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Christian Rock Guitar Hero Clone: Guitar Praise

JiggaJonson says...

No sir, i dont like it.
Anything that involves indoctrination of children kinda pisses me off anymore.
the ad SHOULD say

"Hey parents?!? Are you trying to raise a homophobic child who will be afraid of eternal damnation if he or she utters the words 'God damn'?!? Well have we got a game for you!"

Western Pennsylvania is racist - McCain accidentally agrees

rottenseed says...

"Sir, we couldn't find any African Americans to put behind you during your speech"
"How about a Mexican?"
"No sir, there's none of those here either."
"Well shit, go grab that Asian girl and plop her front and center next to the fat, white kid"

Raigen (Member Profile)

Krupo says...

Ah, cool cool - I think I've seen the giant sign from off the 401 for that one too if it's the same one I'm thinking of.

In reply to this comment by Raigen:
No, sir, I work at the Schneiders facility in Kitchener.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
Dude, I was planning on writing on ode to the bacon factory next to the 400. Is that where you work?

In reply to this comment by Raigen:
I think someone is both retarded and not trained properly. I also work in a distrubtion warehouse for Maple Leaf Foods. There's sprinkler lines, ammonia pipes, incoming and outgoing waterlines, you name it. The first thing I was shown when I got my Narrow Aisle Stacker license was the emergency sprinkler shut off valves. In case you break one, you run to this room by the take-off belts and shut off three valves which will stop the water from doing, well, what we all just saw.

Krupo (Member Profile)

Raigen says...

No, sir, I work at the Schneiders facility in Kitchener.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
Dude, I was planning on writing on ode to the bacon factory next to the 400. Is that where you work?

In reply to this comment by Raigen:
I think someone is both retarded and not trained properly. I also work in a distrubtion warehouse for Maple Leaf Foods. There's sprinkler lines, ammonia pipes, incoming and outgoing waterlines, you name it. The first thing I was shown when I got my Narrow Aisle Stacker license was the emergency sprinkler shut off valves. In case you break one, you run to this room by the take-off belts and shut off three valves which will stop the water from doing, well, what we all just saw.

Fox News - Georgia Prayers For Rain. Lo! Rain! Coincidence!?

BoneyD says...

If you don't go out and sing songs of praise, God is quite happy to starve you? I didn't think he was in to that anymore.

"...but even if he doesn't [send rain], we're still gonna praise him cause he's God Almighty"
No sir, I recommend you impeach

youdiejoe (Member Profile)

Where do you go for videos these days? (besides here) (Sift Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

Other video aggregators? So are you trying to weed out the disloyal to the cause of Videosift? I never go anywhere but here, no sir! You can even check my browser history, seriously it's this site alone, I never go any other place. Don't sick siftbot on me I'll be good, I never go to digg or any site like that, just here and YouTube. HAVE MERCY ON ME O' SIFTBOT!

Fred Phelps fined 11 Million, throws hissy fit

RadHazG says...

ah religion. self inflicted mild insanity. gotta love how some folks can look at the bible and pick out individual bits and use them for their own agenda. i'm willing to bet these same crackpots who hate gays, conveniently ignore the verse about stoning a lazy/disobedient child to death. or anyone who works on Saturday for that matter.

"hmm. that looks nice, i think we'll support this idea, but those idea's are just plain nuts! to crazy for us no thanks. we don't want those idea's no sir. but we'll keep them in the bible for sentimental reasons."

Debunking the Thermite Theory: 911 Consipiracy

kennn says...

dragons are clearly the answer here.. i smoked so much pot and watched so many 9/11 inside job videos on youtube .. and it finally hit me .. DRAGONS .. Invisible dragons .. This is exactly why this government hasn't fixed any of our domestic issues .. like health care and balancing a budget.. because theyve been focusing on invisible dragon funding.. and um .. invisible dragon training.. and dragon food .. which is expensive .. but still somehow funded because everyone in congress/senate is in on it and they have added the appropriate funding at the end of each bill they send through .. i think it was a green/blue dragon personally .. but there is speculation that it was a red dragon .. to those fuckers i say tough titties... there is NO WAY our goverment can get their hands on a red dragon .. i mean come on people .. RED? who the fuck are we? China? ... no sir ..

118 - Swiss (real) firefighters do rap

rembar says...

Ahaha that's f*cking terrible rap, even for Swiss rap. Um, if I find my attention span, I'll translate it. For now, here's the translation of the description on Youtube:

"The clip 118 Projec't was officially launched on September 18, 2007, for the public awareness campaign on the use of the emergency number, 1-1-8. Produced by the ("Sapeurs"?) professional firemen of Geneva, the clip includes scenes with all the professional firemen of Switzerland ("Romande?). You will see firemen from Lausanne, Neuchâtel, Chaux de Fond, Geneva and the Gendarmerie of the Vaud canton, in a very original movie."

*edit* Ok, here's a very loose translation of the song, I tried to get it to rhyme/sound rap-ish, but I'm not that good. This had better be getting published, I just spent like 15 minutes translating this damn thing:

118 Projec't (in English)
*People calling about fires*
*One person calls asking for information*

This's a story about three numbers
This's the story about a number
One-hundred and eighteen

Everyone is calling the wrong place for information
Everyone is calling us asking questions
Yo man, don't you get this ain't an information office
That it's a fucking emergency service?
Don't you understood that 1-1-1 is done
And 1-1-8 can't give you any information?

This's the dispatchers' office
But with 1-1-8, we get bothered all the time
All day long we're bothered
By you people, looking for phone numbers
"No, ma'am, you're mistaken, this is the Fire Department."
"No, sir, we don't know the tax office's number."
So that this error isn't repeated, listen the hell up:

Cram it in your head
That's the number to dial quickly
That's the number to remember
Dial when you're in trouble
Are you going to remember?
If you have to, tattoo it on yourself
If you can't remember, write it on your underwear(?)

If your neighborhood is on fire,
Or everything is up in smoke,
If your car says "Crack, bang, ah!"
And you have to be pulled out from it,
If you smell gas, before it explodes,
Dial 1-1-8
And for any other emergency that you need to be saved
Remember that number,
One day, maybe you'll be saved in the nick of time

If you have an electricity problem,
Call the right department
If you've lost your fucking keys,
Call the locksmith
If the toilet is blocked,
Call the plumber,
And for little pets,
Don't ever dial this number!


Huh? What's the new 1-1-1?
I don't know, I'm taking a shit
Hurry up, my apartment looks like a fucking jacuzzi
Tell me who to call!
I think it's 1-1-7 or something like that,
No, that's the police, they can't do anything
Oh, fuck me, call 1-4-4
1-4-4 is in case of broken bones
Well, man, what's the number to dial ?
Easy, man, take off your pants and look at your underpants

One day, you're gonna need us, but all our lines will all be busy
And your house will keep on burning
Despite the cry: "Firemen, emergency!"
Phone calls are flooding in
Your home sweet home will go up in smoke
Because you couldn't reach us, maybe because of you!
Yeah man, 10 minutes wasted is one more tragedy


Yeah, that's all. Yep.

Cop gone wild- Lying and making threats just part of his job

bamdrew says...

yeah, he left his radar detector on, detecting 'k-band' wavelengths or whatever.

I questioned a cop's judgment once for pulling me over... never again! Know what they can and can't do, but outside of that its "yes sir, no sir, sorry sir, thank you sir, have a good night sir". No chit-chat, no discussion and debate.

Its a tough job that I wouldn't want... never give your garbage man a hard time and never give cops a hard time.

Oh, and as a final note, I've met more than a few cops who were great guys. The last cop that gave me a harsh speeding ticket was a good guy, all business, no BS.

War Fatigue - Bush Press Con. - June 12th 07

Vietnam : Echoes of The Iraq War?

Memorare says...

One significant difference is that during Vietnam the media did real investigation, asked real questions, aired real stories. With a few exceptions, in Iraq the media does little more than wave the flag and say 'yes sir' 'no sir' to Bush and his minions.

Chocolate Jesus Makes Catholics CRAZY

AnimalsForCrackers says...

I thought the same thing when viewing the title after watching. From an (having been raised Catholic)atheist's perspective I don't think there is any way this guy represents Catholics even in the general sense. I sense much hate & fear in you, Bill Donahue. No sir, this (you)ass-hat is a cut above and beyond. And so is that Chocolate Jesus! Unintentionally hilarious when Cosimo briefly talks about tasting & feeling Chocolate Jesus' body in your mouth or when he nods and smiles to someone off-camera, "I'm a loser."

Zack, Age 3 (Amazing Artist)

youdiejoe says...

just to flog this a little bit more, on a second viewing I noticed that the "hand" painting does not move it's fingers, it not really the kids hand at all, but a "kid hand" brush, if you will. That along with the tag at the end directing you to a weblink... viral marketing ploy anyone?

"No sir, I don't like it."

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