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Beyonce surprises students

Beyonce surprises students

Great Rant from God Bless America

Stiletto Heels Racing - A Very Serious Sport!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'stelietto, heels, sprint, run, course, russia' to 'stiletto, high heels, sprint, run, course, russia' - edited by calvados

The Great Porn Experiment: TEDxGlasgow, Gary Wilson

spoco2 says...

@gwiz665 My point isn't that porn is bad and people who view it should feel bad about it. I really do have no issue with respectful porn in moderation. My issue is that if you do a search for porn these days, or go to youporn or anything like that, then 90% of the top stuff is just so derogatory towards women. Women gagging on dicks to the point of almost throwing up, women having their mouths pulled open, women drinking cum from glasses, bukakke, being held down and viscously rammed... this seems to be the norm now. The norm seems to be to treat women as objects. And damn those women better have big fake tits, a bald vagina, and be fine with ass to mouth.

My issue is that the porn is 'just there' now, and for single people, it'll get used a lot, and it DOES start shaping their tastes and expectations in regards to sex. The fact that sites like this even have a need to exist, shows that porn is shaping people's attitudes towards sex and women far more than it should be.

My wife and I do actually still occasionally watch porn together, carefully selected stuff that is not degrading, but just shows couples seemingly actually enjoying sex together. And as an occasional thing, it's great.

Trying to teach kids that porn is just movies and not real is just the same as movies really. Until their old enough to really process the difference between reality and make believe, until they get those critical thinking abilities, it doesn't matter how much you tell them that something isn't real. If they see it, it will affect them. So yes, I will definitely be teaching them about how the stuff in porn should never be looked on as a way to treat women (or be treated for my daughter), but I don't want them even seeing it until they're much older and can actually process it properly anyway.

Over sexualisation of our kids is a huge problem now. 3 year old girls being given high heel shoes for birthdays (as our daughter was, and we've promptly put them deep in the dress up basket), having 'role models' like Katy 'spit' Perry informing their self view. It's shit, and is not letting kids just be kids. And too many parents we see just go along with it. Let their 3 year olds dance and sing along to music videos showing women being treated as sex objects, and little more.

What this talk shows is that there is a physical effect of watching porn as much as people do now. You can put it down to weak will power, but when it's there at a click, whenever you want it, it's a problem. And it really is changing how people have sex. I've watched numerous talks where porn tropes like cumming on the woman's face, or ass to mouth, or any number of those things that only really make sense in the world of porn, are becoming things which men and women think are expected of them, or are the 'normal' way to have sex. That's a problem, because it's taking the focus away from two people getting hugely turned on and having great sex and being more like sex that looks good when being watched by someone else.

Leg Cramp from Hell

Porksandwich says...

Get these pretty often. When I get them my toes want to point straight down, but that just makes it last longer.

What's really bad is I usually get them while Im sleeping. I'll feel it like a few seconds before it's full on pain and my leg wanting to keep my toe pointed down. Hurts more to move with it doing it. But I have to get my toes pulled up and high as they will go and hold them there until it stops.

Can take 5-10 minutes of just standing on the floor leaning forward against the wall so my toes are extended upward with my heels flat on the ground.

It usually comes on after I walk a lot, but like 2-3 days after the fact. Also not drinking enough water can sometimes cause it...and lack of vitamins or something can do it too. Think potassium is the one for muscle cramps, which I am mildly allergic to bananas and don't much care for them due as a result.

They happen enough that I know what's happening when it happens, but not enough to really track down the linking cause of it. Was horrible the first time I ever had one as a teen, felt like something was biting my leg with no idea how to stop it.

In Uzbekistan, Escalator Rides YOU!

Porksandwich says...

Im wondering if they are standing on the edge of the stair instead of the middle of it, so when it raises up to form the stair they are now falling backwards due to their weight being on their heels.

But I laughed, that had enough people have problems with it seems like people were pretty on the spot with the emergency stop.

Wacky dog walks like a human

More depravity from UsesProzac

More depravity from UsesProzac

UsesProzac says...

lol.. Thanks but no thanks. I've seen my fair share of fetish videos of that nature and I don't need to go there, again.

>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^UsesProzac:
>> ^mxxcon:
Is this supposed to be a parody on that video of a Chinese girl in high heels stepping on a kitten to death and then pokes his eyes out?

Uh, I don't watch specific videos, but it's a porn genre that's existed for a while.
Do you want to me to poke the Sing a Ma Jig's eyes out? That will be a bit extra.

More depravity from UsesProzac

More depravity from UsesProzac

UsesProzac says...

>> ^mxxcon:

Is this supposed to be a parody on that video of a Chinese girl in high heels stepping on a kitten to death and then pokes his eyes out?

Uh, I don't watch specific videos, but it's a porn genre that's existed for a while.

Do you want to me to poke the Sing a Ma Jig's eyes out? That will be a bit extra.

More depravity from UsesProzac

Jesus H Christ Explains Everything

shinyblurry says...

Eve was tempted by Satan, not a talking snake.

Why isn't this mentioned in the original text?

How and why did people suddenly realize the serpent was actually Satan a few thousand years later?

God works by progressive revelation. However, you can find something about it in Ezekiel 28.

Why didn't God recognize Satan in the form of a serpent? It seems God's omniscence was on the fritz that day; he didn't know where Adam was hiding and didn't know he and Eve had eaten the fruit.

God did recognize Satan, which is why He pronounced this judgment, which is also a prophecy of the Messiah:

Genesis 3:15

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

It's a prophecy about Jesus defeating Satan on the cross.

Have you ever asked a question you knew the answer to? Then you can understand why God asked Adam where he was.

If God did recognize Satan, why did he punish all serpents to crawl on their bellies and eat dust and all that?

Can you see how those words would have a deeper meaning to an angelic being who is condemned to stay on Earth?

And why did they continue to do business together for the next few thousand years until the Fall? If Satan was just doing his original job (tempting humans), why was he punished at all?

The fall was when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Satans original job was the worship leader in Heaven. Since falling from grace, he has attempted to corrupt and destroy Gods creation. He tempted Adam and Eve to gain power over them, and because Adam has dominion over the Earth, he would become the defacto ruler.

Satan has played a role as a prosecuting attorney against God creations. God allowed him to serve in this capacity, but it wasn't a "job". It was Satans delight to do so, and part of his determination to ruin the creation.

Why was this required? Why can't God just change the rules if that's what he wants? Why does he need to jump through all these hoops?

I answered this question in messangers reply if you want to look there..

>> ^xxovercastxx

Runway Model Fails

MilkmanDan says...

Is there any male garment that is both A) as impractical and B) likely to result in minor injury as high-heeled shoes for females?

With the possible exception of necktie-related strangulation, I think not. Why on earth do females agree to wear these things?

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