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Foster The People: Coming of Age (Mural Time-Lapse)

Hustler Photoshopped X-Rated S.E. Cupp's Image -- TYT

VoodooV says...

I was with Ana until the "But you're a man" nonsense.

She's not wrong that someone could remove the disclaimer and just post it out there. But then that's not on Hustler. Hustler did their due dilligence to put that disclaimer on there.

The internet cannot be policed like that.

Besides, S.E. Cupp cannot complain too much, she uses sex to advance her career, I've seen the clips of her with her legs on the desk showing off her assets. Very professional Ms. Cupp. If she was not a very attractive woman, I doubt she would be in the position she is.

Common Core U.S.A. ~ Re-Education & Indoctrination Learning

JiggaJonson says...

I'm not all for the Common Core because I've decided that teaching is an imperfect duty ( ).

What I mean is, the flexibility required of the duty of teaching makes it so hard nosed data collection is never going to accurately reflect the quality of the teaching being done. Therefore, the standardized testing that goes hand in hand with the common core should be abolished.

I have a student right now who can't stop his limbs from going numb and needs to constantly leave class because of some scary combination of ADHD meds and energy drinks he took. I've spoken with mom and the nurse, given him assignments, but beyond that there's not much I can do to reach out to this student. It is not fair or right that my pay be tied to a student(s) in a bizarre situation beyond my control.

And yes, I could be a teacher from pop culture films that follows him home and just mentors this kid, but this student is not alone. I've got literally 150 students all with unique problems and baggage. I get them for 5 hours a week (when they are actually there) and they spend the other 163 hours of the week doing who knows what.


This video, however, has obvious motives besides just abolishing the common core. Sex education SHOULD be a part of the curriculum and states that adopt sex education tend to have the lowest incidents of teen pregnancies. Mississippi teaches their sex ed classes by passing around peppermint patties (yes, really: ) and, not surprisingly, has the highest incidents of teen pregnancy.

Get it through your fucking skull, religious nuts. Teaching sex ed PREVENTS kids from having sex, not the other way around.

Common core is certainly not something positive that's happened in the education system in the past year, but I'd still take it over what some jesus cheerleaders want to replace it with.

Tracey Spicer on society's expectations of women

chingalera says...

First of all, I'd like to point-out that once the lovely Ms. Spicer here took of that hideously frumpy dress, got rid of her patina of shellac and wet her hair, she suddenly became much comelier and glamorous and down-to-earth sexy for me personally, as I have ALWAYS gravitated towards women who shun make-up who looked like they just threw-on their favorite comfortable clothes, and could give a fuck about what anyone thinks about how they should look or act.

Any man who thinks otherwise is most-likely, a superficial and abusive fucking douchebag who will invariably seek-out the female form of douchbag, and have lots of power, money, and influence in either politics, banking, sales/insurance, or some other form of criminal activity which does nothing for the planet except create more douchebag children who will turn into bigger douchebag adults than their sheit-scumbag parents ever dreamed. This is a huge phenom in the current planetary paradigm and has been going-on for centuries to create the dysfunctional western civilization we enjoy today, cascading into insanity and oblivion, a world controlled by completely evil pieces of shit.

Here's the real-deal Trancecoach and it's in-line with Bill Burr's idea of an 'epidemic of gold-digging whores' routine so popular here among sift-voters, because it's all true. Assholes and douchebags wield enormous power and control over the rest of us honest and capable peeps on the planet because people in-general, don't know who they are or why they think and act the way they do, because as victims of abuse both physical and psychological, they give their own energy and power over to these cunts who are ass-raping the planet with their lies and egos, their narcissism and toxic personalities.

These hopelessly evil humans have been very successful in programming the herd-mokeys as well to aspire to become cunts, douchbags, and assholes just like themselves, as evidenced in the inordinate amount of these gullible mini-versions running loose on the globe and breeding like fruit flies.

This phenomenon is endemic in the west, the Middle East, China and South America, and it will get way worse before it gets any better.

Bill Nye the Science Guy Dispels Poverty Myths

The Truth About Gingers

chingalera says...

I attribute my own infatuation with gingers (and the curse that comes with it) to one of my early pubescent imprints associated with my proclivities towards all things musical and my 8th grade choir teacher, the ravenous Ms. Jane Polnick.

Her drop-dead gorgeous sister (both with piercing blue eyes and succulent, unblemished figures) was also a chanteuse and a rockin' blonde!

She was also an insatiable flirt.

Hellspawn, demon wench!

The Father of Fractals Interview By Erol Morris

Malory Archer Vs Lucille Bluth

Thor's Flight - Stan's Rants

Romanticise - by Chela - Best choreography you'll see today

Battlefield 4: Next-Gen vs. Current-Gen

RedSky says...

My thoughts:

* For technology that is 8 years old, this is mighty impressive how small the difference is. It's worth looking back to see the 360/PS3 launch titles to see just how much has come from programming efficiency rather than raw processing power. It will be interesting to see if in 5 years, these new consoles will look equally miles better than they do now.

* Textures are sharper, particle effects like smoke and dust are snazzier and draw distance is greatly improved but ... on the whole, the lighting, most of the doodads in the environment, and the overall 'feel' is the same if you don't look too close.

* Sony's consoles seem to always display darker by default than MS's. I don't understand why for the purposes of comparison they can't pump up the brightness.

* With all the furore about Xbox One being 720p and PS4 being 900p (which doesn't sound too bad but is about 50% more pixels to the PS4), there doesn't seem to be a large diference in detail. If anything the environmental effects seem slightly better on the Xbox One.

This Dancer is a Wonderful Insult to Gravity

World War II in the Pacific: Day by day change

World War II in Europe: Day by Day Change in Map

The Gong Show ~ NBC 25th Anniversary (2001)

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