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New York has a space program

A DIY Rail Gun! 1.25kJ Homemade Magnetic Coilgun

eatbolt says...

.027kJ of force applied to 1" diameter of surface area needed to break skull bone. This is 1.25kJ. Even considering the drop off due to distance and air resistance, it would definitely crack a skull and would likely lodge itself in someone's brain. The temple is one of the few places where a small puncture can kill someone. Ergo: Don't build this then shoot someone in the head with it.

>> ^chicchorea: everywhere.
Of course, a GRF(Gibsonesque Rail Fletcher),...I want....
>> ^BoneRemake:
>> ^chicchorea:
With the energy demonstrated, except for shot to temple at close range perhaps, not lethal.
Still, with refinement....

I formally disagree.
You can poison tip the end, give it a barb or two, assemble some fashion of exploding tip.
Or make the projectile more sleek and pointed to go through or between a rib.
or bleed out... gangrene..
lots of ways to die from this thing, I wish not to count thee ways though.

A DIY Rail Gun! 1.25kJ Homemade Magnetic Coilgun

chicchorea says... everywhere.

Of course, a GRF(Gibsonesque Rail Fletcher),...I want....
>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^chicchorea:
With the energy demonstrated, except for shot to temple at close range perhaps, not lethal.
Still, with refinement....

I formally disagree.
You can poison tip the end, give it a barb or two, assemble some fashion of exploding tip.
Or make the projectile more sleek and pointed to go through or between a rib.
or bleed out... gangrene..
lots of ways to die from this thing, I wish not to count thee ways though.

Hybrid (Member Profile)

SlipperyPete (Member Profile)

djsunkid (Member Profile)

Taco Bell - A peek behind the counter: How the food is made.

QI - "Why Does Cheese Taste Better When Grated?

rottenseed says...

For the passed week, I have been making my own personal pizzas using flatbread, a homemade apricot infused bbq sauce mixed with a roasted garlic marinara, mozzarella, mushrooms, and goat cheese.

...I just told you that to brag, but there's a point too.

I found when I just used "chunks" of mozzarella, the water content in the cheese was so much so that I'd have little puddles of liquid after taking it out of the oven. Somehow, by shaving the cheese, that problem stopped. I wonder if shaving it dries it out a bit (because of more surface area exposed) as well.

Kid's Homemade Dalek Invasion Video is Awesome

Playinwithfire (Member Profile)

choggie says...

hey ho..get well soon enoch, ride the wave and come out the other side a better man for it-make with the homemade chicken soup loaded with goodness for the off-side of the crud-garlic, celery, onion, chicken, salt und pepper, mmmmmmm, and Brussels sprouts maybe?? we gonna blast ya outta the zone for some bling, homes....

In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
Hey, Steve(Enoch) wanted me to tell you thanks for poppin all those vids in his que. He cant respond because hes got a wicked virus in his comp and cant type a thing. lol My job to show ya some love bud : )

Homemade Sparkler

Suicide Note of Texas Pilot Who Crashed Into IRS Building (Fear Talk Post)

imstellar28 says...

I didn't say death was an appropriate punishment for working at the IRS (its not), I said there isn't an innocent person working there. Its no different than being a police officer who enforces drug laws, or a solider who invades a sovereign country. So yeah, while I think you shouldn't fly planes into buildings; (didn't I say that in my post?) what else is this guy going to do? Walk in there and charge them with a crime? Kidnap them and keep them in a homemade jail? Nobody has a way to punish these people or defend themselves...thats what initiates vigilante justice - and vigilante justice is often as swift as it is brutal.

If you don't want vigilante justice, then you should support a lawful government that punishes all criminals - including those working for the government itself. I'm not going to applaud a vigilante, but I'm not going to condemn one either. Look at Central/South America...police are often corrupt and sometimes refuse to punish criminals. The people usually are too scared to act, but sometimes an evil enough criminal comes along and they burn him in the streets. Is that justice? Probably. Is it civilized? No. Is it better than violent criminals roaming around unpunished and unafraid? I'd say yes.

Personally, I'd rather live in a society where criminals are (over) punished by mob/vigilante justice than one where criminals are not punished at all. Maybe you have a different opinion, but who doesn't? You shouldn't take such a unilateral view to the subject because your ideas are far from enlightened. There is a lot of the world you haven't experienced, and I don't think you are nearly wise enough to patronize the views of others.
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
>> ^imstellar28:
Violence against innocent bystanders is unequivocally wrong, but at what point does violence become self defense? There wasn't a single innocent person working in that building. You shouldn't have to crash a plane into a building to get people to realize this, but what else is going to wake people up at this point?

So..... working for the government is justification for death?
Tough talk from a spoiled brat.

How to make a Big Mac clone; tastier and probably healthier

dag says...

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That sounds awesome- and has made me hungry. >> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Here is my ideal homemade burger: In a mixing bowl, mix ground beef, onions, peppers, garlic salt, pepper, Worchester sauce, tabasco sauce, shredded cheese and ketchup. Form into patties and cook. Fry some sourdough bread in a pan with butter, garlic and parmessian cheese. Put the meat on the bread with whatever veggies you like and then eat it.

How to make a Big Mac clone; tastier and probably healthier

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Here is my ideal homemade burger: In a mixing bowl, mix ground beef, onions, peppers, garlic salt, pepper, Worchester sauce, tabasco sauce, shredded cheese and ketchup. Form into patties and cook. Fry some sourdough bread in a pan with butter, garlic and parmessian cheese. Put the meat on the bread with whatever veggies you like and then eat it.

littledragon_79 (Member Profile)

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Beggar's Canyon