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WTF Japanese Bikini Waxing Commercial - (Wait for it)

chingalera says...

"Hey ladies, remember how good it felt down there when you were eleven?"

Thanks to internet porn, even your fucking grandmother trims the beaver hutch nowadays....Quite frankly, we miss the thigh furbies......can't stand stubble and ingrown hars down thars, OH, and tell me this ladies..

Does rendering your snatch hairless make that particular area of your anatomy more desirable or aid in her proper function? NO. Hairless beavers are tantamount to corsets and high heels-It's a discomfort endured, touted by horny douchebag males as a hip, new style. Not so thinly-veiled pedo-bear new rules....

Notwithstanding my personal tastes, some nappy dugouts are quite hard to regard with relish.....Maybe YOU should consider the laser, hon....

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Perhaps the achilles heel of Ted is the lack of transparency. If TEDx decides that this is pseudo-scientific, who is TEDx? Is it one person? A board? What are the criteria? Why is there never any rebuttal allowed for presentations?

Ridiculously High Heels.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Walking With High Heels Is An Artform

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dancing to Parov Stelar

Payback says...

Ginger Rogers had to do everything Astaire did.


In heels.

A10anis said:

I think it's fair to say that fred and ginger are the greatest dance duo of all time. Incidentally, Ginger once said that Fred was such a perfectionist, that there were times, at the end of endless rehearsals/takes, that her feet were bleeding.

Jon Stewart on Gun Control

coolhund says...

Yes, I am European, and you dont seem to have a clue about Europe.
Europe is nowhere near as extreme as the USA has become.
As I said, theres always only 2 sides in the US, and thats not even only in the media, its everywhere. How much did the 3rd strongest party get on your last vote? Not even 1%? That would be impossible in most European countries, even, or especially, Republics.
As I already said, forums are a pretty good gauge of that. Theres always only 2 opinions from 2 extreme sides. Other opinions are extremely rare and if they are mentioned, get flamed to the ground, so that an open discussion is impossible. Exactly that what you are doing to me right now.
Congratulations and thanks for proving my point.

Oh and yeah, I agree somewhat, that a lot of European politicians (incl. the elite) are retarded, but they dont tow the line, they lick American heel. As does most of the rest of the world, since the USA is a super power that has been messing and still messes around in most countries affairs in unbelievable ways. Thankfully around 80% of the European people have realized that. That was also the percentage that was AGAINST the Iraq war in Europe. What was the percentage in the US? Yeah...

Yogi said:

I'm gonna assume you live in Europe because if so this slam will be meaningful. It is PAINFULLY stupid and sad how much European Intellectuals tow the line for the US Intellectual elite. It's like they're somehow retarded. So you gotta wonder, we have people that control our message because they rule us...they control your message too on a myriad of issues, and you don't even vote for them.

Again this only works if you're from Europe soo PLEASE be from Europe alright!

Real life Achievements

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Be Yourself

poolcleaner says...

Yeah, I am being myself. Sometimes it's cool. Most of the times it sucks. Cleaning pools, man. It's not a passion but it makes me cash and scores me some ass. Married ass, but, well, your average working American is under the boot heels of the man and doesn't have time for what I can provide. Thanks for the reassurance, Neil. Work hard, America.

Gnesa - Wilder - the new singing sensation!

gargoyle says...

heavy makeup - check
hair extensions - check
tight dress - check
high heels - check
multiple wardrobe changes - check
flashing lights - check
sexy wiggling - check

Good enough - we'll work on the voice and dance ability later

Scary Beautiful (Leanie van der Vyver)

Wedding Fails Compilation 2012

British sailors lip synching "All I Want for Christmas"

PlayhousePals says...

*terrible and I mean that in a GOOD way [as in bad is good]

@bareboards2 "Maybe I am the only one that interested in half naked sailors dressed only in boxes...."

That's a big NO, you're not sister! WooHoo =oD

Fun Fact: I fell head over heels for this song in the movie Love Actually =o)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Zifnab (Member Profile)

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