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The Gong Show ~ NBC 25th Anniversary (2001)

radx (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Also this.

"Mr. Miranda was in Berlin to deliver documents related to Mr. Greenwald’s investigation into government surveillance to Ms. Poitras, Mr. Greenwald said. Ms. Poitras, in turn, gave Mr. Miranda different documents to pass to Mr. Greenwald. Those documents, which were stored on encrypted thumb drives, were confiscated by airport security, Mr. Greenwald said. All of the documents came from the trove of materials provided to the two journalists by Mr. Snowden. The British authorities seized all of his electronic media — including video games, DVDs and data storage devices — and did not return them, Mr. Greenwald said."

HaricotVert (Member Profile)

hamsteralliance (Member Profile)

New Roxy Ad: "Sexploitation" or Not? You Decide.

SDGundamX says...


Yeah, that was my general take on things too.

The fact that they cut out her face may be because they were trying to be clever (the title of the ad is "Guess who?" or something like that), insinuating that it could be any woman. It could also be related to the fact that they just signed pro surfer Stephanie Gilmore and again were trying to be clever in making the announcement (there's speculation that the woman in the vid is in fact Ms. Gilmore).

But clearly all that "cleverness" is backfiring on them.

When US Slams Russia, Press Conference BACKFIRES Big Time!

radx says...

Bloody hell. Do we know if Ms. Psaki is in recovery?

Even though Dante stated that the hottest place in hell shall be reserved for those who maintain neutrality in times of moral crisis, I submit that spokespeople for the ministry of propaganda are just as deserving to be poked by the robot devil's trident for all eternity.

Insane Clown Pussies

newtboy says...

It looked to me like he was just looking to shut up some pussies trying to sound hard. That's a good thing.
This new Angry Black (old HS Character, not a racial slur) should have asked Howard to set up a boxing/mixed martial arts match so there would be no assault, I bet ICP would still have balked.
I always leave the ICP show after Ms. Potato Dick and Gunt. Irritating Clown Posers never did anything for me. C-C-C-YEAH!

Hollie McNish - Embarrassed (Breastfeeding In Public)

brycewi19 says...

Bravo. Well said Ms. McNish.

People need to work through their uncomfortabilities with breast feeding and realize how beautiful it is that a child is getting their nourishment while also bonding with their mother in the most natural way possible.

Thinking about doing a Sex Tape? Sandy Bullock has some tips

mindbrain says...

You can tell that it took an insane amount of willpower for Mr. L. Jackson to not look down at Ms. Bullock's erm...simulated offering.

Unless he was scoping it out on a distant monitor.

What Can Frogs See That We Can't?

deathcow says...

> block the signal unless 5 to 9 photons arrive within less than 100 ms

This is true. My own system (as new) was 8 photons at 80ms. I installed the tweaking kit from NewEye and have been running around set to 3 photons and 200ms lately and.. it's a trip. Anything beyond the Selsky border of 3 photons and 150ms will show you aura (around healthy people anyway) so I am seeing aura almost every time at 3/200. I have to scale back when driving.

Who Would Want to Buy Anything From These Pricks??

mxxcon says...

Many people keep their consoles in areas of a house where there is no internet connection and they are not interested in it. They will happily play garage band/guitar hero or other party games.

xbox1 will be completely unusable to military personnel that are deployed overseas. On military bases internet connection is usually available only in designated locations and at designated times(think internet cafe-type setup).

A game can be EVER run on only 2 consoles. If you like to trade/exchange/lend your games with your friends, forget about it.

You can lend the same game to the same person only once.

In order to lend or sell/give away/trade games with somebody they must be in your friends list for at least 30 prior days.

If you want to play games you must pay Microsoft $60/year for as long as you use the console. $60, $120, $180, $240, $300. After 5 years you paid MS almost as much as the console itself for nothing.

HiroEX said:

I really don't get why people are so upset over the new xbox. Could someone elaborate why it's so bad? The online check-in really doesn't seem to be that big of a deal to me, and it's somewhat understandable since they moved to a completely digital distribution (games are just pre-loads to save bandwidth), while still allowing people to transfer their digital games. Granted, I don't really ever sell my used games (am i an odd one out for that?) I keep seeing people say MS is being anti-consumer... what are they doing exactly that's infuriating everyone so much? Looking for someone to please explain what I'm missing?

Who Would Want to Buy Anything From These Pricks??

HiroEX says...

I really don't get why people are so upset over the new xbox. Could someone elaborate why it's so bad? The online check-in really doesn't seem to be that big of a deal to me, and it's somewhat understandable since they moved to a completely digital distribution (games are just pre-loads to save bandwidth), while still allowing people to transfer their digital games. Granted, I don't really ever sell my used games (am i an odd one out for that?) I keep seeing people say MS is being anti-consumer... what are they doing exactly that's infuriating everyone so much? Looking for someone to please explain what I'm missing?

Clever Document Encoding System That The NSA Can't Decipher.

Microsoft's response to the PS4 not having DRM

TheFreak says...

It seems like a lot of people are just jumping on a big bandwagon as far as the XB hate. This is more of a series of PR mistakes than any real issue concerning the XBOne.

Since DRM is up to the publishers on both systems, the only difference is going to be the unified DRM system on XBOne versus a hodgepodge of DRM on the PS4. I can guaranty you there will be NO examples of a publisher releasing a game with DRM on XBOne and then releasing the same game on PS4 without DRM. It's not going to happen. Same thing for restricting the sale of your used game. If a publisher activates this feature on XBOne, you KNOW they're going to implement the same type of restriction on the same game released on PS4.

The only real issue seems to be the daily online system checks by XBOne and the hourly checks for online gameplay. This either affects you or it doesn't. In my case, it doesn't affect me, so it's a non-issue. If it genuinely affects you then you should absolutely buy the PS4, assuming MS doesn't reverse course on that decision based on community feedback, which they've already indicated is a possibility.

I suspect there are a lot more people displaying outrage over some of these issues who actually aren't affected in the least. I also promise you there's a large group of people who know this whole affair is overblown bullshit but they're not going to weigh in with their opinion in this toxic environment.

How to share games on the PS4

Payback says...

Anyone here suspect, as I do, that Sony is merely saying they aren't requiring DRM? They will probably support any and all DRM systems the publishers come up with...

Not sure its any different from MS at the end of the day.

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