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Congress Under Armed Attack Live Stream

newtboy says...

Not correct.
They used metal barricades to hit police in the face many times. One of the two arrested so far was arrested for repeatedly punching a cop in the face, I think hospitalizing him.
They also sprayed police with pepper spray/mace repeatedly.
I just saw video of a lone officer being chased up a stairway by a group of men and he gets his baton out, not his taser or gun.

Edit: one cop has now died from injuries received from rioters. Over 60 were injured.

Not to mention all the felony destruction of federal property the police made no moves to stop, or that carrying a firearm in the building is a felony that many were committing, or the pipe bombs and molotovs they left behind. Edit: now there’s word that top secret documents and a laptop with more state secrets were stolen.

The only rational explanation for totally insufficient preparations and/or the inhuman restraint is the capitol police were complicit.

Edit: It has now been verified that the Capitol police refused an offer of thousands of extra officers and refused national guard help with the coming Jan 6 riots days earlier, knowing full well that thousands of violent nut jobs were coming to get “wild” as Trump put it, many armed to the teeth and ready to force a “trial by combat”. Even after the armed rioting by the same group the night before, the capitol police still refused any help. They were definitely complicit here. The entire force should be investigated with any that helped prosecuted for dereliction of duty AND sedition....not just the chief, and not just fired. Prosecuted harshly and dumped in gen pop.

vil said:

The mob looked really crazy, attacked the police, but more verbally than physically, and if physically more just pushing them around than throwing things or hitting cops with them. Not even a good hockey fight. But still they stormed the building. Something aint right.

Shocked swimmer is attacked by two swans forcing him to hide

luxintenebris jokingly says...

- harsh review of his swan dive
- 'swan more reason to stay out of fowl water
- oddly that's ryan gosling swimming
- hopeful he got away, would be sad if that'd been his swansong
- the double attack: their signet-ure defense
- shouldn't swim in the swanee river/swan lake
- looks like their swan the warpath
- got dunked by la swan jameson
- wow he got cob-bered
- feather he did or didn't it caused a flap w/those birds


Mordhaus says...

I'll probably vote for Biden, but the rest of my votes have to go Republican for one reason only.

Guns. I am OK with some gun control. But it is clear that no matter what, Democrats will make every attempt they can if they sweep the election to re-do the assault weapon ban, apply punitive taxes to ammo (and possibly guns), and remove the right to private sale.

Bedo was the only one to fully admit it, but Biden has been harsh on guns as well going by comments alone. I don't want Trump back, but I want the Senate to stay Republican to counter gun measures.

I know it's unpopular, but I am one of those people that will never give up my rifles, my pistols, my shotguns, my large capacity clips, and my right to buy as much ammo as I wish without paying another government tax. I also feel I should be able to give or sell my firearms to someone I trust, be it a family member or close friend.

Truth - The Lincoln Project

luxintenebris jokingly says...

rick wilson knows he's stuff.

then again, he has a lot of material to work with. 50 years of malfeasances, failures, and general f-ups. it'll only get closer to the bone after mary releases her book. that'll turn the trick. everybody loves dirty laundry. republicans are no different. a few 'well, i'll be!' could turn into 'well, i'll stay home" after the harshes of truths are revealed.

okay bob, let's hear you! sing it! one...two...three...

Houston Police Chief To Trump: Please, Keep Your Mouth Shut

Photojournalist blinded in left eye by police projectile

newtboy says...

I hope she can sue the police for 100% of her medical costs.
Reporters are definitely being specifically targeted, repeatedly and harshly.
Who do you think convinced the police that the media is an enemy?

Kid gets DESTROYED on Shark Tank

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

newtboy says...

1) I'm not opposed to suicide. If life makes you unhappy, I don't insist you suffer through it. People who judge themselves unworthy of life fall into that category.

2) I've been at it for 45 years+-. It has nothing to do with strength, it's about a compulsion to work towards fairness, knowing it won't ever be reached, at least in my lifetime. I'm strong enough to never condone or excuse clear racism as long as I draw breath.

3) ? You would catch the arsonists before the home owner and their children and not lay blame at their feet. I would let the arsonist burn, locking them inside the house they ignited after saving the family. He's the one with the gas can and lighter if you can't identify who is who.
Calling out wholly inappropriate behavior/speech is never a waste of time. Gaining the trust of racists at the expense of their victims and society as a whole is worse than a waste of time, it's supporting racism.

4) My point. Let them get it, while not allowing your gift to be stolen or misused for harm or other things they get judged harshly for. No judgement, no opportunity for misuse, not just throwing money at a problem, helping a person.

BSR said:

1) Everyone makes mistakes. When the error of their ways is exposed they may change or they may put a gun to their head. Only they can judge themselves.

2) Keep denouncing as long as you can. You will need to know how strong you were.

3) Nipping it in the bud every single time will be a waste of time. When the house is on fire and people are jumping, you need to be there to catch them just as they will be there to catch you.

4) No need to judge. Give as little or as much as you like without terms or conditions. They know better than you what they need.

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I feel no need to lambast (criticize harshly) anyone just for getting something wrong.

It's those who are wrong but refuse to examine evidence or even consider they might be mistaken that deserve a hearty scourging (whipping).

Saved you some googling

BSR said:

OK dick, you found me out.


I now stand corrected in my orthopedic shoes.

Ya happy now?


figured since you went easy on me I'd be rough on myself. I know you would respect that. ; )

What Happens To Good Cops?

newtboy says...

No...the gift of being violated is not precious. The gift of mistrust might have kept me out of trouble to some extent, but I could and would have learned that lesson without a gun to my head and knee in my neck, and without the threats to my freedom if I told on him.

I don't KNOW....I said I would bet. Please read more carefully before making assumptions and accusations. It's far more likely he's not remorseful, I said why I think that.

They wouldn't take a report or complaint, and I don't remember his name. That makes checking in on the thug a bit difficult. Your suggestion is like asking someone to look up their uncaught mugger to see if they feel bad decades later. I would love to face him as an adult, but he's not my white whale like you want him to be....he's just one more dangerous whale in a sea full of them, he just happens to be the one that bit me, they all bite. Nothing special about him.

I have zero need to give him forgiveness nor to take away the mistrust. I don't care a whit about him. Hate implies he's important to me, he's just not except as an example, an instance where I learned some harsh reality, that police are not there to serve and protect citizens as I had been taught.

Please don't presume to tell me what I need or how I feel. I find it insulting. You obviously don't know me a bit or you would never take that path. Assuming I'll react, think, or feel like an average, normal person is about as big an insult as I can think of.

I'm no cop. I'm not assaulting those I'm charged with protecting and serving. I'm not abusing anything by having an opinion.
Just stop, please, you're becoming dismissively insulting with your naive assumptions. Love isn't all you need...obviously....or you would be in line for your lobotomy right now and happily spend your life loving whatever you see without thinking. Remember, the group that told you that lie was broken up by love.

BSR said:

Do you not understand that he gave you a very precious gift. He gave you his problem whether you know it or not.

How do you know he's not remorseful now? It's been 30+ plus years.

You're a fact guy. Check the facts if that's what you need. But that means you'd have to face your fears. Find him. That's the only way you will know for sure if he remorseful. Do you have the guts to face him again? I doubt he would send you a greeting card.

But you still have another problem. If he's dead already you will still need to forgive him. You will still have his anger. His death will not take away the hate.

You need to do this for yourself otherwise you will pass the anger onto someone else to find the answer you're not capable of. You may even pass it on to the people you love the most.

In short, you're just another bad cop. You have become the very thing you hate. You are abusing the power you have.

Where Are These "Good Cops" I Hear About?

newtboy says...

You asked how we differed. I answered.

It's not about punishment or my satisfaction, it's about justice and public safety, and setting a good public precedent, a shining example for others considering following his path.

Living with what they've done as a punishment or justice implies everyone has a conscience. That's clearly not the case.

The only way to remove the danger here is permanently, since he gets special cop treatment, only 5 years for a life sentence worth of crime, less with parole, that means one thing.
That's not punishment, it's harsh reality.

BSR said:

This is not about what he seeks or doesn't seek. It's about the false satisfaction you may feel about harming or killing another person as punishment.

I don't think people "deserve" to die because that's already written into the program for all of us. I do think people should live with what they've done.

I would not hesitate to kill someone or give my life if it was my only choice to save a life or relieve the pain of a leg cramp. I look at it from a "First Aid" point of view. If you can't remove the victim from the danger, remove the danger from the victim.

Once the danger is eliminated or contained, punishment teaches nothing except to respect or fear that which can kick your ass. Which, after all was the goal to begin with in this case. Punishment is only meant for the pleasure of the punisher. Nothing more.

Killing someone as a form of punishment only makes you a killer. If that's your dream then you are in the right place to do it. But I think there are better dreams to be had. Don't dream it, be it.

transmorpher (Member Profile)

BSR says...

Fear not about the harshness. Spitballs at a battleship.

I see your passion and your good intentions. I can tell you invest a lot of yourself into it. Make it count. Be an example of your hard work and concern.

Teach without teaching. Share your treasures with those who are looking for you. Don't hunt them down. Offer what you got and let them take it. Don't scare the people that could love you for who you are.

Now, I gotta go make some work those budding paramedics.

transmorpher said:

I heavily edited my comment because it came out much harsher in text.

Sounds like you've been thru a lot. I can only wish you well.

I used to suffer from nephrotic syndrome, I nearly died in my teens. I had ulcers opening up on my skin, my joints so swollen they would not bend. Daily blood tests etc. A plant based diet saved my life and as you can tell I can not stop telling people about it.

It seems to solve almost every western chronic disease. And even though the science backs it up clearly doctors and the public see it in the same category as homeopathy. I don't know what is keeping you so ill but I can tell with confidence that if you eat the way you will have more time at the very least. I can only encourage you to try it for a week or two and feel it for yourself.

Tesla Towing Silverado Truck Out Of A Charger Station

ChaosEngine says...

That seems a little harsh given the vast majority of the car owning public can’t afford a BEV.

Although parking in a charging station is definitely a dick move.

Payback said:

You're supposed to tow it sideways, with the rope wrapped over the roof at least once. ICE = Inbred Cocksucker Entertainment. Automotive version of InCells.

Lion King - Live Action Teaser

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, this.

I guess it’s a bit harsh to judge this from just a teaser but....

This looks like a shot for shot remake. Financially? Genius move.

Artistic? Yawn. If you’re gonna redo the Lion King, do something interesting with it; like remove all the dialogue or something. I mean, I get why they don’t do that, but this holds almost no interest for me and it’s only “almost” because I’m curious to see John Oliver in it.

Payback said:

We do what we can, because we must.

...make more money.

Samantha Bee, Full Frontal - Voter Suppression

BSR says...

Very nice newtboy. Your restraint is admirable.

No harsh personal insults or name calling. Just facts.

There is iron in your words of truth.

newtboy said:

Just as incorrect as always, at least you're consistent.

1) All those things aren't rights, voting is. To remove a constitutional right should take more that a racist whim or the lack of a document. That should end your argument right there, but rationality and understanding my country's constitution isn't your strong suit.

2) buying smokes or liquor....not if you're over 25 or know a place.

3) getting a job....nope, only to get non cash job or benefits

4) getting a gun....not if it's a private sale

5)rent a house....nope, not true at all

6)get married....not common law or religious marriage

7) I doubt you have an honest clue what's required to receive public assistance, but it's not a driver's license

Poor people don't do much of the rest of what you mention, they use cash, don't own a car, and don't travel.

These false excuses for violating the constitution and placing targeted obstacles in the path of mostly minorities to keep them from voting are brought to you by the anti voting rights party, Republicans, every election since voter protection was lifted and they could legally go after minorities voting rights again.
Odd, they weren't an issue before the court removed the coverage formula, making it nigh impossible to enforce voting rights.....

Since that decision, republican led legislatures have tried everything but reinstating literacy tests to disenfranchise minorities. Voter id laws and voter purges based on minor clerical errors (errors made by the same people who then decide the error makes the registration invalid, errors that happen 3/4 of the time to minorities in areas with less than 30% minority populations, while whites in the same areas are 1/4 the errors caught, but almost 3/4 the population) these purely Republican sponsored laws are blatantly targeting minorities because Republicans don't represent minorities so don't expect their votes.

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