself performed:

Member is showcased in the preponderance of the vids @ YT acct,, the videos of which are heavily represented in members submissions at the Sift as well as at several other sites(eg.,,,,

The Lord of the Rings Mythology Explained - CGP Grey

Mammaltron says...

The Silmarillion is strictly for Tolkien completionists. Most of it is incredibly dull history with name after name, who begat who and who they fought with.

It's like reading actual dull history, only fictional.

I admire Tolkien for writing it though. True devotion, even obsession with his world.

Need More Proof That The Music Industry Is Fake? Here You Go

Jinx says...

Whaaaaaaaat? You mean that Britney wasn't singing live while jumping around the stage under hot lights for an hour and a bit without being able to hear your voice at all? Scandal!

I can barely talk after doing that sort of exercise, never mind sing. You can bemoan that her stage shows are more about dancing and spectacle than the music, but I think that says more about her fans expectations than her ability as a singer.

Autotune annoys me because it's indicative of an obsession with the voice. My favorite pop artist at the moment, Sia, happens to be a great singer, but I think I like her music not just because of the way her voice cracks but also because I know that she penned the lyrics and melody. If I found out she autotuned parts of her album I don't really think I'd care.

CARGO - A zombie short film

billpayer says...

Brilliant !

btw. societies obsession with Zombies is due to the growing fear of the general population and society at large.
Obvious really.
Furthermore it reflects the desire to return to a simpler way of life.

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