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SNL - Foo Fighters: The Sky Is a Neighborhood (Live)

Space Battleship Yamato: The Movie - Trailer

LiquidDrift says...

I agree with both of you, having said that, I still want to watch the hell out of this movie and play the hell out of space fighter games. I'll probably die long before the genre ever does.

newtboy said:

Agreed. That's why, in my estimation, a bucket of pebbles would make a better space weapon than the most powerful explosives.

Space Battleship Yamato: The Movie - Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

Well, the idea that "fighters" would be a thing in space at all is kind of silly. Hell, "fighters" are barely a thing in modern warfare.

If we ever do get to a stage of space warfare (and let's really hope we don't), it will be conducted at relativistic speeds.

LiquidDrift said:

When our grandchildren watch these movies they will wonder why we thought that people would pilot fighters in the future. In about 20 years most if not all modern fighters will be AI piloted and vastly superior to human pilots.

Space Battleship Yamato: The Movie - Trailer

LiquidDrift says...

When our grandchildren watch these movies they will wonder why we thought that people would pilot fighters in the future. In about 20 years most if not all modern fighters will be AI piloted and vastly superior to human pilots.

Dave Grohl Lets Fan Play Drums for 18th Birthday

What Happens When A Woman Abuses A Man In Public?

newtboy says...

This is why you are part of the problem.
The assumptions you must make to ignore the abuse make your position unsupportable.
And, if that man had defended himself, even if he could do so purely on the defensive, which is an unbelievable theory, he would be assumed to be the aggressor and likely attacked by strangers with similar mindsets to yours.
Not all men are fighters, not all women are non-violent. I have a sister in law that loves to go to bars and beat up men, she's never lost a fight (that she always starts) because if she starts to lose, she pretends to be the victim and her victim gets attacked by strangers. That's total bullshit, and I expect her to end up murdered some day.

AeroMechanical said:

Eh, their overall point is certainly valid, but in the situation with the woman assaulting the man, I would not be greatly concerned for his physical safety (which, granted, is assuming he doesn't have some kind of physical disability, which isn't a great assumption). Being bigger and stronger, he has the option to extricate himself while staying purely on the defensive, whereas a woman being assaulted typically doesn't have that option without assistance from a bystander. I don't think we want to over-equalize everything to the point where we overlook that underlying all male-female interaction is that if it somehow degenerates to violence, the male will most likely ultimately control the outcome

Aikido - Hiromi Matsuoka

transmorpher says...

Fighting on the street isn't even comparable to MMA. Not to take away from the hardness of any MMA fighter, but MMA is a sport. There are rules, and it's a safe environment (as safe as can be considering what happens in the octagon). You don't have to worry about the other guy poking your eye out or biting you, you probably won't die, etc.

The best thing for self defense is to be able to identify a dangerous situation, and get away from it using any means necessary, before it escalates. Getting into your car and driving away is the best thing you can do.

The other part of it is not looking like a victim, it's a body language thing.

And in these cases, Aikido is as good as any other martial art.

Having said that I'd still love to see someone use Aikido in an MMA match just for entertainment, because the only videos I've ever seen are ones like this, where the partner is going with the flow to avoid injury.

Actually now that I think about it, are you allowed to dislocate/break joints in MMA? Because the damage is likely to be permanent.

Drachen_Jager said:

Yeah, @ChaosEngine that's true, but it still doesn't work in real life.

Nobody uses Akido in MMA.

Aikido - Hiromi Matsuoka

JustSaying says...

Most martial arts are simply too specific for MMA (Teakwondo for example), and Aikido is certainly one of them. That's why many MMA fighters train in Jiu-Jitsu, it's a grabbag of techniques.
Aikido is great with throws, joint-locks and evasive moves but that's mostly it. There's no emphasis on kicking, punching or holding techniques. An Aikido-practitioner won't choke you out, he or she will break your shit. Bend your joints in ways they shouldn't or straight up break your arm. You can't unleash that in a ring where people go to earn money. No matter how many punches you can take, how many throws you can recover from, a broken wrist will end your fight. And then you're out of a job and training until it's healed for a couple of weeks.
Aikido is not flexible enough to be effective and too damaging once it can be used for full effect.
And it does work in real life, it's just the conditions for success are far narrower than with other, more versatile martial arts. That's why Krav Maga works so well in real life, it just goes to what causes the most effect. So a lot of ballskicking. And punching. And Kneeing. All the balls, all the time.

Drachen_Jager said:

Yeah, @ChaosEngine that's true, but it still doesn't work in real life.

Nobody uses Akido in MMA.

Akido is moderately effective when teaching a weak person to fend off stronger, untrained individuals. It's shit if your opponents have been trained.

Also, if I need more proof Akido is shit: Steven Seagal.

I rest my case.

Aikido - Hiromi Matsuoka

TheFreak says...

Gliders are stupid, jet fighters are the only real way to fly.

Aikido requires the same body/mind training as any other martial art, with as much physical intensity as you want to put into it.'s not focused on agression. I don't need to train to react agressively. I need the opposite.

Motorcycles are faster than tractors. That's not going to help me plough a field. If I want to compete in MMA I'll study a martial art that's suited to it. Aikido is suited to my life and my goals.

I would never try to argue that my martial art is superior for your purposes. It's superior for my purposes.

All that aside, the video is a really enjoyable demonstration of mastery by someone who has dedicated more time and effort to her art than most martial artists, regardless of what they study or why.

Aikido - Hiromi Matsuoka

ChaosEngine says...

So cards on the table: I am a 4th Dan student of Aikido.

I had initially written a long response explaining why I disagree with you, but I realised I don't really care and you're unlikely to change your opinion.

Each martial art (traditional, modern, boxing, HEMA, whatever) offers something different to its practitioners. If you enjoy it, keep doing it.

I'd probably get destroyed by a competent MMA fighter, but I don't do Aikido to win MMA matches.

Can I defend myself on the street? Dunno... haven't been in a fight in decades, and don't intend to either.

Do I still enjoy Aikido? Fuck yeah.

Drachen_Jager said:

Yeah, @ChaosEngine that's true, but it still doesn't work in real life.

Nobody uses Akido in MMA.

Akido is moderately effective when teaching a weak person to fend off stronger, untrained individuals. It's shit if your opponents have been trained.

Also, if I need more proof Akido is shit: Steven Seagal.

I rest my case.

Bill Maher - Punching Nazis

MilkmanDan says...

Very analogous to Westboro Baptist "church" stooges. They (ab)use their constitutionally protected rights to free speech to say the most offensive and provocative crap that they can come up with, specifically with the intention to incite a (violent) reaction against them. Why? Because pretty much the entire Phelps family are lawyers, and they know that they can generally win any assault case that they can provoke people into. All that hate they spew boils down to a stupid, petty moneymaking scam.

Is the Seattle Nazi that devious and cunning? I doubt it. Probably just a crazy / fucked up guy, as Maher said. That doesn't excuse his fuckwittery, but it does reinforce Maher's argument that punching the guy is NOT the best response.

Morello is awesome, with RATM and Audioslave, and now Prophets of Rage, etc. But he's dead wrong on this issue, and comes across as a bit of an "internet tough guy". Outside of just ignoring them, I kinda think the only way to one-up these people is to know the law, what constitutes assault etc., and essentially beat them at their own game (ie. provoke them into doing something to you). On the other hand, there's something to be said for using using passive-aggressive snark to mock / humiliate them in a nonviolent way, ala the Foo Fighters:

John Oliver - Joe Arpaio

newtboy says...

Jesus Fucking Christ...he was convicted by judges of violating a legal judicial order and the constitution...not by Obama of being an old white guy. You drank more Trump coolaid, but this cup has made you thoroughly un-American.

Is that really what you call the best sheriff...someone who unapologetically violates the law and constitution at every turn, who abuses not only the convicted (still evil and illegal, btw) but also the merely accused in a jail he himself bragged was a concentration camp. That's how he treats American citizens who've not been convicted of a thing....and it's how he deserves to spend the remainder of his life.

If I held you (or your daughter) in a 145 deg tent, feeding you rotten balogne, offering no medical treatment while hoping you die of heat stroke, you would call me a terrorist, but because Joe violated mostly Hispanics (not even Mexicans, mostly legal Hispanic Americans) you call him the best sheriff...and you still tell yourself you aren't racist.

He cost his county well over $140 million in settlements for his victims, with hundreds of millions more in the courts still being litigated. The number of deaths in his jail are exponentially higher than the norm, with most going uninvestigated and fewer (none) being prosecuted (they just pay off the family a few million taxpayer dollars and move on to the next victim).

You really have to be shoving you head even farther up your own ass to even give Arpaio and Trump the benefit of a doubt at this point...he's gleefully admitted all his crimes as if they aren't illegal, and Trump made him right, violating the constitution and thumbing your nose at the court orders is perfectly fine in Trump's America, so long as you support him.

Jesus Fucknig Christ, bob. Next you'll be supporting Trump's pardon of Sheik Muhammad and other Daesh fighters...who were also the victims of an "Obama witch hunt".

You claimed to hate Obama because you've been convinced by drug addled blowhards (Limbaugh, Jones) that he subverted our rule of law to fit his agenda...yet here you are cheerleading Trump and Arpaio uncontrovertibly doing exactly that. Just because you agree with this particular agenda (subverting the constitution to forcefully eject illegal immigrants of one specific nationality) doesn't change the act you claim to hate, subversion of our constitution, laws, and government.

bobknight33 said:

Arpaio's mom told him hill never be a great singer So he became a Americas best sheriff.

Trump just reversing Obama's witch hunt of this man.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Zawash (Member Profile)

Foo Fighters - The Sky Is A Neighborhood

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