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PQUEUED with 9 Votes! by Krupo (Playlist)

Tape Measure Ninja picked up a new trick

lucky760 says...

What do you mean fake? Every time I see a saw blade cut through wood the sawdust always flies into the air a few inches then disappears. Must be real!

These viral video guys need to work harder at making their videos look actually homemade.

Have YOU had an affair with Tiger Woods too? (User Poll by JiggaJonson)

schmawy (Member Profile)

hot chocolate toppings: marshmallows vs whipped cream (User Poll by peggedbea)

residue (Member Profile)

thinker247 (Member Profile)

Incredible home-made Rube Goldberg

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Dumb Moose Hunter (almost) Gets the Rack

rottenseed says...

>> ^westy:
I don't mind if they eat it , it be far better if people had to go out and hunt meat to eat it , if meat was wiled it would have a happear life + less of aburdon on the enviroment.

True and bow hunting is more fair than gun hunting. But if he was a real man, he'd be armed with a homemade spear

Refrigeration Without Electricity

Air Strike Gone Bad

flechette says...

Didn't any of you guys see that one CSI where the bad guy's son murdered a neighborhood kid and when they went looking through the house they found that refrigerator full of homemade liquid explosives?! And Grissom was all OH MAN I SEE A BLOODY KNIFE LIKE RIGHT HERE NEXT TO THE FRIDGE and the ATF or FBI or WTF ever dude was all OH MAN NO YOU CAN'T GRAB IT BECAUSE WE'LL ALL BLOW UP!!!!! AND THEN THEY BLEW UP THE HOUSE.

Remember?! The whole house! Right in the middle of the neighborhood! BOOM! And that was in AMERICA and it was on TV so it HAD to be how the really do stuff in real life!

>.> Seriously, it's a fscking war. What good is bickering about whether it's legitimate or not? If you're for it, yay go team! If you're not, don't go. It doesn't make a lick of difference if you argue on the internet about the fscking war! That's what private messages are for, dammit.

Here's my thought's on the video: Seems dangerous, glad I'm not there!

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

Zero Punctuation: Ghostbusters The Video Game

FlowersInHisHair says...

Yeah, it's a cool game. It is genuinely funny, much more so that Yahtzee gives it credit for, and feels very Ghostbustery. The controls are fudgy, but that was deliberate - the Ghostbusters' equipment is jury-rigged, homemade, clunky, difficult to use and causes thousands of dollars of collateral damage. The central catching-ghosts mechanic is enoromous fun, and seeing the locations and ghosts from the movies is a treat.

It is, after all, called "Ghostbusters the Video Game". If it weren't a video game version of Ghostbusters, I'd be disappointed.

Huge homemade Tesla coil

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