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Only girls can do this!

newtboy says...

It’s about the distance your toes are from the wall. Her toes were up against the wall, and tight to her heels…his were away from the wall and stretched out to barely touch his heel. That one or two extra inches makes all the difference.
I can do it easily in socks, only sometimes in shoes.

Fastest 100 metres in high heels (male) ... 12.82 seconds...

noims says...

I wish we had a better angle. I mean, he was impressive and all, but how the hell did those heels not break?!

Lucille Ball dances the Charleston

Biden’s first year as President: A Beatles remix

JiggaJonson says...

? how so ?

For the people who hate him and anything and everything he does maybe. As for me...


The bitch the former admin had in charge of the Department of Education tried to fuck me and everyone else who upheld their end of a 10 year contract to teach in inner city schools, with Joe Biden and im proud to say my own state rep

Thanks to passing this, now the republican's aren't going to reneg on a 10 year agreement and turn that shit basically into a huge extra debt for me. That's good. Not to mention the recent ruling with predatory lending practices through NAVIENT. I been making double/triple payments on a student loan through them and still not cracked the principle balance for some reason. (the reason is, what they were doing is criminal) (thanks biden!)

My brother became addicted to opioids after a tendon replacement in his heel. Almost OD'd- Biden signed / passed a bill to combat that

Thanks Biden!!!

My daughter's rare neurodegenerative disease received funding to continue to study to treat and help prevent it in the future. That's good.

Thanks Biden!!!

The American Rescue Plan

Thanks Biden!!!

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

Thanks Biden!!!

Maybe not a good year if all your friends and fam are dying because they wear red hats instead of masks like fucking dumbasses.

bobknight33 said:

Not a good year for Joe.

Not a good year for the American pocketbook.

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

Imagine thinking the US would not intervene when China takes Taiwan...

At best the US could field 500k troops offshore without weakening other strategic locations.

China's paramilitary has 20,854,000 troops, as of 2018...
If they decided to do conscription that will probably add another 30 - 40 million.

Good luck taking that on without a draft to bolster the US numbers.

The US haven't won a war since they lost to rice farmers in Vietnam. Must be your achilles heel considering you lost against goat farmers in Afghan. Hope you do better against something more equipped that farmers...

newtboy said:

How's that Texas economy doing? Finally getting past 5% budget cuts to project a $750 million surplus....California, which isn't losing population despite right wing claims of an exodus, had $75.7 BILLION surplus....only 100 times better.

Texas population might be growing, it's economy is stagnant at best and it's infrastructure is horrendous, just criminally awful, actually so bad it's killing Texans.

Ahhh, so this is all uninformed opinion from a foreigner who has no clue about Texas or America, arguing with an informed Texan native and US citizen about America and Texas. I should have known, you really don't have a clue, and biased internet news isn't going to help you be informed.

Lol. Really. Such delusion. Who's circling? What war, we just ended one. What draft, our military is oversized, bigger and better equipped than all others combined, and has no fighting missions to complete. What the fuck are you talking about?

How Women Are Written In Sci-Fi Movies

newtboy says...

The animated Tv show from the 80's, of course. The movie was a disappointment.

I mention it because Aeon, the female scientist/superspy/clone, is capable of doing her job and being least nice to those not trying to kill her. Capable of being impossibly good at her job and being a loving, caring partner. Capable of unraveling the labyrinthine, convoluted, outrageously sci-fi conspiracies while wearing heels and latex and looking sexy as Hell doing it.
If Ripley is the exception to the rule, what is Aeon, who ignores all these rules?

kir_mokum said:

the niche TV show or the terrible movie that is it's own trope? (aeon flux, ultraviolet, atomic blonde, lucy, GitS (the shitty scar jo one), resident evil, anna...)

The real history of the kkk. Democrats leave this out

newtboy says...

How many times are you going to try this dishonest lie by omission, because you leave out the southern strategy (actually you just deny it, la la la la la, neverhappened neverhappened, lalalalala), when the parties switched sides on social issues. After the 60's Republicans courted white racist southerners as Democrats supported civil rights for everyone.
Every single klansman today affiliated with a political party chose Republican. Every neo Nazi with a party preference chooses Republicans. Every white supremacist that votes voted Republican. +-8% of "black" voters voted Republican. They aren't as stupid as you think, people know which party doesn't think black lives matter.

This propaganda is technically correct, Democrats WERE the party of racists, but as presented it is a lie by omission, Bob, which is a lie. You know it's a lie too.

Edit: or do I misunderstand you and you post this to indicate the Republican Party is redeemable, just like the Democrats redeemed themselves from their racist, hateful beginnings? Because you are, but you need to reverse almost every position on every issue to get there, and all I see is heels digging in farther and farther on the wrong side of every issue.

Best Gift Ever (Priceless Reaction)

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

I'm curious why you didn't ask Bob that question.

He's not changing any minds, he's smug and self righteous, vainglorious, trolling, and wrong factually at least 90% of the time. Why don't you think he's creating liberals digging their heels in to any existing liberal leanings?

eoe said:

I can understand why you all still respond to @bobnight33. It's satisfying to smugly respond to him who, effectively, is a real live straw man. It makes you feel righteous (and frankly, it's pretty easy).

But really, Bob's been around for 11 years and has not conceded literally anything.

You're not changing his mind. Obviously. Why do you keep trying?

If anything, a new person who is (admittedly, astoundingly) undecided will see your vainglorious responses and dig their heels in to any existing conservative leanings.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

eoe says...

Fair enough.

The one point I'd contest is that if someone is to dig their heels in upon receiving (arguably smug) contradictory remarks, I don't think that necessary indicates that they'd vote for Trump no matter what.

When you attack someone's belief that they've had for years and probably decades (i.e., their identity), it is painful and difficult to change one's belief.

A question I like to ask people who say things like what you said is, "When's the last time you admitted being incorrect to a long-held belief?" We've all been confronted with this, but how many times were you able to change your identity?

For instance, "Are you an animal-lover?" and then, the obvious vegan query, "Then why do you eat animals?" There's a pretty strong moral case for not eating animals and I would argue that it's a case that time will show to be both true and moral. I believe (assuming humans survive) humans will look upon this time of killing billions of animals for nothing but human pleasure with disgusting disgrace.

You could say that I, looking upon meat eaters, feel the same way you feel about Bob, at least in some ways.

The question is, "How does it feel? How easily are you able to change your long-held beliefs when (from my perspective) you're on the wrong side of history?" Do you find yourself recoiling? If someone came at you with not only the question, but says it in a self-congratulatory, condescending way, would you respond to that well? I wouldn't. I'd tell you to fuck off.

Give someone the facts clearly and without prejudice, and you can at least plant an earworm for them to digest later.

If you are vegan, I gotta come up with another example.

newtboy said:

I don't respond to feel righteous or change his mind, I respond to give a clear, factual contradiction to the ridiculous propaganda he regurgitates to stop the spread of Trump Derangement Syndrome with as many references as possible to back my position....and because it's funny to me.
If no one does that, there are plenty of ignorant and lazy people who might just take his certitude as an indication he knows what he's talking about and never look for the facts.
If someone is biased enough that hearing verified facts contradict irrational misrepresentations makes them dig their heels in, they were voting for Trump anyway no matter what they claim.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

I don't respond to feel righteous or change his mind, I respond to give a clear, factual contradiction to the ridiculous propaganda he regurgitates to stop the spread of Trump Derangement Syndrome with as many references as possible to back my position....and because it's funny to me.
If no one does that, there are plenty of ignorant and lazy people who might just take his certitude as an indication he knows what he's talking about and never look for the facts.
If someone is biased enough that hearing verified facts contradict irrational misrepresentations makes them dig their heels in in support of the irrational lies, they were voting for Trump anyway no matter what they claim.

eoe said:

I can understand why you all still respond to @bobnight33. It's satisfying to smugly respond to him who, effectively, is a real live straw man. It makes you feel righteous (and frankly, it's pretty easy).

But really, Bob's been around for 11 years and has not conceded literally anything.

You're not changing his mind. Obviously. Why do you keep trying?

If anything, a new person who is (admittedly, astoundingly) undecided will see your vainglorious responses and dig their heels in to any existing conservative leanings.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

eoe says...

I can understand why you all still respond to @bobnight33. It's satisfying to smugly respond to him who, effectively, is a real live straw man. It makes you feel righteous (and frankly, it's pretty easy).

But really, Bob's been around for 11 years and has not conceded literally anything.

You're not changing his mind. Obviously. Why do you keep trying?

If anything, a new person who is (admittedly, astoundingly) undecided will see your vainglorious responses and dig their heels in to any existing conservative leanings.

C-note (Member Profile)

Awesome new March records! - Guinness World Records

BSR says...

No kneed to feel like a heel, moon. I think you may have kick started a new GWR entry for DAD PUNS. If nothing else it puts you in the running. You know... a shoo-in.

moonsammy said:

Ok, but the guy who did the backpack pull-ups was missing a leg. That... oh god. Oh no.

That seems to give him a leg up.

I swear I didn't intend that when I started the comment. But I have children and am male, so there are expectations to be met here.

Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

newtboy says...

Historically; freedoms, rights, and opportunities, both economic and social.
Until recently, governmental system.
Wealth (per capita).
Military might (although I accept the argument that this is more often a net loss, not a net gain).

Yes, it swings both ways, as you also have the freedom to be as terrible as you like, to hate as irrationally as you like, to be as ignorant and dumb as you like, to be as spiteful and self serving as you like. Before we allowed our system to be purchased by the deepest pockets for purely personal gains of the powerful few with Citizens United, our system was well designed to serve the people, which while imperfect was still better than almost all others. There is still the possibility, however slight, that that democracy killing decision can be remedied with an amendment and we can get back on the right track. Most other systems are lacking in such self correction.

I'm not claiming perfection, far from it, but our overall potential outweighs any other nation's (at least it used to). Yes, we have bigots, but less than many nations by far. Some countries still allow murder of improper worshippers or don't allow certain races to become citizens.
Yes, we have more than our share of loudmouth ignorant morons, but there are other nations that beat us there too. We (as a whole) don't believe aids comes from homosexuals eating each other's poop, for instance, or that women's brains are 1/2 the size of men's. The opportunities for educational advancements are better here than most countries, but not all I admit, and far too many don't avail themselves of said opportunities, granted.
Yes, we have poor people, but fewer per capita than many if not most others, and the opportunity for ethical advancement both financial and social are still good, but admittedly that's changing.
Equality under the law, while far from perfection in that respect, we are (or were) still moving in the right direction.

We have a long hard Sisyphusian slog towards perfection, but overall, historically, we have been crawling towards justice more than away.

That said, New Zealand has been nipping at our heels for a while, and arguments could be made that they presently are ahead in all meaningful ways besides size and weather.

bremnet said:

Sorry, you lost me at "greatest country in the world", or at the very least your list of "despite it being..." is way, way too short. Greatest at or greatest for what? Bigots per capita? Most frequent demonstrations of unsubstantiated entitlement and negative IQ's?

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