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Response to Trump's Video Game Montage - #GameOn

Jinx says...

A little bit of Overwatch, which is pretty PG, and Mirror's Edge, which does allow you to kill people but it isn't core to the game. I haven't played The Last of Us, but aren't there still human enemies, not just the infected? I agree it's a fairly tame list though.

Clearly Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is the only game that should have been in Trump's montage. If that doesn't incite you to violence it will probably destroy any self esteem you might have instead. Ban this sick filth please.

moonsammy said:

As far as the inclusion of violent games go, I didn't see any here where the object is to kill other humans. There were some where you fight monsters, or corrupted humans (The Last of Us), but I didn't spot any that actually feature / primarily focus on people killing other people. I'll admit to not being familiar with every game featured however.

Mary Poppins Returns Official Teaser Trailer

jmd says...

Sage, thanks for the info. It makes sense now. Poppins didn't need a sequel. Alot of what made it special was its effects and charm for the time period. Doing the doppelganger mirror image trick now just made the movie creepy.

The Most Disturbing Painting

newtboy says...

The painting of the hunt from the movie Cabin in the Woods, a gory scene of dogs and hunters tearing apart a lamb that covered the two way mirror in the bedrooms.
Google "painting from cabin in the woods movie"....I'm not sure it's actually named.

Seeing it again, it's not as gruesome as I remembered it, but still disturbing.

Edit: also good, the ship in a storm and other dark paintings from 1408

ChaosEngine said:

Thanks for the promote. Do you have a link to the painting? (Googling "The Hunt from Cabin in the Woods" just gives me images of cabins in the woods!)

Two polite drunk men try to pass one another

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Millennials in the Workforce, A Generation of Weakness

MilkmanDan says...

Well said. I'm fairly comfortably in "weasel" territory, and I don't bitch about it. Too much. Any more.

Actually, in all seriousness, while I am one of those cynical beaten-down types in terms of how much I care about corporate / management expectations, I do take pride in holding myself to rather higher standards than those external ones. That's a good thing, and it means that I can look myself in the mirror and honestly feel like I'm contributing something real, even if the machine that I'm in is apathetic, highly inefficient, and moderately pointless to begin with.

As (the great) Kurt Vonnegut said, "so it goes."

newtboy said:

Certainly we can't all be eagles, but those who've resigned themselves to being weasels should recognize their station and act accordingly, not pretend they fearlessly soar the skies of death deserving rewards and accolades from the comfort their burrow.
I get where you're coming from, but I disagree it's one or the other. Checking out and half assing it because success didn't come fast enough only ensures it will never arrive. Working hard and smart striving for greatness is the best way to achieve it, but of course it's still no guarantee.
And yes, the "system" could certainly use improvements too, but an individual can have far more positive impact on their own lives by working to improve themselves than they can on the system working to improve it. It's best to work on both whenever possible.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - Trailer Teaser

Dear Satan

newtboy says...

Please explain why God made his own word so easy to misidentify, mirror, confuse, contradict with fact and logic, and to use for evil.
Sounds to me like he fucked up big time by not identifying himself clearly when he speaks, and by not identifying false profits as false, thereby causing most of the evil in the world because he's lazy and can't be bothered to be unambiguous.

If Jesus died to erase all our sins, how does that cover murder, rape, torture, hate, lies, etc. but not include the one unforgivable sin of disbelief in the completely unbelievable? Pretty lame and self serving saviour imo.

shinyblurry said:

Satan is not a horned beast with a pitchfork, he is a fallen angel. The scripture tells us that he appears as an angel of light, and his ministers, ministers of righteousness.

Satan means enemy, and he is the enemy of both God and man. He has many names: the devil, red dragon, beelzebub, father of lies, prince of the power of the air, the god of this world, the accuser, the adversary, the tempter, the serpent, belial

In Heaven, he was called the "annointed Cherub who covers", as in the Cherubs that covered the mercy seat on the Ark of the Covenant. He was perfect in all of his ways until iniquity was found in him, and he was cast out. He was lifted up because of his own beauty and desired to replace God and be worshiped. Jesus said that He saw Satan fall from Heaven like lightning.

He deceived 1/3 of the angelic host to follow him into perdition. With them he wars against God and man, and has deceived the whole world. The scripture tells us that the whole world lies in the lap of the wicked one.

Jesus Christ defeated Him on the cross, 2000 years ago. He took from Satan the keys of death and hell. The demons believe in Him, and tremble.

Every person who comes to faith in Jesus Christ, as having died on the cross for their sins and being resurrected on the third day, will be forgiven for their sins and receive eternal life. The devil will lose his power over them and they will be set free.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - Trailer

What if we get really good at drone AI and batteries?

spawnflagger says...

If a drone's AI is sophisticated enough to find a human face, I think they could program it to detect a wall outlet and recharge itself if the battery is running too low...
But mostly the design is for being dropped and fly a short distance to target and releasing projectile. Kamikaze Bee.
this does have a Black Mirror vibe- very well done.

There was a point when aerial drones were only used for surveillance, because of ethical concerns about arming them. We crossed that line (16 years ago today), but kill-orders still have to come from a human, and that's the line that the A.I. professor (end of video) hopes we never cross.
I'll give it 10 years.

What if we get really good at drone AI and batteries?

NY Times and 5 women call out Louis CK for harrassment

bobknight33 jokingly says...

Go blindfold to you mirror and get your grove on. Go alone.
Don't involve any pets. They can be traumatized by your actions.

00Scud00 said:

I'm so hideous all the mirrors in my house have restraining orders against me, if I did that it would be seven years bad luck and seven more in prison. It also makes shaving nearly impossible.

NY Times and 5 women call out Louis CK for harrassment

00Scud00 jokingly says...

I'm so hideous all the mirrors in my house have restraining orders against me, if I did that it would be seven years bad luck and seven more in prison. It also makes shaving nearly impossible.

bobknight33 said:

I prefer victimless crimes.

I just masturbate in front of the mirror.

Nobody gets hurt.

NY Times and 5 women call out Louis CK for harrassment

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