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RFlagg (Member Profile)

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How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

OverLord says...


I just buy cheap rump steak or whatever bulk from Costco, lightly season, and pack individually in heat seal bags and freeze. Chuck in overnight or first thing in morning before going to work.

Tastes fantastic, just as good as the expensive cuts. I do them at 54°C for med-rare.

Thing is, wife likes well done, so I cook them all the same and just leave hers on the skillet for longer. It fully cooks, but it stays tender and melty, so much better than just doing a well done steak in a pan.

TheFreak said:

You can also sous vide it for about 4 hours. That breaks down tough steaks. A brisket flat cooked at 141° for 72 hours is as tender as a ribeye with tons of flavor.

How Disney uses Language in Animated Films

vil says...

Disney are actually using the music and the lyrics to have the desired specific emotional effect on their musically and geographically poorly informed audience. Specific languages are present not for accuracy or making sense, purely for cinematic effect. It is much easier to use a real language and real obscure culture references than trying to come up with something original, like Klingon. Correct use of a specific language or musical reference is probably just an inside joke. Everything Disney does is cultural appropriation, that is their day job. They dont do documentaries, they are into compiled rehashed fairytales. If that one song was PC it was probably done that way on purpose, decided by Disneys equal opportunities department. A proper Inuit movie would have to be shot from an Inuit script with an Inuit score drawn by real Inuit men on Inuit snow in the only possible way you can draw while your fingers are freezing.

Movie Scenes Filmed in Iceland

newtboy says...

If you want gorgeous unspoilt vistas and astounding natural formations, it's damn hard to beat Iceland.

They skipped a great one (and many others)...In Die Another Day, the car chase on ice is filmed on a lake created for the movie. It's a lagoon that has one outflow channel where sea water enters at high tide. That adds just enough salt to keep it from freezing over...unless you make an ice dam in the channel like they did for the movie. The lagoon froze over enough to film the car scenes in what not only looked like, but was an impossible location. Today you can take boat rides among the icebergs in that lagoon.

Binging with Babish: Bob's Burgers

newtboy says...

Since those food processor blades have been recalled for being brittle and chipping into foods, I wouldn't suggest freezing them before use unless you have a steel deficiency in your diet.

Great video, but I really can't dig the bloody burgers.

Living Off the Grid in Paradise

CrazyRussianHacker shows a simple way to make clear ice

CrazyRussianHacker shows a simple way to make clear ice

oritteropo says...

Water normally has some dissolved air in it, which is expelled and trapped when it's frozen leading to the white spots in the ice. To make clear ice you need to avoid the dissolved air being trapped in the ice.

One way to do this is to boil the water before freezing, which reduces the amount of dissolved gases.

What I think is happening here is that freezing only part of the water, and relatively slowly, lets the dissolved gases remain in the liquid part of the water.

noims said:

Interesting, but anybody got any 'Why'?

I have some intuition: as the water turns to ice it's clear, but once the ice is formed, any additional cooling causes expansion, which causes internal cracks due to the space constraints from the container or the surrounding ice? Obviously frost on the surface isn't going the uniform, so his second example isn't great.

Comcast Repairmen Unconcerned Of Wrecks They Are Causing

Buttle says...

The whiny camera dude needs to rethink his negotiating strategy: Leading off with asking the repairman to put his truck in a driveway is about the same as asking him to commit suicide by idiot. Props to the comcast guy for not smacking him upside the head.

I don't doubt that the conage is substandard, but the level of driving shown is abysmal. Don't they have plow trucks in driveways and kids playing by the side of the road in Indiana? What are those drivers thinking?

When I become king, drivers like that will have their dented vehicles ceremonially crushed before their faces, and their driving privileges revoked until a solid week, Sunday to Sunday, elapses without the temperature going below freezing. 55F for anyone who was driving a black pickup.

Tubing on Hoth

What the Fahrenheit?

ChaosEngine says...

Surely water freezing and boiling qualify as really fucking cold and really fucking hot?

CelebrateApathy said:

Fuck you commie, this is 'Murica!

Seriously though, I agree that we should abandon all of our measurements, but not our temperature scale. Not because of science, but simply because it is better in tune with what we can quantify. 0 degrees is really fucking cold and 100 degrees is really fucking hot. I know it's not a GOOD measure but it makes temperature more relatable to what humans FEEL.

Bad reasoning I know, but I like it.

You're F*ckin' High

00Scud00 says...

Christ, I got this speech from my parents and younger brother back in August while we were on vacation. Fortunately I live in Minnesota and that bluish hue isn't just due to the fact that we're freezing our balls off. So I'll happily vote for Stein or write in Sanders.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

We usually get a few weeks right at or below freezing...but last year barely a few days (nights) reached freezing, and back up to mid 50's during the day.
I have a greenhouse, I'll try a few in pots I can put inside when it freezes.
Another problem we have is lack of sun. Our local airport (Arcata) was built to train pilots for fog landing, being the most consistently foggy place in the U.S.. there's little I can do if we have a foggy year.
The pineapple is in a 1/2 barrel that I brought inside for winter. The pineapple took 18 months to ripen, and was 8 bites in total, but that still counts imo. ;-)

oritteropo said:

If you could grow a pineapple you should be able to grow oranges and lemons. We have roughly socal weather here, and have no problems with either... but it never freezes here. You would need to protect the tree from freezing if you have temperatures much below 0°C for more than 10 hours at a time (google didn't answer that question for nocal, my query must've been off) but planting against a south facing brick or stone wall would help if it's marginal (obviously we'd be using a north facing wall).

p.s. worked out the right query, and nocal looks ok on the coast, and even OR and WA, but going further north to BC looked a bit iffy... but then people do manage it -

newtboy (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

If you could grow a pineapple you should be able to grow oranges and lemons. We have roughly socal weather here, and have no problems with either... but it never freezes here. You would need to protect the tree from freezing if you have temperatures much below 0°C for more than 10 hours at a time (google didn't answer that question for nocal, my query must've been off) but planting against a south facing brick or stone wall would help if it's marginal (obviously we'd be using a north facing wall).

p.s. worked out the right query, and nocal looks ok on the coast, and even OR and WA, but going further north to BC looked a bit iffy... but then people do manage it -

newtboy said:


Now I'm going to have to try to grow oranges here on the N coast of Cali if I want impossibility. (although I did grow a pineapple here, another impossibility, so we'll see).

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