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Excellent Excuse for Being Caught Looking at Boobs

Jinx says...

>> ^Deano:

You know this suddenly makes me genuinely concerned as to whether I've been caught doing this but they've let it go. I was working with a lady last week and I was so darn bored I just kept peeking glances, I really couldn't help myself.
After leaving I barely recall doing it until I really thought about it.
Any tips for avoidance? I'm serious! I don't want to give undue offence.

She totally noticed. Doesn't matter how discrete you think you were. She noticed. Hell, I've been behind a girl checking out her ass for split second and I could tell she knew when our eyes met. She knew I knew she knew too. Awkward.

No but seriously. Lets talk tactics. Those guys who wear sunglasses indoors during winter? Its not because they have some ugly eye infection, its because they want to look wherever they fucking please without being judged. Downsides? They get judged to be douches anyway because they're wearing sunglasses indoors in the middle of winter.

Another option is just to drill yourself into looking into her eyes. Imagine they are a pair of perfectly pert breasts and the pupils are the nipples. Downsides? She'll be able to see right into your lust filled soul. She may call the police or take out a restraining order.

Next - adopt a gay lisp, get totally up to date on fashion/clothes. Be that guy. That way you can happily look at the breasts, hell you can even comment on them, suggest clothes that might better accentuate her curves. Its pretty much all fair game when your a gay best friend. Cons - Your her gay best friend. Looking at those breasts/any breasts is all you're ever going to be able to do unless you pull the whole "I think you made me turn straight" thing which is a huge gambit.

4th - Masturbate furiously at every opportunity. Keep your libido as low as possible at all times. I personally used this method for much of my teen years with some success. Its not fool proof but its generally better than nothing. Cons - blindness (although this also serves to solve your problem).

Lastly you could just try to be yourself and hope women aren't too offended by your primal desire to reproduce. If you are attracted to her even more so than normal then consider asking her out. Perving over somebody is somewhat more socially acceptable if you are dating. Hell, maybe love will blossom. Cons - she might say no.

Thats all I got. Hope it helps.

Excellent Excuse for Being Caught Looking at Boobs

Hula Cam at Burning Man 2012

Ryjkyj (Member Profile)

Apple kills Star Trek

demon_ix (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

Kitten Nibbles Ears

Filipino guy smiles for the camera

How to Open a Can Without a Can Opener

Drunk Driver Car Crash and Aftermath

chingalera says...

Ambulance watchers are a step below ambulance chasers....

Voyeuristic preoccupation with human misery is healthy for mind, body , and soul.

Question: Is the previous statement true, false, or meaningless?

Personally, I believe seeking this form of tragic spectacle for entertainment purposes and the increasing popularity among the masses of the same, points to a decline in the fabric of our society in general as well as the decline of the quality of information and novelty available on this website. Conversely, preoccupation with video clips evoking warm, fuzzy feelings (MEEOOOOW??!!!) represents a basic hind-brained function of a human being in times of duress or uncertainty to want to curl up next to a warm nipple and re-enter the fucking matrix!

Mr. Wizard's a Dick

Coolest Fireworks Ever

dannym3141 says...

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^Reefie:
I would dearly love to know what this firework is called, it looks awesome! So awesome that I feel compelled to buy dozens of them and amuse my neighbours with an impromptu firework display
It's called French Nipple Twister and they go for $1700 each


Also i love how the spinning wheel keeps it straight like a gyroscope.

Coolest Fireworks Ever

mxxcon says...

>> ^Reefie:

I would dearly love to know what this firework is called, it looks awesome! So awesome that I feel compelled to buy dozens of them and amuse my neighbours with an impromptu firework display
It's called French Nipple Twister and they go for $1700 each

lurgee (Member Profile)

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