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Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

enoch says...


"You just bent because you you team is finally getting called out for what they are. Biased and fake ."

have you met me?
or is your account used by multiple people,and this particular bob is one i have never engaged?

reread my comment.
GO..i'll wait.

notice anything?
that maybe i accused CNN of the very same partisan fuckery as FOX?

this is just a house negro who sold his integrity years ago for his own personal gain.who pretended faux outrage in order to appeal to the politically unsophisticated so he can buy a BIG house,and drive an expensive car and rub shoulders with the powerful.

but bob,you view things in such a binary and limited way that if i
criticize an opinion pundit,a cable celebrity,who makes his cookies by undermining journalism and promoting propaganda,and just happens to work at FOX.then i MUST,therefore,be rooting for the other "team".

there is no fucking TEAM bob.
there is simply the truth,and those who whore themselves for personal gain,while fucking the rest of us over.
neil cavuto is a dirty little whore slut.

does this mean that everyone on FOX is like slutty cavuto?
of course not.shep smith does some good work.
and the very same accusations can be leveled at CNN,or MSNBC,or CNBC.

the majority of cable news have all adopted the FOX model,because it makes money.a LOT of money,and as long as they are populated by dirty little whores like cavuto.who are willing to sell their integrity for safety and financial security.the amercian people will always suffer those fuckheads selfish hubris.

one of the greatest things to come out of this surreal and absurd election cycle is that the american people have begun to "get it".they have come to the slow (and infuriating to me) realization that cable news is not news at is is opinion by way of presenting as "news".

and ALL the big players are guilty.
they all have their own celebrity demagogues.
pushing their own agendas to their own little,easily manipulated fiefdoms.

so stop projecting bob.
i have no interest is self righteous moralizing predicated on inadequate information and even worse politics.

i KNOW who the real enemy is,and cable news is the mechanism in which they spread their divisive and warped ideologies.

you appear to continue to buy into their bullshit.
that this is somehow a right vs left,or dem vs repub.
american liberals are not the problem.
american conservatives are not the problem.


the two party duopoly,the two party dictatorship.
THAT is the problem.
this is about power vs powerlessness.

and little whores like cavuto do NOT serve you!
he,and his ilk,serve power.

it is time for you to choose a side bob.
which side on you on?

*edit:oh shit,just realized you were talking to newtboy.
my bad bob.../chuckles...
sighs..guess i was looking to scrap a bit.
bad enoch..baaad.

Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

enoch says...

so let me get this straight.

neil cavuto,a pandering,whoremongering demagogue who represents all that is diseased and corrupt from FOX glibly and childishly deriding CNN for now being in the very boat that FOX was for years.

that somehow the criticism and sly accusations of FOX being biased and slanted were not warranted.that the REAL focus should be on the reactions of the executive branch,and not on the content of cable news.

when we consider that even as late as 2010,33% of FOX viewers STILL thought that iraq had connections to al qeada,and that they were hiding WMD's.this alone is enough to condemn FOX as a rapacious propaganda machine.

i am not letting CNN off the hook.who have also been caught fabricating conflict based on questionable sources to formulate political crisis when there was none.

but that is not even something cavuto is addressing.he is literally beaming with a smug condescension in this piece,self-righteously admonishing an entire network as if those networks are not populated by individuals.

as if they of one mind.
one message.
and the message is:"poor CNN is no longer the favorite and now has to sit in the back of the bus like we did for 8 years".

do you know what this is?
and i am POSITIVE cavuto is totally unaware of this comparison.

this is the new house negro ridiculing the OLD house negro.
who were lovingly called "house niggers" *dedicated to @gorillaman*and "uncle tom's" back in the day.

so house negro neil cavuto is just gushing with pride that his new master prefers his network to that old rust bucket CNN.

the new pimp in chief likes his cable news to bow and prostrate itself upon his moist loins,and no other network can whore itself quite like FOX news.

so good for you mr neil cavuto!
you are the presidents new,favorite whore.
so pucker up you precious little slut,trump has something for you,and say goodbye to your last vestige of moral integrity.

now go be a good house negro and go make a trump a sandwich.

this is too delicious not to *promote

How a country slides into despotism (from 1946)

JustSaying says...

Oh yes, the delicious irony of post-WW2 segregated america. Thank god negroes aren't people, am I right?

Still, upvoting the message. Sadly, it still needs to be heard.

Road Rage Canada!

The Daily Show - Wack Flag

Lawdeedaw says...

Of course most Japanese are taught that. Who the fuck said otherwise? Oh, by hiding their history you thought I meant they didn't learn about it at all? Well that's a stupid assumption. You know back in the 1960s Americans "learned" about slavery and our part in it, yet it was often prefaced by "those Negros are inferior so it was great times" or "it was really about federal expansion and not those Negros who should know their place." "Misrepresentation" is a hell of a concept.

And I wasn't even speaking about WW2, so where you got that from I have no utter clue? I didn't even hint at it. That rape and mutilation has been going on for centuries but was significant in the Second Sino-Japanese War, a distinct war in and of itself.

I guess what really pisses me off is that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, elected by Japan (not just one side, but everyone, from the Emperor to the Diet, who themselves are elected by THE PEOPLE) is a revisionist who is allowed to say his shit by the people of Japan. This isn't a position that is allowed in the civilized world anymore. Fuck, even Iran's Ahmadinejad denied the Holocaust and had to laugh it off as misspeaking. Abe is so flaunting he even visited Yasukuni Shrine, a place that holds more than 1 thousand war criminals in it.

Imagine a German leader going to a memorial for 1 thousand Nazi heroes, perhaps including Hitler himself? Oh, and the fact that those criminals were accepted after their punishments, is terrifying.

Notice something else. I never said that China has the right to slaughter everyone--which gives plenty of pre-acknowledgement to your point that this hateful revisionism is put out by right-wingers (And condoned by all the cowards on the left.) This is because, much as Germans on the left allowed the slaughter of the Jews, most cannot be held directly responsible for a force greater than them. In this case, there is no force greater, but that is beside the point.

SDGundamX said:

Actually, Japanese kids learn about Unit 731, the rape of Nanking, and the issue of "comfort women" (though they are still not called by their proper term "sex slaves"). See here for more info.

What is controversial is that the right-wingers managed to get a textbook approved by the Ministry of Education that whitewashes Japan's military past--a textbook, by the way, that was shunned by almost every Board of Education in Japan (it was used by only 0.039% of the schools in Japan).

The notion that Japanese people are unaware of the crimes committed by the Japanese military during WWII is utterly false. As I mentioned, there are revisionist right-wingers out there who are actively working to change that but so far they have been unsuccessful.

Jon Stewart on Charleston Terrorist Attack

radx says...

Let me quote the Vice President of the Confederate States, March 21st, 1861:

"The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution."


"Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."

That's white supremacy. That's white supremacy and then some.

scheherazade said:

Also) Southern generals fought over secession. Today, the civil war is taught as being largely over slavery - but that's heavily revisionist, since at the time of the civil war the war's implications on slavery weren't even mentioned outside of black newspapers.

Key & Peele - Negrotown

Key & Peele - Negrotown

Lawdeedaw says...

Won't evoke the fear tag but definitely could here. Cops beating negros delirious, blacks singing about being murdered for wearing hoodies, that's real life fear even if it is just a parody. This might be funny and about equality to us, but it's dead serious to dead black folk. In fact, *fear

Redneck News reports on gay marriage destroying Alabama

poolcleaner says...

I'm going to be devil's advocate here and take the side of fearful American white trash:

Dear gays,

You're ruining the last good thing we had going on here in this country. We took care of the natives, forcing them into small communities where they slowly became psychologically oppressed and fraught with addiction.

But then we lost our control over niggers, who had their places down on our plantations. No matter, we can still push asians around because they're our bitches. But then we started to take them seriously. I don't even understand that.

I can't tell the difference between India people (Indians? Like our natives?) and allah-la-las -- and, really, I suspect because they're all in a similar area of the globe, they're the same. I might even believe Asia and India/Middle East are separate continents or somehow not entangled socially, economically and politically.

I think that's all the colored people, so lastly, addressing devil worshipers and homosexuals, who are really very similar in their connection to Satan. I can't tell you how disgusted I am about a penis going into an anus. It's just so gross. Hot lesbians are alright, but even that goes a little far, as I'm uncomfortable talking about that with people and church says no. Yes, that's bad too... and my wife definitely doesn't need to know anything about what I just said about lesbos. Now, a dyke, on the other hand, I think men are technically allowed to punch dykes.

I've already said too much. I feel gross.

In conclusion, it's been a downward spiral into immorality. Starting with the freedom of black people, who slowly made us lose sight on what is right and decent in the nation which God granted us. From negroes, came homosexuality.

Concealed Weapon in Florida? Okay unless black...

The Roots Of Unrest In Ferguson, Explained In 2 Minutes

lantern53 says...

If 67% of the citizens are black, then why don't they vote black representatives to the city council? No one is forcing them to vote for white people. Also, why is it that we are taught that all people are equal, except when minorities are not represented in the same percentage in every walk of life. If all people are equal, then all white cops should be good, right?

But then, if a black man is a cop, then he is no longer black, right? He's an uncle Tom. Same thing they said about Obama before he was elected...he wasn't 'down for the struggle' because he was half-white, grew up in Hawaii and went to Harvard. He was the 'magic Negro'.

Also, cops don't just act on their own. They are following orders given them by their command structure. If the city doesn't like how the cops respond, they should address the mayor and the chief of police.

Here again we hear 'unarmed black man' as a victim of a fatal shooting. When someone is trying to take a policeman's gun, he is only temporarily unarmed. A policeman's gun is community belongs to anyone who can get it. 25% of cops are shot with their own weapon so cops get kinda defensive about people grabbing at it.

Also, Michael Brown was not a boy scout, he was a guy who just committed a forcible shoplifting, which in most states is considered a felony. While the officer did not know this, it may help explain the state of mind of Michael Brown when confronted by the cop.

There may be plenty of blame to go around in this situation but it doesn't help when people riot before all the facts are in. Today the cops are given all the blame while the citizen is given every excuse by the media.

Last Week Tonight: Change The Name!

newtboy says...

...And the United Negro College League still calls themselves 'Negro'...I guess the progressives haven't told them what is politically incorrect yet, or perhaps they were created in a culture where that label was considered non-offensive by those in control and the new leadership of today has decided that, even though it's offensive to most people today, re-branding an otherwise positive organization in the name of minimizing temporal offensiveness could do more harm than good, but they may still realize their name is uncomfortable for many and an issue.
..or perhaps this sub set of natives is not offended by 'redskin''s far more offensive to believe all natives must think alike than it is to call them 'redskin' IMO.

lantern53 said:

They call themselves Redskins at the native american high school I drove by years ago.

I guess the progressives haven't told them what is politically correct.

I can imagine John Oliver making the trek out there and telling them 'Bloody 'ell, you cahn't call yourselves Redskins! It's degrading!"

Dance A-Z

Cliven Bundy Shares Some Peculiar Views

newtboy says...

Once again you personally insult, and ignore most of the facts in order to further your insanity. I'll see your 'child' and raise you to infant.
I only read your post because someone else replied quoting you (and I can't fathom why it showed your comment even then, it should have been hidden since you're ignored...@lucky760, what happened?)
You can't parrot what you haven't heard said, and no one else is pointing out that you can't be a patriot if you don't believe in the Fed, which unites the least no one I've heard.
Your misconception based on intentionally misleading, 1/4 true, right wing media BS is obvious...this guy is a violent felon who publicly threatened to use violent force (against law enforcement that was not yet there in force OR heavily armed) to enforce his "right" to continue to break the law, no question, as are all those that brandish weapons at officers of the law, federal or not. It's the law that you can't do that to people not attacking you or breaking into your property (and NEVER to law officials) ...and no one attacked the cowards hiding behind their wall of women and children OR the Bundys, they simply confiscated illegally grazing cattle on FEDERAL land, belonging to all of us.
EDIT: and you ignore that most of these people don't consider themselves citizens, as they don't believe in the fed...without which there is no U in USA. They are citizens of their own states (in their own minds), considering themselves 'sovereign citizens', even though most don't have the balls to actually renounce their citizenship in the USA.
Non- payment of well known, legal state and federal fees for use of state and federal property, and non-payment of taxes are NOT civil matters, they are criminal, as is failure to appear. Many of his supporters guarding the Bundy's from prosecution (hindering prosecution is a felony too) are the same ones that support the fed seizing property of those caught with a joint, so it's not about state rights or 'freedom', it's about standing with idiots that hate what you hate, namely "the negro" (one in particular).

chingalera said:

Marching in lock-step to your demise, child. Your comments on this matter read like a dutiful slave to your own oblivion.

One of the things no one has even cared to mention about this event is that the federal government, enforcing a civil affair (non-payment of grazing fees) sent armed swat teams to enforce the matter. The citizens of the United States who chose to show up in support of Bundy (a dumb-ass for the shit he's said of late, that the media has completely used to distract the putties with racism being an opportunistic side-issue in this entire debacle), who did so with guns as well-were within their rights to do so, breaking no laws. For this, they are called all manner of names and labeled as agitants, crazies,etc., by people without a clue as to how they are being ass-fucked.

The media, an arm of the state's machine, focuses upon this and continually pumps their brand of newsspeak, loaded language (like newtboy here repeats and foments to his own audience of parrots), and in doing so guides the story in a direction that further ignores facts while blatantly promoting the further erosion of individual rights under the constitution in favor of bigger, stronger, more restrictive government.

We are going to see more and more of this in the coming decade, as well as more people who favor the cozy protection of government control over individual responsibilities and accountability.

Jon Stewart epic Sean Hannity take-down. Truth recovered.

Yogi says...

I get that Sean Hannity has to defend himself in some way and yeah Stewart can be annoying but he's obviously funny. If you don't think he's funny you don't know comedy. Why all the weird edits?

Also Hannity should be distancing himself from this guy pretty quick right about now.

Following quote from

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids—and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch—they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

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