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Rebuilding the Oroville Dam Spillway | Practical Engineering

newtboy says...

*quality engineering, sadly only required because the original contractors cut corners and no regulators caught it before it failed. IMO, the companies that built it should be paying that $1 billion price tag. They’re the ones who used low quality concrete, left out literally tons of rebar, and decided a soft dirt emergency spillway on an earthen dam was good enough.

This is why we need a $3 trillion infrastructure bill. Really, we likely need ten times that. We haven’t invested in infrastructure for decades.
Had there been regular real inspections they likely would have noticed the problem when repairs only cost $100 million. There are literally thousands of dams in America with similar, or worse issues, and no money to even properly inspect them, much less fix them before they fail. Waiting for them to fail costs at least 10 times what pre-failure repairs cost, but we only care after they fail.

Thanks Manchin, our nation is crumbling thanks to you joining the obstructionist Republican Party, someone needs to burn his yacht with his family on board while he watches, then burn him in his mansion and distribute his hundreds of millions back to the state he stole it from.
Edit: Btw- Goldman Sacks has revised their 2022 estimate for gdp based on Manchin killing the infrastructure bill from over 3% to barely 2%. >$200 BILLION just gone with his vote against America. This as Manchin says “the Democrats aught to push me into the Republican Party”, but you’re already there, Joe. They aught to deny you funding and primary you, but not hand another seat to Republicans as you suggest, traitor. They really aught to strip you of all assignments, all funding, all security, and start broadcasting your location 24/7 until you are gone. If you ask me, they aught to drop you feet first in a slow meat grinder and make a day of it, televised. Then they aught to forced feed you to your family before taking every dime they have and denying them any assistance from anywhere. That’s what aught to happen to skidmarks like you.

People's Summit Speech on decolonizing the climate movement

vil says...

Well youve had 80 years to get something done, Vijay, instead of whining. India is not doing so badly so it should be able to take care of its children if it can get its act together. You cant even get rid of the caste system. Literally discrimination by color.

Most of the world is run by corrupt dictators, one can keep building schools and sending humanitarian help but ultimately local politics and local institutions are an insurmountable obstacle to progress.

You can use the money (that you scorn) wisely to skip technologies that are known to be a dead end. Pecunia non olet.


newtboy says...

Not with the judge throwing the case like he did, acting as the defense…but is there any doubt he’s going to be under threat of death the rest of his life? He’s going to have to spend his life surrounded by white supremacist guards looking over his shoulder.
People are going to be chasing him with rifles the rest of his life…he better not reach for anything, ever, or they might fear for their lives and shoot him in the head, in self defense of course.
Edit:He is now the public face of racist murderers literally getting away with murder, I’m sure you’re celebrating.
I’d murder that racist cunt if I saw him….his racist parents too. Give it a week before his house burns.
He might expect some federal charges may be coming.

As to doubt, how many times this year have you had no doubt at all….and been dead wrong, and racist in your wrongness. I’ve lost count after 30. We only have to go back to yesterday when you claimed domestic violence was 1-2% of violent crime and rarely involves guns, and that “ inner city gang killing” (which obviously means black thugs in your mind) accounts for over 90%….both dead wrong and hyper racist.

bobknight33 said:

Was there any doubt?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

No hepatitis per tests, had another 15 liters of fluid drained today. One way to instantly lose 34 pounds I guess. MRI moved to mid month and then an upper gi scope so they can see if I am one of the people who can be affected by enlarged varices in the throat and stomach. If I am, I might get to experience another fun side effect apparently, vomiting blood.

This is beyond depressing. But they did say it looks like I might have 2-5 years before the liver fully goes tits up.

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

There’s this thing about bribing people that I think you’re well aware of….they don’t stay bought. Just look at Trump. He and his family personally took tens-hundreds of millions from China, talked them up for years, then turned on them when his trade talks failed.
For Biden to be under their control, he would have to be fed a constant stream of illicit money….like the Trumps all were. There is absolutely zero evidence Biden has taken a dime from the Chinese, unlike every single Trump that were all bribed publicly with millions in “gifts” from the Chinese government.

Trump didn’t nod, he outright told China they could expand in every direction, and they did under Trump….not under Biden.

Worse for the anti democracy, domestic terrorist crowd, that’s a good thing for Americans, Bobski.

Not one of those things is worse under Biden.
Inflation, happened under Trump.
Backed up ports, a red herring, Oakland port has no backup at all and is asking those stuck in LA to go there. The backup is planned. The appearance of shortages lead to rushes on goods….it’s marketing, not logistics.
Green energy is cheaper, cleaner, and a path to PERMANENT energy independence…something we absolutely did not have under Trump, we imported SO much oil, and spilled plenty.
Cost me an extra $.50- $.75 to fill my car, which happens EVERY SINGLE SUMMER Bob. Last year it didn’t because no one could go anywhere thanks to moronic Covid response that made us the absolute worst per capita for developed nations….Australian territories only closed for 8 days and had 0 deaths….did you know that Bob? They had leadership from adults, not denial from an infant.
Not higher food prices here, must be a you thing….or maybe a failed red state problem.
Empty shelves. Now I know it’s a red state thing….you’re on the east coast, so you can’t blame it on the fake shipping backup….what happened to NC that it’s fallen to shit? You know the second major factor in the shipping issues in LA are due to a much better economy and more people buying goods than last year, don’t you?
Also, do you even remember last year? Probably not. Those were empty shelves, Bob. Shortages on EVERYTHING from cars to meat to TP, even water. Literally empty shelves, not just in your fantasy world.

California has none of your problems, sounds like a red state leadership issue.

Know what else we've lost? Pandemic misinformation that's led to over 1/2 million dead Americans that need not have died and untold trillions in economic losses that need not have happened. That alone vastly outweighs every whine you've cried even if they were real and Biden's fault....which they aren't.

Let’s go Brendon….you really are proud of that cowardly whining aren’t you. You don’t even have the balls to say fuck you Biden, which we all know is what you’re saying. Sad little coward, throwing tantrums like a two year old. Nothing ever changes with you. 4 year olds have more honesty and spine than your entire failing political party combined. Cowards.

Republicans do not want Democrats to succeed, they want them expelled, or burned to death, or shot en masse. You’re such a bare faced liar and coward. You want enforced mask and vaccine mandates, free school lunches, and access to legal safe abortions? No? Then you don’t want everyone to succeed.

My portfolio has gone up more under Biden in 6 months than it lost under 4 years of Trump. He made the nation a constant victim, Biden rescued us from an abusive brain damaged parent….the kind you like. The kind I fear you likely are.

bobknight33 said:

Biden isn't being bribed He is already bought.

Build back better is a nod to the Chinese CCP leaders to fully take back HK and Taiwan,

Bidens Build back better policies have only made America worse.

backed up ports,
loss of energy independence ,
the extra 15$ to fill up the car
Higher food prices ,
Empty shelfs.

Trump caused it?
Lets Go Brendon.

Republicans want everyone to succeed. Democrats want everyone to be a victim. And Biden and his party is making this true.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

Went to the ER, fluid buildup was making it hard to eat/drink, or breathe.

They drained 8 liters before they decided not to take anymore. Then I got to sit for 4 hours while they dripped Albumin back into my arm.

The shooting range where you fire over a busy road...

vil says...

Id better not go there. Last time I tried paintball I shot myself in the foot (literally) in the clubhouse after the game when all the guns were supposed to be on safety. I make all the mistakes that are possible. I am sure I could hit a car somehow.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Derp….this is the Republican led Arizona state senate, not DC. It’s not a choice, he was subpoenaed. It’s a jailable offense to ignore a subpoena. He should have shown up and plead the fifth, like most criminals do….or plead ignorance of literally everything he’s asked like Trump, who couldn’t answer a single question about his businesses or business dealings.

Odd, when it’s a Democrat, like say Clinton, you say they have a total obligation to testify under oath before a pure partisan Republican committee without being subpoenaed and any hint they won’t is a total admission of guilt….but if it’s a Republican they should ignore subpoenas and never testify under any circumstance, even subpoenas from other Republicans, even from the senate that hired them, and never ever submit to any examination of their methods or blatant biases, mistakes, grift, and failures doing the job the state hired them to do….and threaten anyone who considers testifying, and their families.

Why? The real audits already verified everything for non conspiracy nut jobs. Why spend $12 million a pop to replicate a horrendous, unprofessional, unofficial, idiot filled, false leak generator except to continue the big lie in moron’s heads and steal more of their money?

Prove it. It’s the figures the state senate produced, $6 million paid to cyber ninjas($1 million by the state, $5 million by groups trying to invalidate a valid election for political purposes). $3 million in invalidated voting machines, another $3 million in other related machinery and computers they invalidated. There are certainly other costs not included, so yes, it is misleading, the true full cost is higher.

Typical knee jerk reactionary refusal to accept facts you don’t like without even the slightest interest as to their veracity…..or so you understand, typical of you to cry fake news because truth and fact makes Bobby cry hurt.

bobknight33 said:

They have the report No one in their right mind sit in front some lunatic politicians in DC.
IF they want to verify what they did then replicate at other sites that are suspect.

You dollar number is clearly bull crap and false misleading. Typical fake news you are drinking

The attempted US coup

JiggaJonson says...

America without its institutions and laws is just dirt that people are standing on.

Joe Biden doesn't hate the institutions of the USA. He doesn't talk about them in broad strokes in every speech he gives in a negative way. He seems to recognize that 1/2 of the country doesn't like him, more or less, but doesn't talk about those fellow Americans like they are enemies of the USA.

By contrast, all the "can't trust the government" types, including the previous president, are saying in essence things that are fundamentally anti American. Which is not to say no oversight is needed, but oversight and regulation to stop power from running amuck are different and distinct compared to dissolving those institutions or hobbling them in favor of more centralized power in the executive branch.

Biden is delegating power across government bodies and institutions, rather than concentrating it on himself.

And he doesn't rage tweet at all hours of the day and night every fucking moment he has a plucky idea. Just look at the sheer volume of tweets that poured out of that monster

Almost like one guy is doing his actual job and one guy is literally sitting on his phone and watching TV all day.

And one guy seems to like America and working for the government and one guy cheers every time there's bad news.

TangledThorns said:

Democrats put more troops into DC than Kabul when it fell last month. Proves Democrats fear conservatives more than Jihadis murdering our American troops.

Biden is a potato. Change my mind.

The attempted US coup

newtboy says...

Exactly which part is fake, lie, or a half truth? The recordings of Trump's inner circle trying to change or decertify the certified votes in multiple states, asking election officials too "find" thousands of non existent votes, to just decertify the vote (not a thing) and leave fixing the election to Trump, or the recordings of Trump himself personally doing the same?

Keep being the fool and trusting a repeatedly convicted con man and charity fraud over literally everyone else besides a crack head nutjob.

What forensic audit? You mean the unofficial review Cyber Ninjas can't produce? The one that had you claim 75000 unregistered votes were cast because they were too incompetent to understand the numbers and counted in person votes as unregistered mail in votes?! The review that spent months scanning for bamboo fibers on ballots?! The review by a hyper biased company that spread the big lie before being chosen for this farce? They've smeared themselves.
It would have been more trustworthy if Hunter Biden did this review by himself with no oversight whatsoever.

There isn't a forensic audit, dummy. Cyber Ninjas did an unofficial ballot review, they're incapable of an audit, they have zero experience or training in doing one, and hired only stop the steal people to work for fact they've proven to be incapable of even a basic review, getting it horrendously wrong every time they tried to leak their "findings". If Democrats put on a farce like this, the party would die, because democratic voters aren't willing to ignore reality and support blatant lies like Republicans have made their only platform. Lie, lie often, lie big, lie until people believe your lie, then lie more.

What are Cyber Ninjas hiding? employees went out of their way to ensure that the observers saw as little as possible, at times intentionally blocking them from seeing computer screens and engaging them in “loud, pointless conversations” to prevent them from hearing other conversations.
What the observers could see did not inspire confidence....

They're weeks beyond their extended deadline that came months and months after the three weeks they said it would take to do their meaningless unprofessional unofficial review....and they've got NOTHING or it would have been released to the press the next day (like their "find" of 75000 "unregistered mail in votes" was).

If they have such election reversing proof, why are they hiding it....just like everyone who's ever claimed to have "proof"....including all Trump's lawyers, republican senators, talk radio con men, and moronic blowhards who believe them with no evidence whatsoever, they're certainly not releasing any of the "proof" they keep claiming to have....I'll point you to Mike Lindell and his idiotic cyber symposium that offered not a single bit of evidence about the election, much less proof of any fraud. What are they hiding it for?

At this point, if it was true there was massive election fraud, aren't Republicans the ones hiding the proof the election was defrauded? They haven't presented a scintilla of real evidence to back up their claims, just accusations layered upon accusations glazed with supposition and sprinkled with insane conspiracy.

Democrats have been demanding their final report for months, moron. Why is Cyber Ninjas hiding? Why are they so afraid to turn over their results? If they have proof, why are they hiding it?

There is none so blind as he who will not see. You will not see, no matter how clear and in your face the proof is that the election was not "rigged" or "stolen", no matter how clear the evidence is that Trump and his lackeys tried to steal the election by hook and by crook, tried to simply discard the election because they legitimately lost, and when that failed tried to steal the country by force through a deadly coup....yet somehow you "see" evidence and proof of voter fraud that's never been presented except against Republicans...and you don't see those frauds.

So just slink away in shame again, hiding from your dishonest positions once they're proven to be wrong and ignorant....Again. It's a pattern.

bobknight33 said:

True FAKE news. Smear lies and 1/2 truths.

Keep sucking on their meat..

CNN trying to smear the forensic audit in Maricopa county.

Why are Democrat so afraid to a forensic audit?
IF you are innocent why are they hiding?

TX law & tattoos

Mordhaus says...

I'm from Texas. I support Abortion. No contraceptive is 100% effective, not even if you combine them. If you don't understand that, study how percentages work.

Secondly, kids are hormonally driven creatures. They are literally under the influence of natural chemicals driving them to procreate.

Not every school or parent teaches them about contraceptives. In fact, you will find most 'Christians" only support abstinence. This is the equivalent of telling a chemically dependent addict to "Just Say No!" How well did that work in the drug war back in the day? (Hint: However, despite DARE's bold claims, research has shown that the program has failed spectacularly.)

Third, the people who are most affected by this new law are the people that can least afford the better contraceptives or having a child in a non-stable family environment. This won't bother a middle class or rich family at all, they can just send the kid off to an "aunt" in another state until the issue is resolved. Those kids from poor families will just be forced to have the kid and likely it will ruin their lives. This doesn't even take into account that the new law doesn't have ANY exceptions for rape or incest.

Fourth, the USA was founded on religious freedom. In other words, you get to believe what you want and others get to do the same. This means that if a religious person tells another person that something they are doing is forbidden due to morality contained in their religion, that other person can tell you to fuck right off. Church and State are supposed to be separate, but the Christian right think they should be able to legislate their religious ideas on others. Do you not see the hypocrisy here?

I'm nominally a conservative. Sadly that means that I get lumped in with you ultra far right wackos that want to turn the USA into a religious state like Iran or Afghanistan. I'm not leaving my home state because some religious nut jobs think it is OK to kill adults by lethal injection but that it is BAD to kill some cells that are multiplying.

Btw, the cardiac activity detected on ultrasound at six weeks is not a true heartbeat. It results from electrical activity, but the valves of the heart have not yet formed. And the sound does not indicate the pregnancy is viable. Women typically don't notice they are pregnant until they miss a period. So if they are unlucky, they may already be close to four weeks pregnant. That leaves them two weeks to confirm it with a doctor, since home tests are not 100%, get together money for the abortion, find a clinic, and schedule an appointment that falls within the remaining time period. Since this law will cause even more clinics to close in Texas, you can add travel and patient backlog to the time. A teen could do everything right and still miss out on the lottery for an appointment, dramatically changing their life for years.

But at least some smug religious person can sip their coffee and be proud they enforced their morality on some evil women that dared sleep around out of wedlock.

As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

luxintenebris jokingly says...

first: a small request; Bob, use a spelling/grammar program.

second: a sincere observation; when has TT ever mentioned Afghanistan before? checked only the last 10 years of his posted comments.* Nix. Nil. Notta. More dead air than normal.

* [the Beck prediction is in the same league as bob's 'landslide' prognostication. the swing & miss league.]

then a few questions about his contentions...

- now he is concern about the Afghani women? too weird coming from our own Tali-ban-abortion tribesmen.
- would he know the mechanisms of the 25th? what the requirements are? obviously, stupidity isn't one. (orange you glad?!)

none of the events should have surprised anyone. personally, it was a bit like déjà vu. although not lived through, but seen easily with the mind's eye. highly predictable by many, long ago, and not so much psychic ability as an inevitability.

believe that the US presence did make an impression on the Afghanis. just hearing today's Taliban leadership words are so unlike those 20 years ago it's heartening. remember these were the folks that blew up historical items in the name of Mohammed/Allah. total trocklidites. at least they've learned PR and some knowledge of how the rest of the world views them.

will know how successful, if the country moves to the 17, 18, or 19th century? how will they keep the boy/girl on the opium farm after they've seen the big city?

what should happen, not in another country, but this one, is that the USA returns to a draft. or some required national service. the 'privatization' of the military and the all-volunteer service is a corrupt failure.

too many times, too many people talked about iraq/afghanstan and knew of NO service person serving there.

return it back to a collection of representation of ALL sections of the American people. when we don't know a single person in the conflict, the majority loses connection.

then, what should have been 3 years becomes 20 years.

can't find the speech but Geo Mason once talked about this very situation. essentially, he said; right now all levels of society are present in our fight for freedom, but what about the future?

he questioned whether the defense of the country would continue to be all citizens or descend into 'higher-ups' calling the shots and the lower in society actually doing the fighting and dying.

the last two wars have answered this.

'draft dodger' use to be derision, now it's a class of people.

(clinton, bush jr, trump...just to name a few)

in short, we ALL should have had a literally 'dog in the fight' that affects ALL of us. then, maybe, it ends when it is supposed to...or we try to lead by example instead of pounding bombs on people that don't want 'our way of life'...or we aren't so easily mislead as citizens.

it could be the one very powerful connection for ALL of the American people to keep ALL of US united.

* * * *
this is where I'd put a (but can't find an example of it) David Letterman monologue link where he said (believe it was Iraq, but still good as a comment on Afghanistan) to the effect of..."And the administration says we're going to bring democracy to them, upgrade their infrastructure, and improve their schools! And they say if it works there we're gonna try it here!"

so instead, something for the kids...

2011. not a new thing kiddies. roll that reality over your blistered tongues.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

D’oh! Numbers are out….from Trump’s first to last month in office, GDP raised 1.6% per year, the worst since Hover in the Great Depression. So much for being an economic genius, he’s literally the worst on the economy in living history.

How many more ways will he be determined to have been literally the worst? Already judged the worst by lack of leadership, abundance of division, worst economically, worst at public health, worst at trade deals, worst on the environment, worst at telling the truth, worst at civility, worst/most criminal convictions of any administration, …..what’s left?

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Irony abounds...

- The 'Freedom' or 'Government-shoving-it-down-our-throats' argument is killing them and their kin. The Brian Kilmeade[s] of the world are forcing their beliefs on others. Walking around with COVID is LITERALLY forcing your belief on others! What 'freedom' exists when your fellow Americas insist on being the 21st Typhoid Marys...or COVID Karens?

- The same stand-for-the-flag crowd are the ones carrying Confederate flags, and using American flag poles to kill Capitol police.

- They say they'd take a bullet for their country - but not a shot?

In any other situation, if the virus killed ONLY the unvaccinated, left others alone, then maybe it'd be a civil rights issue. It's not. (would test their resolve, and ours as how many morons would have to die before we'd drag them into the streets and give them the shots they needed)*

But Bob's mind is likely to change as Republican governors are now taking this seriously (not a political strategy). Think in MS and LA the red are moving to get their mutts fixed. Maybe, it'll get to the point you'd have to show a vaccine passport to use a public port-a-potty. Or the "Shot for the S**t of it" campaign. 'Tho BK's "Put a stand up at liquor store / grocery stores" is an insight to a Turd Reich supporter's mindset. Maybe throw beer bashing, get them drunk enough they'll accept the 'free tattoo' in the back room. Vaccinate the entire pound.

How did this happen? When following doddering old fools become the rage against the machine? Or a death cult become the flag-bearers of the 'Pary of Lincoln'? Less a party; more a wake. When did being paranoid become the drug of the masses? Was a time one would have to take a drug, listen to 'Paranoid' before ya' lost your f'n' mind! Now it's coffee and Tucker Carlson then they're seeing CIA agents in the shadows.

Shout out to the old days

*yeah. I know. How would y'all work 'drag them into the street and shoot them' into the flow?

Lightning Strikes a Moving Car

elrondhubbard says...

You can single-step frame by frame: just pause, and press , and . keys to go back and forth.

The very first frame is wild: the flash of light literally appears between one scan line and the next.

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