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Which Was The Ugliest 1st Lady in U.S. Presidential History (User Poll by chingalera)

Who Won The First Lady Debate? - Jimmy Kimmel

robv says...

Isn't up and to the right recollection? Up and to the left is imagination. ... ?

>> ^Jinx:

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Eyes, up and to the left = liars.

We do that when recollecting something that actually happened too though. Because everybody knows that a shifty gaze looks suspicious liars will attempt to mask it by staring you down. On the flip side I can think of a few occasions where I knew somebody suspected me of lying even when I was truthful. So I try no to make any gestures that might be misconstrued as tells and I end up looking even more stiff and awkward. Basically I think all that stuff is kinda bs, especially considering confirmaton bias.

Who Won The First Lady Debate? - Jimmy Kimmel

Jinx says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

Eyes, up and to the left = liars.

We do that when recollecting something that actually happened too though. Because everybody knows that a shifty gaze looks suspicious liars will attempt to mask it by staring you down. On the flip side I can think of a few occasions where I knew somebody suspected me of lying even when I was truthful. So I try no to make any gestures that might be misconstrued as tells and I end up looking even more stiff and awkward. Basically I think all that stuff is kinda bs, especially considering confirmaton bias.

DNC Staffer Assists Double Voting In Support of Obama

packo says...

all i see is failure of the staff to inform the people of the issue... i don't see them actively seeking/promoting it

especially in the first case presented in the video

if anything i see a protocol issue, that could be solved by a 15min meeting
a vast, left-wing conspiracy? no evidence of that
any proof that this doesn't occur at all with Republican supporters? no evidence of that
any proof that this is any thing other than isolated incidents with staged actors (we know the first lady undercover is... why not any of the other examples?)

A major study by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007 showed of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and of those few cases, most involved persons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility.

because when elections are decided by 0.00000286% of the the voters, its an issue

wto make a different comparison... whats a bigger concern... the 1% or the 0.00000286%? which of those two groups do you think has more money to influence politics? yeah...

poor job at propoganda

Now I have no reason to distrust the Justice Department findings. But this seems like a non-issue, until you realize the actual tactic here is voter surpression.

Bill Clinton's Full DNC Speech 2012

Cindy McCain Refuses to Release Her Tax Returns... Ever

Busta Rhymes Snaps On A British Chick

RhesusMonk says...

Really? We're going for that? I mean, you're definitely right, and I admit that I didn't hear/digest that at first, but let's not say the he was in the wrong for the whole thing, when she bit at him first. No one asked him to be gracious; she just bit him and tried to flee.>> ^RedSky:

"I didn't call none of you no names."
Yeah you did, you called the first lady a bitch.

Busta Rhymes Snaps On A British Chick

Michelle Obama: Media Helps Us

quantumushroom says...

You're entitled to your wacky opinions, but a liberal calling anyone else 'stupid' is like a schizophrenic criticizing everyone else's lack of being Henry VIII.

And now for something you never see from leftmedia: CONTEXT.

So, what's really going on here, you ask? As it turns out, Moochelle was thanking the media for not prying into the private lives of her children.

"Michelle Obama thanked the media today for caring about the children.

CNN reporter: “How’s the family ready for this [the election]? It’s going to be quite vicious, isn’t it? How do you prepare for that?”

First Lady Michelle Obama: “You know, it’s … we’re ready, you know. Our children, you know, could care less about what we’re doing. We work hard to do that. Fortunately we have help from the media. I have to say this: I’m very grateful for the support and kindness that we’ve gotten. People have respected their privacy and in that way, I think, you know, no matter what people may feel about my husband’s policies or what have you, they care about children and that’s been good to see.“

Unfortunately the state-run libmedia's "kindness" doesn't extend to the children of conservatives, surprising no one.

So you see, in your tepid attempt to disavow the existence of a libmedia loyal to left-wing Statists, you have exposed, in fact, another example of libmedia loyal to left-wing Statists.

BTW don't you love that FORGED stamp? I laugh every time.

>> ^DerHasisttot:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Ignore the hilarious parts. The important part is the wife of the Kenyawaiian admitting left-wing media "help" with their ceaseless propaganda.

This is not what this is, and if you think so, you're even more stupid than I thought previously. Without context, this means nothing. In your twisted mind, she was previously asked: "Who helps you attain world domination?." In reality, neither you nor me know what the topic of conversation was. One idea would be: "How did your charity for insert noble cause raise the needed money?"

Bloody Mary Tudor (Evil Women of History)

Bloody Mary Tudor (Evil Women of History)

Cops arrest journalists in Wisconsin

Bruti79 says...

I've just about had it with "journalists."

Either they're not doing their job, or they're pretending to be journalists.

The first lady arrested was asked the best question: "Where are your credentials?" The next words out of her mouth should have been the location of them. Usually, for big events like that, you get a lanyard and your credentials in a big colourful attachment, so there's a visual cue. I didn't see that on the lady, and she should have been wearing it around her neck if she did have it.

I have no idea what the second lady did, but man oh man. If you have credentials in a giant crowd like that, you better believe you should have it clear and visual.

Bush Wipes Hand on Clinton's Shirt After Greeting Haitians

paganif1 says...

Second. Definitely a tap.

Even if he got soap, a bucket, and used Clinton's shirt to dry, who the fuck cares. This one thing tarnishes Bushes reputation. He was noble and just prior to this horrible incident. This one thing will totally change my opinion of him. I'm sure the rest of you feel the exact same way. OMG I hate Bush, OMG me too, cool, let's be friends.

I dislike all the shit he pulled just as much as the next sifter, but honestly this is what we care about. This is breaking news. Find me Cheney "grazing" the first lady then we'll have something to talk about.

>> ^nach0s:

I'm no Dubya fan, but I call BS on the 'wipe'. He could have just as easily been tapping him on the shoulder.

Kucinich -- NO on Obamacare

Dogs Playing Tetherball

spawnflagger says...

ahh, the good old days when dogs used to play outdoors...
now all they want to do is play video games and watch TV.

I hope the first lady's initiative against canine obesity really helps.

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