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Hey Girlzzz, It's Double X Delurking Day (Femme Talk Post)

Who would you vote for based on the issues ? (Politics Talk Post)

blankfist says...

^Well, I was kind of talking out of my ass, qualm, but now that you mention it... sure, that sounds about accurate. I believe in abortion rights, but what if I believe (as Ron Paul does) that abortion rights are a state concern and not federal? It wouldn't matter according to the [ahem] "test", because it makes blanket assertions that because RP is against federal involvement in abortion rights (and completely not taking into account his stance on state rights) and because I chose abortions rights to be important in the [ahem] "test", that I must be at odds with Paul. And, therefore, Kucinich must be my man.

Though, if Kucinich wins, we're going to have one helluva a hot first lady in office.

Two Mormons vs. One "Regular" Christian

CaptainPlanet420 says...

hahaha anal-retentive bike nerds lose to fat, educated, verbose black man. details at...NOW! hahahahahaha he doesn't swear, get angry, and they accost him first...ladies, let's admit my universal "mormon morons" is correct yet again.

George Carlin on MSNBC's Countdown

kulpims says...

this is geting more bizzare every election. maybe not right now but say in another 4 years americans might well elect a Zaphod Beeblebrox like character for president. Stephen Colbert fits the profile quite well - add a second (Jon Stewarts) head and Bill Mahers right arm and hope the first lady knows a bit more on how to deal with the fate of the "free" world
btw George Carlin suddenly looks very old, poor bastard. still rocks though

Is America Ready For A FLILF?

No Reflection: the most brilliant prank ever

mlx Makes 500 Diamond! (Sift Talk Post)

Video Killed the Radio Star by The Wrong Trousers

Never before seen lost footage of JFK in Dallas (no sound)

BicycleRepairMan says...

I read somewhere that Parts of the video was filmed after the shots.

Oh and Swampgirl:Sorry,I changed my post cause it was probably somewhat offensive a failed joke for several reasons hint: First Lady..

EDIT: goddamn, google did find it!!, lol, I thought I invented it just now..

Shimon Peres: Doha Debate on Israel and Palestine (43 m)

Farhad2000 says...

A summary of this event by Al Bawaba...

"On January 30th in an unusual visit, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres was in the city of Doha in the highest-level visit of an Israeli to the Gulf region in more than ten years.

Peres is to spend two days in the Qatari capital, where he will appear on "Doha Debates," a BBC television debate show overseen by Qatar's first lady, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, to which he was invited to participate in.

He will reportedly answer "tough and controversial questions" from 300 Arab students, according to the AP. He is expected to answer questions on the state of the peace process with the Palestinians, the potential for prisoner exchanges, Israel's recent war with Lebanon, and the region's nuclear issues. He reportedly also plans to speak at the Doha campus of Georgetown University.

Peres will not meet with any Qatari officials on the trip, as it is not an official diplomatic visit. However, he is expected to have opportunities to talk with leaders in attendance during the filming of the television show, scheduled for Tuesday evening. Peres was also the last major Israeli official to travel to any Gulf Arab country when he visited Qatar in 1996 when he served as Israel's prime minister.

Though none of the six Gulf Arab countries have political relations with Israel, Qatar maintains low-level ties with the Israel and houses am Israeli trade mission in Doha."

Shimon Peres born on August 2, 1923 in Poland, and immigrated with his family to the land that would later become Israel in 1934), is an Israeli politician, former Prime Minister and current Vice Premier.

Qatar tells Israel to start negotiations with Hamas.

Ted Kenedy describes why he support Net Neutrality

rickegee says...

Laura Bush and Teddy have killed people with their autos.

So I will not listen to a damned thing that the evil, teenager-slaughtering First Lady says at the National Book Festival next week or what the venerable lush Ted says on net neutrality.

GWB conservatism in a nutshell. What would James Dobson do?

George Bush thinks that the Prime Minister of Canada is a Pl

Wepwawet says...

This doesn't show much of anything. The first lady seems confused at the question, and the second guy there's an EDIT between the question and the response. They were probably either too polite to correct the guy, weren't paying attention to the name, or became unsure of their own knowledge in the midst of answering a bunch of rapid-fire questions. Of course, Bush is a maroon, but he probably knew the PM because they were making him study his flash cards.

Sorry, this Mercer's way to make Americans look "stupid" is just lame tricks. If you go up to the man on the street and shove a microphone in his face and ask him if the president on the 5 dollar bill should be changed from "Franklin" to "Reagan", he'd probably give a yes or no response because he's mentally focusing on the Reagan part and changing the currency -- even if he knew Franklin was never president, and wasn't on the Fiver. And in the event guy realizes the questioner was wrong, he'd probably be too polite to correct him.

Colbert, OTOH, gives people lots and lots of rope to hang themselves. A smart person will look smart, and a dumb person will make a fool of themselves.

But this video is interesting because it does indeed look like Bush has had a nosejob since those days, or he's been chasing parked cars.

Colbert Does the White House Correspondants' dinner

sfjocko says...

Stephen Colbert spoke tonight at the dinner and lampooned pretty much everything he could think of and Helen Thomas. I used the second half of his performance because it included the Generals, Scalia, the Faux press briefing and as E&P reported:

"As he walked from the podium the president and First Lady gave Colbert quick nods, unsmiling, and left. E&P's Joe Strupp, in the crowd, observed that quite a few felt the material was, perhaps, uncomfortably biting."

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