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Macklemore does Sesame Street!

AeroMechanical says...

Okay, I did like that thrift store video, but for some reason now I just hate Macklemore with a passion. It's not even that he's done anything to me to make me hate him personally. I just do. Never even met him. Anyways, all I know is that he better stay the hell off my lawn.

Cars on ski slopes, 2 WD, 4 WD, and 4x4 snow tires rule

AeroMechanical says...

Granted of course specialized is always better, but that's a lot of money. Where I live (Milwaukee, USA) you're actually hard pressed to find someone who even carries winter tires. On the other hand, I suppose if you figured they last so many miles, it probably evens out except for the cost of having them swapped out.

More PSAs are good things. The times I've lived in places where it rarely snowed, when it did it was a nightmare. It wasn't that bad from my perspective except for the other drivers who didn't know the true secret, which is: regardless of what you're driving, to drive it really, really slowly. That's what people weren't doing and why I ended up with a surprising number of cars on my front lawn.

Payback said:

Winter tires are still better under 7deg C.

All weather tires wear more during summer. You're actually wasting money. Alaska, for a White (less) Christmas

Record Crown Range Pass in a Porsche GT3 Cup - /DRIVER'S EYE

ChaosEngine says...

Anytime dude. I have a lawn you can camp on. You can pay for your accommodation in gardening

newtboy said:

So, not content with the most breathtaking scenery in the world, New Zealand also has some of the most fun to drive roads, and lets people use them like this! I love Targas, and I miss speedvision (which used to show them, but was dropped by Directv).
Damn you guys, I can't take it! I'm gonna have to become a squatter in @ChaosEngine 's back yard for 6 months or so!

Groundhog attacks man, animal control officer

Kids React to Old Cameras

Real Time with Bill Maher: Generation Ass

It's Illegal To Feed The Homeless In Florida

Payback says...

To be fair, the last thing you want is for the homeless to become unafraid of humans. Soon they'll be getting into your garbage cans, slaughtering and eating your cat, shitting on your lawn, climbing up your trees...

...oh wait, I'm thinking of bears.

Flying a Mexican flag in the USA is UN-AMERICAN

chicchorea (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Hey bud,
I'm doing well, thanks for asking. How about you?
I'm still fighting the good fight in the gopher wars. I'm still digging out my 'pond'. We picked and juiced apples last weekend, about 20 gallons worth. We're still in a terrible drought (N Cali) and my lawn is dead....and full of gopher holes.
Other than that, there's not much to report from here.
I hope all is well with you

Did I see....what?

chicchorea said:

...did you see...huh...huh...did you see?

How are you friend?

God loving parents give gay son a choice

newtboy says...

You beat me to that point. Would they disown him for wearing a cotton poly blend? They should, it's just as bad as eating shellfish, or sleeping with another man, or mowing your lawn on Sunday (really Saturday, Christians use the wrong Sabbath, The commandments were given to Jews, so referenced THEIR Sabbath to keep 'holy')....and on and on. It is only those tenets that allow them to act as they wish to, with all the bigotry and hate involved, that are ever 'followed' by 'Christians'.
I would also point out that, anyone following anything in the old Testament, especially to separate, chastise, ostracize, degrade, judge, hate, or just not love others is a Jew that's a fan of Jesus, not a FOLLOWER of Jesus, he taught inclusion, forgiveness, and love. In that sense, @enoch is right, this is not Christianity, but by that description, Christianity is a dead religion.

ChaosEngine said:

I'd love to agree with you, but technically they are acting within the tenets of the christian faith.

Of course, it's wildly hypocritical, since I'm sure there's plenty of other old testament nonsense they ignore for the sake of convenience.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Women steal new lawn from front yard

Dumdeedum says...

It's an odd thing to take too. If you're hard up enough to be out on the steal then a nice lawn probably isn't (or shouldn't be) your top priority, and I can't believe there's a good black market in turf.

U.N: One child killed every hour in Gaza

newtboy says...

First you have to let me come and take your neighbors house, and 2/3 of your property, and the front 1/4 of your house, and I get to shoot your dog and your father in law because he complained I shot the dog. I'm building a 20 foot wall so I can throw bombs at you from the 3rd floor balcony of my pilfered home, while your fireworks can almost never get over the wall. If I see you with anything or anyone in your leftover yard I don't approve of, I'll take care of it with a grenade, then me and my large well armed friends will be over to check your home for more. If you don't run away before we get there, we'll have to shoot you for our protection, and the rest of your family so they don't retaliate later. We'll also be walling you into what's left of your property so you don't go out and get help or arms to help yourself (or food, or medicine, or any other basics of life) and we'll be tapping the water source you use as well, all my well armed friends get thirsty, and I had to put in an Olympic size pool to cool them off, so no more watering your lawn or farden (a small garden farm) because I'm using that water.
But it would be unconscionable of you to shoot fireworks at me in retaliation for these obviously good and proper actions I have taken, and we won't stand for a whit of resistance. It will be met with 1000 times the force, and any defense of you or yours is 100% disallowed except shelters, which we refuse to not bomb, that might make it too hard to kill enough of you at once.
It's a good thing I'm obviously the good guy, or else I would look like an asshole for doing that, eh?
That's some convoluted logic for you...and it's absolutely pathetic indeed.

lantern53 said:

Let me aim a couple of ballistic rockets at your house and let me hear you defend me because my rockets suck.

lol what a convoluted sense of logic you have, absolutely pathetic

Money & Debt: Crash Course World History 202

Trancecoach says...

Speaking of lawn mowing, here in California, it seems the government is playing a game of good old, "Heads, I win; tails, you lose:"

California homeowners threatened with a $500 fine for letting their lawn go brown (and thereby driving down the value of "their" own home) during the drought:

"On the same day the state approved mandatory outdoor watering restrictions with the threat of $500 fines, the Southern California couple received a letter from their city threatening a $500 penalty for not watering their brown lawn."

It seems that California has a specific (if unannounced to the public) policy of keeping housing prices inflated just to get people out of the state. (And of course, the state gets their $500 either way.)

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