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Truth from an Iranian

drradon says...

uhhh, any of you guys ever lived in Iran??? You know the place, it's where they beat women on the street with sticks if the religious police don't think they are dressed properly...
She clearly has an agenda, and can't be taken at face value, but anyone that listens to the media without questioning their agenda is nothing short of foolish...

School coach Keanon Lowe disarms student

viewer_999 says...

Without hostility, I gotta be honest here: I don't really know what you're trying to say. My best guess is, "Treating him with compassion is good for [me]." In this case, at least, I disagree. If I were immortal and/or striving for sainthood, perhaps. But I have one life with limited time, as do those I love and seek to protect. Those who are in search of said sainthood may care for this person all they wish; and may they do it away from society and the rest of us who choose life.

It is foolish to issue probation to someone who brought a loaded gun to class. They've already demonstrated intent to harm and thus should have the option/means to do so again removed.

BSR said:

Funny thing about compassion. What you think is meant for others is REALLY meant for you.

Tailgater Climbs The Ladder Of Success

AeroMechanical says...

I see a lot of fail to go around in this video. Naturally, the biggest failure is on the part of the driver who failed to secure their cargo. that is grievous and inexcusable negligence (assuming it wasn't the result of freak equipment failure like a strap breaking).

I don't like all the cars swerving out of their lane to avoid the ladder. Can't really say for certain from the video how aware they were of surrounding traffic and distances involved, but that is usually the wrong response. Better to come to a complete stop in your lane if you have to. I'm pretty sure the tailgater wasn't aware of that pickup coming up on his left.

And of course the guy not leaving enough space when he had plenty of alternatives available. That guy and his like-minded buddies are the primary reason 40% of my commutes over the last two weeks have been an hour and a half instead of the 20 minutes they should be.

I think it must be the heat or something, but way too many people have been driving foolishly or like they're defending their position lately.

At least two second intervals. Let other drivers merge. Use the accelerator on the on ramp--you should be going the speed limit by the time you have to merge with traffic. We'd all get home quicker that way.

Ah, that's better. Thank you Videosift for the therapy session.

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

Romans 10:9-10

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved

When you do that, believing that Jesus died for your sins, God will save you and make you a new person. You're good if you don't care where you are going after you die, if you leave it as you believe up to chance. Yet the evidence that God exists is undeniable, and the coming of His Son Jesus Christ was predicted by prophecies going back thousands of years. So you're not really leaving it up to chance because the scripture tells you that you have no excuse for ignorance.

Romans 1:18-20

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse

You would say, I am sure, that you haven't seen any evidence for God but the scripture says you have and you have suppressed the truth about it. I believe scripture and in our conversations I am sorry to say you are always poisoning the well of reasoned debate with mockery and ridicule. What is behind that is a heavy bias and angst which keeps you from seeing who God is. Being obstinate against the truth of Gods word is foolish. Why not give God the benefit of the doubt and at least ask Him to show you if what I have been telling you all of these years is true?

newtboy said:

I believe in a guy named Jesus, he could walk on water when it freezes, and turn water into wine using his vineyard, but his mom was no virgin and his dad was a human being. Am I good?

A Better Way to Tax the Rich

dogboy49 says...

"The veracity of the statement has no bearing on the fact that you dismissed/questioned it first"

<Sigh> Pedantry is tiresome. Tell your friends.

My original statement had to do with my belief that wealth inequality is not a bad thing. It had little to do with OP's assertion that he foolishly sees current wealth inequality as "staggering".

"Forgive us if we take the words of economists, historians, reality, and our own senses over a random person's opinion. "

You are free to heed whoever pleases you. If you crave my
forgiveness, consider yourself forgiven.

"If that's not excessive, I have to wonder what could be in your opinion. "

I too have to wonder what "excessive" wealth inequality actually looks like. I don't think I have ever seen a large scale example. So, I'll just pull a number out of the air: under most distribution models, I would say that I consider a Gini coefficient of, say, .9 to be "excessive".

"My wife, head of her department for 10 years, working 45-50 hour weeks, makes $30k a year working like a dog....Warren Buffet makes >10000 times that much doing absolutely nothing...not excessive?!"

I thought we were talking about wealth distribution, not income distribution. Anyhow, to answer your question, the answer is "No", I do not consider that to be "excessive".

newtboy said:

The veracity of the statement has no bearing on the fact that you dismissed/questioned it first, and now agree. Your position changed....and so has your argument now from 'staggering wealth inequality isn't a bad thing" to ' wealth inequality isn't staggering'. Forgive us if we take the words of economists, historians, reality, and our own senses over a random person's opinion.

Wiki- in 2014 the top wealthiest 1% possess 40% of the nation's wealth; the bottom 80% own 7%; similarly, but later, the media reported, the "richest 1 percent in the United States now own more additional income than the bottom 90 percent".[8] The gap between the top 10% and the middle class is over 1,000%; that increases another 1,000% for the top 1%. The average employee "needs to work more than a month to earn what the CEO earns in one hour"
If that's not excessive, I have to wonder what could be in your opinion. My wife, head of her department for 10 years, working 45-50 hour weeks, makes $30k a year working like a dog....Warren Buffet makes >10000 times that much doing absolutely nothing...not excessive?! Also, because he only pays taxes on what he spends, he pays less in taxes than we do.

Delaware State Trooper Pulls Gun on Black Man For Speeding

newtboy says...

I spent 25-30 years waiting, hoping, expecting those good cops to toss out the bad ones and be the upright pillars of our communities they take credit for being. I was sorely disappointed and decided I better change my assessment and expectations.

That doesn't mean all cops are bad people, many are outstanding people. It means they are part of a culture that puts even terrible workmates above the public and the law they enforce, and that, by their own definition, makes them as guilty as the known criminal cops they harbor.
I can only blame the police leadership and unions for protecting police criminals instead of the public, and the current fight about misconduct investigation records only highlights it's an ongoing and worsening issue. They should want total transparency so the public knows the police aren't harboring and protecting rapists and brutal thugs. That would make the job safer and easier too.

I don't think I'm giving the bad cops power, I'm recognizing the reality that the bad cops apparently run the show and make their own rules whenever possible, including investigating themselves in secret when they're caught breaking them.

Foolish test subject, that was a hologram of cake.

BSR said:

That wasn't clear in your original response. If your intention was to rope in the good cops because you see the odds stacked against them and there is little hope for them, what does that say about the power you give to the bad cops?

It's been said this is the place where all your dreams can come true. Whether it's being a cop, fireman, soldier, father, and even a natural born killer or worse yet, Donald Trump. *snort*

Be careful what you dream and make it come true. Watch more Pixar.

OH! And eat more cake. It's not a lie. I saw it myself. Life is short.

Economy is Great for Billionaires, Bad for Working People

newtboy says...

Lol. Oh Bob.

You're partially correct, as per his usual M.O., he offers jobs, but not paychecks.

Clown? Let's see....which politician wears the caked on non human colored makeup and babbles nonsensical noises while flailing his arms?

Foolishly idealIstic? Which politician thought he could solve each and every political issue facing humanity without a clue what those issues were, much less how to solve issues.

Delusional?! Which politician was it that proclaims himself to be the greatest of all time at literally everything, and simply dismisses all evidence and reason to the contrary as fake, making Kim Jon look rational and humble?

Oh...and which one is under indictment or investigation for dozens of felonies and treason?

bobknight33 said:

POTUS is delivering jobs. MEGA 2020
Bernie is a clown. Foolishly idealistic even delusional in reality.

Economy is Great for Billionaires, Bad for Working People

Trump Ad: Immigrants are Murderers and Dems are Complicit

newtboy says...

Let's hope, since the Trump party does nothing but lie foolishly.

The Pentagon's official military assessment of the caravan was leaked today.....the military considers them no threat. <20% of the now 4500 are even expected to make it to the border, no criminal infiltration expected, no terroristic infiltration expected, <1% of the <20% expected to be allowed asylum....that's <10. (The last caravan only had 3). The military is not happy that they're being used as political theater, deployed in the desert with no actual mission and no possibility of being useful beyond being a photo opp for the foolish liar in chief. Even if they could possibly help when the caravan's remnants get here, that's 7-10 weeks from now, so there's no reason whatsoever for them to be deployed now besides political theater.

It's hard lying all the time when your lie requires the silence of patriots.

Side note: Apparently Trump's plan to remove birthright citizenship means his children need to be deported, their mothers were not citizens when they were born (anchor babies), so his plan removes their citizenship and makes them illegal aliens with no papers. Shoot them if they throw a stone, Trump said it's ok.

bobknight33 said:

It's hard winning all the time.

Then again it is really easy to win all the time when the other side foolishly lies.

Trump Ad: Immigrants are Murderers and Dems are Complicit

bobknight33 says...

It's hard winning all the time.

Then again it is really easy to win all the time when the other side foolishly lies.

No blue wave just a pond ripple Nov 6.
RED Title wave coming Nov 6 .

#walk away and Blexit.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh Testify

bobknight33 says...

The rule of law is being followed. Nothing being stolen-- Politics is a nasty business. It was on full displayed yesterday.

Democrats sprung an 11th hour attack "October surprise" on Kavanaugh to smear him in public opinion and delay the vote, A week later Democrats want to delay more for an FBI investigation.. What hog wash. just a political stunt -- I'm sure they will bring about another false claim before the senate vote .
Bottom line no one corroborates her testimony ..

Republicans are not insisting on and FBI -- only Flake is -- A political cover for him to vote yes today and get it out of committee.

FBI HAS looked 6 times into Kavanaugh character and background. Now another one for a 40 yr old repressed "memory" ?

Are your you or any friends alter boys?

If this was true, all that was done was some tit grabbing by foolish boys.
You want to disqualify a man of sexual fumblings when he was 17 boy? Is that the society you want to live in? 50 -90% of men would be guilty.

An old girl can call the police and say you wrongly fondled her when you were 17? And you lose your career of over it? BS.
NO cop department would even giver her the time of day.

Justices should be above reproach and their morality unquestionable. Kavanaugh wins on both counts.

newtboy said:

It's far more honest and honorable that outright stealing a nomination, neglecting their constitutional obligations for pure partisan gains, degrading and abusing our system of government. Wanting a full vetting of a lifetime appointment to the highest court is the norm, making these appointments pure political spectacle and obstructing procedure is 100% the methodology of're just pissed the Democrats are finally learning to play the game republicans have been playing for decades. I can only hope they continue that MO when the Democrats seize congress next month.

Republicans are now insisting on an FBI investigation or they'll vote no. We will have a new justice, but it may not be might not be a right winger.

I believe there's a question about who to believe. I believe that question disqualifies the nominee. Justices should be above reproach and their morality unquestionable, he fails on both counts. If you have just a reasonable doubt about his innocence, and no reasonable person wouldn't at this point, that's enough to disqualify any nominee.

New Rule: The Good Sex Economy

newtboy says...

MAGA is a dumb, misguided, racist, misdirecting thing at best, said by people who think America became no longer great because a black man led it for a while.
Patriotic Americans would NEVER MAGA, closest would be MAG (Make America Greater), but Trumpateers are too smitten with his angry orangeness to consider their slogan is an insult to their country they claim to fervently love. How foolish.

Try this...tell your wife you have a plan to make her great AGAIN.....see if she punches you in the nose before walking out.

bobknight33 said:

So MAGA is a bad thing? How foolish!

New Rule: The Good Sex Economy

Trump Holds Rally Amid Aftermath of Family Separation Policy

bobknight33 says...

Trump is doing the right thing. Following the law. This need to be FIXED this has been kicked down the road for decades. Politicians promise to do something then don't . They enact laws and then don't enforce. Trump is being non political and will try to fix it. Obama, Bush, Clinton all kick the can down the road as did the house and senate. Now 30+ million illegals and thousand every month coming. THIS NEEDS FIXED.

I sorry these people come from terrible places. The solution is not open boarders but to stabilize their countries. THEY need to get their shit together.

To think otherwise is foolish.

newtboy said:

Oh @bobknight33, you slurp up the moronic lies every time.

Obama didn't separate those children from their families, they came alone.
Were they held in "cages", technically yes, for up to 72 hours (but usually less), but not for up to 20 days after being separated from their families. Obama was lambasted none the less by both parties and quickly made efforts to minimize the incarnation of children, Trump has maximized it while minimizing our ability to process them by not supporting the funding of more immigration judges.
Also note, Obama era "cages" had walls, not just open chain link, a small but psychologically significant difference.

"You don't like parents and kids separated, you don't want them detained (indefinitely) together either...what do you want?!"....really, she and the right are too dumb to come up with any other alternatives? That's impressive stupidity.
How about more immigration judges so families can go through the legal application process within the legal time frame instead of just warehousing them indefinitely and making the process longer and harder, breaking US and international laws in the process in the hopes they'll give up and just go home to die.

Liberals, and all other humans with a conscience, have been fighting this policy since day one, no one saved their moronic a lie....but I expect nothing less from oan, whose hyper bias and aversion to fact is more apparent than Fox.

The Trump family separation policy was the distraction, distracting you from the ever increasing conviction rate in the Russia probes and our precipitously falling international standing.

Michael Che Hilarious "Black Lives Matters"

moonsammy says...

No, BLM did that with the Minneapolis / St Paul Pride parade in Minnesota last year as well. I've had to stop and have some real thinks about some of the tactics employed by BLM over the last few years, as frequently my gut reaction has been "well that seems excessively antagonistic towards people who likely already support them." Things like blocking a pride parade, or shutting down sections of highways and such. Ultimately, these actions aren't aimed at the people who are immediately affected by them, they're done to generate publicity for the group when they might otherwise have difficulty getting any sort of media attention paid to their message from more typical, "polite" protests.

Civil rights organizers have had over 60 years of experience in determining how to effectively protest, or longer if you look at examples like women's suffrage. At this point I think they have a pretty good idea of what forms of protest are useful vs counter-productive. I support what BLM is trying to accomplish, and as someone who to date has not personally helped that cause in any direct manner, I'm opting to trust that they have an idea what they're doing and that if I'm reacting negatively to their approach I should probably question / sit with that reaction before saying something foolish.

bcglorf said:

I hope the Canadian, and specifically Toronto, chapter of BLM is disparate from the American one, because this incident wasn't isolated.

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