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Jim Gaffigan: Obsessed - Southern Food

artician says...

I've never liked this guy (something about his "inner" voice reminds me of a child-molester), but that he said Gyro inaccurately makes me hate him completely. In a sense.

Ricky Gervais' Guilty Pleasures

alien_concept says...

Ok, well I don't think I would be able to convince you otherwise. He's quite the love him or hate him type and he certainly seems to revel in playing this arsehole, up himself character, almost begging for people to take him that way. I think beneath that there is a lot more going on. I could be wrong, but who cares anyway

Fairbs said:

What I know of him, incredible intellect seems like a long shot, but it's arguable so agree to disagree on that point. What I don't like about him is that he's always taking shots at people which makes him seem insecure. It's not just one or two people, it's everyone. And the second thing that drives me nuts about him and is more to the point of my original comment can be seen at 2:15. He's laughing hysterically at a joke that is barely funny and it's not him having a laugh with a crowd he's entertaining, it's a laugh to make himself feel that he's clever and funny. I don't think he is.

If Walmart Paid Its Employees a Living Wage

bobknight33 says...

Personally I feel that they system should be that you get 10 years of pension time. Use it for retirement or a year when you are 30 having a kid, which would leave you 9. Or some other issue like loosing your job.
But this off time should be roughly equal to you current pay. Retirement should be looked at a little differently because you are looking at a lifespan of work. But if you are 20 and want to go to school for 2 years and you quit your minimum wage job then you get subsidized 2 years at minimum wage.

You will look at entitlements a lot differently and also will look at how others squander theirs and run out early.

I don't care if you are 20 and suck 5years of minimum wage to buy dope, drink and other stupid stuff. When your 10 years are burned through then you are cut off.

Never underestimate the value of tough love.

Conversely, you would greatly consider when you retire. If I burned up 3 years of entitlements and only have 7 left then I'd better keep on working into the 70's.

Granted this is a grand pie in the sky idea but I do think it is some what workable.
And yes there should be a cap of say $100k.

To address you point about general Right leaning ideas:
Us on the Right don't hate poor people. We just don't want to continually hand out a free lunch. We do want all to have the same opportunity in life, a level playing field.

However corporations and government slice and dice the rules knowing that Americans have no clue of the intent of the Founders, or the Constitution. When the Right brings up the Constitution the Left points the finger and says that the Right wants to bring back slavery. No we don't. WE want all to have a level playing field. We don't hate Obama for being "black" we hate him for the policies and decisions that he puts forth. No more, no less.

Also the Right has no problems for a black man in a leadership role. But when we ( the Right) hold a man of color in high esteem ( Ben Carson) the Left cuts them down as an Uncle Tom and quickly dismiss any positive values that the man brings forth.

Finally there should be no sacred cows when it comes to cutting spending. Cut Military spending, Redo social security, entitlements. put everything on the table.
We are going broke point fingers at each other and not getting anything done.

Have a good day Newtboy

newtboy said:

Well, that's a better stance to take than most right wing people take, I'll applaud that. I would suggest that cutting assistance for all people would leave many in desperate situations, and desperate people have a tendency to ignore the law and societal norms, raising crime rates (and so costing more money). Desperate corporations have less of a track record getting away with that (although some still do).
I thought most right wing people blamed the poor for 'taking advantage' of the system, but corporations are seen as being smart to accept funding. I feel it's misinformation that makes them believe that most people availing themselves of the assistance are 'taking advantage of the system', and most corporations are simply properly following the law/rules to get any advantage possible, as they should. I can't understand the disconnect.
I blame anyone/anything 'taking advantage of the system',

noam chomsky-confronted by right wing zombie

Yogi says...

I remember watching this a long time ago, after watching tons of talks where Chomsky was introduced with that New York Times quote and corrected and expanded on it. I've heard him do the same thing in a dozen interviews, so if this guy had listened to just about ANY Chomsky he would've heard him correct it before. He was glad Chomsky missed the correction this time and was using it to go for what he thought was his jugular.

I've read over 50 Chomsky books, dozens of his essays and listened to over a hundred interviews. I don't agree with him on several things and I would LOVE IT if anyone who wanted to argue with Chomsky would fucking bring any of those up.

Whenever Chomsky gives a talk there's either:

1. Worshipers who praise him for days without bringing up anything interesting.

2. Whiny Fucking College Kids who complain that it's really hard and my feet hurt after protesting a couple times. This dude has seen people stand up for things knowing they'd probably be killed for doing so, don't bore him with your stories of woe you little whiny hipster pussies.

Finally 3. People who hate him and frame their arguments in the stupidest way possible making it plainly clear that they have never read his arguments in anyway shape or form. You don't want to read or listen to him Fucking Fine, he isn't god he's just a dude. But mother fucker if you want to argue someone you have to at least hear what they're fucking saying first. Ya know who is most guilty of this by the way, fucking Communists. They come up and yack and yack about shit that Chomsky has never said or endorsed and then blame him for all of Americans actions around the world. It's fucking incredibly to hear and I'm sorry but I just want them to bite the curb because they don't fucking listen.

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

Yogi says...

The republican party isn't really a party anymore. They're completely in the pockets of the 1% and the Democrats are mostly in the pockets. Obama was the lesser of two evils but I still hate him and Clinton and Carter for good reasons. If you don't care for making any poor peoples lives a little better though, you won't vote democrat in an election where it matters.

VoodooV said:

Nope. Sorry. The "both parties are equally bad" fallacy has been perpetuated by the neo-libertarians for a long time and it needs to die.

Yes both parties are bad. They needlessly divide our country.

S.E. Cupp demonstrated this during the show. She agreed that Obama has nothing to do with the IRS scandal and that Benghazi is overblown. When exactly is she going to speak out about it hrm other than Bill's show? Does she go on her show and advocate evenhandedness? Nope. Because it benefits her party and it is a detriment to the other party to perpetuate it so it benefits her to not advocate it and let the BS continue. Truth be damned

To argue, however, that they are 50/50 equal is bullshit. It's impossible. When you go down the line and consider every single political issue. You are inevitably going to lean one way or the other, however slightly. 49/51 is not equally bad. One is preferable than the other.

That's how our elections have been for a long time now. Voting for the lesser of two evils. The choices they give us suck but we ultimately choose the one that sucks just a tiny bit less, even by the smallest amount. Even if you say fuck it and vote third party or write someone in, you're still saying "This person sucks less than the other choices." And if you don't vote...well fuck you then.

I agree that both parties suck and we need to abolish parties. To argue they're exactly the same, though, is a dodge and/or cowardice.

Dash Camera Catches Cat Fight!

Retroboy says...

I was seeing that very last bit as "Dammit enough of you. You get the HELL in the house!". Otherwise he wouldn't have brought it all the way back across the road.

Spouse's cat, most likely. Unspayed and cranky. Hates him. Continually stares and growls at him. Shreds his slippers. Chews the corners of his briefcase after pissing on it. Tries to get underfoot when he's carrying in an armful of groceries. Yowls at nothing at 3AM. Dreams of putting a yarn tripline at the top of the stairs. Poops next to the litterbox whenever the spouse is away. Hides his car keys next to the radiator in hopes that the car remote starter will melt. Has been secretly training in a correspondence course in opposable thumbs so it can knife him to death in his sleep.


United States is the Most Corrupt Country in the World

Don't worry, it's just ESD! (Electrostatic Discharge)

Retroboy says...

OMG on my screen he looks like a less hairy version of the Language Professors Hate Him ad just to the right of the video!

Heck, maybe he invented that amazing language-learning mechanism too!

I bet it's just as effective!!!

Amazing Ship Transporting Ships!

Joss Whedon On Mitt Romney

Yogi says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^Yogi:
I'm saying he should leave it be, I don't want him in politics because I'm a fan of his. I don't like hearing people who don't know shit about fuck telling me what I should do.

So because he's created some awesome stuff, he's not entitled to an opinion? That's kinda fucked up IMO.
Besides how do you know he doesn't "know shit about fuck"? Maybe he's made an effort to educate and inform himself about the candidates?
I'm not saying you have to do what he says or even take his political opinion seriously, but I think it's really unfair to say that he shouldn't even express it.
After all, you know four fifths of fuck all about anything and it doesn't stop you

I was just pointing out that I'm a huge fan of the guy, so I don't want to hate him because he's chiming in on this election. I'm tired of this fucking election, I just want it to be over so everyone will shut up and stop talking about shit like they know it because they plopped themselves in front of CNN for a day. This video wasn't even funny to me because it was so stupid.

People should shut up about politics.

Romnesia -- let's get this word into the political lexicon

shinyblurry says...

>> ^bareboards2:

You don't think that Obama's focus on getting some kind of health care reform was a principled act?
He isn't dictator, he had to compromise to get the votes.
But he spent a lot of time and political capital, doing so in the face of many people hating him for it.
I think Obama is a very principled human being. I don't agree with him 100% on all issues, but I also don't have the knowledge he has nor the responsibility he has.

>> ^Mikus_Aurelius:
Thing is, most people who know Mitt would say that the new centrist is the real Mitt, and the republican primary hardliner was the act. That doesn't make him less of a panderer, but I haven't seen either party put forward a principled nominee in my lifetime.

Actually he didn't compromise at all on healthcare. There was no negotiation; he passed Obamacare when he still had a super majority in congress, and he didn't get a single republican vote for it.

Romnesia -- let's get this word into the political lexicon

bareboards2 says...

You don't think that Obama's focus on getting some kind of health care reform was a principled act?

He isn't dictator, he had to compromise to get the votes.

But he spent a lot of time and political capital, doing so in the face of many people hating him for it.

I think Obama is a very principled human being. I don't agree with him 100% on all issues, but I also don't have the knowledge he has nor the responsibility he has.

>> ^Mikus_Aurelius:

Thing is, most people who know Mitt would say that the new centrist is the real Mitt, and the republican primary hardliner was the act. That doesn't make him less of a panderer, but I haven't seen either party put forward a principled nominee in my lifetime.

Beyond Scared Straight - This Guy is Scary!

Selektaa says...

Fear is fear, whether it's of Hell or of prison, it's still fear. You need to teach with positive reinforcement, empathy, to instill in the kids a proper sense or right and wrong. The Bible has some good lessons, the Golden Rule is one of the best, Do unto others as you would have done unto you. I think just that act of projecting yourself unto others can give you the perspective to not be a dick all the time. At no point does God need to be involved, just an understanding and appreciation of your fellow man. Good and responsible behavior doesn't start and stop with religion, and I can't stand it when religions try and claim a monopoly on morality, because it just isn't true.

>> ^shinyblurry:

You're not going to stop kids from sinning by yelling at them. It's not the fear of going to prison which is going to stop them from screwing up, it's the fear of the Lord. If you raise your kids correctly, to honor and reverence Almighty God, using corporal punishment when appropriate, you will end up with a child of honor, who will respect other people, and want to contribute something good to society. Of course this also requires ample doses of unconditional love, and sensitivity to the needs of your child. It requires a total commitment to preparing a child for life in this world and giving him all the tools he needs to succeed. Discipline is a necessary component of this, one that is often missing in many homes. The scripture says if you don't discipline your child you hate him. Godly discipline, to note, is not to tear a child down in anger, but build a child up with love, and teach him how to take responsibility for his actions and own his mistakes instead of passing blame on to others.
If a bad product is coming out of a factory, then you need to check the assembly line. It's bad parenting which is creating these children. Parents who constantly coddle their children, try to be their friends and buy them off instead of discipline them. Parents who raise them on television and r rated movies and violent video games and all of this raw sewage of a corrupt and depraved culture being pumped into their fragile young minds. Parenting, just like everything else in life, is a garbage in garbage out principle. I just read a story about 4 eight year old kids performing sex acts on one another because they had figured out how to access internet porn on their ipads. This wouldn't happen if their parents actually knew or cared what was going on in their kids lives.
There used to be a moral standard in this country founded on the bible, but America has rebelled against God and rejected His laws, and now we are reaping the harvest of our rebellion. Our children are growing up without a moral compass or godly role models and you even cannot begin to count this cost. The only way this situation will change is if we fall on our faces and repent of our wickedness:
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Beyond Scared Straight - This Guy is Scary!

shinyblurry says...

You're not going to stop kids from sinning by yelling at them. It's not the fear of going to prison which is going to stop them from screwing up, it's the fear of the Lord. If you raise your kids correctly, to honor and reverence Almighty God, using corporal punishment when appropriate, you will end up with a child of honor, who will respect other people, and want to contribute something good to society. Of course this also requires ample doses of unconditional love, and sensitivity to the needs of your child. It requires a total commitment to preparing a child for life in this world and giving him all the tools he needs to succeed. Discipline is a necessary component of this, one that is often missing in many homes. The scripture says if you don't discipline your child you hate him. Godly discipline, to note, is not to tear a child down in anger, but build a child up with love, and teach him how to take responsibility for his actions and own his mistakes instead of passing blame on to others.

If a bad product is coming out of a factory, then you need to check the assembly line. It's bad parenting which is creating these children. Parents who constantly coddle their children, try to be their friends and buy them off instead of discipline them. Parents who raise them on television and r rated movies and violent video games and all of this raw sewage of a corrupt and depraved culture being pumped into their fragile young minds. Parenting, just like everything else in life, is a garbage in garbage out principle. I just read a story about 4 eight year old kids performing sex acts on one another because they had figured out how to access internet porn on their ipads. This wouldn't happen if their parents actually knew or cared what was going on in their kids lives.

There used to be a moral standard in this country founded on the bible, but America has rebelled against God and rejected His laws, and now we are reaping the harvest of our rebellion. Our children are growing up without a moral compass or godly role models and you even cannot begin to count this cost. The only way this situation will change is if we fall on our faces and repent of our wickedness:

2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Bill Burr Doesn't Believe The Steve Jobs Hype - CONAN

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^00Scud00:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
dark comedy
Steve Jobs knew how to get the most out of people. He knew how to inspire people. He knew how to manage and utilize people for maximum benefit. He knew when to steal an idea and how to make it work. He was not an inventor; he was a cunning and ruthless business leader and people love and hate him for it.
Anyone who says Steve Jobs was "just" anything is a fool. You may hate what he did, but he was damn good at it.

What is that supposed to mean exactly? When I hear that he was really good at what he did I'm not sure just what it is that I'm supposed to be getting from that statement, am I supposed to respect him for that? Charles Manson was really good at getting other people to commit murder for him, should he get my respect too? After hearing more about Edison I think that it's a pretty good comparison, they both hired a lot of smart people to work for them and then they both took all the credit for themselves, although it's probably partially our own fault as well, as a society we do love putting people on pedestals.

My only point is that all the arguments that amount to him being in the right place at the right time, as if he had nothing to do with his or Apple's success and just stumbled into a pile of talent and went along for the ride, are nonsense.

Watch something like Triumph of the Nerds and you'll see those supposedly exploited Apple employees praising him for bringing out their best. Was he a pompous gasbag? Yes. Did he have a way of inspiring and driving people to new heights? You bet your fucking ass, he did.

You don't have to respect him but to pretend that being a leader like Jobs isn't a skill... well, if it's not, why aren't you surrounded by geniuses who make you rich?

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