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Cindy McCain = I'm a retard! [talking about Palin]

choggie says...

" Don't dismiss the importance of the first lady; wives often have strong influence over the decisions of their husbands."
-utter bullshit, coming from a place of limited information and ignorance-

Fuck all, rather that the point by point, most of the comments above, save a very few, are action/reaction primate gymnastics, no critical thought involved, and none very clever or truly wise.-You are being fed this shit, as if it were important in the scheme of the power structure of the united states-it's not, it's more goddamn diversion to keep your brains from travelling to far from the programmed schedule of activities....NO-THINK

Fuck Stepinlottashits, talking head dumbass, and fuck Mrs. Mc Pain and Mrs. Baroken Obummer, the both of them preferably, on the White House lawn, on National Television, with multiracial cock in every orifice, with their husbands joining in on the fun, and taping it for free-per-view.....

This offend ya?? Well this news segment of absolute NO NEWS, offendeth me.....

Cindy McCain = I'm a retard! [talking about Palin]

maximillian says...

Hmmm, what's worse... Faux news saying this or the wife of our president? Don't dismiss the importance of the first lady; wives often have strong influence over the decisions of their husbands.

BNF: Sorry FOX we won't let you trash Michelle Obama

blahpook says...

Cute. From the ABC news site:

"I have to be greeted properly -- fist-bump, please," Obama said in her opening line, pressing fists with each of her co-hosts in response to a Fox News Channel report depicting her fist "dap" with her husband on the night he won the nomination as a "terrorist fist jab."

She explained she learned the greeting from young staffers on the Obama campaign.

"It's the new high-five," she said.


Michelle Obama is viewed more favorably by likely voters than Cindy McCain, 48 percent to 39 percent, according to a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll. But while Obama leads in favorability, many voters say they haven't formed an opinion yet of McCain, and slightly more voters also view Obama unfavorably — 29 percent vs. McCain's 25 percent.

Scrutiny of the potential first ladies was evident among audience members waiting to get into the live show.

"I think she's wonderful," Veronica Deas, 45, said of Michelle Obama.

Deas drove from Maryland to see 'The View' with her sister and four girlfriends.

"She's intelligent, she knows the issues, she stands by her man but she's not going to try to take his job," she said in an apparent jab at Sen. Clinton.

Full video: Kucinich presents articles of impeachment

Kissing Captain Kirk ......pucker up ladies ;-)

ashes2flames says...

Nice compilation .. classic tune .. good stuff.

"The very first lady shown in this clip was the gorgeous Kathie Browne who guest starred in an episode called "In The Wink Of An Eye". Since she is shown combing her long tresses with a smile on her face, & Kirk is seen putting his boots on whilst sitting on a bed, it implies they just had sex. This is the only time it is ever made clear that any sex took place between Kirk & his leading ladies."

Lydia Kavina plays "Claire de Lune" on the Theremin

bamdrew says...

she's dressed like a first lady, has a belching fog machine behind her with some generic beer sign looking things, and is playing a slow, ultra-soft classical piano piece on the theremin... now that gets an upvote for novelty.

Michelle Obama on The Colbert Report

Interview with Pilot on Hillary's "sniper" Bosnia flight

joedirt says...

- Associated Press, 3/17/08

"Everyone else was told to sit on their bulletproof vests," Clinton said. "And we came in, in an evasive maneuver....There was no greeting ceremony, and we basically were told to run to our cars. Now, that is what happened."

- Clinton speech, 3/17/08
"I certainly do remember that trip to Bosnia, and as Togo said, there was a saying around the White House that if a place was too small, too poor, or too dangerous, the president couldn’t go, so send the First Lady. That’s where we went. I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

- New York Times, 3/1/08
"[S]he evoked foreign battlefields, recalling a trip to Bosnia as first lady, when the welcoming ceremony ‘had to be moved inside because of sniper fire.’ She said she had traveled to more than 80 countries and was ‘on the front lines’ as the United States made peace in Bosnia and Northern Ireland and helped save refugees from ethnic cleansing in Kosovo."

- CNN 1/1/08
"I was the first, you know, high-profile American to go into Bosnia after the peace accords were signed because we wanted to show that the United States was 100 percent behind the agreement. We wanted to make it clear to the Bosnians of all backgrounds. Plus we wanted to thank our American military and our allies for a great job. So, we landed in one of those corkscrew landings and ran out because they said there might be sniper fire. I don’t remember anybody offering me tea on the tarmac."

Clinton said she was "sleep-deprived" and "misspoke" when she said last week that she landed under sniper fire during a trip to Bosnia in 1996, when she was first lady.

Hillary Clinton tells huge freaking lie about trip to Bosnia

dgandhi says...

>> ^Tofumar:
"If the premise of your campaign is that your duties as first lady helped to make you the candidate of experience, then this kind of resume padding is important.

I see that, I just don't associate having a false aggrandized memory with dishonesty.

It is entirely possible that she remembered the story she told, we just happen to have enough video of the event to disprove it. People do this all the time, all memories are actually memories of memories, with some noise creeping in every time you recall it. If she actually thought her version happened it would not make her crazy, or a lier, it would make her normal.

I think she is flailing, and grasping at straws in a desperate attempt to win the nomination despite the fact that she has basically already lost, but I don't really think this story is indicative of anything that has any real bearing on the substance of the campaign.

Hillary Clinton tells huge freaking lie about trip to Bosnia

Tofumar says...

" She should have said she misspoke the second time she was asked, but give me a break, somebody get her on something substantive."

If the premise of your campaign is that your duties as first lady helped to make you the candidate of experience, then this kind of resume padding is important. Keep in mind that this is part of a pattern. She also exaggerated her role in Northern Ireland.

It's also important to remember that the bigger part of this screw up came in prepared remarks. So, this wasn't just said off the cuff (although she repeated her lies later while speaking extemporaneously).

I guess my take is that just because these criticisms aren't about any esoteric and wonkish details of her policies doesn't mean they aren't substantive. Rather, they go right to the center of what she's made the foundation of her campaign.

War Protesters Shut Down Senate (Mar 12 08)

my15minutes says...

didn't that first lady practice what she was going to say?
"i will not be... uhh... shit, i can't
recite oogieboogie slogans and thump this bongo drum!!
where are my backup singers?..."

oy vey.
sergeant-at-arms, please help these people collect their dignity,
and recommend a john lennon album on their way out?

Just Words. Just not Obama's.

quantumushroom says...

Here's some questions for both Dem frontrunners, via columnist Lawrence Elder. Why does the mainstream media focus on this fluff while issues with real impact go unaddressed?

Don't Obama supporters also deserve straight answers?

As of March 2008, kids applying for a job at Burger King have been given tougher interview questions (+ a drug test) than Clintobama.

1. Sen. Clinton, you oppose the Bush tax cuts because they unfairly benefit the rich. Since the top 1 percent of taxpayers -- those making more than $364,000 annually -- pay 39 percent of all federal income taxes, don't all across-the-board tax cuts, by definition, "unfairly" benefit the rich?

2. Sen. Obama, you also oppose Bush tax cuts, and claim that they take money away from the Treasury. But President Kennedy signed across-the-board tax cuts in the 1960s and said, "It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low -- and the soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut rates now." Was he wrong?

3. Sen. Clinton, you criticize President Bush for inheriting a surplus and turning it into a deficit. The National Taxpayers Union added up your campaign promises, and they came to an increase of over $218 billion per year. What would this do to the deficit?

4. Sen. Obama, if elected, you promised to raise minimum wage every single year. But isn't it true that most economists -- 90 percent, according to one survey -- believe that raising minimum wages increases unemployment and decreases job opportunities for the most unskilled workers? What makes you right, and the majority of economists wrong?

5. Sen. Clinton, you want universal health care coverage for all Americans -- every man, woman and child. When, as First Lady, you tried to do this, 560 economists wrote President Clinton, and said, "Price controls produce shortages, black markets and reduced quality." One economist who helped gather the signatures explained, "Price controls don't control the true costs of goods. People pay in other ways." Are those 560 economists wrong?

6. Sen. Obama, you once said you understand why senators voted for the Iraq war, admitted that you were "not privy to Senate intelligence reports," that it "was a tough question and a tough call" for the senators, and that you "didn't know" how you would have voted had you been in the Senate. And over a year after the war began, you said, "There's not much of a difference between my position and George Bush's position at this stage." How, then, can you say that you consistently opposed the war from the start?

7. Sen. Clinton, you want to begin withdrawing the troops within the first 60 days of your administration, with all the troops out within a year. Former Secretary of State Jim Baker of the Baker-Hamilton report said that such a precipitous withdrawal in Iraq would create a staging ground for al-Qaida, increase the influence of Iran over Iraq, and result in "the biggest civil war you've ever seen." What would you like to say to Secretary Baker?

8. Sen. Obama, the church you attend, according to its Web site, pursues an Afrocentric agenda. Your church rejects, as part of their "Black Value System," "middleclassness" as "classic methodology" of white "captors" to "control subjugated" black "captives." Your pastor, Jeremiah Wright, recently called the Nation of Islam's Minister Louis Farrakhan -- a man many consider anti-Semitic -- a person of "integrity and honesty." What would happen to a Republican candidate who attended a Caucasian-centric church, and who praised David Duke as a man of "integrity and honesty"?

9. Sen. Clinton, you recently criticized NAFTA, the free trade agreement signed into law by President Clinton. The conservative Heritage Foundation says that NAFTA-like free trade benefits the economies of the United States, Canada and Mexico, resulting in increased trade, higher U.S. exports and improved living standards for American workers. Explain how President Clinton and the Heritage Foundation got it wrong then, but that you are right now.

10. Sen. Obama, this question is about global warming, something about which you urge extreme action to fight. You criticize President Bush for going to war in Iraq, even though all 16 intelligence agencies felt with "high confidence" that Saddam Hussein possessed stockpiles of WMDs. Critics of Bush say he "cherry-picked" the intelligence. Hundreds, if not thousands, of scientists consider concerns about global warming overblown. Isn't there far more dissent among credible scientists about global warning than there was among American intelligence analysts about Iraq? If so, as to the studies on global warming, why can't you be accused of cherry-picking?

Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary if McCain is the nominee

Hillary Clinton Crying- "This is Very Personal"

legacy0100 says...

Not taking it seriously? Whut?

Then how did Al Gore not get elected even after being a Vice President? Hell, he was around Bill more than Hillary, who was so ambitious and nosy during the beginning of Bill's administration that public wanted her to shut up for awhile, and that she did. I doubt anyone remembers that whole event back in the early 90s.

Again I think she's just doesn't appeal to the younger generation with her stiff, fake, devious image. That's why the young generation loves straight talkers like Ron Paul and Obama. But judging presidential candidates by their personality alone can lead to a huge disaster, as we've recently noticed with Bush Jr. and couple of other candidates throughout the years.

I don't expect anyone to change their mind about Hillary. But I'd rather not have someone speculate all these oddity against her either, saying that she doesn't take the presidency seriously or somehow that being the first lady gave her the edge in this election etc. What the hell is that all about? There's no quotes or grounds as to prove that. It's just the result of her bad image. Something that's been conjured up, because she 'seems' like the person that would do that.

All that speculations comes from just her negative public image. How it came to be that way? I have no clue, but it certainly don't make them true.

Hillary Clinton Crying- "This is Very Personal"

mas8705 says...

Wow Oxdottir, you read me like a book there... everything that you said is exactly what I was thinking about this whole video, especially that last part... I agree with you that when we are looking for a president, last thing you would want to see is to see someone cry over something like this... However, I was actually finding it funny for not only this, but also what was said about this on the radio shows and reports...

(I apoligize in advance if anyone finds the following offensive)

I want to stay as neutral as I can during this race, but when I watch Hillary on the TV, I see someone who doesn't seem to take this seriously like the other canadates and believes that just because she was the first lady when Bill Clinton was in office, she is more qualified than the rest of the people running to be president...

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