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Wowcraft Episode 5 Tracked Down

Lilithia says...


Wowcraft Episode 4: Training Dummy

Lilithia says...


Wowcraft Episode 4: Training Dummy

Drag Queen Gives Impassioned Speech About Homophobia

VoodooV says...

hahahhahah! that's hilarious that you think I'm attacking you by saying that you're in the closet.

I'm trying to help you. Nothing worse than denying who you are friend.

To give you an example. I don't like sifts of cute pets as I think they just cater to the "aww" factor. So guess what? I don't comment on those sifts...I don't vote on those sifts...I avoid those kinds of sifts. If I don't like something...I avoid it.

You on the other hand, seem to make a point of visiting virtually every sift involving things you hate. Blacks, Atheists, and especially homosexuals. You're on record as saying:

"I'm not afraid of homosexuals unless I'm in a prison where I can't defend myself from being raped by one."

which is really fucking oddball considering 1) how many people think about being in prison unless they've got a guilty conscience and 2) how many "supposedly straight" people think about being raped by homosexuals unless they're completely insecure.

you make a point of following a topic you claim to dislike, so I'm only observing your behavior and saying hrm...that's strange for someone who is always proclaiming how "normal" and how "not-minority" he is..

you doth protest too much sir. It's textbook projection

if you really dislike them so much....go away. It's a win win for all of us

or stay, and eventually be banned because it's only a matter of time before we catch you saying something racist or hateful again.

Seriously...think about your own actions for once instead of obsessing over what strangers do.

lantern53 said:

I love how the worst thing you can call me is the thing you are trying to defend.

Now where did that racism video go...I had a great point to make there...oh wait, I guess that means I want to secretly be a minority.


Drag Queen Gives Impassioned Speech About Homophobia

VoodooV says...

you just went right over his head @enoch

all I know is that @lantern53 just can't stop talking or thinking about homosexuals. He can't seem control himself as he is apparently forced to comment on virtually every sift involving alternative sexuality.

such obsession....such devoted passion! Pulsing and throbbing with energy!

Something tells me the psychologists would have a field day with fabulous ole lantern here.

Drag Queen Gives Impassioned Speech About Homophobia

VoodooV says...

so don't get shocked and cry about oppression when people don't respect you.

it swings both ways. your selfish preferences do not trump others

again, you seem to be obsessed and pay attention to people you claim to not like. If only there was some way for you to....ignore them. It's almost as if it

lantern53 said:

Oh, I didn't realize they were not looking for respect. Then why should I respect them? You have values, don't you? Do you respect everyone, regardless of their behavior?

Sorry, I can't respect people who act like circus clowns.

lurgee (Member Profile)

WowCraft Episode 1 the Creation

Wowcraft Episode 2: Quest for Tooth

Wowcraft Episode 3: Profession Obsession

enoch says...

they killed my pvp.
my rbg team has been beggin me for months to come back to my sham healz for them but my heart just aint in it.
and they all have those fancy phone apps for AH so they can keep track of their auctions.
they are a wee bit obsessive.

this was hilarious though,if you are a wow player.
if not..well..having your herbin matt being ganked from ya while you are handling a mob can be quite infuriating.


Jon Stewart epic Sean Hannity take-down. Truth recovered.

RFlagg says...

This. Seriously, if a Republican was in office right now, they would be screaming the same thing everyone else was screaming, that's he a welfare rancher, refusing to pay his federally mandated dues that Regan made last forever now...

They are so obsessed with their Anti-Obama message they are missing their best chances to score with the American public at large. The individual mandate of Obamacare, is their idea, it is funded the same way they wanted to fund it. If they were smart, they should be shouting, "we could have had this back under Bush Sr, but the Democrats stopped it twice, and they stopped it again under Clinton. They couldn't pass their single payer or government option so t hey went with our plan. We told them so, and the American people had to wait all these years for them to come around to our plan." They then could explain why they oppose the changes from their versions like going from catastrophic only care to comprehensive care is bad, since apparently stopping people from getting sick is bad in their eyes... For this situation they should be noting how the Federal government got the land in 1848, before Nevada became a state in 1868 and before Bundy and his extended family was grazing cattle on the land in 1877... and ages before his family actually purchased the ranch in 1948... after the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 was passed... and even before the BLM was formed in 1946. Their hero, Reagan passed, as Stewart noted, the right to collect grazing fees forever. Bundy is just attempting to make a profit off the government's dime without compensating the government back. They should note how he threatened violence against federal officials... which if a Republican was in office now rather than a black man, they'd be screaming he's a domestic terrorist, and when he called in militia to support him, they'd be screaming how they were all terrorists against the government doing its rightful duty.

The right's hatred of Obama has blinded them to the very things they would normally be for and against, just because suddenly a man (who's probably closer to the Reagan era Republican than any of today's Tea Party members are) they oppose is in office rather than one of their Tea Party extremist...

VoodooV said:

This is just the standard "Must oppose anything federal as long as Obama is in office even though he may have nothing to do with it"

I almost want the Republicans to retake the White House in 2016 so we can have a field day pointing out all hypocrisies when they suddenly become pro-federal gov't and talk about how we have to trust our president, when they're in office and spend more than the left *ever* has which has been shown before.


Photons on eyeballs, or full realized human beings?

poolcleaner says...

You do exist for your own sake, but it's fun to exist for the sake of someone else's pleasure, and your own.

If you're into that kind of thing.

If not, that's cool, don't stress. But I gots me a woman and she has nails done, hair done, all that jazz -- and I dig it to the break of dawn. And she's obsessed with it and that's okay. We're both moderately successful and creative, so the extent of our obsessions are not the measure of our self worth.

X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer 2

poolcleaner says...

No, that would be literary device facilitating whatever the writers want. If it's not a hero or villain, it's an object of power or a dimensional force. Or some other meaningless pseudo-scientific babble. The concept of "cosmic consonance" and the forces which balance the Marvel universe use whatever means necessary to maintain it.

Our job in the 21st century is to dismantle our obsessive desire to take root in humanity's collective canon of B.S. You'd think internet savviness would usher in this understanding, but it seems to exacerbate the emotional attachment and selfish need to require "explanation" in a fantasy world where anything can be explained with anything.

(P.S. I love comics -- just not the tendencies it creates in the readers, who see comics as words of minor gods.)

deathcow said:

is a mutant power facilitating the time travel somehow

Malaysia Airlines MH370 missing flight Preacher predicted p

chingalera says...

Welcome to the Videosift, ertukim. Hoping that this is not a self-link. Voted and promoted not necessarily for quality of content moreso rather, to foster the spirit of community and participation from new members. May your "p" be lost with this first contribution through up-votes, and the fact tat you're not being sent into the "discussion" area means that chicco here ain't as sure as he'd obsessively like to be, as he endeavors once again to play the chump-card in a losing hand with a tenured user.

siftbot said:

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, March 17th, 2014 2:37pm PDT - promote requested by chingalera.

The neverending Model Train Loop

chingalera says...

Ok, this is totally psychedelic.....and a would make a great inclusion in a case-study of obsessive-compulsive disorder. This crazy motherfucker spent a shitload of coin on all the same grain cars (same colored grain cars no less) to do this. My oh my, but the world's an astounding and frightening place indeed!!

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