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Yahweh's Perfect Justice (Numbers 15:32-36)

Yahweh's Perfect Justice (Numbers 15:32-36)

Yahweh's Perfect Justice (Numbers 15:32-36)

Kids In The Hall - Manny Coon

Kids In The Hall - Manny Coon

Madonna shows her butt to the crowd at Rome concert

chingalera says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

Kylie Minogue has a fantastic arse

Was thinking the very same thing about every five minutes ago which brings me to the POINT:
Madonna bared her withered stank-ass nipple in Turkey (irreverent cunt) on this same tour and now her schtick it seems is to exhibition her wares throughout the remainder of her talent-less career. Proof positive here though that she still has few years stripping for change.

Kylie?? She's of another realm altogether. Showgirl. Talented. Stylish. Hard and soft, fierce yet fragile. Minogue embodies the essence of showmanship and decorum. No compromise, unchanging. One of the shining gems of stardom that we are fortunate to have been witness to.

Madonna?? You may benefit from the part of the recluse for the rest of your tenure. Or else grow the fuck UP! Oh, you suck at acting as well. Try some lessons.

Our very own Barseps gets an infected finger lanced!

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^jonny:

No, it was not. nochannel health anatomy
>> ^JiggaJonson:
Come on guys, get with the program! This is what the Horrorshow channel was MADE for!

"bottom line, whatever makes you scream in the dark!"
-Horrorshow description
Other examples of horrorshow channel posts placed there for a similar reason (eg they make you squeemish/jump/scream in the dark):

And, more distinguishably similar to the medical procedure we see before us:

Still using video sift ? (Cute Talk Post)

Judge Sends Shirtless Pic

kagenin says...

OMFG you can see his nipples. Call da POLICE!

I love that line - "I'm in no more clothes than I'll be at the Y[MCA] this afternoon when I swim my mile."

Shit, I should be so lucky to have that kind of body in 15 or so years.

And the faux-incredulity of the Fox "reporter" is just priceless.

Bill to Prevent Employers getting Passwords - Countdown

Porksandwich says...

Wonder if Hooters is going to start making them show the full monty, just so they can make sure they don't have weird nipples.....because they want the candidates to be perfect for the job.

Or perhaps full nude pictures so they can make sure you don't have an unsavory body art, piercings, stretch marks, moles, or hair they think might negatively impact the company if someone were to see them.

It's a good way for all the freaks to see the goods...on facebook and otherwise.

It's akin to having the secretary who has to put out to keep her job, despite what the laws might say.

A cat's belly undulating with unborn kittens.

Say goodbye to these, Michael.

Madonna ~ Halftime Super Bowl XLVI

Crosswords says...

>> ^Lann:

hehe MIA flipped off the camera @8:19

I wonder how many of the millions watching actually noticed when it happened. And now that the media has latched onto that they'll pound the THINK OF THE CHILDREN, angel into the ground. The hilarity is kids have been flipping off cameras since class pictures were invented.

As far as the show, its probably the best one since the Janet Jackson and nipple gate.

longde (Member Profile)

longde says...


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Girl in a bikini, with a hula hoop, in the freezing snow

Quboid says...

>> ^soulmonarch:

I came for the boobs.
I stayed for the "Woah! How does she do that! Awesome!"

I gotta admit, I was expecting to see and, yes, hoping to see some pokey nipples. Not a sexual thing, just bit of entertainment. However, she's really, really good!

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