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Syrian Refugees | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee |

transmorpher says...

Oh look another regressive leftist oversimplifying a complicated issue. Apparently if you don't treat the refugees like a grandma trying to cross the road, then you're a right wing racist islamophobe.

I used to think of myself as left wing. But not since it's become synonymous with stupidity.

Bernie's New Ad. This is powerful stuff for the Heartland

poolcleaner says...

Commie Jews!

Sorry, my grandma got a hold of my keyboard. You know grandma. Hates her some commies and some jews. I'm tucking her into bed for night night. I wanted to tell her a bed time story about Bernie the Dinosaur but all she wants to hear is the tales of Trump and his Trumpeters.

Eating Weird Food from the 50s

poolcleaner says...

Maybe she left out some ingredients she took for granted? I dunno, or it was all just bland ass food built off of post depression/WWII tastebuds. If her grandma was like my grandma, she was born in the depression, all the men in her family went to WWII, Korean War, she's a product of the Cold War, sons in Vietnam, and on and on -- she's had some rough first world problems shaping her from the get go. Poor ass family and then living off grandpa's Navy pay check.

So it may also be a way to make do with very little. My dad has some stories about my grandma feeding him some nasty concoctions and he declares spam no more. Grandma, despite having money now, still makes some gross ass food made out of random cheap things from the grocer. Campbell's + ANYTHING. Spam + ANYTHING. Saltine crackers, baby. That's the story of one of my grandma's at least.

System Shock 3 (Scifi Talk Post)

enoch (Member Profile)

This is Why the TSA is Completely Ineffective

SDGundamX says...


Agreed. I fly internationally a lot but find it is worse on domestic flights. Things tend to move smoothly at the international terminal checkins (literally through in just minutes) but flying state to state I've almost missed my flight a couple of times because of the security theater.

One time we had to wait 40 minutes because we were travelling with my mother-in-law who has a metal hip and she kept setting off the metal detector. They said they needed to pat her down (a 67-year old grandma, for chrissakes) but they didn't have any female TSA agents available at the time. We barely made the flight, running to get on only moments before they closed the doors.

My parents, meanwhile, actually missed a flight once because my mom forgot she had liquid gelcap cold medicine in her purse and they got pulled out of the security line and interrogated.

Seriously, wtf?

*quality video.

EPIC FAIL! Twitch Live Streamer Accidentally Burns His House

poolcleaner says...

If you don't have a fire extinguisher, carry the burning bag to the bathroom and throw it in the shower/bath and turn on the freaking water! WTH...

On a side note, I watched this with my grandma who got a good laugh.

Do it for Mom!

poolcleaner says...

Shit, I'll come to Denmark and make you some babies. Give me a room full of Danish women -- grandma can even stick around and I'll give you a new uncle.

The Link That Can Crash Chrome: http://a/%%30%30

MilkmanDan says...

Good explanation without a high CS knowledge barrier. (Bonus ease-of-grandma-understanding points for avoiding the use of the word/term/acronym ASCII)

Then again, most people that lack that knowledge probably don't much care *why* it crashes Chrome, they just want it to be fixed. Which I'm sure will be imminent, at which point only CS nerds (like me) care.

...Still, at least I found it interesting!

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Televangelists

oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

If we take for granted the need for cost cutting, it would be only logical, if not an outright neccessity in a democracy, to leave the details up to the local representatives. Payment of X Euros expected by mm/dd/yy, figure it out yourselves.

Why do it any other way?

Well, you know the three most discussed possibilities as well as I do: shock doctrine, an attempt to force Syriza to commit political suicide, and bureaucratic automatisms.

During the first stages of this facade, I would have put my money square on shock doctrine. The measures are just too damn beneficial to the "there is no society" kind of thinking. It's horseshit, economically, and tremendously damaging, socially.

Replacing Syriza with the Old Guard seems quite appealing, given the behind-the-scenes deals with the nepotistic elite as a means to facilitate a smoother transitition once those pesky commies are out of the picture. The vitriol against Varoufakis is just staggering in this regard. News of the World got nothing compared to what our respectable media has hurled at Varoufakis and Tsipras.

My take on the automatisms on the other hand is rooted in how our politicians and our public has been arguing this entire time. Neoliberalism is the gospel, dissent is heresy. Privatisation is good, cutting wages is good, flexible labour market is good, taxation of wealth is bad, deficit is bad, surplus is good. They drank the kool aid, they are in it hook, line and sinker.

And as a result, the diagnosis is always the same, and so is the treatment. And fuck me for using this ass of a metaphor, given how the language used is the most subtle means of manipulation. "Rescue" the Greeks, "drowning" in debt, "tighten your belt". How about: food only on five days a week, grandma gets to croak on diabetes and your baby boy dies of diphtheria.

Yes, I had a fucked up day. The discussion in parliament about the "Greek problem" was a disgrace and high treason of the humanistic ideas that are supposed to be the foundation of the European Union.

oritteropo said:

The thing I really don't understand is why the creditors are so insistent that it is ONLY the poor who have to lose out. I mean, the welfare system is a large expense but not the only one... surely they could get a few bob for some of their old military aircraft?

How To Make LEGO Gummy Candy!

poolcleaner says...

Yes, but only if you mix in -- and this is for @JustSaying -- only if you mix in at least 3 oz. of gummiberry juice.

The measurements can be fudged, just like grandma does, and we all know grandma makes the best stuff -- and she existed before any internet videos. Before recipes even!

serosmeg said:

do the batteries work?

Get Well Soon

Payback jokingly says...

I imagine a family on their way to visit grandma in the hospital after her hip surgery. They hit the deer and their 3 year old girl demanded they give it the baloon.

artician said:

omg, terrible. *terrible!

Why am I laughing?

missisippi burning-you get this straight shitkicker

poolcleaner says...

I watched this when I was bored as fuck in Oaklahoma during the summer of 2002 at my ex's grandma's house. It's too hot to go outside, let's watch grandma's VHS collection. 12 volumes of Conway Twitty specials, Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone: Henry Fonda and Charles fucking Bronson motherfucker), Breaker Breaker starring Chuck Norris, 9 to 5 starring tig ol bitties, and Mississippi Burning with the Gene HACK-man.

Yep. I watched Mississippi Burning, Once Upon a Time in the West and Breaker Breaker over and over AND OVER all summer in the back woods of Oaklahoma. And played shit tons of magic the gathering (and sex). Even now, when I play magic, all I think of is the word Shitkicker, semi truck car chases, dreary harmonica drifting over a desert, and Dolly Parton's tits (and femdom bondage).

White American culture, huh? This clip is awesome.

Kid Accidentally Shoots Computer Screen

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