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Victim Gets Revenge On Bully By Dating His Mom

newtboy says...

In my eyes, that's fraud at best, and since sex can't be sold, she would have no recoverable loss.
That goes for your examples until impairment comes in. I disagree, but I think the law says if you sleep with someone who's drunk or high, that's rape, even if they were ok with it at the time.

Mentioning she enjoyed it wasn't meant as a defense to rape, but an indication that he was not an asshole to her on the date.

No, if you intentionally murder me, your intent is to victimize me, your goal might not be.

Yes, schadenfreude is not becoming, but we all engage in it. I can't blame him for being gleeful his plan had so overachieved his goal, but the djs, yeah.

All that said, I'm pretty sure this is all was just too perfect.

noims said:

I know what you mean, but I think there is a blurred line when it comes to rape. Does sex coerced under false pretenses count?

If you claim to be in love with someone but aren't, is it rape? Or if you claim to be a millionaire but aren't? If you claim to be of their religion? If you wear a mask and they think you're someone else? If they're drunk or high and they think you're their partner? Or so far gone they don't know or care? How about if you got them drunk/high for that specific reason?

In all these and many more scenarios between, they can enjoy the act, but there's a valid argument for rape. Laws and individual morals vary, but they're all on a spectrum.

If I murder you to hurt your brother, my intent isn't to victimise you, but it still has that effect.

Finally, yes, she brought the conversation public, but under very different (and I'd argue innocent or even noble) circumstances. Revealing the reality - and reveling in the revelation - is in my view rong [sic].

Lawyer Refuses to answer questions, gets arrested

newtboy says...

You are wrong.
ANYTHING you say will be used against you. Time and time again officers use "hello" and "no, I don't know why you pulled me over" as excuse for escalation, claiming aggressive or impaired demeanor.

Rights only exist if exercised. They can and should be applied at all times. If they can only be invoked when one is guilty, then exercising them IS an indication of guilt, so that's not how they work.

She clearly told them what she was doing, there was no bank robbery, and she didn't look comatose or impaired.

This is nothing like your douchbag friends. They intentionally created suspicion, she stood on her right to avoid any suggestion of suspicion, and was arrested for contempt of cop plain and simple. There is no charge of "won't answer incriminating questioning"....not in America, maybe in China and North Korea.

Again, you show you simply don't understand legal rights....are you a cop?

So, you think it's proper to be arrested on suspicion of......nothing....based on a cop's biased judgement on how you look, but with ZERO crime committed?!? I'm incredibly glad you aren't a judge.

The really sad part is, this woman may get more for this violation than the family of the black man murdered for following officer's directions to get his ID....they got $3 million, but she's a white lawyer, so may fare far better in our system.

Khufu said:

I don't think saying "hello, how are you?" and "no, I don't know why you pulled me over." are going to incriminate you... but it will make you look like a normal person with nothing to hide. Someone that sits there staring forward ignoring the cop like this lady just looks like they've come straight from robbing a bank.

This behavior reminds me of some friends when I was a teenager that would act suspicious in a dept store and then walk quickly for the exit so that security would chase them, and if caught they WOULD be innocent (and get to act like the victim), if not they get an adrenaline rush and a story.

If these cops had arrested this woman right away, THEN sure don't talk to them. But she jumped the gun and created the situation where she was being arrested from what looked like a routine traffic stop.(whether that was justified or not.)

I was stopped by a cop once on a freeway leaving a city and he said a car with the same description of mine had been stolen in the area. I showed my registration and he let me go on my way... If I had refused to say a word and just sat there, I would have looked very guilty and would probably have been arrested.

Will AI make us immortal? Or will it wipe us out?

ChaosEngine says...


I'm currently reading "Superintelligence" by Nick Bostrom and it's pretty *fear inducing.

If we ever do hit the singularity... it doesn't really matter what we do.

First up, if it's an AGI is to be any use, it needs to be at least as smart as us. Which means, by definition, it will be capable of writing its own AGI.

There are any number of nightmare scenarios where even a seemly benevolent goal might be disastrous for humanity.

"Multivac, fix the environment!"
"Ok, what's the major issue with the environment?"
/wipes out humanity

"Multivac, solve the Riemann hypothesis!"
"Ok, but I'll need a lot of processing power"
/converts entire planet to a giant cpu

Even if, by some miracle, we end up developing a benevolent AI that understands our needs and is aligned with them, (e.g. the Culture Minds), we are no longer in control.

We might be along for the ride, but we're certainly not driving.

The other thing that's interesting is a question of scale. We tend to think of intelligence in human terms, like this.

infants..... children.....mentally impaired..Sarah Palin.....normal people.....Neil deGrasse Tyson.....Feynman, Einstein, Newton, etc.

But that ignores all the lower intelligences:

bacteria...Trump......insects.....sheep.....dogs...chimps, dolphins, etc............................... dumb human.

But from a superintelligence's point of view, the scale looks more like this
bacteria.. humanity ... Tesla ................................................... ..................................................................................................
............................................................................................. AI

One More Reason Marijuana Is Safer Than Alcohol

ChaosEngine says...

I would just say that if you're impaired by drugs, don't drive. The drug itself is irrelevant.

@SeesThruYou, there's nothing wrong with brain-altering drugs, provided you're doing it for fun and not dependent on them.

Payback said:

People who drink and drive do it because they think they can.
They then, on average, do more damage to others because in the crash, they're more relaxed.

People who toke and drive do it because they think it's funny.
They then, on average, barely get out of the driveway before getting out and asking someone for snack food.

John Oliver - Trump's Wiretapping Claim

newtboy says...

And they've had to publicly apologize to the Brits too.

What's ironic is, Trump is also accused of enlisting a foreign intelligence office to spy on and damage a political opponent, and there's a lot of evidence indicating that it really happened, coming not only directly from multiple sources in the intelligence community, (not conspiracy theory loving fake news talking heads with a clear bias) but also directly from Trump's mouth when he publicly asked the Russians to hack Clinton and release any emails they find....which they actually did in a clear attempt to help him get elected.

I think any nomination hearings need to be postponed until this investigation is complete, because if it does find what seems apparent, that Trump and his administration colluded with a hostile foreign power to rig our election, that makes them treasonous traitors, and we certainly don't want that kind of person installing Supreme Court judges (or any other nominees for permanent or important positions) that are working for our enemies. As long as there's serious question of Trump's Russian ties, it's possible treason to follow his lead in any way. If it finds collusion, anyone involved should probably be executed as traitors after conviction, with their assets seized.

Once that investigation is over...if it finds no's time to start a second investigation into his mental condition, as it seems he's developing dementia at a rapid pace, and that's a legal reason to remove him from office. He needs to prove he's not mentally impaired using accepted medical tests and standards...the long form tests.

Can Trump read?

transmorpher says...

I guess it's possible he lost his ability to read later in life. He's quite old, and possible has health issues with his eyes, or perhaps more seriously has had a few strokes which is not unusual for his age. And a stroke could have impaired his ability to read.

I hope we find out the truth one way or another, because this is scary.

bobknight33 said:

If this is true -- which seems fair to say by looking at this ---- WOW FUCK

But then I ask how can this bee if he got an economics degree from Wharton. No small feat.

Plus as a kid he was on the NY military academy During his senior year attained the rank of captain.

That all said It wold seem that he could read... not necessarily guarantee it

Reading Statistics

Total percent of U.S. population that has specific reading disorders 15%

Total percentage of U.S. adults who are unable to read an 8th grade level book 50%

Total amount of words read annually by a person who reads 15 minutes a day 1 million

Total percent of U.S. high school graduates who will never read a book after high school 33%

Total percentage of college students who will never read another book after they graduate 42%

Total percentage of U.S. families who did not buy a book this year 80%

Total percentage of books started that aren’t read to completion 57%

Total percent of U.S. students that are dyslexic 15%
Total percentage of NASA employees that are dyslexic 50%
Total number of U.S. inmates that are literate 15%

Oh, you don't know how to swim?

Detroit Lt. Arrested For DUI

newtboy says...

"Any other person would be getting an RO charge"?
Any other person would be tazed, beaten, thrown to the ground, and charged with resisting and assaulting an officer.
Officers should not be allowed to refuse field sobriety tests, breathalyzers, or blood tests whenever there's the hint they may be impaired. It's a real public safety issue.
Even though they did arrest him (they had zero choice), this was just 20 minutes of handling a fellow officer with serious kid gloves. He needs to go to jail.

Evan - Sandy Hook Promise

SFOGuy says...


Well, I hope it's predictable. It's nice to think so. I think the only academic studies I'm aware of suggest that violence is only predicted by 1) previous history of violence 2) brain impairment (as in: history of physical brain damage) and 3) drug use at the time.

Otherwise---all the other things we hope predict---get lost in the statistical noise...

The Sinister Reason Weed is Illegal

entr0py says...

One thing they didn't mention that I'm really not convinced about is how impairing weed is, for how long, and how much it contributes to auto accidents. In recent years there's been a big spike in the proportion of drivers involved in fatal accidents who tested positive for marijuana :

Of course that doesn't mean it caused the accidents, if people are just smoking twice as much nowadays, even a random sample would show a big increase. But it seems like the research on this is lacking. Does anyone know of any government that has science based guidelines for a sensible blood-pot content limit?

Dr. Gupta thinks denying Medicinal Marijuana is Immoral

poolcleaner says...

My migraines aren't in remission but I don't suffer nearly as long as I used to since using light psychoactive CBD/THC. Duration of intense pain, loss of vision, loss of feeling in limbs, nausea, vomiting, and the rare seizure has been reduced from 6-12 hours every 2-4 weeks to maybe 2 hours every couple months, sometimes only with nausea, loss of vision, and minor or no pain.

However, the loss of vision, or what my doctors have referred to as visual "premonitions" are still a major pain that I'm not certain will ever go away. Luckily I don't get very many migraines any more. However, if I do get a migraine I still cannot drive or do anything that requires sight. Although I can technically see, it's severely impaired.

The absence or dulling of the pain during a migraine is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me medically. I had a migraine 2 days ago while I was jogging at the park, ran to my car so I could quickly get home before my vision was fucked, and then placed a soluble CBD + THC tablet (Trokie) up into the corner of my mouth where it was slowly absorbed into the facial branches of my carotid artery. After my vision cleared up, I had no headache.

Keep in mind I also take a pure CBD tablet every couple days, so it's not just the one tablet during episodes.

Debunking Hydration/Dehydration - Adam Ruins Everything

Khufu says...

Lol, are you telling me science proves humans can't get dehydrated? ugh...

I'm not worried about death from dehydration while working out, but slight dehydration (2%) is enough to dramatically impair cognitive function, performance and recovery. It's just obvious in practice.

RedSky said:

"Scientific evidence in support of the “electrolyte depletion” and “dehydration” hypotheses for the aetiology of EAMC comes mainly from anecdotal clinical observations, case series totalling 18 cases, and one small (n = 10) case–control study. Results from four prospective cohort studies do not support these hypotheses. In addition, the “electrolyte depletion” and “dehydration” hypotheses do not offer plausible pathophysiological mechanisms with supporting scientific evidence that could adequately explain the clinical presentation and management of EAMC."

Smarter Every Day -- Why you put on your oxygen mask first

jmd says...

These things always interest me, because I have such a high form of self health anxiety that I am constantly analyzing myself. I see this, and it is the same with diabetics who are functional but unaware anything is wrong when going into low sugar shock, and I cannot imagine this ever happening to me. If the slightest thing was off, my brain would be all over myself.

I don't drink much because of this, if I get even a little drunk my brain starts spending an enormous amount of concentration to correct for the impairment. Its for the best I guess.

TSA bloodies deaf, blind and paralyzed girl with cancer

newtboy says...

Given the source, I'll wait for the video and proof of her medical impairments before passing judgement. She sure looked like she was looking directly into the camera in the photo, not that that proves anything.

Racism in UK -- Rapper Akala

Engels says...

Regardless, the conversation has been relatively civil, so we should do our best to keep it that way. It can still be a good conversation, especially if someone says something you don't quite get, ask them about it, rather than just paper over them with some dubiously constructed impression based on an inflexible stance that impairs your imagination.

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