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Truth - The Lincoln Project

Photojournalist blinded in left eye by police projectile

wtfcaniuse says...

The same inept cretin who doesn't understand that mass restriction of movement, unlawful detainment, false imprisonment, preventing right to protest, assault, etc are very very bad things indeed for the land of the fucking free.

newtboy said:

I hope she can sue the police for 100% of her medical costs.
Reporters are definitely being specifically targeted, repeatedly and harshly.
Who do you think convinced the police that the media is an enemy?

Trump Walks Away After Being Challenged on Virus Testing

Mystic95Z says...

Because he cant, he's an inept moron just like his base. Go figure.

bobknight33 said:

Why does Trump even bother with media. Incessant bashing , second guessing of every move, decision over last 3 years. Watch the full clip. Trump is right to walk away.

T.I. has Melania Trump...

BSR says...

Dude. Proofread your stuff. It makes you look incompetent.


1. Not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully.
"a forgetful and utterly incompetent assistant"

synonyms: inept, unskillful, unskilled, inexpert, amateurish, unprofessional, bungling, blundering, clumsy, inadequate, substandard, inferior, ineffective, deficient, inefficient, ineffectual, wanting, lacking, leaving much to be desired;

bobknight33 said:

Most bullied FLOTUS.

If this was Michael Obama the media would be loosing its mind and blowing its stack. The outrage of outrage.

Then again Michael Obama is a dog and could not pull this off.

Comparison of Trump and Obama Responding to School Shootings

entr0py says...

This is a good reminder that Trump's being inept and not taking the job seriously has real consequences. During the election people often argued "Don't worry, his advisors will be smart and capable for him." But some things can't be outsourced, and he's proven he's not one to seek out sensible advice anyway.

Counter Protest Attacked In Charlottesville, Va

PlayhousePals says...

Making America Hate! Now OK to be out in the open about it again. A setback of 60-70 years due mostly to the weak ineptness of our current Asshat in Chief who can never condemn or call out that element of his revered base. So much more than ... SAD. This is *terrible

sen al franken brilliantly connects the dots on russia

enoch says...

here here..we need a special prosecutor.
i have been fairly reticent jump on board during this whole media circus,not because i am a trump fan,but because i saw no evidence,just conjecture and speculation.which i felt more politically motivated than anything.

now to be honest,there STILL is no HARD evidence,but the circumstantial and political machinations of the trump administration has become increasingly suspect.reminiscent to the nixon administration during the watergate scandal.

could this all just be an innocent mistake,from a bumbling president and an inept staff?

sure..that is a possibility,but with the mounting evidence,and the trump administration continually evading and obfuscating and in some instances,outright blocking any inquiry into the russian connections?

yeah,we need a special prosecutor.

Why I Left the Left

enoch says...

the left won the moral argument decades ago,now a small cadre a shrieking harpies has taken over to....ok..i don't know WHAT they are trying to do,because everytime i try to speak to one of those snowflakes,they spray me with pepper spray,call me a rapist and run to their safe space.

or they tell me that i am not entitled to an opinion,because i am a hetero-white-male.

not saying a discussion with someone on the ultra right fares any better.either they want to share their adoration of their corporate jesus..joel olsteen..or they are constantly trying to berate me with neo-fascist literature,and show me just how patriotic a super patriot like them REALLY is,and then tell me why they couldn't join the military due to horrible bunions.

and of course one mention of muslims and they wet themselves.getting sick of loaning out my extra clothes because their bladder gets weak at the mere mention of brown people.

for years we have watched the left lose their way,and get lost in an ocean of rhetoric and faux outrage,and the same has happened with the right.

the extremes have taken hold of the megaphone,and are trying to shout each other down with their own sanctimonious self-righteous moralizing.

so the left is in the corner picking boogers and the right has gone fucking insane.

i'm telling you guys...
trump is not the disease...
he is a symptom.

our country is very very sick right now.

and i fear it is only going to get worse.

i predicted when trump won that he would rival bush in his ineptness and bungling buffoonery.well here it is a month into his presidency and i think i can say with some conviction:i was is going to be so much worse than bush.

i need a drink...

A Woman's Guide to Woodworking - Building an End Table

Asmo says...

Is it the bit where she ineptly tries to be ironic by adding on pointless bits like "how to apply mascara"? Maybe the silly double entendres about screwing etc? Or the flip flop between "I'm just a helpless woman who can't do anything" to "Fuck sake people, of course I can do this"..?

Irony is only irony when it reverses expectations. Perhaps this would be hilarious to a person who honestly believes that she is the ditsy centerfold she spends half the video making out to be. Maybe if she maintained some sort of constant narrative rather than flipping between polar opposites, it wouldn't have landed so flat for me.

That being said, it's all subjective. I don't view women as incapable, subservient morons, so attempts to play up that view as the predominant one don't really get much traction with me...

She can change a tyre and make a decent end table, but she's a shit comedian.

Nephelimdream said:

Keep looking, you'll find it, maybe.

Will Smith slams Trump

slickhead says...

No joke. First, Christan politicians of various denominations from various churches holding office in a secular country with a godless constitution is vastly different than when the church controlled king and country all over the western world. Our founding fathers saw to that. The church's power has been in decline for centuries thanks to luminaries like Paine, Franklin and Jefferson. The church has never regained anything like the power it held for the centuries before "the Age of Enlightenment". Source: any world history book. Second, we don't have any idea how many of today's politicians are atheist/agnostic or simple deists because in most places saying so is a sure fire way not to get elected. They wouldn't dare say if they were, but seeing as how most politicians receive a higher education and how higher education leads to a higher rate of atheism, I'd wager the rate of atheist politicians is higher than in the general population. Third, I never said there wasn't a Christian majority in the US. To begin with, I was speaking about the decline of the church's power globally. I shouldn't have to tell you the world has more countries than the United States. With the global economy this distinction (you are too inept to make) is more important now than ever.

The only one of us who should be ashamed is the one with absolutely no sense of perspective. The one who will dismiss the horrors of Islamic fundamentalism because "Christians do bad stuff too!!! WAAAA!" To be clear, the one who should be ashamed will be you, NewtBOY.

newtboy said:

You MUST be joking.
Christians don't have overwhelming political power?!
What color is the sky in your universe?

How many publicly atheist elected officials in the federal government can you name? How many "Christians"? Now think about what you've said and feel ashamed.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns, Sanders Fans React

heropsycho says...

The Democratic Party having control of both the executive and legislative branches does not mean Congress will go along with whatever the president says. Do you remember Obamacare at all? Was Obamacare what Obama wanted? No. It was a center left compromise to keep Democrats in the fold to vote for it. The Democratic Party still has a significant number of moderates within it.

Do you honestly think Obama got whatever he wanted his first two years in office with control of the house and a supermajority in the Senate? Absolutely not.

In fact, because of filibusters and polarization of the electorate, you can't get much of anything done anymore without control of the house and a supermajority in the Senate.

And the Shultz thing is hilarious to me. Clinton hired a high up skilled Democratic Party political operative for her campaign, and that means she's corrupt? Because Schultz favored a candidate who has always been a strong party candidate over another candidate who only caucused with the Democrats, and wasn't actually a Democrat himself? Yeah, she shouldn't have done what she did. Dennis Rodman shouldn't have done what he did to Scottie Pippen in the playoffs, too, when he was with Detroit. And who thought Rodman should have been brought in to help the Bulls? Pippen. Clinton is trying to win an election. If that's the kind of thing you consider as proof of actual corruption, I don't know what to tell you.

I am not voting against Trump. I am voting for the most competent, experienced candidate who I think will do the best job out of this lot of candidates. She is the only candidate who is extremely qualified.

Is she perfect? Hell, no. She isn't particularly inspiring. She's not very good as a politician at persuading people to her side. She panders too much. Sometimes she plays political games too much, like with the email fiasco.

But you can do a lot worse than Clinton. You don't have to go back far to find an inept president.

the nerdwriter-louis ck is a moral detective

gorillaman says...

You're right with me up to the point we reach the kinds of censorship you happen to support.

What's the penalty for incurring the ire of the social justice elite? Well, only that you'll be branded a sexist or whatever by the entire gaming media, perhaps have your Twitter account banned or your videos taken down from YouTube, or maybe you'll just be arrested on false charges of harassment. It's a storm that a strong individual might weather, but from which any company will steer away automatically. Of course it's censorship.

Games are being censored (they came for the japanese bikini simulators and I said nothing...); social media is being censored: Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Wikipedia and any number of even less reputable sites are being censored - all in response to social justice histrionics. This crybaby, zero-offence, closed-minded, closed-mouthed malaise is damaging to our culture: damaging to art, to academia, to journalism. And if you acknowledge the need for open expression, you will oppose it.

"There is more than one way to burn a book," wrote Ray Bradbury of interest groups taking offence, "...each ripping a page or a paragraph from this book, then that, until the day came when the books were empty and the minds shut and the libraries closed forever." You don't recognise any of this?

Yes, 'critics just don't have the talent to create' is a tired old fallacy and I regret echoing it, but there I was thinking particularly of the likes of Wu and Quinn: loathsome reptiles and degenerates whose own creative efforts are so miserably inept that to garner sales, patreon donations, and fraudulently positive reviews they resort to pretending themselves the brave minority voices raised against the misogynistic, LGBT-phobic, uni-racial establishment - in an industry that has never actually had any of those problems.

As for Anita Sarkeesian; that liar, mountebank, fascist collaborator, and 21st century Jack Thompson; that professional victim and demagogue who harnesses manufactured outrage for profit; or in the most generous possible light, that half-educated nincompoop who somehow rode a tide of hysterical activists-without-a-cause to a broadcast platform for her worthless, narcissistic rambling:
It isn't the fact of her fuck-witted critique to which the gaming community so righteously objects but the baffling inaccuracies and outright slanders therein, her self-promotion via false claims of harassment, her attacks on artistic expression and internet freedom.

And these are exactly the kind of sub-intellectual trash who will presume, against all standards of rectitude and conscience, to instruct their betters on what kind of jokes they're allowed to tell.

You never cede an inch to these fucking people. That's how you get Mary Whitehouse, or the Comics Code Authority, or McCarthy, or the FCC, the BBFC, the OFLC, the IWF.

ChaosEngine said:

I was right with you up to this point. I'm going to give you a the benefit of the doubt and assume that was a typo rather than a pointless antisemetic tangent and address the point directly.

Criticism of a piece of art does not equal desire to suppress or censor that art. I thought Twilight was a fucking awful piece of writing; and yeah, part of that was because of the horrendously misogynistic abstenience promoting bollocks. Would I ban it? Fuck no.

Sarkeesian and her ilk 100% have the right to criticise lazy sexism in video games, and they don't have to "have the skill to make themselves" to criticise it.

There's a difference between dictation and criticism.

Woman Executed by Cop Because She “Might Be Smoking Pot"

newtboy says...

OK, but you must see that if, once a cop behaves 'good' they are no longer cops, that means there are no cops actually being good?
Tarring those extremely few, only momentarily 'good cops' (since as soon as they're 'good' they are no longer allowed to be cops) with the same tar as the 'bad' cops is NO WHERE NEAR the level of evil that protecting murderers, violent thugs, thieves, kidnappers, etc. is. Please. Be reasonable. It may be slightly unfair, but not even in the same league of wrong as protecting murderers from prosecution.
If you are for locking up bad cops, including those that cover up crimes, you must concede that that means 90%+ of cops need replacing, right? (I think I'm being incredibly generous to allow the possibility that 10% aren't complicit, I think the real number is closer to 2%).
I have explained why they are all complicit/participants. There is evidence that they, at best, turn a blind eye to the bad one's, and more likely/often actively help the 'bad' ones escape prosecutions. The only way they aren't 'turning the blind eye' to their fellow officers almost daily is they are so inept they actually don't notice their fellow officers being they're also 'bad' this instance meaning ineffectual cops. MmmmK?

Stormsinger said:

I haven't heard of one either, but the fact that we -have- heard of good cops blowing the whistle, even if they were forced out later, proves that there have been some good ones. And it's completely unbelievable that there aren't still some others out there, who haven't yet had to make that decision, but who will choose the right path when push comes to shove.

Tarring them with the same feather as the bad cops is doing them a disservice almost as bad as the coverups are for the rest of us. It's unfair, unjust, and just plain wrong.

I'm all for locking up the bad cops, and for treating those who cover up crimes by their fellow officers as equally guilty of those crimes. But I'm -not- fine with condemning people for crimes there is no evidence they participated in. I'm not willing to become what we are trying to fight against.

Service dog alerts to self harm (Aspergers)

ulysses1904 says...

Understood. And it is upsetting to watch and comforting to see the dog's reaction. But on the other hand this is the first I'm reading that self-abuse, depressive episodes and panic attacks are now included in Aspergers, so I question the accuracy of the video's title. Or else I have been skimming the subject all this time, which is entirely possible.

I always read about it being socially inept, not being able to interpret facial reactions and body language of others, retaining reams of trivial data in memory (serial numbers, license plates), sitting awkwardly, being committed to certain routines, in general being smart and odd, etc.

People seem to cherry pick some aspect and now they have a "touch" of Aspergers, or they are now an "Aspie" just like their favorite character on "Big Bang Theory".

Payback said:

I somewhat agree, although from what I've been led to believe, this type of attack builds up somewhat slowly. The person knows it's going to happen and can't do a damn thing about it.

Swedish cops show NYPD how to subdue people w/ hurting them

lantern53 says...

Oh, I'm sure Asmo is right...the police in the US are taught to kill people at every opportunity.

I suppose that makes for a big fail since the cops in the US are so inept at killing people. Out of 12 million arrests, 593 people killed by cops in 2014 with about 1/4 of those being black people. But because you can't turn on MSNBC w/o a rehash of Michael Brown or Eric Garner, people think this happens every 6 seconds on the street.

Someone do the math, because I suck at math, what percent is 593 of 12 million?

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