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Australia vs America - Elections DOWN-UNDERcision 2013

Gravity extended agoraphobic trailer

Wet Dog

Glenn Greenwald Comments on the Snowden's Asylum

poolcleaner says...

Motherfuckers still believing we're morally superior to the rest of the shitty governments of the world. Recognize you're human. Recognize your country has committed crimes against humanity since it's inception. We killed many of the natives of this land, rounded them up, and said, "Here's where you can live."

People. American people, rather -- come on! How many human rights violations does it take before you recognize your own government as the real, honest to gosh hypocrites?

We don't need any more elite anything. Join the goddamn human race.

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

gwiz665 says...

My assumption is that people don't do these things because they are intrinsically better (even though I can accept that they could easily be), they do it to make themselves seem important and special.

Eating sushi in "the correct way" is also not popular, the wrong way is popular - who's the one trying to avoid conforming to the peasantry now?

People make fun of this video, because it's not about teaching you how it should be done, it's about him showing off all the fancy things he knows about sushi and talking japanese; Look I'm so cool, I do it the right way. It reminds me of that hilarious application video that was spoofed by Michael Cera:

If the main point is to teach people to do something right, then teach it nicely - it's even more compounded by the level of self-importance in this thread.

Some times there's a correct way and there's another perfectly fine way - I know, shocking. People don't all like the things you like, oh gosh, say it isn't so.

You, @NinjaInHeat and @arekin (and I suppose the guy in the video) are the three amigos who want to cram the "correct sushi" down everyones' throats - I am not trying to force you to eat the regular rice-cake sushi that normal people do, you can do what you want.

In essence what you would call "correct sushi" is an entirely different dish than what is normally known as sushi, so it's sort of a silly argument in the end.

I guess my main point of contrition has nothing to do with sushi, but to do with the way in which it is presented. It stinks of aristocracy - people who know the right way and therefore snub their nose at all the others who clearly "just don't get it" - well fuck, there's not really much to get, you like to eat it in a certain way - whoopdefrickingdoo.

"You know, real hambruger is hand picked from the kobecow and processed right in front of you. And be careful to only use a light touch of ketchup as a pallate cleanser, and to convey the intended feelings of camaraderie that the chef wanted you to feel with him and his cultural heritage.. and be sure to drink plenty of Sprite - this is the way to properly enjoy hamburger, otherwise you might as well just eat some raw fish or something like a fucking retard who don't even know that you only lightly dip the corner of the bun in grey poupon mustard".

Bah humbug.

shatterdrose said:

What you have a problem with is simply his presentation, correct? Or am I right in thinking you're upset that he's simply telling you how to properly eat sushi?

Sometimes there is actually a correct way and a wrong way. I know, shocking. But then there's also taking liberties. If I have no utensil's I will eat with my fingers even if it's "not the right way." Or more aptly, if there's no wine glass, I'll still use a solo cup. If I had a choice, I'd choose the wine glass. Why? Because it's the proper way. Does it really add to it? Not really. It's demonstrably mostly placebo effect. Then again, does a plate make food taste different? Technically speaking, no. It should in absolutely no way effect the taste of food. But in reality, it makes a substantial difference in the way food tastes. Those who do not take the time to properly plate a meal for another person is simply wasting their time and effort. You might as well buy them a McDonalds hamburger.

But in essence, what you're saying is "because you know more than me, it's wrong for you to use it because it means I'm inferior and you're a dick because of it." Why yes Ayn Rand, I'll keep that in mind. You must hate pretty people too?

I make my coffee from a French Press because it IS better. I use local "fancy" honey because it IS better. If I keep it on my shelf where others can see doesn't make me a douche. It could mean I don't have a cabinet, or I use it often. Which I do. Now who's being a dick?

You're assumption is simply that "I'm dumb, and you're smart, therefore you're gay." Or, I'm sorry, a hipster. Right now, the hip thing is to make fun of this video. Much like the people who hate popular music just because it's popular. That's what your argument sounds like.

Just because someone enjoys something doesn't make them a hipster, a douche or a dick. And because you can't understand their enjoyment of "proper etiquette" only makes you a hipster, dick, douche when you complain. No one here is "forcing" you to eat sushi anyway differently. No one is holding a gun to your head telling you to not put soy sauce all over your rolls. I know, it's strange, but you didn't even have to watch this video. So please explain to me what exactly the problem is again?

Chamot said:
Welcome to 'How to properly make a video' by Videosift community. -- Best comment yet on here.

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

chingalera says...

@shinyblurry-I know some Christians who can't stand to hear profanity of any kind, but say "dern" "gosh dern" "hell" etc., all variations of the vernacular....I would hope that God might have a sense of humor about such monkey behavior, after all, he's the one who spit in the mud and spun us on pottery wheels....

You atheists are about as easy to tolerate as the hard-core born-again, BTW-Yer all religious fanatics t'me!!

Facebook "Likes" Don't Save Lives - UNICEF Commercial

Tears in Space

Felicia Day Learns CPR: Drama Ensues

Waltz of the Two Lips (Trombone Silliness)

Big Boat Crashes Into A House

Big Boat Crashes Into A House

Big Boat Crashes Into A House

Global warming or unicorns? Which do you believe in?

bareboards2 says...

He alludes to it in the interview. Gosh, here we are just after a big blizzard and some people think there isn't global warming.

One of the most stupid things he says in that interview.

lv_hunter said:

Why is he doing an interview outside?? FFS!

PS4 Announcement - Abridged Version

dhdigital says...

I like the idea of a touch pad on the controller that isn't a gimmick (i.e. wiiu controller, which as of now can only use one touch screen).

If I could toss all my home theater crap in a closet so I never have to see it again, I would. (if I didn't have to fill my closet with snowgear I would have done this.) But I look at a spending $600- $800 on a console as crazy. If I'm going to buy something I need the games, better cords, more controllers, some memory card i won't use, more games, strat guides, etc.. Gosh that is expensive, who does that?!

Then I look to my "new" computer which it will be used to surf here and some games --that's it. It currently sits in boxes. The new box is halfway built, still lacking a mobo/ram/psu and I have about $800 invested in it. Probably going to dump easily another 400 to 500 in it, but that okay in my messed-up-I-need-this-to-live-mind.

because that is sane.

EvilDeathBee said:

I'm really surprised so many people actually give that big a shit about how the console actually looks. Seriously, how often do you sit and just stare at the console itself?

I've found myself migrating from my 360 to the PS3, it's just a better system for gaming. You can buy most new releases online (Games on Demand is pathetic), you don't have to pay for MP, you don't have to put up with MS's constant dashboard changes that are consistently awful, nor put up with superfluous BS like Avatars and the Welcome screen.

The only thing I don't like is the controller, and the PS4's controller looks great (except the stupid Share button), so I'm quite excited for the PS4, but also keen to see what MS will be offering and if they'll cock it up

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