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radx (Member Profile)

Jinx (Member Profile)

Martha Tilton & the Six Hits ~ Who's Yehouti

Colbert on Meet the Press

A Princess Earns Her Crown (Happy Talk Post)

Lion Attacks On Human

jonny says...

oh my gosh... the mighty lion. unleash 10000 on north america and they'd eat all the dumb people.

There is a very good reason the lion is an endangered species and humans populate every square inch of habitable land on this planet. Cats - 0, Humans - 1.

Yesterday I Finally Broached My 9YO Sons Asperger's With Him

Ameripig FUCK YEAH!

Bottle Cap Blues - The Many Ways to Open a Bottle of Beer

Two Girls Detained and Harrased at American Border

ulysses1904 says...

Sounds like you are believing these women, sight unseen. By me questioning their wide-eyed innocent proclamations of "gosh, all I did was ask a simple question and they totally freaked out" doesn't mean I turn a blind eye to abuse of power. I refused to be duped by a one-sided story.

Case in point
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

@longde @ulysses1904 @Skeeve
All three of you are asshats for trying to dismiss the border patrol's blatant abuse of power as "not deserving of sympathy".
If you got detained, frisked, had your belongings searched and stolen, for any reason, you'd be pissed too.
Harassing these women served no purpose.
Neither country is safer for it.
Not to mention, your tax dollars were wasted in the process.
For that (the first two, more than the latter) you should be highly offended.

Man Shoots Unmanned Police 'Speed Enforcement' Vehicle

Fletch says...

>> ^ulysses1904:

Gosh, you're so right. I really didn't get it until just now. I was one of the "sheeple" for so long and I didn't realize it. Now I'll start speaking in nothing but cliches like these TYT hosts and other college kids.
"Down with the jack-booted fascists!" >> ^Fletch:
>> ^ulysses1904:
"We're all so tired of Big Brother looking over us at all times". It's a speed trap, not a toilet cam ya drama queen.

You really don't get it.
Go back to sleep. The government will keep you safe.

Huh? I bet that sounded much more clever in your head. But hey, whatever gets you through your miserable day...

Man Shoots Unmanned Police 'Speed Enforcement' Vehicle

ulysses1904 says...

Gosh, you're so right. I really didn't get it until just now. I was one of the "sheeple" for so long and I didn't realize it. Now I'll start speaking in nothing but cliches like these TYT hosts and other college kids.

"Down with the jack-booted fascists!" >> ^Fletch:

>> ^ulysses1904:
"We're all so tired of Big Brother looking over us at all times". It's a speed trap, not a toilet cam ya drama queen.

You really don't get it.
Go back to sleep. The government will keep you safe.

Changes.... (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

JiggaJonson says...

Swampy, I had an English teacher say to a prized student once "GOSH I wish I could just bottle you up to show other students how to act!" I'm unsure why, perhaps I though I should be emulating her, but that metaphor has stuck with me for a long time.

Since then, I've used it to deal with, among other things, loss. I've done this with a lot of people in my life (usually only people I don't plan on seeing anymore: ex-girlfriends, childhood friends whom I've lost touch with, and any relatives/friends who are now deceased). I do a bit more than remember the "good times," they're characters in my mind that I can call on and say "What would __________ do if he/she were here to make me feel better?"

Very recently, three weeks ago to be precise, my grandfather passed away. It's the first time I've had to deal with a serious loss like that since losing religion myself, and I found solace using my "bottle" method. My grandpa joked around constantly, often times in awkward situations (this past Thanksgiving, he told me a joke about a guy "fucking a dog in the ass" with my little nephews near by). And, as weird as it sounds, I found myself at his funeral imagining him hanging out with me saying something like "Well shit, when you gotta go!"

You can probably guess what Samwise would do if he saw you moping around the house. My advice is to use that to help you through your tough time. Hope this helps!

Cat reacts to Catnip

JiggaJonson says...

I've got a "picky" catnip cat. He only likes the stickiest of the icky, aka, store bought stuff like this that's been dried to the point of it being almost dusty he wont touch. Fresh stuff from the farmers market, on the other hand, and he was trying to scratch through my cabinet door.

What a smug son of a bitch -_-
Gosh I love my kitty ^=^
(yes that's really him)

Driver Attemps Hit and Run, Gets Blocked in By Other Drivers

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Yeah, the driver was a jerk and deserves whatever he gets - but this biker... For gosh sakes don't weave all over the road like a drunken monkey. Pick a line and stay on it so the drivers can predict what you're doing. Bikers that drift all over the road are scary.

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