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BREAKING: Dogs Running

transmorpher (Member Profile)

Moose walking down the median

jmd says...

why am I not surprised the guy driving with his cellphone out taking video all the time is running around with a broken drivers side mirror.

Vance's Incredible 365 day transformation will blow you away

transmorpher says...

I'm not suggesting you do it for your own benefit, but rather to see if the methodology in the study works, as I figured this would be much more productive than splitting hairs about the study details :-)

I think you may have also misunderstood the methodology, as it doesn't require non-exercise, it just says it doesn't play an important part of the weight loss. If you were to try this for a few weeks, you could still exercise, and you should still see your results mirror those of the study.

There's also nothing restrictive about it, you can eat any cuisine you want, it's just a matter of replacing a couple of ingredients to minimize the processed ingredients and animal foods.

E.g. beef burrito turns into a bean burrito. All the flavours are still there :-)

ChaosEngine said:

Well, there are multiple problems with that.

First, I don’t really need to lose weight much.

Second, I’m pretty active anyway, so “no exercise” would never be a thing for me.

But most importantly, I love food way too much to restrict myself to that kind of diet.

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Official Trailer | Netflix

RFlagg says...

I'd say it isn't overly depressing. It's not San Junipero level happy, not even Hang the DJ. Perhaps somewhere around USS Callister and Nosedive. It's not overly depressing.

There are certainly sadder endings than others. I've watched/played it twice and basically hit 4 or all 5 endings. though I'd say there are only 3 or so "real" endings. As one can perhaps tell by the trailer, he's making a game called Bandersnatch, and there are 3 reviews of the game, which is what I'd call the real endings. The other hard endings, generally let you reset, and go back to one, or even two, key moments to reset the story lines. In those two viewings I don't recall the Jerome F Davies laughing scene that is seen in the trailer.

There are a few cool points. Like you pick which cereal you want in the morning, it'll be noted later in the show. Your music choice will effect a line later. There are some Black Mirror Easter Eggs as one would expect.

It's not the best Black Mirror episode, San Junipero is impossible to beat I'd think. but it is far from the worst. It's in the upper half, perhaps upper 3rd or even quarter.

eric3579 said:

What i need to know is does this leave you feeling miserable or is there a reasonable happyish ending (something not leaving me depressed)?

Upvote comment if it does NOT leave you feeling shitty/depressed/miserable/hopeless.

Downvote comment if it does leave you feeling all or any of those things.

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Official Trailer | Netflix

mram says...

I'm trying not to spoil it.

It's an appropriate ending for the design of the book that the game and the movie (etc) are built upon. Everything is neatly interwoven.

The best quote I've read out on the intarwebs is "this is a happy ending, by black mirror standards."

ant (Member Profile)

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Official Trailer | Netflix

RFlagg says...

Side note, at least in the US, this isn't listed under Black Mirror's episode list, but it's own thing. Likely because it supposedly an interactive movie, sort of a choose your own adventure.

How to Build a Dyson Sphere - The Ultimate Megastructure

00Scud00 says...

Or maybe you could just cover the surface of Mercury with solar collectors and call it a day (like in Transmetropolitan) , added bonus, galaxy's largest mirror ball.

Black Mirror - Rating Everyone In Your Daily Interactions

BSR says...

Well done. Some of the episodes reminded me of the fear I used to feel when I was a kid after watching the Twilight Zone.

So, I guess in a way, Black Mirror made me feel like a kid again.

lucky760 said:

Black Mirror is a phenomenal show. Big thumbs up.

Black Mirror - Rating Everyone In Your Daily Interactions

Black Mirror - Rating Everyone In Your Daily Interactions

ChaosEngine says...

I honestly thought that was one of the scariest episodes of Black Mirror.

I think I'll take the killer robot dogs over that future....

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RFlagg says...

I was about to say, Black Mirror did it better. EDIT: Perhaps not "better" but before, and I guess I'm more partial to it.

BSR (Member Profile)

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