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47 Ronin

newtboy says...

I'm not sure if you actually disagree or just misunderstand. I have no issue with fantasy, except when it's put in place of reality. I enjoyed LOTR and Hobbit, and I even want to see Pacific Rim (although I must admit I'm embarrassed about it). When fantasy replaces history, history is lost.
When you tell a story that's historical in nature, I (and many others) feel you have an obligation to your audience to teach them the actual history, not to bastardize and fictionalize it with fantasy and Neo. I'm sorry if you feel that way of thinking makes me a jerk, it wasn't what I was going for. I feel it makes me an adult that is unapologetic about being interested in amazing history more than flashy fantasy.
My point about Lincoln has been ignored or misunderstood...would you have liked to see him fight a confederate dragon? Would that have added to, or detracted from the compelling adult story being told? Was Lincoln Vampire Hunter as good a movie as Lincoln in any way? Did the addition of Vampires help you understand the person or time period, or would it have confused you about the historical facts if you knew nothing about the subject(s)?
I understand 300 was not meant to be historical, but it has the same issues with adding fantasy and drama to a well known, historical story. This is a big pet peeve of mine, as I feel most people have a tenuous grasp of history at best, and are not served by being told about historical events in a clearly non-historical, unreal, dramatized, and fantasized manner. It is especially egregious when there is no historical version to point to (in English at least, there is Chushingura in Japanese) when discussing the subject. I read mostly science fiction, and I read both 300 and The Gates of Fire, and while I loved 300, I wish the latter had been made first. I have read many versions of 47 Ronin, and none of them had a dragon or any unrealistic fantasy. Any of them would have made a great action packed adult movie with many lessons to teach rather than just a fun few hours watching Neo save the Asians. To me, adding the fantasy is tantamount to saying the story isn't compelling enough without embellishment, and this one certainly is. To me, it's the same as exaggeration, it's like admitting reality isn't good (or bad) enough to make the point in your argument. Pure fantasy is exempt from this issue.
P.S. sorry for the essay.

00Scud00 said:

And disagreement is cool with me, I often disagree with people who like musicals but I can do so without being a jerk about it, I'm just not into them. An active imagination is often considered a sign of intelligence and higher thinking. I'm pretty sure creative minds like Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, just to name a few, are not lacking in the intelligence or comprehension departments. Gene Roddenberry could be responsible for god knows how many people going into the sciences, inspired to make the future, he imagined a reality.
Lincoln was great movie and I'd be all for seeing a movie based on the 47 Ronin that was more historically accurate, but that doesn't mean I can't also enjoy movies like Pacific Rim. As for 300, the movie was actually based on Frank Miller's graphic novel, which I doubt was ever intended to be a factual account of the event anyhow. Movies like this one are, for better or worse a product of market forces and the society we live in.

Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators

chingalera says...

Oh and thank you very much peggedbea, for coming to my defense-Yeah NewtboyP ,i ain't one of those born-again types either, I ain't right or left of center, apolitical, pro-guns, right-to-lifer (i.e. the right to follow will), and I know the hand of who is fucking me at any given time with regard to laws and governments UNLIKE many many many people who haven't a duckling clue what they believe but simply parrot that which supports their delusions(esp. with regard to politics and religion)....Which is a category I feel you so passionately represent.

Russell Brand on MSNBC Mocking Media

chingalera says...

I feel you with your enthusiasm for the language and it's not his pace or obscure references or a refined use of language that's bothersome-It's an air of entitlement and his enormous ego I can't stomach, the chap has his moments-

I recoil from his popularity fueled by the media machine-Gauging pop culture based on her icons I'd have to imagine comedy isn't dead, it's merely retarded.

CreamK said:

Maybe it's too fast and complex for you.. Yeah, he uses posh words and rare terms but that's just one part of the act. It's a really nice twist on the other wise dumped down comedy. You compare a british and murikan cursing and the vocabulary is highly in the favor of the old UK punk...

Another good brit comedian is Tim Minchin, he has great vocabulary and some form of grace in his way of relaying information to another humanbeing. Both fellows makes people think and i like that.

As non-native english speaker, i enjoy good set of new words... Sometimes i wonder why 99,999% of the stuff i see on tv uses a lot of same words over and over to explain something that could be described with one word more accurately.

Microsoft's response to the PS4 not having DRM

ChaosEngine says...

Unpopular opinion incoming!

First, full disclaimer: I am not a game developer, but I do write software for a living I'd prefer to be paid (and paid well) for my skills.

Ok, here's the thing. Sorry, but not your stuff. You didn't make it and you don't own it. You own a licence to use it. End of.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I believe not only is a certain amount of DRM acceptable, it's actually unfortunately necessary. I am possibly crazy, but I believe in paying the fucking writer.

Now DRM as it stands is fucking bullshit. *I* paid to watch this motherfucking movie. *i* paid to play this fucking game. Every time you cunts force me sit through a fucking anti -piracy message, it makes me more inclined to pirate your fucking content.

And I don't want to. If I'm buying your game/movie/book, I've already decided your artistic output is worth my time and energy that I put into working. Fuck it, I could have stayed at home and learned to play drums. I've wanted to do that for years, but I don't have the fucking TIME! So you get my time/work/energy.

How fucking dare you waste my precious free time on your sanctimonious fucking ads targeting the very people who don't give a shit about your message, and who, by some perverse twist of natural justice, don't have to put up with your bullshit.

That said.....

"wah, I don't like your DRM" is not a valid excuse to pirate content. If you don't like the way company X distributes your favourite book/game/movie/tv show.... don't consume that content.

No, seriously, (and I'm well aware I'm going to engender a lot of hate for this) if you feel you are entitled to the fruits of someone else's hard work because you don't agree with how it's distributed, then seriously, fuck you. Yeah, I'm not kidding. I don't care if it's WB or HBO or EA or whatever undeniably fucking idiotic big media conglomerate. At some point, a bunch of hard working, talented people created something you want to consume.


Or find another way to let those creators know you want their content but not as it's currently available.

If it's awesome, find a way to let them know. If it's shit, don't consume it.

So back to games and drm and copying.

It boils down to this. Buy the games you want. Support the people who are working their arses off because they love what their doing. If you think the new COD is shit (and you're in good company), then don't buy it, don't pirate it and for the love of FSM, don't play it. Your time is valuable. Buy a cheap PC and play FTL or Monaco or Fez or Walking Dead or Mark of the Ninja.... all great games, none of which need a "next gen" (aka 3 or 4 gens ago on the pc) console. Hell, go kickstart Star Citizen.

Fuck it, this is now so long I don't know where or why or how I started.*

Pay the people who make the things you love. They deserve it. They'll make more cool shit. Don't borrow it, don't pirate it. Just, pay them. They get fuck all enough as it is.

* kids! don't write posts drunk after midnight on Saturday after watching the All Blacks crush the French! You will write unpopular opinions and most likely excommunicate yourself from online communities you enjoy!

ant said:

Hence, I try to avoid these DRMs. MY stuff. I keep! I sell if I want to.

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

newtboy says...

I would posit this question: Can one post on religious websites freely without issue if you don't talk about (or believe in) Jebus?
Answer: No, one will be lambasted and inundated with outrage for suggesting another point of view where it's not wanted. (it makes little difference which religion we're talking about).
Neither act is right, I just wish to point out that the intolerance is almost always coming FROM the religious side, not towards it. The religious are just hyper sensitive, never having had to defend their position before (because they effectively silenced all dissenting opinion(s)). The non-religious are hardened by centuries of oppression from the religious, so we don't complain about it as much, we expect it from a certain percentage and try to ignore them.
I feel you can post on secular websites freely without issue if you don't talk ONLY about Jebus.

shinyblurry said:

You can post on secular websites freely without issue, if you don't talk about Jesus.

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

enoch says...

my comment was not really directed at you my dear.i painted my premise with a broad brush that expanded from this thread and addressed something i have found to be more and more practiced on the sift.

you posted your reasons why you used the ignore.
to get rid of the "rabble" and make it easier to read posts you enjoy.
now if that means posts that you agree with or dont find offensive ..well..that is kind of my point.

and you are so right.we all have a right to our opinion and in my opinion to sequester posts you disagree or find offensive is intellectually weak.

@VoodooV you literally just made my entire point by your post and i dont know if that was on purpose or by freak accident.

while i agree with your assertion that @shinyblurry tends to wade in the copy/paste waters and he dwells in circular logic have to give the boy props for lending a perspective of a christian fundamentalist on a mainly secular left site.

that boy can rile you all up like a stick to a hornets nest.which is endless entertainment for me.

but lets change that paradigm shall we?
why dont you head down to your nearest baptist church and hand out fliers concerning evolution to the congregation and tell them god doesnt exist.

then maybe you would know what it feels like to get blasted by all sides at once.while shiny lacks in clear debate gotta admire his courage.

as for @chingalera seeking attention.
i dunno.
maybe you are right.
but the real question is how did you come to that conclusion?
by what means did you discern his intentions?motivations?
crystal ball? black magic? a little fairy come by and whisper in your ear?

you used your OWN subjective understanding.your OWN experiences to presume the motivations of another sifter.
thats weak sauce and you better than that.

and ask for a daddy to come in straighten out the people who you:disagree with.argue in a way you dont find constructive (but may be they do).derail threads that maybe you would have enjoyed more if those pesky kids hadnt messed everything up.

the world dont revolve around you so get over yourself man.for fuck sakes!

i was sincere when i said i love your commentary because i truly do.
smart,witty and you usually have something to say.i ADORE your commentary but you are being self righteous on this thread.

i did something very similar last week to @renatojj and he called me out.he was right and i was wrong.

stop trying to impose your ideals of what constructive participation is based solely on your own and limited understanding.
this is not your sift but rather OURS and things will become chaotic at times.

the sift is organic.
allow it to metamorph into whatever it will become.
we do not need a big daddy to direct where it goes and thats the beauty of this site.

the irony in all this exchange between you and i is that i feel you have something to say and have always admired that about you.
allow other people to have their say as well.

dag (Member Profile)

Colber Report 5/1/13: The Word - N.R.A.-vana

ChaosEngine says...

Can I ask what is the objection to background checks for guns?

Is it a slippery slope concern? i.e. first, it's background checks then it's <something-worse>.

Is it simply a principled stand? That you feel you should be able to sell or buy a gun from whoever you like?

Or is it a pragmatic stance? The old "criminals will ignore the law anyway"?

I'm genuinely curious as to why someone wouldn't want some controls on something as dangerous as a gun.

Darkhand said:

I'm not against gun show background checks for gun retailers. But I am against background checks every time someone privately sells a gun.

John Howard on Gun Control

ChaosEngine says...

I'm not sure you really understand the concept of a trend.

The figure were increasing before the gun laws. They increased AT THE SAME RATE after.

And @Jerykk, no-one is talking about banning guns. We're just suggesting that maybe there should be some reasonable controls on who should own them and how you should buy them.

And did you mean Boston? Can't find anything on google about Seattle bombings?

Seriously what is the issue here? Why are people so desperate to hang onto all kinds of firearms?

No-one is even vaguely suggesting that if you want to hunt or target shoot you shouldn't be able to.

There has never been and almost certainly never will be a dictatorship prevented by gun owning citizens in the modern age. Hell, you could argue that you've already failed in that regard in the US (not your government, the banks).

So that leaves what? Self defence? That just doesn't wash. This is not hollywood. You're not Clint or Arnold. There's ample evidence to suggest that gun owners are 4 times more likely to die by firearm (often with their own gun).

Meanwhile, the rest of the civilised world has reasonable gun legislation, and we just don't worry about it. I honestly do no understand what is so fucked up about american society that you feel you need guns.

jimnms said:

Are you not noticing that after the gun ban that there is a 55% increase in violent crime (and the murder rate increased for several years). See my reply to kymbos above. I was typing it when you posted this.

"My Dad Died" Tales Of Mere Existence

PancakeMaster says...

I feel you. My father died soon to be a year ago, not even into his mid 60's. While not exactly in good health, he wasn't terminally ill either. It was a shock but similarly to Levni, I had the idea in my head long before hand. "So be it."

Zifnab said:

My Mom died a little over a month ago (right after Christmas). She had been ill for a while, but it was still unexpected and still a shock. I am an only child and we were very close. I still have a lot of the same feelings as Lev has expressed.

She was a wonderful person who had just retired and was only 59. I miss her every day and expect to continue to do so for the rest of my life. I still have a lot of emotion tied up inside me and I have not yet found a good way to let it out.

I'm not really sure why I'm saying this all here. I'm not looking for sympathy or anything, it just feels like I should let a bit of it out.

*quality *doublepromote

Ricky Gervais in Gold Lame, Daniel Radcliffe in a Towel

meggymoo says...

To have the horn is that feeling you get when you are aroused and looking for sex. You can also say that you are feeling horny. For example. "cor blimey gunva, I just took a gander at 'er garters and it's given me the right horn it 'as." Although I have never heard it being used for the penis it is more about the feeling.

Shelley Lubben On Abuse In The Porn Industry - (Very NSFW)

BoneRemake says...


I wrote Empathy on my college course list, thank you for the suggestion. I really FEEL you were MEANING to be KIND from a past EXPERIENCE you have had.

** I.. I have had. see that's what the course is for **

Not like you were making a complete back story up for the people in the video and then praying on those emotions. Unlike myself who just commented on what he knows via the video he watched. I liked your back story though It had heart.

Guy finds a Wall spider in bathroom, finds a way to kill it

spoco2 says...

Very sad and pathetic.

'The most messed up thing I've ever seen'

Really? A small spider on your wall minding its own business is 'the most messed up thing' you've ever seen?

And then you feel you have to punch it?

If this is not fake, then this guy is really quite pathetic.

I'm constantly taking ones that big and much bigger outside in cups... no need to kill them, they keep your insects in check.

VideoSift 5.0 Launch! (Sift Talk Post)

grinter says...

Great work! I'm still finding the changes a bit unsettling, but even good change is usually unsettling, isn't it?
My three criticisms are:
1) The 'top 15 unsifted but soon to expire' list on the side of all unsifted videos was a great way to bring attention to submissions that probably deserve it, before they disappear for ever into P-queue purgatory.
2) If someone went through the trouble of promoting a video in order to share it with the rest of us, it should have a reasonable tenure at the top of the front page. If promoted videos are taking up too much space, perhaps they can have even smaller thumbnails? Although, I think two rows of three videos would fit just fine with the current thumbnail size.
3) The lag I'm experiencing when typing and scrolling the page is maddening. Even typing this one comment has by body burning with frustration. That's not a feeling you want visitors associating with your site, because it will, consciously or subconsciously, train them to avoid VideoSift.

5 Levels of Psychedelic Experience

shagen454 says...


You are invited to my house. I have a nice house, I will transport you with my Lexus SUV from the train station through the extinct volcanoes to my house where I will make you comfortable, bring your Bible keep it handy. Then I will give you a MAOI a natural substance and then I will give you another natural pill. These both have been used for many more thousands of years than Christianity has even been around.

Then you tell me what you see and feel. I assure you, you will not be saying demons, you will have no idea of how to describe what you are seeing except that you are feeling God and God is feeling you. You may even realize that there is no God but that is the only way you know how to describe it. Once you experience this, once again, something that has been around before most religions, then you can tell me your opinion. But, until you do, my door is open to you but your opinion is pretty much meaningless. I am a non judgmental person, I understand that you just do not know because you have not had this natural experience

shinyblurry said:

What you're doing when you take these drugs is that you're turning over control of your mind to demons. It may feel good and seem profound but in reality you are being programmed. I know that many psychonauts believe they are experiencing true freedom, but it is actually mental and spiritual bondage they are experiencing, being imprisoned inside an unreal construct with chains they cannot see.

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