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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Also, that Epoch times site guy... and the company

I'm not wasting more time on your nonsense than I have to

+buuuurp+ ooo sorry about that, just came out, anyway.

im not wasting my time digging because idk it's like at what point do you tell a person who is suffering from a mental illness that you're not taking them seriously anymore?

+pats your head+

nevertheless, from a glancing of the sources cited on the wiki, there's an...odd? story behind this site?

Introducing|>>>>>>>>>>>> The Epoch Times! The news source that is so honest we have no fucking clue where they get their money from...except probably china...probably.

"The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 by John Tang and other Chinese Americans affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement.[26] Tang was a graduate student in Georgia at the time; he began the newspaper in his basement.[21] The founders said they were responding to censorship inside China and a lack of international understanding about the Chinese government's repression of Falun Gong.[27][28] In May 2000, the paper was first published in the Chinese language in New York, with the web launch in August 2000.[29]

According to NBC News, "little is publicly known about the precise ownership, origins or influences of The Epoch Times," and it is loosely organized into several regional tax free non-profits, under the umbrella of the Epoch Media Group, together with New Tang Dynasty Television.[18][21]

The newspaper's revenue has increased rapidly in recent years, from $3.8 million in 2016 to $8.1 million in 2017 (with spending of $7.2 million) and $12.4 million in 2018.[36] Tax documents of the Epoch Media Group indicated that between 2012 and 2016, the group received $900,000 from a principal at Renaissance Technologies, a hedge fund led by the conservative political donor Robert Mercer.[37] Chris Kitze, a former NBC executive and creator of the fake news website Before It's News who also manages a cryptocurrency hedge fund, joined the paper's board as vice president in 2017.[36]

A 2020 report in The New York Times called The Epoch Times' recent wealth "something of a mystery." Steve Bannon, the former executive chairman of Breitbart News who produced a documentary with NTD, said "I’d give them a number" on a project budget and "they'd come back and say, 'We’re good for that number.'" Former employees say they were told The Epoch Times is financed by subscriptions, ads and donations from wealthy Falun Gong practitioners.[21]

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

Edit: some of us would prefer the president be up to speed on day one, not as a spectator but as a leader. I get that a leader who's prepared to lead is a new concept, but we need one desperately.

You seem to be under the impression that distribution nation wide doesn't need constant supervision and revision. You are sadly misinformed.
The preparation from the Whitehouse isn't complete, distribution of most vaccines requires deep freeze shipping to facilities with proper sub zero storage, and all the equipment for each shot, and a system in place to offer it to only the most at risk (and to deny the asshole who won't wait), personnel, facilities, policies, and equipment. None of that is completed.

Edit: oddly you seem to think a program set up by the Trump team will be flawless and perfectly functional from day one, unlike every other program they set up. When it turns out they planned to use ice cream trucks for delivery, but they aren't cold enough so 30 million doses spoil on the docks, Biden shouldn't be prepared? When it turns out the vaccine that needs sub zero refrigeration is the only one that really works, he shouldn't have a backup plan ready? Why would you assume it will function adequately totally hands off when nothing works that way, especially the biggest mass vaccine program ever?

If you think the federal government isn't going to be in charge, you're again misinformed badly. Operation warp speed, the distribution policy/agency, is in charge... it's a federal program. It will need constant supervision and retooling. Biden will be directly in charge there and should be informed and prepared, not shooting from the hip.

You left out the federal government and manufacturers and manufacturers of needles etc...The most important players in distribution.

Lol...You act like the white house isn't directly in charge of the distribution, they are.

Biden is just now being told the details of the plan, who's involved, and how it's supposed to work. As the leader of the plan, he should be fully informed before taking charge so he can fix whatever the moron who's sycophants designed it screwed up. Until he knows the plan and where and how we are setting it up and what stage we are at, he cannot possibly make his own plans to improve and facilitate it. Duh, that's the point here. You can't be that dense.

Two months is not enough time to be properly briefed on everything he needs to know, as explained in the 9/11 report.

The army, cia, and other agencies had plans for Osama in spring 2001, but Bush was all but unaware of any issues because he lost a few weeks of briefing time during the transition. This is a MAJOR factor in the success of the attack, as he didn't take any action on a problem he was unaware of.

Same goes here.

I know you disagree, you do little else. Fortunately, people with your mindset won't be running things for long, then we can make progress on this and a multitude of fronts Trump screwed it that you even disagree he screwed up his pandemic response despite America being the worst hit country, and despite Covid not disappearing November 4 like he promised? Edit: do you not think it likely a trump response plan could be improved on?

There's so much to fix, like a looming depression, looming homeless armies about to be evicted, payback of the payroll tax holiday, new war with Iran, revision of our Russian policies, international relationships to mend, internal civil unrest, complete erosion of trust in law enforcement, 4 more years of completely ignoring infrastructure, treaties to rejoin, etc. He needs every second available to be as briefed on everything so he doesn't repeat Trump's ignorance of policy and law leading to more trumpian mistakes of ignorance and bravado, costing more lives.

greatgooglymoogly said:

You seem to be under the impression nothing is being done to prepare for distribution already. You're sadly misinformed.
There is already widespread preparation to distribute the vaccine once it is approved, tens of millions of doses are being manufactured and stored. There is coordination between the army, pharmacies, states, and nursing homes for the delivery. There won't be much left for Biden to do other than continue the program health professionals have created. It shouldn't need to be said, but I give Trump no credit for this.

If Biden has a plan explaining how the following is bad policy and will cost lives, please point me to his policy paper outlined his improvements.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Still the best you've got is one poorly spoken statement you can intentionally misinterpret? So kindergarten Bob. Try using the same criteria on any Trump speech ever, you'll be horrified.

We had a fair election despite all the republican efforts to block and hide and deny votes. Trump lost. Bigly. Get over it and grow up.

There is zero evidence of any improprieties. None. Nada. Zip. Trump and Giuliani can lie on tv all they want, dishonest people can make all the accusations on the hotline they want. OAN can claim Trump got >400 electoral votes all they want. No one is willing to lie in court yet, they all recanted when placed under threat of perjury. The cases they submitted are based on supposition, suspicion, and idiocy (like using one states results compared with another states population to show fraud). There's zero evidence of fraud, and zero chance the courts will reverse the outcome. Get over it and stop the tantrums, threats, and terroristic behavior. It's 100% unpatriotic.

Edit:your little veritasesque video is more of the same bullshit. Liars who won't tell these same lies under oath....but you're happy to believe them if they support Trump no matter what nonsense they suggesting we just have another election because they lost this one...or because the trump crowd wasn't all allowed inside.

Trump has today to refile a real case in Pennsylvania, the state has one day to the same republican judge that unceremoniously tossed their last case with prejudice as a bag of jenkum the lawyers involved must be huffing. The interesting part is they are so incompetent that they didn't even request a stay of the order allowing Pennsylvania to certify today. Good luck with that.

Riddle me this....if Democrats are so capable that as the minority they can create a multinational conspiracy with tens of millions involved to commit the greatest crime in American history, leaving no trace, not a scintilla of actual evidence of this enormous world wide criminal conspiracy beyond untrustworthy people's accusations, don't you think they should be in charge? Don't you think their leadership would have to benefit America more than Republicans who can't make an agreement with foreign powers because no one trusts us to keep our obligations now? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, democrats are all baby drinking lizard people who have gone through this astonishing effort flawlessly because they hate America and only want to sell it out (contrary to the pedophile filled party that actually tried to sell Puerto Rico). 🤦‍♂️

Stop being a crybaby loser and grow up. Your tantrum is going to cost lives thanks to a delayed vaccine rollout and international crises we are creating by pulling out of the middle east and provoking war with Iran.
Trump lost by a massive landslide and you want him to ignore the clear will of the people and stage a coup. Remember that in 4 years when President Harris refuses to leave office because of how racist Trumpsters treated her, and claims she gets a preemptive do over of her next term because of expected obstruction and begins openly declaring she's going for four terms or more. I'm going to rub your nose in it so hard you're going to intentionally get covid to get rid of the smell.

Michigan just certified. D'oh!

Edit: the trump administration has just started the transition officially. Pretty much game over.

Harris 2021-2036 or longer! Lol.

bobknight33 said:

Game not over.
Just warming up.

You do want a fair election, correct?

newtboy (Member Profile)

geo321 says...

Welcome to planet Earth where might is right and international laws don't mean shit. Unless you are a small country then your arm will be bended into submission

newtboy said:

Good luck with that. If you have the people with you it's possible, but not easy or painless.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

While it could only be an improvement, no. My idea of a smooth transition is the way it's been my entire life, the new president gets access to international intelligence to inform his international plans, and access to data to inform his national policies like a comprehensive covid plan, to be implemented Jan 20, and access to classified information about those he intends to make up his administration so he doesn't end up with a bunch of crooks with foreign ties and conflicts of interest.

If he's denied this ordinary government assistance until he takes office, or even before then but close, it severely hampers his ability to be ready day one to start solving problems and saving lives. We can't afford that, it will cost lives and public treasure.

I don't know where you got the idea I thought he would run the government before Jan 20, I do not think that, but I think he should be as ready to go as possible on that day, not still vetting his administration and learning about our secret international agreements, not learning about covid response but with a plan ready to implement.

greatgooglymoogly said:

So wait, is your idea of a transition one in which Biden's team takes total control of covid policy to reduce those deaths before he is even inaugurated?

Transition is merely giving info to the new administration employees, they make ZERO policy decisions the old one doesn't agree to implement.

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

In reality, there's no other choice since there's zero chance the current president will concede or cooperate with a smooth transition.

Once there's no chance remaining votes uncounted or contested could sway the election, a point we are well past, any challenges are academic and couldn't change results, so there's no reason to refuse to acknowledge that fact, especially when it's spurring right wing terrorists to act and dividing the nation, another point we past days ago. The obstinance is harmful to the nation and our institutions, like Trump is trying to burn the government down on his way out the door. No democrat has ever done this in similar circumstances. There's a theory that he's only doing it to bilk his followers out of more money towards his "legal defense fund" that really goes to pay off campaign debt and directly into his pockets with a small portion paying lawyers like Giuliani to lose cases. He's millions in debt there too, and it becomes his personal debt when he's out of office....with near a billion due next year, he needs every penny he can con them out of.

Normally the clear winner would be being brought up to speed on things like covid response and international relationships even if they weren't declared the official winner yet. (Edit: They would also have access to top secret intelligence all previous presidents (except Trump) use to vet their cabinet, being denied that information severely hampers Biden's ability to properly vet them, holding up his nominations. Thanks to Trump's disastrous covid response, Biden needs to be fully ready to change policies day one, it's life or death for 1000+ Americans every day he's delayed.) This time, with a petulant toddler throwing a tantrum for the next 2+ months, that might not help, because there's no telling what damage he might do before then. Biden is just making his own plans instead, preparing to start work day one no matter what dumpster fires Trump sets. That said, this obstinate denial of the results and sewing division, making up and repeating baseless charges to discredit the election (looking at you) have real world disastrous consequences and weakens the state of the union. It's clear the plan was to rely on the Trump appointed judges to rubber stamp the baseless claims and hand him a win. So far it hasn't worked, but it could. That's why we should care about the dozens of frivolous lawsuits, if his judges decide to be the lackeys he expects them to be, they could actually steal the election in court....but it would spark nationwide unrest if not insurgency.

greatgooglymoogly said:

Yes, Republicans are hypocrites, but so are the Dems if they aren't willing to wait for the process to finish before insisting the race is over. We managed to wait till December back in 2000 to find a resolution, that ended up fine. If they were consistent they wouldn't care about lawsuits or complain about the GAO not helping the Biden transition.

Bill Maher's election predictions on Jimmy Kimmel

cloudballoon says...

I think Bill's attack on the science/health experts is misguided.

Not that Bill's wrong, mind you. IF you have a good internal (immune) system you'll have a better chance of fighting it off, but

1) that's NOT a guarantee you won't get sick.
2) DOESN'T mean you won't help spread it by being all gun-ho about it, and
3) USA being what it is -- the number of over-weight, obese are just staggering -- what's the point for the health experts to say/shame people with, er, "their pre-conditions" are to blame NOW? How's that gonna help?

Besides, the health experts have been promoting healthy, active living for ages. They're not "cowards" because the people don't listen to them.

It's mind-bogging to me how narcissistic and self-centered American society is. If people just pay any attention outside of American media, they should know how to handle Covid-19.

Trump Tells Supporters 'You'll Never See Me Again'

newtboy says...

Lol. Similar common phrases = plagiarism?!?

Shall we go over Trump's constant actual plagiarism?
His books, not written by him. Plagiarism.
His contracts, never written by him and rarely read, he cannot even understand them, as he's proven under oath multiple times. Plagiarism.
His speeches, every rational one was written by others, when he uses his own words they always come back to bite him as insane lies. Plagiarism.
His attempts at taking credit for laws signed by Obama, not him. Plagiarism.

Shall we talk about Melania plagiarizing Obama's entire speech word for word, not just one phrase?

From someone who himself has never had an original thought, and who worships someone who also has never had an original thought, it's hilarious hearing you cry about it. So sad, little Bobby. Did bad man make Bobby cwy hurt by repeating a common phrase? At least Joe isn't repeating white supremacist dogma....Trump is..... over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, then denying he knew who he was plagiarizing from, like David Duke.

BTW, since you seem ignorant of the facts here, build back better has been an internationally widely used phrase since at least 2006. Derp.,2015%2C%20in%20Sendai%2C%20Japan.

bobknight33 said:

Always using other peoples words, Never an original thought.

Joe Biden On Masks: ‘Not About Being A Tough Guy,’

newtboy says...

Of the near 210000 deaths, >181000 would have been saved, never infected, if everyone had worn masks and the "lockdown" was actually implemented two weeks earlier and was followed.

Trump's "nothing burger" claims and "wear a mask if you want, or not" and slow reactions, lack of concern, complaints about states that did lockdown, and contradictory messages directly caused >90% of all cases and deaths according to the CDC before he removed the real scientists and replaced them with Trump spokesmen who only repeat Trump, not science or facts. Politicizing the CDC is criminal.

Now, if Trump hadn't defunded and disbanded the international pandemic team Obama put in place, the virus likely wouldn't have made it out of China, making all deaths on American soil direct results of Trump's insecurity and inability to lead. Had he used the pandemic plan Obama left that they ignored and claimed didn't exist through June, America might have had a few cases, but not an epidemic. Trump's idiocy, his 80 IQ that seems genius to your ilk, caused it. It's poetic justice it's likely to take him down.

Btw, dumb shit, non n95 masks don't protect the users, they just help control the spread. Not a bit surprised you don't understand....but 3rd graders can.

Side might notice, Trump is on a huge cocktail of drugs, vitamins, and anti viral medications, but not hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine. Why not, @bobknight33? He's pushed it for months as a perfect cure, but won't take it himself. Don't tell me he lied about it's efficacy and safety!
Also, his doctors admitted he's been on them for 72 hours as of Sat morning, so they've known he's infected since Wednesday morning but he still handed out maga caps with bare hands at rallies and pressed the flesh indoors with his major donors during the most infectious period of his infection. He didn't care if he infected all of

bobknight33 said:

Of the 6 Million nicked by Covid and 200K dead how many wore masks?

Trump and Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

newtboy says...

No more debates are a missed opportunity to show the world just how incapable Trump is, and that's a double edged sword.
While they would highlight Trump's infantile, out of control, ignorant personality juxtaposed with Biden's inability to remain completely unphased by a crazy man shouting nonsense at him for 90 minutes.
That may be good for the election, but is horrific for our international standing which is already at the lowest level in my lifetime.

moonsammy said:

Yeah, he's clearly not a planner to any degree. Or not a generally-successful one at any rate. I'm still pretty solidly convinced he didn't actually want to be president, meaning that winning the election was actually a failure. Which would be hilarious, if the joke was only on him rather than all of us as well.

You mention no more debates as a positive, but I was actually looking forward to the town hall one. Biden would have improved at handling full-on-crazy President Asshole, and Trump talking over / ignoring the questions from the people in the town hall would look SO much worse than being a dick to Chris Wallace. I can't imagine Trump's performance would have improved in any notable way, as he's not one for putting in the work OR admitting to any errors.

The Supreme Court: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

You mean like Trump promised them if they would just, please oh please, dig up dirt on Joe so Trump doesn't go to prison in January.... Or if they just won't come cut his thumbs off on live tv because he isn't paying his hundreds of millions in debt?

>$300000000 in debt +$100000000 in past due taxes, >24 sexual assault cases in the courts, every Trump business hemorrhaging money badly, dozens of non sex crime felony cases in the pipes or courts, >204000 dead Americans on his hands of all ages, and millions permanently disabled of all ages, failed trade talks, riots and unrest, zero international credibility, worst business man in America for multiple years (possibly ever), doubled the debt and quadrupled the deficit term one, biggest GDP loss EVER, biggest jobs loss EVER, biggest socialist handouts ever (to businesses and the rich), debt skyrocketing, infrastructure ignored completely, billions-trillions in deferred payments or obligations hidden from the budget, the entire federal government politicized as a weapon for one dictatorial idiot, exactly who is voting for him? Absolutely not patriots, independents, minorities, definitely not disillusioned Democrats, not even white women, just uneducated white men, Russian trolls, bots, and felonious Trumpchumps who have already been caught dozens of times defrauding the election, collecting and filling out and submitting ballots, thousands of them. Firing squads seem insufficient.

No thanks, pedotroll. Another red tsunami....coming out your ears, out your....wherever. Never again with Moscow's Emissary Governing America....The biggest loser pedophile rapist will be feeding the fishes in the Baltic as soon as the Russians get hold of him, and in an institution for the criminally insane if they don't.

bobknight33 said:

And you want this guy to pick?
Joe would off shore the SCOTUS job to China.
No thanks. Landslide MEGA 2020

The Trump Plan

The Most Popular Programming Languages - 1965/2020

fuzzyundies says...

As a kid:

- C64 BASIC interpreter
- Pascal

As a teenager/student/intern:

- Perl scripts
- Java
- x86 ASM
- C

20 years later, in video game development:

- C++ (/14, /17) for PC and console game clients
- HLSL for GPU shaders
- Python for support scripts and build systems
- Typescript/JavaScript for web client games
- C# for Unity games

Not me, but some of our backend server guys even use Go.

Tesla China - Shanghai Gigafactory production line

bobknight33 says...

Tesla is a good buy today even at 52 week highs. There is a growth path forward in which new factories are coming on line

+ Giga Nevada battery factory adding lines.

Limiting factor is battery. Battery day should lay out the path forward.

Tesla is profitable , last 4 quarters, and believe this will continue.

I am looking long term. Min 5 years to 10 years.
I am looking for production to double approx every year.

600k this year goal
1.2mil min goal next year
2.4mil + in 3 rd year.

I've posted the 2020 NC transportation outlook on the Sift. It is really worth a look.

Also any one interested should look at Kathy Wood of ARC investment. Just look for her on you tube.
This is ARC investment link

Sandy Monroe ( you tube) tore down a 2012 and a 2020 model and was astonished at not only in improvements but absolutely astonished in the technology lead of the produce. His group does this and sell reports to all. Evey Asian and Europe atuo manufacture has bought his report. Not 1 American Auto maker has.

Ford, GM are far behind.

Every ICE maker ( ICE Internal Combustion Engine) will have to not only continue that investment and also invest in EV. Dont think they have enough Research investment dollars on hand to do both.

Musk is a visionary Just look at what he is doing besides cars.

Space X . Few step into the space race and succeed like Musk.

Boring company . Fed up with traffic jams he look for solutions. Looked at boring machines and found then to be 15 times slower than a snail. Got a team together and designed a boring machine 15 times faster.

Supplemental storage energy for peak energy demands.

Solar panels. Redesigned and lower cost of ownership.

Musk salary /bonus ties to achievement goals, not just a set amount.

This a BUY time.
This is like buying Apple when Steve Jobs came back to Apple.

Over valuation is what people see Tesla to be worth.
Market forces, Technological improvements and Government regulations will push EV market to forefront over the next decade. There is no stopping this.

StukaFox said:

Bob, and I mean this with all seriousness, SELL!! The over-valuation is so fucking crazy on TSLA right now that it makes the Dot-Com look like Berkshire Hathaway.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And another way Orange pedophile bad....selling appointments, like Dejoy at USPS. It's been clear from the get go that he's there because he donated millions to Trump through fundraising events and maximum donations. What wasn't clear until now is he violated campaign finance laws by pushing employees to attend his fundraisers and donate t he maximum, which he reimbursed by giving t hem bonuses. Clearly illegal campaign finance violations, and more reason why Trump intentionally keeping the elections commission understaffed his entire tenure so badly they cannot perform their function of prosecuting people like Dejoy.

Talk about selling America out, Trump's never done anything but.

When the next president fills the positions and returns teeth to the fec, everyone with a finger in the Trump administration going to prison.

Trump tried to sell out to China, but they want nothing to do with his flailing, inconsistent, bat shit crazy administration that can't be trusted to keep agreements and the talks fell apart. Now we have a bigger trade deficit plus billions in tariffs and China not buying American anymore. Trump simply doesn't understand international trade one bit.

Oh, let's not forget yesterday when he threatened any police department that isn't rabidly pro Trump and giving him public endorsements, "the ones who didn’t, I think we have to look at them — where do they come from." Trump only likes cops that fawn over him first, it's not about liking cops or the law, it's about liking anyone who will say they like him....If they won't, they need to be investigated.

Orange infant, biggest business failure in America two years running by HIS accounting, daughter diddling Don : bad.
Alert Joe : good AND competent.

bobknight33 said:

Biden selling out to China is subverting Americans.

Orange Man GOOD.

Sleepy Joe BAD.

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