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00Scud00 says...

Producers vastly overestimate most peoples' common sense, but YouTube didn't get it's start until 2005 so perhaps all the evidence wasn't in yet. For giggles I tried putting 'Humans do' into Google thinking stupid shit would be a top contender, but apparently it's "Humans do battle in a ring of jello".

newtboy said:

I think the very first one was in 65 or so showcasing rescue equipment, and it's been pretty much the same as now since 85 with two or three classes, but some serious advancements in the cars. I think our host said it wasn't televised until mid 2000's because of the disbelief from producers that people would actually do that.

Doc Rivers

scheherazade says...

Assault weapon bans. Effectively making illegal the most common rifle in the country (ar15) - even though it's statistically tiny in terms of gun killings.
(~450 people killed per year with all forms of rifle. Only some of that is ar15. That's the ~same amount of people as what die yearly from falling out of bed.)

Suppressor bans. Illegalizing an item that has been statistically as good as nonexistent in firearm crimes.

Banning DIY non-commercial firearms. Illegalizing firearms that have been statistically as good as nonexistent in firearm crimes.

Banning Private Sales (aka gunshow loophole). Effectively banning transfers between family and friends. Even though nearly all illegal arms are acquired by straw purchase at conventional stores by girlfriends.
And commercial sellers at gun shows have to do background checks anyways - this is much ado about old geezers trading collectible wild west / ww2 / antique shit.

Nearly all people are killed by pistols. Nobody is calling for a pistol ban. It makes things like an AWB look like a disingenuous effort - because you can pass all sorts of non-pistol-banning gun control laws and there will be no effect on gun death stats. Meaning you can just make more and more stuff illegal forever so long as you save what really matters (pistols) for last.

Between city, county, state, federal, existing gun laws are fat like an encyclopedia. Most people, unless they are 'gun folk', don't even realize the ways you can go to jail. Put a vertical grip in a pistol and posted it to instagram? Enjoy your time with the ATF. 10 years and $100k, assuming you're lax enough to not hire a lawyer to knock it down a bit. Literally volumes of ways to go to jail for shit you wouldn't even imagine would matter.

Many things people complain about aren't even a thing. Like complaining about buying guns online (you can't, not without an FFL involved), or crazy people buying guns (they can't, unless they've yet to be caught doing crazy shit).

Too many laws as it is. Erase a bunch first.


newtboy said:

What anti gun legislation do you mean? All I know of is closing a few loopholes that allow people legally banned from gun ownership to obtain them anyway without background checks. I disagree that that is anti gun legislation, and across the board background checks are something a vast majority think is proper.

There's plenty of misinformation on this topic floating about. Is there other actual legislation in the works, or just rumors of other legislation the left will enact....and only according to the right?

Samuel L. Jackson Bashes Trump Supporters

surfingyt says...

"Common side effects include Racism, Sexism, Nepotism, Corruption, Collusion, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, Hypocrisy, Delusion, Gullibility, Paranoia, Fascism, Greed, Rage, Hate, Fear and Mullets.... destruction of the economy, the Constitution, the ecosystem, the idea of truth, the post office, and basic human decency"

This list of Trump supporter side-effects seems short.

Circulating Seal

BSR (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I never denied saying that. I'll say it again if you like.

"You common cry of curs, whose breath I hate
As reek o' th' rotten fens, whose loves I prize
As the dead carcasses of unburied men
That do corrupt my air, I banish you!"

"Swerve me? The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul is grooved to run."
-Herman Melville

"That Edward shall be fearful of his life,
And then, to purge his fear, I'll be thy death.
King Henry and the prince his son are gone:
Clarence, thy turn is next, and then the rest,
Counting myself but bad till I be best."

"All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick. He piled upon the whale’s white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart’s shell upon it."
-Herman Melville

“Destruction is a form of creation.”
-Graham Greene

I should probably thank @bobknight33 . Now I know why people cut the tongues out of some men.

BSR said:

No, I've got documented proof that you wrote, and I quote, "FUCK YOU".

A signal that you have accepted their anger as your own. Now you prepare to give it back to them in War Games.

"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play." - War Games

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - Isaac Asimov

The winner of a fight does not make him the best man.

The round goes to bobby.

Edit: BTW, If we have to "teach those dumb rednecks a lesson again." then I guess we didn't get to the heart of the problem the first time.

Beirut explosion ripping through hospital

StukaFox says...

That's called a Wilson Cloud. They're a common phenomena in nuclear blasts (which this was NOT).

moonsammy said:

The shot at :50 is fascinating to me, because you can see the... vapor? cloud? smoke? hit the edge of the city center and get shoved upwards and off-camera. The shockwave keeps going though, invisible at this angle but for the dust / material blasted off of the buildings as it goes.

Also: woohoo! at 1:43. Didn't expect that.

Confrontation in America

moonsammy says...

That was super interesting, particularly seeing SO much commonality between the protestors of the late 60's / early 70's and the last few years. Same shit, different century. I stopped watching a bit early as it seemed to have veered hard into "but of course everyone would be happy if only they Jesus'd" territory, but up to that point was excellent.

Woman kicked off flight for not wearing a mask

newtboy says...

It's not an overreaction if she's contagious, and there's no way to know. Intentionally spreading disease is a crime, an assault. Doing it through intentional negligence is hardly mitigation.
That said, they would certainly kick me off if I did that...Edit:...probably permanently.....and rightly so. I won't fly until Covid is no longer an issue.

This year I went on Vacation, was abandoned overnight in SFO thanks to United being horrible at scheduling and keeping schedules, and my wife and I both got a sickness just like Covid, this was early February. This was pre-masks. If we were less healthy, it could easily have put us in the hospital or morgue. I fully agree, airports and planes are almost designed to spread diseases, which makes draconian enforcement of health rules mandatory when deadly airborne diseases are common, imo.

I fully agree, I'm for identifying them and creating a national master list of people to refuse treatment to. Facial recognition is commonplace today, it might as well be used for public good. Beyond the zombie theory, if doctors and nurses are in a huge conspiracy to fake a worldwide pandemic, why would people thinking that go to the same doctors for help with the fake virus? I bet mask wearing would near 100% under those circumstances, where deniers are denied treatment and forced to take personal responsibility for their actions. I've never heard of any virus denier refusing treatment, it's certainly not the norm.

cloudballoon said:

That's arguably an overreaction and the airline might kick both out.

Last year I went on a vacation, caught some nasty bug on the plane on both flights. An hour into the flight my nose starts running badly and eyes tearing up. Back to normal after a night's sleep.

Airplane interior are nasty anyway at the best of times. Germs & virus on the surface and recycled air environment. Mask should just be mandated.

Dumb-asses that believe in hoaxes & fake news that "masks cause brain damage" should be banded from clinics & hospitals. By their logic, since all nurses & doctors wear mask everyday at work, thus they're all brain-damaged zombies. And who would want to be treated by zombies huh?


newtboy says...

What non cultist believes Trump didn't participate in the child rapes?

By his own public admission he's a pedophile who leered at and groped little girls at his events, using his position to force his way into dressing rooms for underage girls to watch them undress repeatedly, we know this from his own admission, actually his own braggadocio in interviews.
He's on camera with Epstein, who's entire life was one long pedophilic abuse session, dozens of times, often alone except for the gaggle of underage girls they tricked into coming to the events.
Everyone knew about Epstein, he was prosecuted for child abuse that happened in 2005. "He was convicted of only these two crimes as part of a controversial plea deal; federal officials had identified 36 girls, some as young as 14 years old, whom Epstein had allegedly sexually abused". This was common knowledge long before he was prosecuted and plead guilty.

Now Trump publicly wishes his co-abuser and facilitator well. Could it be he fears what she might say without a pardon waiting for her, just like Roger Stone, another of Trump's partners in crime?

If you're a Christian and you support this man, know now that you are definitely going to hell.
If you're a parent and you support this man, your children should be removed from your pro-child-rapist household.

What "defund the police" really means

bcglorf says...

Apologies, didn't mean to misrepresent you. We've debated things before and you seemed to lean to no cop is a good cop because there are so many bad ones guilt be association and failure to clean things up makes them all bad. You'd also said up thread to fire all active officers.

I'll cease trying to word how you feel on it, I just wanted to demonstrate by counter example that not everybody means 'reform' when they say "defund". At a minimum , the degree of 'reform' varies from change some laws and regulations to fire them and start over from scratch.

My comment of being ruled by our 'betters' was meant as a sarcastic dig on them and their abject failure in letting things rot this far and doing nothing.

Finally, my comment on public opinion on solutions being non-uniform was mostly to emphasize that as just normal, and the current status quo is just so unacceptable that it is unifying people from varied points of view to stand up against it. The most important point being that declaring, see nothing will satisfy the mob because they can't agree what to do is a twisted deception and the truth is people want things to be better than they are, and there is as you pointed out tonnes of common sense ways to go about that,

newtboy said:

You misread. Please don't speak for me, especially when you're so wrong.

I support both disband the police, which means require all police to go through the hiring process again with those with multiple or serious complaints on their record disqualified or at least forced into retraining and a long probationary period...and I also support defund the police...meaning remove mental health from their job (and fund a mental health department that is sent on mental health calls, normally without police escort), it means the SWAT team is only called after weapons are used, not pre-emptive for non-violent calls, so can be cut in half or less. It means ZERO dollars for military equipment.
It does not mean eradicating the police, it does not mean cut ALL police funding, it means remove the second, third, and fourth hats they wear, remove violent or abusive officers, and cut their funding accordingly.

Mostly I think people want enforceable responsibility, criminal and civil, not immunity. If police had no shield from their actions, they would act better instantly. That's a no brainer and doesn't cost a dime.

Edit: eradicating the police unions would go a long way towards fixing the culture.

I think the demands of the public are more homogeneous than you claim....I know so, since you mischaracterized my position to create an outlier. That said, people do have different ideas of how to fix a problem we seem to agree on....but stripping immunity seems to be nearly universal outside police and Republican senator circles.

The people running the country aren't our best and brightest, they are those narcissistic enough to think they alone can make a difference and those slimy enough to think they can take advantage of an elected position for their personal gain. Trump proves undeniably that they aren't necessarily better educated , smart, or professional.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Daughter Raping Donny, aka the syphilitic mushroom tip, never again.

Remember, when asked what he had in common with his teenaged daughter his answer was "sex". sad Bobby. So stupid and sad. Trump openly brags about forcibly finger banging any stranger he finds attractive, and has >25 sexual abuse cases pending including multiple rapes, groping, fingering, kissing, untold numbers of payoffs and NDAs, etc. You are not doing him any favors comparing his record of rampant sexual abuse and philandering for 4+ decades to Joe who has one untrustworthy accuser with one totally unbelievable and constantly changing story of being sexually abused in the public halls of congress that never came up before in nearly 30 years of his campaigns, not behind closed doors in the last decade with corroboration and physical evidence like many Trump accusers. So unbelievably dumb. If you had the capacity, you would be ashamed of yourself.

bobknight33 said:

Finger Banging JOE 2020.

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

Nope. Watched them closely.
Hitting a car flat at 60 km or mph is going to stop you in <1/10 of a second. I counted >4 seconds to stop with a flop in the video. Same kinetic energy absorbed. Δv = 30mph (around 50'/sec) Δt= .1 vs 4. Do the math. 500ft/sec/sec vs 12.5'/sec/sec...that's 50g vs 1.2g. Case closed.

Fine. God forbid you listen to someone with extraordinary personal experience in this matter and a grasp of physics.
You go for the dead stop next time you're in a wreck, I'll turn my wheel.

There are variables in car wrecks. You want to compare best case scenario sudden stops with absolute worst case rolls. Feel free to think that way. It's not reasonable. I'm done.

Then look at the dummy data if immutable physics laws aren't enough for you, but no citation is needed to conclude that exponentially higher G forces cause higher level injuries, even if the angle isn't the worst possible for a specific spinal injury.

I've given you my personal vast experience, physics, and common sense. You give me apple to oranges, and exaggerate the juiciness of the apples while only mentioning dehydrated oranges. I'm done. Believe what you want, but I hope you don't have to test your theory.

wtfcaniuse said:

You might want to watch all those videos again.

Hitting a parked car at 60km/h and not rolling would be a clearly better outcome. The parked car is not a solid wall, it cannot bring you to a "dead stop".

Hitting a barrier and rolling is clearly worse than hitting the same barrier and sliding along it, "bouncing" off it, spinning etc even if you're clipped by another car. Again even with the sharp swerve into the barrier it would never have been a "dead stop"

Hitting the car in front which has suddenly braked would be far better than a high speed roll even if the car behind proceeds to rear end you. The closest to your "dead stop" scenario and still far better than a high speed roll.

I'm arguing with you because you often backup what you're saying with demonstrable facts, in this case you're not. You're ignoring variables, using differing experience to draw conclusions and dismissing the severity of something based on your controlled personal experience of it.

"Citation? Physics. acceleration = Δv/Δt. Larger injuries come from higher g forces."

Has nothing to do with studies in vehicular CSI. I asked for a citation relating to maximum force/time being a primary factor in vehicular CSI not a physics equation. Again this is the shit I'm arguing with you about.

Drunk Pig

Typical Government Worker

oblio70 says...

Having worked 5 years @ NASA (as a low-level worker), THIS is indeed common, and a skill we all learned.

Some serious abdications occur for this to be so endemic.

Saxsquatch | One More Time

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