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Grandmas Smoking Weed for the First Time

Mom Does Doll Do-Overs With A Natural Look And Wins Internet

Left Shark: The Real MVP of Super Bowl XLIX

bareboards2 says...

From this week's issue of The New Yorker:

Shouts & Murmurs February 16, 2015 Issue
Diary of the Left Shark
By Kelly Stout

A remarkable feat of agility was performed on Sunday night, and it had nothing to do with football. It was the sharks. . . . The dancing sharks at Katy Perry’s Super Bowl halftime show . . . danced in unison. But soon, one of the sharks, specifically Left Shark, said enough of that, and began to do his own thing frenetically on national television.

—Washington Post.

First rehearsal went great. Katy says to just call her “Katy”—very down-to-earth move. Happy to see Eric! Grateful he got me this gig, as not a lot of work out there for us sharks.

Second rehearsal O.K. Eric picking up dance moves faster than me, which is no biggie, since I’m still getting over quad injury. Still, resolving to work harder. Went for a beer afterward with dancing Blue Surfboard, named Jeremy. He’s worked with Miley Cyrus!

Eric texted wanting to know if I could use some “extra practice.” Didn’t think I needed “extra practice,” but Eric = good buddy, so I value his input. Couldn’t meet him, though, had book club.

Eric acting high and mighty in rehearsal—keeps referring to himself as “old veteran.” Feel he should turn it down a notch. Super Bowl halftime show is not a combat situation, and metaphor makes no sense.

Rehearsal rough tonight. Eric called my grasp of choreography “amateurish.” Said he did big favor by recommending me, and now worried Katy won’t hire him again. Said work must be “on a professional level” with “zero tolerance for mistakes.” I told him I was sorry to have disappointed, that my work will be “professional level” from here on out. Went to bathroom and cried into fins, but no one saw except Jeremy, who was very understanding. J says Katy makes a lot of people crazy—just ask Russell Brand! Found joke to be a little sexist—and, besides, Katy not really the problem—but appreciated support.

Katy took me aside after rehearsal. Uh-oh. But no! Said she likes seeing my extra effort! On verge of major breakthrough vis-à-vis choreography!

Happy to have long weekend off from rehearsal to regroup. Guy at brunch overheard me talking about current gig and asked if I am a real shark! Of course I’m a real shark! Tried not to be offended, but people can be so ignorant.

Back at rehearsal. Things steadily better, but sometimes feel Eric = competitive with me, since so few of us sharks in the industry. But shouldn’t that bring us closer? (Rising tide lifts all sharks!)

Big day almost here. Grandma and Mom both called to say everyone back home’s rooting for me. Pressure, but in a good way.

Eric recommended some changes to choreography today. Katy considers Eric “genius,” so took recommendations. Feel my success with old choreography hard won, so am disappointed. This time, Eric didn’t offer any “extra help.”

More dance changes today! Can’t keep up, and Eric can tell. Hate to sound paranoid, but worry that Eric’s trying to sabotage me! Going to have a glass of Shiraz to relax before practicing new moves.

Regret drinking entire bottle of wine last night. Skipped rehearsal, which I realize is not “professional level” behavior, but Eric and his “zero-tolerance policy” can suck it.

Embarrassed by last diary entry. Eric is not sabotaging me. Am letting my insecurities get in way of friendship.

NOPE. ERIC’S DEFINITELY TRYING TO SABOTAGE ME. Super Bowl is tomorrow and he changed dance moves AGAIN. Trying to make a fool of me. Unsure which makes me sadder, potential end of dance career or potential end of friendship.

Super Bowl over. Grandma and Mom called to remind me that my personal best was all they ever asked for. Am laughingstock of Internet. Gained hundreds of Twitter followers, but suspect most are “joke” follows. Katy sweet about it.

Jeremy invited me to have a beer with him and other Surfboard. Frankly, feel that other Surfboard’s kind of a blowhard, so declined.

Got voice mail from Mom this morning asking if I’m considering going back for teaching degree. Said I’m “good with kids” and not end of world that dancing didn’t work out. Ouch.

Jeremy brought over falafel last night and made me forget Super Bowl debacle with impression of Taylor Swift. Didn’t know Jeremy = T.S. fan! Promised I wouldn’t tell Katy. Not that I’ll be working with Katy again anytime soon.

Text from Eric wanting to know how I’m “holding up.” Chose not to say anything, as had nothing nice to say.

Jeremy joining book club! Silver lining of Super Bowl ordeal.

Downloaded application to Columbia Teachers College. Think I could maybe make a difference in lives of youth, plus get mind off Super Bowl. Jeremy, Mom, and Grandma all supportive. Mom asked if Jeremy just a friend or what. Her ideas re male friendship pretty “stone age,” but appreciate her interest.

Feeling O.K. about future. Dance world maybe too toxic for shark like me. Perhaps whole episode not humiliation but wake-up call! Considering move to Austin. ♦

Tesla P85D Has An "Insane" Mode Setting - Reactions Video

cason (Member Profile)

cason (Member Profile)

Don't Tell Em (Obamacare version)

newtboy says...

(or to say it another way, I don't think this will gain traction outside the far-right)

I'm curious @blankfist, are you irate at the Republicans for not telling you what was really in the bill they had the opportunity to read (but you did not)? You expect this from the democrats, so they only lived up to expectations, no? The republicans could have made this point long before the vote on ACA, but instead opted to claim Grandma was going to be sent to the death panels and other nonsense.
And, I must think those who are surprised in any way either missed or misunderstood the supreme court decision last time the ACA was defended, when they said the ACA was legal BECAUSE it is a tax. Anyone who was in the dark should have understood at that point, they made it clear. That's why I don't think this is likely to gain traction, it's not news, it's just rehashing 5 year old politics in the hope that most people don't recall what happened back then and will be angry about it again. That's how I see it.

I do agree, the climate that makes misrepresentation of what's actually in a bill is terrible for everyone. It would be much better if we could bar lawyers from holding any high public office/representative position, as many founding fathers wanted. Then bills might be written in clear language (by all sides). Good luck getting that though.

EDIT: Wanted to downvote the intent of the video, but wanted to upvote the funny I'll just not vote.

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

heropsycho says...


I don't comment much at all for years, but I did just want to say that people complaining about politicians acting like elitists apparently don't recognize some very key facts about voters:

Most people want the government to spend more (take your pick whether it's favoring increased spending on social programs, or it's more spending on defense, etc.), yet want to be taxed less. Just that fact alone proves how stupid the general electorate is. An alarming portion of voters can't tell you accurately the difference between a Republican and a Democrat, don't understand how market forces are supposed to work, or even be able to recognize what is and isn't a socialist idea at its core.

I don't mean this as an attack on Democratic voting blocs specifically, nor Republican voting blocs. I mean this as an attack against the intellectual ability of most American voters. And when the voting public is that ignorant, ideologically blind, or just plain stupid, what do you think some people are going to do, regardless of their party's affiliation? They're gonna try to take advantage of it.

And doing things to hide key aspects of legislation in order to get support is hardly new, and hardly unique to either side. Explain to me how doing those things is any different than making ridiculous claims about Obamacare that have no bearing on reality different?

Remember those? They're gonna kill grandma! DEATH PANELS!

"Obamacare is a complete socialist takeover of the healthcare system!" That one just proves my point. The conservative right spent decades programming the American voting population to equate socialism as bad, when so many people don't even know what socialism actually is, and they did this despite numerous examples of when largely socialist policies have been resounding successes. Then they make a completely false claim that Obamacare is a complete socialist take over of the US health care system, when it isn't to fire up their voting blocs to oppose it, along with anyone else who is too stupid to know what "complete socialism" would actually look like in the health care system (hint: single payer), and who are stupid or ideologically blind enough to recognize successful largely socialist policies (like institutionalizing compulsory public education as a DUH example).

Where the hell was your outrage then? You think those (we'll call them) criticisms were coming out of voters spontaneously? No, they were thrown into the ring by GOP and conservative leaders as tools to manipulate public opinion into opposing Obamacare when they were flaming piles of bullcrap.

So either you're one of the idiots, or you're one of many partisans trying to spread your BS incredulity at the other side.

And to be clear, I'm not attacking you because you're a conservative. I'm attacking you because this is either hypocrisy or ideological blindness at its worst.

"Stupidity of American Voter," critical to passing Obamacare

newtboy says...

This idea that anything in ACA was 'hidden' is insane. Do people really not remember that far back? Do they not recall the GOP saying all these things then? I certainly do, along with tons of other insanity like 'death panels will be killing grandma'.
Also...WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT? ACA WAS NOT VOTED ON BY THE CITIZENS, it was voted on by CONGRESS, so 'tricking' or 'fooling' the public about it could have no impact at all on the vote for it, which was totally along party lines and not based on a 'popular vote' as I recall.
Total red herring here. Not a smoking gun. (cue downvotes)

officer tasers 62 yr old black women

newtboy jokingly says...

We saw it, she 'resisted arrest' (by following directions to turn and back up) and triggered 'contempt of cop' and was therefore a threat that required violence and arrest. Grandma should have hopped faster and higher.

Did they really need 6+ cars full of cops to write a J walking ticket? (what it sounded like the original arrest was for...walking in the street with no sidewalk, legal in most places).

And they wonder why people are starting to take pop shots at them and treat them like a violent gang of bullies.

NY Man Dies After Struggle With NYPD

VoodooV says...

another case where they keep using the wrong level of force. This is a situation where a taser actually would have been useful and would not have killed the guy, but nah, lets save the tasers for grandma, or the pet dog Spot.

I thought that was the whole point of tasers to be able to bring down a big guy like that without having to use chokeholds and other stuff like that where accidents can happen.

And that's ignoring the whole question of whether or not it was necessary to use force on the guy in the first place.

BBC Anchor omits a Somewhat Crucial pause in his opener

Horseback riding simulator for exercise purposes only

SDGundamX says...

These things are all the rage at my gym here in Japan (they have about 7 or eight of them next to the treadmills). Unfortunately the only people I ever see using them are 60-year old grandmas LOL!

Kids React To Walkman (Portable Cassette Players)

chingalera says...

I heartily concur sir, as the last 2 months in a row have netted me two (count 'em) 2, perfectly functional as the day Sony made 'em, sports walkmanz (in Sony yellow), one with, one without AM/FM radio, both cassette players fully functional as the day they were made to last forever.

Uhhh, the am/fm receivers in those things?? Long and strong, highest quality imaginable.

The goddamn things are indestructible and 2 aa's last longer in one of them than in any device made since that requires em... was 5 dollars new in the box from a garage sale, one form a thrift store for $4.04. Incidentally, when these things were on the top of Xmas lists new...they cost about $125-$150 US back in early 80's dolla-Do the math, bitches.

I wear your grandma's clothes, motherfuckers!

spawnflagger said:

Title should be changed to "Mentally challenged Illiterate Kids React to Walkman". still cute though.

How not to throw confetti

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