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US nuclear arsenal is a gigantic accident waiting to happen

Mordhaus says...

Here is the problem, Mr. Schlosser is a journalist, not a Nuclear Scientist. He does not understand, or has chosen to ignore for propaganda reasons, that an unarmed warhead is EXTREMELY unlikely to perform the exact sequence of events that need to take place to have a nuclear reaction happen.

Yes, he is fully correct in that we have had numerous 'butt-clenching' moments in which we could have started WW3 due to a malfunction or human error. But in the other cases he mentions, such as the bombs that landed on Spain, the lightning bolt on the tower, and the wrench on the rocket, the chance of the warhead going up while being unarmed is infinitesimal. They simply don't go 'boom' because of a collision or explosion. Now you could have a 'dirty bomb' type incident where the radioactive materials could be spread and come into contact with humans, but that is about it.

The cases that have been officially listed as Broken Arrows were because they involved an active bomb, like the one in Florida. Everything else he mentions in this video is his 'belief' and is conjecture.

Now, before I get unloaded on, I wish we didn't have nuclear weapons. I don't agree with Trump that we should renew the arms race, I think he is nuts since we have more than enough weapons to blanket the cities of the world more than a couple of times. If you add all the nukes from the Big 3 (USA/Russia/France...yes, France) there are enough to cover every single inch of the world.

The problem is, who bells the cat? If we give up all of our weapons, we are at risk. I wish we weren't, but we would be. If we bring down our numbers gradually, there are still other countries that may not, like North Korea. How do we trust the other country is actually following through? In a perfect world, we would all lay down our weapons and sing kumbaya, but as Heinlein wrote: "...Anyone who clings to the historically untrue and thoroughly immoral doctrine that violence never settles anything I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms."

PS...Yes, I know Starship Troopers is a controversial novel with overtones of Militarism and Fascism. However, there are quotes that ring true no matter what 'ism' people attach to the overall story. If you doubt that, look at the utter disbelief and depression that overcame liberals when Trump won. "He simply was supposed to, it was impossible, not like this, we have no hope, etc" were the feelings of the people who gave him no hope of winning. I, having lived and read enough to get a fair picture of how fucked up we are as a species, had little doubt he could pull it off. We elected a former Wrestler as governor, a former actor as governor, and a former actor as President. We overlook mass genocide in other countries. We ignore climate change. We spend hundreds of billions on defense and less than 10 on space exploration, all the while living on a planet that is already critically overpopulated (and is growing almost exponentially).

Robert DeNiro wants to punch Trump in the face

bobknight33 says...

Its called leading the nation. Obama did do that.

He is a pussy on the world stage. Line the sane -- nope he backed down,,
He also backing down to Putin.

Even North Korea call him “wicked black monkey” .

Obama and Dangerfield - No Respect.

His has failed on domestic and national policy.

Payback said:

You apparently don't know what a president is supposed to do.

...and just between you and me, there's more to it than "Making America Great Again" and grabbing snatch.

Stephen Colbert Is Genuinely Freaked Out About The Brexit

vil says...

Radx: true, but the economy IS growing for the polish shop owners in Boston, England.

Its just not growing for the locals who decided 20 years ago that since the factory closed for no fault of their own it was someones duty to take care of them.

Im oversimplifying, obviously, and I do apologize.

The situation in Boston, England will not improve if they chase the Poles out. It will not improve if more local employers find it difficult to sell their produce (they might even find it difficult to find workers once the Poles are gone).

The EU is not great but it is a large accessible market. Im pretty sure Boris is trying to think of a way to stay in right now.

Demanding jobs is the road to hell. If you base your economy on giving everyone a job you end up in North Korea. The Poles in Boston are looking for opportunities, the Brits are looking for a scapegoat.

Why So Much Tax Money Is Wasted

Lawdeedaw says...

Um, I don't think that was Bob's or Milkman's point. And the point is all that matters because the fact that America is fucked up is irrelevant. Just as saying country A is okay so all government will not fall into the trap.

Fact is EVERY government since the start of mankind has fallen into this trap. Some take longer than others, and there are insulating features (such as nations that are sheltered by natural terrian, those with rich resources, those with low populations, and those that have never had a TRULY meaningful impact on the world but just kinda get by.)

America's problems are myriad but I think it's because they won too much in the last century and are about to fall, as any great boxer has.

Edit added later:

And no, most other governments are not. Russia, China, North Korea, many South American nations, Mexico, the Middle East, all those examples are not minor. Now you could say "many" governments.

ChaosEngine said:

Oh, the government in the US is fucked, undoubtedly.

It needs major change. Most other countries are not that bad though.

New Rule – Better Ted Than Dead

newtboy jokingly says...

Yes, let's not be allowed to hear the anti-vaxer, evolution-denying, flat-Earther, unofficial perspective in order to more easily feel "superior" to them.

Good plan. How's that working out for North Korea?

Drachen_Jager said:

Yes, let's hear the anti-vaxer, evolution-denying, flat-Earther perspective to be "fair and balanced".

Good plan. How's that working out for America?

poolcleaner (Member Profile)

Nephelimdream says...

I "sifted" (hahalame) through a ton of your comments to share this one with a friend of mine. Would it be ok with you if I stole it to share with others? I promise not to share it with North Korea, Drumpf, or my ex wife. You know, the real axis of evil. I would obviously give you credit if need be, or rescue a cat and name it in your honor, or possibly scream out your name during coitus while I'm within earshot of one lucky winner of your choosing. Thank you for your time.

poolcleaner said:

Yeah, it's a bitch. I didn't know I was an alcoholic until I was running away from hard times. Then even after I had gained a marginal amount of success, the alcohol remained. Fucking alcohol. It really does make you a different person. Sometimes a very very excellent, if not womanizing person. But sometimes a monster. Best I avoid the stuff beyond what I think I need or can handle, one drink at parties. Parties can be bad if I violate this. Or good -- it's a gamble lol.

You know what though, it's addiction period. I stopped drinking, my life improved; but, I replace it with something else. I am addicted to video games. I do 80+ hour, no sleep binges playing a game I'm seeking to master. Addiction.

Pretty soon I will have to go cold turkey even on things like marijuana, which make me mellow, happy, heightened senses, and artistic/creative focus/drive, and which my peers claim is not addicting. Nah, everything in my life is an addiction. Even creative endeavors or day to day work -- it commands my utter and impenetrable existence, allowing my world to fall to shambles, meanwhile I create art or engineer new false existence. A system of dice I throw forever for no real reason other than I am addicted forever to throwing dice. Boom. Boom. Cards. Mmm, yeah, gambling is fun and bad too, and consume entire weekends. Sex. Typing things. It's ALL addiction to me.

The only thing I get from typing my mind is the rush and addiction to the finality of saying the truth, regardless of the consequences. It just comes out and the fists raise my adrenaline and I'm fighting now. Haahhahahahahaha!!! Addiction! Adrenaline. Energy. I'll run for 4 hours straight to achieve a moment of elation and existence outside of the day to day shuffle. Addicted to life? I sit at my desk addicted to death? No, life. I am addicted to EVERYTHING.

Triumph And Fake Fox News Girls At Republican Rallys

dannym3141 says...

Agree with most of this, except the fact that socialism IS a 'plan'. You may not like it, but that's what it is.

I've found that the word socialism is a word that others use to describe Bernie, not what Bernie regularly touts to describe himself. So by your words i wonder if you've been listening to what other people say about him - if you want to know his plan, listen to HIM. I've heard him lay out his plans, i'd bet he has documentation available to check out his ideas.

(rest of this not addressed to you specifically)

There are many valid criticisms of socialism. "No country has ever been successful and socialist" is not one of them, nor is "lol communism". Just because a party or country has the word socialist in the title doesn't make it so - for example, the democratic people's republic of north korea. The national socialist (nazi) party. And if communist is a criticism of Bernie, can we all call Trump a fascist with such glib carelessness? Or Hillary a colonialist, perhaps, with her record on Iraq?

vil said:

Ahh is this like an argument, or are you two just insulting each other?

Its really difficult to "believe" in something if you dont know what the hell it is or is trying to be. It is better to discover and know than to believe. I dont have a horse in this race as I am not american (my sister is and she just de-registered from the republicans), but seriously why are there no "normal" people running for political jobs anymore? You know, credible people with a plan, not psychopats, not avatars of agressive womanhood, latino-ism, socialism or stupidity?

Are there only dumb fanboys at these rallies so stupidity is expected, and has to be promoted in order to appeal? Are facts and program and sanity important to any degree at all?

Is Trump the bigger bum than Sanders, just with a rich dad?

RT-putin on isreal-iran and relations with america

RedSky says...


Don't really want to get a more general argument about the history of US foreign policy, I was talking more about the present day. The US's rationale for intervention during the Cold War was an exaggerated sense of the spread of communism and later to prevent anything that might precipitate an oil price spike like in the 1973-74/79. Nowadays with greatly expanded US shale oil supply and no Cold War I simply don't see any real incentive, if anything with the furore over debt, quite the opposite.


Successful US intervention in the previous century generally involved large sums of money, whether it be propping up a government (Zaire/Congo) or funding an insurgent militia (Guatemala). Same thing with the USSR (North Korea). The ability to influence public opinion or mount credible propaganda campaigns in my opinion is generally exaggerated especially in a large, modern and educated country like Iran. It's also the conspiratorial myth that repressive regimes (like Iran, Russia) frequently turn to when they need to discredit dissent. A good example is:

I mention Russia because this is the line pushed aggressively to both his domestic audience by it's wholly state controlled television media and to a mix of foreign and expatriate audiences (of which Russia Today is most successful) through a web of shadowy funding and home grown sounding organisations (see link below for a nice overview, e.g. It's pretty important to view what he says as part of a narrative to vastly exaggerate US and western intervention in Ukraine and previously Georgia, because that allows him to construct his myth of being a counterbalance to present day western imperialism.

Nuclear energy is terrible

bremnet says...

Sorry to jump the thread here; not sure if dubious is the word either, but pretty amateur and more fear mongering with no supporting data.

First, the suggestion that no more reactors should be built because people use them to aid in production of nuclear weapons. Well kids, that ship has already sailed: In June 2014, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute reported that nine nations (United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea) possessed approx. 16,300 nuclear weapons in total. So someone builds one or 10 more? Yeah, that will matter. Someone needs to read up on the concept of deterrence.

When talking about waste: "Germany has literally tons of the stuff just laying around" - well, that's just horseshit.

Regarding accidents and number of deaths due to nuclear reactors: "devastating disasters every 30 years" - devastating? Come on, people died, but compared to other sources of energy, according to the WHO, it is by far the safest. Consider:

Energy Source Mortality Rates; Deaths/yr/TWh

Coal - world average, 161
Coal - China, 278
Coal - USA, 15
Oil - 36
Natural Gas - 4
Biofuel/Biomass - 12
Peat - 12
Solar/rooftop - 0.44-0.83
Wind - 0.15
Hydro - world, 0.10
Hydro - world*, 1.4
Nuclear - 0.04

* Includes the 170,000 deaths from the failure of the Banquao Reservoir Dam in China in 1975

So, if not dubious, certainly cheap and pedantic.

ChaosEngine said:

Can you provide a bit more detail than that?

What is dubious? Why is it dubious? Do you have any evidence to back up what you're saying?

Safest Way to Shoot a Gun

We are walmart chant

lucky760 says...

I was thinking less of the mandatory physical activities and more of the forced false pride that everyone in North Korea must demonstrate for their great leader.

artician said:

If you need a more apt comparison to dictatorships, they make the employees (or at least used to) do calisthenics every morning in the parking lot, before the store opened.
This was from about 15 years ago, but I can't find a single video of it on youtube (pre iphone era).
Japanese culture does that too, but it doesn't feel as "fascist-y".

We are walmart chant

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: LGBT Discrimination

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: FIFA and the World Cup

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