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More Captain and Tennille- Love will keep us together

How To: Hijack Fast Food Drive Thru Frequencies

cheesemoo says...

I don't think they're saying that the RF connection is between the outside speaker and the inside - that's probably wired. The employees' headsets are wireless though, and apparently they operate near CB frequencies.

Wireless neckband allows first voiceless phone call

Microsoft + Mitsubishi's iPhone killer - see-thru handheld

Drunk man talking to a pole

The Third Roast on Friday! (Parody Talk Post)

karaidl says...

Me didz a survey written by Dotdude for ammo...

1.What do you, do most of the day when you are not lounging, but not on the computer?

-School and work, just like every other carbon based human.

2. If you had a time machine,which era would you go to, past or future, and trade that which you now understand as your reality?

-Every other time period sucked ass. Think about it - Oh how nice the 50's were, when everyone was so polite, life was simple, blacks couldn't drink out of the same water fountain as I could, and mercury was awesome to play with. (Maybe it wasn't so great after all.) Or maybe the future, when SiftBot begins his extermination of those he deems unnecessary. The present is a good era for tolerance and medicine, yet not to the point where technology is frightening.

-The second half of that question didn't make any damn sense.

3.Who are you more fond of?
C.Fried Foods
D.Technical Assistance
E.All of the Below
F.Some of the Below
G.None (kill them all)

-I'll take "A," because that's the only one that qualifies as a "who."

4.How many pairs of shoes as opposed to matching undergarments.... boxers or briefs

-Huh? Match my underwear with what? My hat? Are people checking for that? Oh, and boxers.

5.Mac or pc

-I'm not gay, so the answer is obvious.

6. Would you prefer death by firing squad or salmonella who would you wish lime disease upon???

-I'd prefer not to die. In fact, I plan on living forever - so far, so good. And I'd wish lime disease on people who wear bluetooth headsets out of their car.

7.Sprinkles, gravy, or cherry on top?

-Those first two were weird hooker names. I'll take Cherry.

8.Tits, ass, or leg man

-Boobs just cuz I have no originality.

9. Chair stand or prostrate

-I don't like the looks of Wikipedia for "prostrate," so I'll take chair stand, whatever that is.

10. Cat dog or reptile

-Human. More interesting.

11.Fish bird or taco with both and fresh salsa

-That's not a question, damnit!! It doesn't even make grammatical sense!

12.Time, Newsweek or USNews and World Report?


13.Beer preference?

-I don't get a choice. I'm underaged so it's whatever's available.

14.Can you open it for me?


15.Ever arrested?

-Tasered twice.

16.Cheetos: crunchy or poofs?

-Cheese Nips are way more badass.

17.Bangs, balding or rug?

-God I hope none.

18. Clean shaven, beard, goatee or mustache

-Couldn't grow it if I wanted to.

19. Five most cherished possessions

-My penis - use it everyday.
-Everything else pales in comparison.

20. Religion, raised as

-Catholic. I'm now a Godless heathen, only cuz I like to sleep in.

21. Favorite childhood memory

-My memory is shot to hell. I'm not even sure if I ever was a child.

22. Favorite childhood television show


23. Most sacred personal Rant?

-Like I said, bluetooth headset wearing idiots are pompous, self-consumed sons of bitches.

24. Reason not to go to Burningman?

-Not big on LSD.

25, Slug or Snail?

-What am I doing with it?

26. Sift Hero?

-SiftBot has way more comments than me, so him.

27. SiftBot: Slave/servant or Secret overlord

-I have a theory that SiftBot is nothing more than a little guy that was coded into VideoSift to pop up whenever an event occurs on a video, and is nothing more.

28. Do you have any MySpace, Facebook, or images of yourself online that you're willing to share?

-Already did. Check the profile.

Eavesdropping on Bluetooth Headsets

How to handle that annoying Bluetooth phone guy. (CYE)

How to handle that annoying Bluetooth phone guy. (CYE)

Lolthien says...

Well.. there is an easy way for headset manufacturers to deal with this. Just let the speaker's voice be heard on his own headset... that's the way landline phone people had to do the same thing. The first phones didn't have that feature either, but when people complained about it they just looped the speaker's voice back to them, and bang, normal speaking voice.

How to handle that annoying Bluetooth phone guy. (CYE)

8772 says...

I love the people that talk into a bluetooth headset....while holding their cellphone in their hand, like right by their ear. I work in a grocery store and I see that all the time. Haha, and the other day at work, I swear every fat guy in overalls and a flannel shirt that came in (and there were plenty of them) had one on.

How to handle that annoying Bluetooth phone guy. (CYE)

Quboid says...

Grimm - that's what I mean, it's the volume and not the hardware that's annoying.

Karaidl - well, yes, there have been pompous douches who think it makes them look great, but in reality, as you say, it makes them look like a Backstreet Boy or a telemarketer - or going by bluetooth headset users I've seen most, a taxi or bus driver. But why is this a problem? If it makes you feel special to look like a cabbie, then you deserve pity more than anger.

How to handle that annoying Bluetooth phone guy. (CYE)

karaidl says...


My problem with them is they're the new pompous douchebags for the 21st century. Back in the 90's, there were always those idiots that wanted to show off how important they were by talking on their cell phone all the time, but now that everyone's doing it, they have to step it up. Headsets are a way of saying, "Hey, I might not be talking on my phone right now, but I'm so fucking important that I'll be getting a call any minute and I don't want it away from my ear!"

Also, it makes you look like a Backstreet Boy or a telemarketer. Take your pick.

How to handle that annoying Bluetooth phone guy. (CYE)

Grimm says...

Quboid wrote:

I don't understand people's problem with headsets. Someone talking loudly in a restaurant is a pest, it doesn't matter if they are talking to a companion, into a headset, a phone or a shoe.
Because they are not completely unrelated. I am willing to bet that because the bluetooth mic is up near the ear instead of near the mouth that people subconsciously talk louder then they need to. So average person talking in a restaurant does so at a normal talking level. Take that same average person and through a bluetooth headset on them and now they are talking above a the normal level without realizing it.

How to handle that annoying Bluetooth phone guy. (CYE)

Quboid says...

I don't understand people's problem with headsets. They are convenient, that's about all there is to it. Someone talking loudly in a restaurant is a pest, it doesn't matter if they are talking to a companion, into a headset, a phone or a shoe. The whole Bluetool thing is tripe. If someone is doing it just to look cool then yeah, they are lame, but the same goes for everything else. Bluetooth headsets are neither impressive nor embarrassing.

How to handle that annoying Bluetooth phone guy. (CYE)

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