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Slovak Government May Institute Roma "Solution"

Skeeve says...

I actually agree with both of you.

Canada's example absolutely shows how horrific something like this can be. It is easily one of the most embarrassing and sad pieces of Canadian history - something other countries would do well to avoid.

That said, it is despicable on the part of the Roma to not allow their children (particularly girls) to attend schools and join in wider human society. This is one of the many reasons the UN sanctioned NATO to remove the Taliban in Afghanistan - to provide people the freedom of having an education regardless of their gender, social status, religion, etc. People worldwide need to stop blaming "ancient culture" for their idiotic decisions.

>> ^therealblankman:

Just look to Canada to see how well boarding schools work as a social engineering tool used to integrate minorities into the dominant culture. We've lost multiple generations and whole families of indigenous peoples to these policies. I'm sure it'll work just as well in Slovakia.


that's not the problem. they could build all the schools they wanted, that doesn't mean their parents would let or make them attend. they actively avoid becoming a part of so called mainstream society, because of their fucking ignorant traditions.
It's a very touchy subject because Roma are definitely treated as outcasts, but they make themselves into outcasts as well. It's a vicious circle that needs to be permanently destroyed.
For example gypsies here my country wouldn't even let their girls attend school. That's absolutely NOT acceptable in a civilized nation. And when you're a lousy parent, with the excuse of a very shitty ancient culture or not, the government comes and tries to do better than you.

Slovak Government May Institute Roma "Solution"

EMPIRE says...

that's not the problem. they could build all the schools they wanted, that doesn't mean their parents would let or make them attend. they actively avoid becoming a part of so called mainstream society, because of their fucking ignorant traditions.

It's a very touchy subject because Roma are definitely treated as outcasts, but they make themselves into outcasts as well. It's a vicious circle that needs to be permanently destroyed.

For example gypsies here my country wouldn't even let their girls attend school. That's absolutely NOT acceptable in a civilized nation. And when you're a lousy parent, with the excuse of a very shitty ancient culture or not, the government comes and tries to do better than you.

Restore Stephen Baldwin

Drachen_Jager says...

Which is kind of sad in it's own way. She choose favourites purely on political ideology. Isn't that how bush lost billions of dollars (that simply went missing, nobody knows where) in Iraq, screwed up FEMA (sure his only experience is with a horse club but he stands for the same things we do! Surely that qualifies him!)

Can't some/most Americans see that it's better to select for competence first? Why anyone gives that woman the time of day is beyond me.

>> ^geo321:

But Stephen is Sarah Palin's favorite Baldwin.>> ^Drachen_Jager:
And here I thought he wasn't getting any more gigs because he's a lousy actor...
So let me get this straight. A guy who earned tens of millions in his lifetime is begging you for money because he was stupid and overspent his means. So you should give him your money instead of say... Homeless people or cancer research?
What a selfish git. This is possibly the most concise explanation of how religion is completely f ed up in the US.
Oh and shouldn't the title be "I don't want a Job, I just want your money." or some similar play on the name Job?

Restore Stephen Baldwin

geo321 says...

But Stephen is Sarah Palin's favorite Baldwin.>> ^Drachen_Jager:

And here I thought he wasn't getting any more gigs because he's a lousy actor...
So let me get this straight. A guy who earned tens of millions in his lifetime is begging you for money because he was stupid and overspent his means. So you should give him your money instead of say... Homeless people or cancer research?
What a selfish git. This is possibly the most concise explanation of how religion is completely f ed up in the US.
Oh and shouldn't the title be "I don't want a Job, I just want your money." or some similar play on the name Job?

Restore Stephen Baldwin

Drachen_Jager says...

And here I thought he wasn't getting any more gigs because he's a lousy actor...

So let me get this straight. A guy who earned tens of millions in his lifetime is begging you for money because he was stupid and overspent his means. So you should give him your money instead of say... Homeless people or cancer research?

What a selfish git. This is possibly the most concise explanation of how religion is completely f**ed up in the US.

Oh and shouldn't the title be "I don't want a Job, I just want your money." or some similar play on the name Job?

Preacher Ridicules Breast Exams

acidSpine says...

What an absolute motherfucker! I don't usually feel sorry for people who buy this relig-o-tainment but many extremely retarded people could die because of this HACK and his lousy fusion of stand up comedy and unsolicited medical advice

If You Should be Receiving Emails, but Aren't... (Sift Talk Post)

Sagemind says...

I make a lot of typos because I am a lousy typist (6-finger, self-taught)
So as I go back and reread my comments, I often see dumb mistakes so I need to edit them -HOWEVER...
Lately the edit tag is missing, sometimes it depends where I link from and sometimes I never can get the option to come back.

This just started happening in the last few days - thought I should mention it.

Also, what was the (time) deadline for edits before that option was gone for good?
Most of the stuff I'm trying to fix is under 2 days!

Going round a corner too fast is bad for your Jaguar.

Payback (Member Profile)

Sagemind says...

OK..., after all they are just points in a virtual world
I have updated the embed - Thanks - LiveLeak has a lousy player as well so it worked out!
I couldn't isdupe to my own post - Sifty would never let me do it! Another Gold had to do it!
...but like said, they're just points...

Did you see the dupe I did of Fusionaut's post - a dead video he had sitting in his PQ for 9 months - I posted it, it went to number one with 150 votes - and he got all my points - that's when it hurts!
But in the end - nothing is real here, it's all a virtual game

In reply to this comment by Payback:
>> ^Payback:
Hey, it would seem I duped one your videos. (I really searched, honest!) but anyway, mine is in 1080p, so you should use it instead. I'll kill mine (or Hell, YOU can I guess) once you update yours.

Umm... I killed it so you could use it... then I thought... DOH! Sage should have * isdupe then the votes would have crossed over. Oy vey.

TDS: Jon Stewart Rips the Hysterical Democrat Wusses

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

much regulation stifles innovation and growth, but there are behaviors and practices that are strictly parasitic or needlessly risky which should be reined in

The history of the housing meltdown is long and tortured - but it began in the 70s under Carter and culminated in the 90s under Clinton. When Clinton's admin repealed Glass-Steagall it lit a slow fuse on the economy which finally blew in 2008.

Congress (both Dem & Repub) wanted more people "in houses" because it got them votes. AIG and other financial houses lobbied for the changes because they saw they could make money by selling financial packages. I remember VERY well in the 90s the rancorous debates on this subject. People who opposed the repeal of Glass-Steagall were labelled by political opponents as 'evil rich fat cats' who 'oppressed the poor' and who wanted to 'deny the American dream to the working class...'

Do you remember that rhetoric? I sure do. They were able to argue very strongly that they were doing a GOOD thing and that opposing them made you a lousy, slimy, no-good dirtbag who hated the working poor.

So the law changed, and ALL BANKS (not just the lobbyists) were forced to deal with new market realities. If you didn't complete - you died. So they opened up financial options for 'the poor' they never would have DREAMED of messing with before. Now the poor could get loans. But in most cases the 'poor' SHOULDN'T have gotten loans because they couldn't afford them. But everyone was told, "Don't worry - Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae will get your back." So they did it anyway not because they were irresponsible or malicious. It was what they were TOLD to do because that's what government wanted, and as such it created a marketplace reality they couldn't avoid.

Moreover, it wasn't just the poor for whom financing got easier. The middle class could make a quick buck by flipping multiple properties. Speculation went wild. Housing prices skyrocketed. People got rich quick for virutally nothing. It was all going great until people overseas finally decided they couldn't keep make money on financial packages built on poisonous debt forever. POP!

I'm hesitant to lay the blame for this all on 'risky practices' of 'parasitic financial companies'. They played a big part - very true. But I've always said the housing problem was a THREE part problem. I list the problems here in order of culpability...

1. Government arranged the banquet and set the table.
2. Financial houses provided the food and sold the meals.
3. Stupid consumers gorged themselves on food they didn't need and couldn't afford.

Most people ONLY look at #2. I think that is a foolish & myopic approach that ignores the most important player (government) and gives a free pass to #3 (consumers).

TDS: Special Comment - Keith Olbermann's Name-Calling

volumptuous says...

While Olbermann has been doing this schtick for a long time, at first it was because the US was doing some incredibly fucked-up shit.. like, you know, all that torturing innocent people to death, illegally wiretapping our communications, invading sovereign nations who posed zero threat to anyone, pillaging our treasury, running a pseudo dictatorship and delving into the absolute worst of politics -- so people, even news hosts, had every fucking right to be incredibly pissed off.

Yes, Olberman's "special comment" segment has been an utter trainwreck for a long time and should have retired it long ago. Yes, what once was reserved for the absolute most inhuman acts of our government is now used for petty personality pissing contsts.

Yet I think what WP willfully ignores is that there's a neverending valley of difference between the above, and just some GOP homunculus jackass winning one lousy senate seat.

But you gotta admit, the Limbaugh dig was pretty hilarious.

First Ever Half Animal Half Plant Discovered: Slugs That Photosynthesize (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Sea Shepherd Ship Collides With Japanese Whaler, Sinks

Sagemind says...

Sorry Demon_ix, intertuber beat you by a couple hours - but had lousy tags...

For those who hate Christmas Carols

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^Xax:
I don't really get disliking Christmas music. Unless your dog died on Christmas when you were 8 or something.

It's not only that we don't like Christmas music, because the vast majority of it is just so terrible, but that you can't escape it. Where I live there are several radio stations that play NOTHING but Christmas music from All Saints Day through New Years Eve. Within the first 40 minutes they've played every even mildly tolerable song. The radio though I don't care so much about because I simply don't listen to it, but you can't go into a single store without being assaulted by Christmas muzak, Salvation Army bell ringers (FUCKING STOP RINGING THAT GODDAMNNED BELL!!!!), and dancing Santas playing a lousy rendition of "Rockin around the Christmas tree" through a tinny shitty little speaker in their base.

BAH! Humbug!

Leonard Cohen - The Future

EndAll says...

Give me back my broken night
my mirrored room, my secret life
it's lonely here,
there's no one left to torture

Give me absolute control
over every living soul
And lie beside me, baby,
that's an order!

Give me crack and anal sex
Take the only tree that's left
and stuff it up the hole
in your culture

Give me back the Berlin wall
give me Stalin and St Paul
I've seen the future, brother:
it is murder.

Things are going to slide, slide in all directions
Won't be nothing
Nothing you can measure anymore
The blizzard, the blizzard of the world
Has crossed the threshold
And it has overturned
The order of the soul

When they said REPENT, REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT, REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT, REPENT
I wonder what they meant.

You don't know me from the wind
You never will, you never did
I'm the little Jew
Who wrote the Bible

I've seen the nations rise and fall
I've heard their stories, heard them all
But love's the only engine of survival.

Your servant here, he has been told
to say it clear, to say it cold:
It's over, it ain't going any further.

And now the wheels of heaven stop
You feel the devil's riding crop
Get ready for the future:
it is murder.

When they said REPENT, REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT, REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT, REPENT
I wonder what they meant.

There'll be the breaking of the ancient Western code
Your private life will suddenly explode
There'll be phantoms
There'll be fires on the road
And a white man dancing..

You'll see a woman
Hanging upside down
Her features covered by her fallen gown
And all the lousy little poets
Coming round
Tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson
And the white man dancin'.

Give me back the Berlin wall
Give me Stalin and St Paul
Give me Christ
or give me Hiroshima
Destroy another fetus now
We don't like children anyhow
I've seen the future, baby:
it is murder.

Things are going to slide, slide in all directions
Won't be nothing
Nothing you can measure anymore
The blizzard, the blizzard of the world
Has crossed the threshold
And it has overturned
The order of the soul

When they said REPENT, REPENT ...

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