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Yes We Can. Obama stories are shared. What a guy.

newtboy says...

Ok. Thank you for clarifying.
I feel you have now invited action against you by moderators AND verbal retaliation from fellow sifters.
You are welcome to your opinion, as disgusting as many may find it, but you are NOT welcome to use blatant racist hate speech when explaining your theories, not here. The rules on that subject are clear, and you have blatantly, repeatedly, and unapologetically violated them.
I do give you props for standing behind your words, that's far more adult than hiding from them and pretending you didn't mean it or were just joking.

Btw, calling you out on your inappropriate actions in no way equates to condoning Obama's inappropriate actions.

gorillaman said:

Intolerance is a virtue.

With all love and respect to my friends in this thread, I wasn't joking and I don't apologise. Barack Obama is a subhuman nigger and he should be strung up to die like a nigger.

When you participate in the sort of widespread oppression and generalised evil that he has, both as an individual and a member of an unabashedly fascist government; when you, say, lock free people in cages because you don't approve of the things they choose to put in their own bodies; when you commit those crimes against humanity, you lose any claim you might have had to be considered a part of our species.

So he's a nigger - as you would expect him to be, plebiscite systems won't elect human beings while humanity is in the extreme minority in every country in the world.

The fact that you're all less concerned with the hundreds of thousands of real lives this megalomaniacal nazi turd-demon has destroyed (what a guy) than you are with a little name-calling, speaks to the total moral degeneracy of today's faux-progressive orthodoxy.

enoch (Member Profile)

You're F*ckin' High

Stormsinger says...

I get the feeling you still don't understand my outrage. I don't give a fuck if we disagree about Trump and Clinton. I'm pissed off solely because you have the audacity to set yourself up as if you were in a position to make my decisions for me.

Notice, not once did I tell you who to vote for. I'll thank you to have the decency to do the same.

bareboards2 said:


We'll have to agree to disagree.

First: Do No Harm. Second: Do No Pussy Stuff. | Full Frontal

harlequinn says...

Once again, not an argument. At least you admit you don't have one to give.

I don't buy the "it's a waste of my time" bullshit. You "wasted" your time watching the video, reading the article, replying to the link, replying to my comment, etc. Suddenly when you're called out on your lack of argument you don't have the time. Bwahahahaaha.

Somehow I get the feeling you don't work in the field (medicine) like me, and if you are able to form a coherent argument about it, it will be from a layperson's perspective.

Creationism and homeopathy are false equivalences. Not even a good try.

Go read my reply to JustSaying above. This is how hospitals work.

ChaosEngine said:

I know that. I have 0 fucks to give about that article, and I'm certainly not going to waste my time rebutting it point by point, any more than I'm going to debate creationism or homeopathy.

Hillary SuperPac runs first Anti-Trump ad in several states

Fairbs says...

I think some of these are ads are put out to see if they get any traction and if they do they run them hard.

I feel you on Bernie. I'm going to vote for Hillary, but it will be a best of two evils deal.

newtboy said:

Hasn't SHE also been filmed mocking Trump at her rallies...another person with disabilities, but his are purely mental.

EDIT: Also, is his mocking a disabled man really the most important flub he's made? Wouldn't disputing some of his policies be more to the point and make more of a difference. I mean, we already know he's a douchebag, and that's a selling point for most of his followers, not a deal breaker. Explain how his tax plan doubles the national debt, raises taxes on all non millionaires, and ends all social programs many of his followers use to live, while drastically lowering tax rates on millionaires and making it easier for them to hide money and move businesses out of the country, contrary to what he tells them in his rallies. I see this as a huge part of the problem this election, it's become all about personality, nothing of substance at all, because neither main candidate wants to discuss their plans or history.

EDIT: The following statement has been found to be inaccurate.

Um...keep in mind that she's NOT the nominee yet, people. It's another lie from her campaign, repeated by all media organizations.
A candidate needs 2383 PLEDGED delegates to win the nomination. She has 2184. Because there seems to be some question among Clinton supporters, 2184 < 2383. She's 199 short. That doesn't mean Sanders has much chance, it means the claim that "she won the nomination" is a BOLD FACED LIE that apparently 90% of Americans are gullible and ignorant enough to buy. Don't be a sucker and fall for then repeat another lie. Wait for the convention before calling her the nominee. She didn't win yet.

Susan Sarandon Broke Up With Hillary

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Abortion Laws

ledpup says...

I don't represent the entire left, but as a member of the left I think you're misrepresenting our (at least my) concerns. It's not that we don't care about the unborn, it is that this is a complex situation that involves more than one person in an unusual circumstance.

On the one hand, the mother (and others involved) who for whatever reason don't want to bring a child into the world and look after it (yes I know about adoption and yes, it is a very good solution for some women/situations). On the other hand, the foetus. It may be little more than a collection of cells. It might have a heartbeat. It might be thinking/dreaming/hearing/feeling. You could even consider it to be a person at certain stages of development (or even from the very first cell division, if you want). It could even be considered killing a person to kill the foetus. I can accept all of that and yet I can accept the need for abortion. Just like we accept killing and/or not helping (so that they die) poor people, old people, disabled people, sick people, refugees, soldiers from other countries, people on deathrow, animals, etc. We accept justified killing in many circumstances. Making abortion legal simple means that in this circumstance, we accept that the killing is justified.

If you kill a pregnant woman, you may not be charged with murder. You will only be charged if the state does not consider the killing to be justified. I think that is where you're struggling with this issue. In the US, on a basic level, the state and populace consider the killing of an unborn child to be justified killing. You need to make an argument for why it isn't. (I don't really need to make an argument for why it is justified because I'm with the status quo on this one.)

bobknight33 said:

Who fights for the unborn? Not the left.


Its odd if I kill a pregnant woman I get charged with 2 counts of murder. If the woman kills the fetus no problem with that.

Making a Sling-Primitive Technology

Chairman_woo says...

I have limited experience with slinging, but IMHO it's already very much the same as just throwing a stone out of your hand in terms of aim and how it feels.

You basically just release the knot at the point of the swing where you would anyway. Feels very natural.

There's also very little gain in swinging it more than one revolution above your head, almost all the power comes from the flick at the last moment.

I found getting a good power stroke (ooh er Mrs etc.) was the harder part.

A good afternoon of farting about and you could probably kill someone fairly proficiently with one though.

Someone with a lifetime of practice would be terrifying, at least as much as a good archer I would imagine.

MilkmanDan said:

Would be interesting to hear if he thinks that using the sling could get as natural as throwing with one's own arm, given enough practice.

I'm getting visions of "Groundhog Day" in my head -- "6 months, 4-5 hours a day, and you'd be an expert."

Santa Ana Cops Behaving Badly

GenjiKilpatrick says...

No, why do you ask? Do you think i'm being insincere?

I made this same argument - in my long-winded way - in this comment just last week.

(as well as another comment previous to this that I'm not gonna search for)

I'm actually pretty polite and well-mannered when I'm not ranting, believe it or not.

The point being:

You hate when people talk badly about LEOs.
I hate when people talk badly about People of Color.

We both share that similar feeling.

You understand that not all black people are criminals. (i hope)
I understand that not all police people are criminals.

We both share that common ground. (as @kevingrr put it)

Here I am attempting to extend an olive branch and show you some respect..

And all I get in return is more mockery.

Oooh well, can't say I never tried to be friendly/make peace..

lantern53 said:

Genji, did you forget to hit the (sarc) button?

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

ChaosEngine says...

Jesus fucking Christ...


The problem under discussion is CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, which is not actually a racial issue, but a cultural one. Yes, there's a difference, even though they frequently overlap.

Ugh, at this point, it feels you're just wilfully misunderstanding. @JustSaying thinks you're better than that and not a troll. I used to agree with him, but it's getting more difficult.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

It's like you folks can't even fathom that actual racism looks like.

Stop denying that problems exist, it's disparaging of all victims everywhere of those problems.

Is Destin the best Dad there is?

Fairbs says...

I don't like the phrase, 'we're pregnant'. As a man, I feel you're part of the process, but you're are obviously not pregnant. I think it kind of takes away from the woman who actually has the growing parasite in her and it's her body that's going through all the changes, and also has to do all of the right things to ensure the baby has the best chance.

The Last Ever Top Gear

dannym3141 says...

Let's face it.. they did everything, and the shows were becoming more and more contrived, obvious and staged. It was about time it stopped.

The problem with Clarkson is similar to the problem with Al Murray the Pub Landlord. There are people laughing at him because they find the caricature of a racist, sexist moron saying stupid things funny - and they often are funny. There are also people laughing, saying "he's so right!" Clarkson does not have the advantage of being a comedian, and i reject the notion that he is one - he never has been one and could never front a decent comedy set under its own merit. If you want to see a comedian that correctly applies context and frames sexist/racist comments, see Al Murray.

If you find the idea of a man saying "catch a nigger by the toe" funny and somehow feel you're missing out if it isn't said, then we're never really going to see eye to eye. You can wave your hands and pass the buck about whether or not you think he said it all you like, the fact is that Clarkson has been caught red handed doing plenty of stuff like that so that guilt can be reasonably assumed given that it sounded very much like it. Add on top of that the apology - coming from a man who takes a piss on rules and convention, it's an admission of some degree of guilt.

Perhaps if he skirted other issues better, people wouldn't assume he was a fucking idiot. And i'm sorry to say, quite an entertaining idiot. take for example the falkland number plate - what sort of colossal moron believes it was a coincidence? I enjoy many parts of the show, but that doesn't mean i can't think he's completely irresponsible for being racist and for downplaying personal vehicle contribution to global warming when it is undoubtable to anyone who studies the subject appropriately.... which he owes it to the viewers and to the future of fucking humankind to do, considering the reach of his show.

Stephen Fry on Meeting God

newtboy says...

Funny you ask questions but 'aren't looking for an answer', maybe because you feel you already have an answer you feel is right? Feelings can be wrong, you've proven that.

Morality is important because people live together, and without morality you get only chaos. Morality, and/or empathy have evolutionary benefits and are behavioral evolutionary constructs. Those without it are shunned from/by society and so don't reproduce as often as those with it. That's just one difference it makes, but a big one.

So, you know these things about yourself, but if someone else points them out they're a bully? Thicken your skin if you intend to stay on the internet is my best advice, that and read your posts as if they were written TO you before hitting 'submit', if you do that honestly you'll find you display the same behavior you complain about.
I point out to you that @offsetSammy made a great point in his second paragraph you ignored completely in order to call him names.

lantern53 said:

Why is morality so important to you? Why is 'good' superior to 'bad'?

In a nihilistic universe, what difference does it make?

<When I have questions I look for the answer.>
....but also said....
I'm not looking for an answer. I just think you should ask these questions yourself.

(And you people don't consider yourselves bullies. You could write the book on it..I am 'imbecilic, ridiculous, contradictory, dishonest, oblivious')

Surprise Valentine’s Day gift from Land Rover

newtboy jokingly says...

Dear Ford....I feel you need to mimic this kind gesture...and I have a 1970 bronco in nearly as bad shape as the Land Rover that's my daily driver until I fall through the completely rotten floor board. Hint hint hint hint hint.

Baffled by Stupidity: Richard Dawkins

BoneRemake says...

If you are talking about the comment downvote, I'll let you know because I just feel you should know. I am completely tired of reading your banal bullshit addict riddled sounding tripe on the topic of DMT. You're like a broken freaking record. But as is my right to downvote that, so is your's to express yourself.

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