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1000 Year Heatwave Becoming The Norm

newtboy says...

Before "someone" spouts off about this being a singular, isolated weather event in America and Canada, it's happening world wide.
All time record high temperatures are also happening in Europe, Asia, Africa including ground temperatures in Siberia above the arctic circle at 118F, not so good for permafrost that should be near freezing. Mexico has seen all time high temperatures for June exceeding 125F, nighttime low temperatures are also shattering all time highs like 105F overnight in palm springs, and over 70F was the overnight low in S Africa (southern hemisphere) on the WINTER solstice. Let's not forget, June is typically the coolest summer month.
It's hard to imagine this not triggering feedback loops like permafrost releasing methane and less ice reflecting heat that are each, by themselves, more than we could possibly counteract with current technology with an unlimited budget and the collective will to try. Combined, and without the unlimited funds or collective will to act, it's looking like game over, man.
Somehow "we told you so" hardly seems sufficient.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

BSR says...

At this point in time, I have recovered approximately 20 covid bodies since they started falling. So far no problems due to following guidelines from experts.

First, let me tell you I respect you and what you are doing. I also see that your efforts with bob are tearing you down. When you start writing in all caps it tells me you are trying to yell through a brick wall. Funny thing about walls though. Sometimes it's hard to know if you are on the inside or outside.

Just know that some people can't be reached. I'm sure bob has heard all the facts but yet chooses to go his own way for whatever reason. This tells me that bob hasn't had enough life experiences to make good decisions. Whether he is just a troll or really believes what he says it still comes back to his life experiences or lack of.

He starts fires and you rush around with a bucket of water trying to put out the flames. Your efforts are commendable and I respect you for that.

What I don't care for is what he is doing to you. You don't deserve it and I think as long as you just put the facts out there, everyone can pick up their own bucket and help put out fires.

Have faith that one day bob will be touched by reality when someone he loves is taken away. Then your words may be heard for the first time with him. That is when he may realize for the first time your efforts were to protect him and others. You won't need to tell him "I told you so". He will remember.

If you don't believe bob can change how will he ever believe it?

In the meantime keep protecting the ones you love. They deserve your time more than bob does. If you believe bob deserves more of your time, give him a way to find the door back to you.

I'm on your side.

JiggaJonson said:

Get off your high horse. People are dying and apples like this who spread misinformation and nonsense are to blame. You have a way to do it? Get on with it then

Delaware State Trooper Pulls Gun on Black Man For Speeding

BSR says...

That all sounds good when you say it fast. How convenient for YOU to not stand up and help support good cops. As long you make all cops bad, all you have to do is sit around and let your contribution fester so you can announce "See! I told you so!"

Yes, good cops are in a tight spot. But they also need your (our) support. They need someone to believe in them. They need backup. You can help make them braver. Make them want to take a bullet for you because your bravery is worth it to them.

YOU can help make their dream come true. Or make it a nightmare.

How are they to believe in themselves if you don't believe in them?

More and more bad cops are slowly exposing themselves for who they are. You can help expose the good ones if you just believe in them instead of just letting them fester in your fears. You can help them escape the trap they are in.

When YOU START to believe in good cops, you will find them. If nothing else, stop creating more bad cops. You're just destroying yourself.

The cracks are there. Don't be afraid to look through them.

Drachen_Jager said:

As soon as I see cracks in the "blue wall" I might start to believe there are some good cops, but until they stand up they're not good. They're just supporting a broken system, no matter their intentions.

Dilly Dilly

oritteropo says...

More often than not it's just used as a nonsense word. See this 17C example for instance:

Lavender's blue, dilly dilly, lavender's green,
When I am king, dilly dilly, you shall be queen:
Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so?
'Twas mine own heart, dilly dilly, that told me so.
Call up your men, dilly dilly, set them to work,
Some with a rake, dilly dilly, some with a fork;
Some to make hay, dilly dilly, some to thresh corn,
Whilst you and I, dilly dilly, keep ourselves warm.

If you should die, dilly dilly, as it may hap,
You shall be buried, dilly dilly, under the tap;
Who told you so, dilly dilly, pray tell me why?
That you might drink, dilly dilly, when you are dry.

In the context of this video, see

CrushBug said:

WTF does Dilly Dilly mean?

Dangers of Using Electronics in Bathroom

noims says...

Can confirm. A cm or so of insulation on live and neutral pins on plugs here in Ireland (and UK) have definitely saved me and probably my toddler from shocks / death / learning experiences.

I can tell you it was a little alarming seeing how he unplugs stuff. It's hard not to give into the temptation of a few hundred volts of rigged 'I told you so', but no one wants him living like Medhi here.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Jinx says...

Perhaps I am being obtuse but I feel that one of us, or perhaps both of us, are not understanding the other.

A parallel: After Brexit there was some rather ugly anti-immigrant stuff flying around. "Polish vermin" etc. I did, in my bitterness, fantasise about a UK without immigrants because it would be such deliciously ironic justice. I mean, in reality I'd have my Polish friends and a country that actually functions rather than "I told you sos" and packing bags... but still, sometimes I do wish lessons would be learned the only way some will ever learn them.

newtboy said:

Yeah...except that ignores your original point, that without non-whites efforts, 'merica would implode. I don't feel like a racially pure white supremacist nation would be a utopia in any way, even though I'm extremely white. (for one, my wife would have to go, not cool, and probably me for marrying her)

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Samantha Bee - Russian Thinkfluencers

Trump explains how to know when America is great again

Payback says...

You know Bob, even though I'm 100% certain in four years we'll be telling you "we told you so", I do wish and hope you'll be right. It's really the only chance we have.

I am Canadian, and like your other trading partners, when the US economy gets the sniffles, we get the flu.

I just reeeeeeealllly hope you get your flu shots, because if the US economy gets the flu...

bobknight33 said:

Are they good jobs?

We can do a lot better.

Dismal growth of last eight years. 20 30 years in debt cause they cant get jobs or low pay jobs.. Living home.

John Oliver: Primaries and Caucuses

bareboards2 says...

@newtboy "That's why when you are presented with a 'clean' candidate, it's astonishing to me that anyone would continue to support dirty ones."

And this is our real divide.

You want the world to be different than it is. You are astonished? I'm not. There is nothing astonishing about that.

I don't agree that Hillary is "dirty" -- no need to say more than that. Please don't inundate with proof that she makes deals and compromises and takes fees for talks.

And I disagree with your assessment that Dems, if Bernie got the nomination, would not fall behind him. I have seen it in print over and over and over again, that Hillary supporters say they will vote for the Dem nominee. I have said it repeatedly myself. No need to ask the question, because there IS no question.

It is the Sanders supporters who say they won't support Hillary and say there is no difference between her and Trump.

Do what you want. If Trump gets the presidency, we'll come back in two years and here and discuss the state of America and its relationship to the world. I predict, if that happens, that I will woefully be saying -- I told you so.

Trump as president. My god.

300 Foreign Military Bases? WTF America?!

coolhund says...

"defend against evil".
Should make you wary instantly.

And I laughed hard when I saw that they have 54,000 and 50,000 in Japan and Germany, where almost no threat exists, and only have 28,000 in South Korea where a real threat exists.

Sorry, but intelligent people dont buy this crap anymore. Its not the USA keeping the world safe, its cooperation. But if you stir up shit in the East, like right now and for the last few decades, there will be war. You cant expect people to stay peaceful when you invade their countries, install totalitarian regimes everywhere, finance and organize coup d'etats, sanction countries so only the people suffer and kill civilians everywhere with drones and cruise missiles. Its an audacious self-fulfilling prophecy, bullying tactics. You stir up shit and then when they get angry and attack you and those who support you, you point at them and say "told you so, you need our protection". And then furthermore have the audacity to blame other countries that do similar stuff in a MUCH smaller scale and mostly only due to the stuff you incited. Seriously... WTF? How stupid must you be to believe such bullshit of "world protection"???

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

newtboy says...

HOLY CRAP!!! I would have canceled under those conditions too.
The reasoning the FBI gave for saying that "the threats against Sarkeesian would not prevent a safe lecture, even if firearms are permitted" was that similar recent threats to kill her had not been carried out yet. Even though there had been numerous specific threats to mass murder attendees, Utah state law prevented them from restricting firearm possession at the event, they weren't even going to check for them (to know who to watch). So while I was wrong to say she did it because of police advice, I do think it was the smart decision. Imagine if she had gone ahead with her event after the threats and someone shot 45 people, starting with her. At that point, "I told you so" seems pretty hollow.

00Scud00 said:

If you are referring to the UCU lecture that she cancelled, then no, neither campus security nor the FBI advised her against going through with the appearance, she made that choice on her own.

Sarah Palin after the teleprompter freezes

newtboy says...

No sir, you are the one who claims the democrats had, and spent more money in the last 2 elections, and now that the republicans are the champion of the middle class (rather than it's most fervent enemy)....apparently because Faux told you so. I propose YOU are living in opposite land.
The middle class, along with nearly everyone else (not the top 1%), was screwed long and hard by the Bush administration and republican congress. True enough the democrats didn't stop them, nor did they fully solve the disaster they were left with 6 years ago. It was not, however, democratic policies that decimated the middle class, nor was it democratic policy that kept it that way, it is the obstructionist republicans insisting on continuing their own disastrous policies, and democrats never insisting on an actual filibuster (by republicans) to halt political progress, but accepting the mere threat of filibuster and giving up far too easily.
Claiming that the republicans have or will work FOR the middle class is either disingenuous or coming from the completely uninformed. (EDIT: please note that the economy has ALWAYS done better under democratic leadership than it has under republican leadership....every cycle in the last 50+ years, and the economy has been the republicans main issue that entire time.) Remember, it's proven repeatedly that those who listen to/watch "fox news" are consistently LESS informed than those who watch/listen to NOTHING. I think that's what's happened here.

EDIT: Love the new, totally appropriate 'sad clown king' avatar!

bobknight33 said:

You are living in a opposite world. Everything you believe Democrat leadership stand for, they have delivered the opposite.

We can thank the disappearing middle class and the poor being worse off from 6 years of the failed leadership.
But on the bright side the rich are richer, Thank to Democrat leadership.

Well if you like the disappearing middle class keep voting Democrat.

The Newsroom's Take On Global Warming-Fact Checked

Trancecoach says...

Like most of Sorkin's bloviating, this empty rhetoric is undermined by the incongruency of the climate change alarmists' own ballooning carbon footprints while attempting to use the government to impose force upon others' behavior. Until global warming alarmists themselves walk their talk (i.e., drive hybrids -- if they drive at all -- cease flying in airplanes, eat strictly vegetarian diets, have few if any children, and withdraw their consent from the worst polluter on the planet: the state), then no amount of freaking out, ranting, incentives, or attempts at policy will serve to avert the "impending catastrophe."

In China and India (where pollution is no doubt a significant problem), there are hundreds of millions of people who have far bigger concerns and more pressing problems than some remote notion of a "warming planet" or some looming "catastrophic collapse of civilization." (In fact, the same can be said for the majority of the population of the planet.)

And this is to say nothing of how ALL of the models used to support "evidence" for the case of a warming planet have ALL (not some, but ALL) been consistently undermined by serious skeptical science (PDF) while the claims of the political entity of the IPCC remain inconsistent with the data.

Since when do politicians get to decide the veracity of scientific fact?

EDIT: ALL of the climate-change alarmists' predictions, dating back to the 1980s, have all failed to come true. When this trend continues for the next few decades, there will be no shortage of "Told You So" moments that will undoubtedly be explained away by some unknown variable -- like the heat that is "hiding" in the ocean -- that, once "corrected for," will serve to further prop up this political ruse.

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