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"Look How Dangerous These School Teachers & Nurses Are!"

blankfist says...

@NetRunner, remember when you generally agreed with Hitler on a "visceral" level? Thought his program for NSDAP was, for the most part, a good document for government? If not, please feast your eyes on your very own words:

Heil NetRunner! It's good to know other brownshirts on here are in agreement with you, you big silly Machiavellian Superman!

Game Of Thrones "Throne" Teaser

GDGD says...

I need to curb my own personal excitement, and not give into the hype, but I really think this will be a good series.

Books however;
A Game of Thrones: 1996
A Clash of Kings: 1999
A Storm of Swords: 2000
A Feast for Crows: 2005
A Dance with Dragons: only maybe never
finishing the series: let us just say i hope i die before he does

TDS: Arizona Shootings Reaction

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Props to JS for keeping it classy. Slops to the rest who just can't keep their partisan bias in their pants. People here should be following JS's example, rather than diving headfirst into the sewer of partisan hate speech.

Those complaining about poisonous rhetoric are exhibiting a very curious case of blindness. On the one hand they are able to make the most distant, tenuous, tangental links to supposed right wing hate and tie it boldly to this tragedy. On the other hand, they stubbornly refuse to acknoweldge the left wing hate that permeates the political world, news media, blogosphere, and themselves. To these kinds of specimens, when a right wing guy says something provocative then they are blasted as a hatemonger - but when a left wing guy says something provocative they are cheered.

I find such hypocrisy to be odious in the extreme, and those who are a prisoner to such a mental outlook can only be said to be complicit in perpetrating the very hate they supposedly condemn. Its practicioners are literal buzzards, feasting on tragedy to fatten themselves. There is no evidence of any kind that Loughner was motivated by anything except his own psychosis. For slimy opportunists to wrest this terrible event so they can cackle like demons while pointing fingers at only ONE side bespeaks the same kind of evil that motivates the worst examples of humanity.

I reject utterly the accusation that it is only the right wing that contains angry, violent rhetoric. The left also inundates the national discourse at equal levels of angry, violent rhetoric. You can condemn them both or you can exhonorate them both and be fair. But if you only condemn one while exhonorating the other then you disqualify yourself from any and all intellectual validity - to your shame.

D.C. Universe Online - Gotham City fly-through.

westy says...

some nice enviroment moalling there especially given what looks like some prity tight texture and polygon budgets.

I feel sorry for the artists that work on games like this. Its pretty much a given that the end product as a whole will be a pile of shit. ( even a company like blizzard churns out core game play in its MMO's that when compared to single player games is a buggy shit feast. (and even then they are doing a huge achievement keeping things even mildly working and ballenced).

I bet that the actual game play in this DC universe game bares absaluty nothing to the verbs that would be found within the comics this is about as analgouse to being immersed in the world as playing a DC Card game.

In fact I would prefer a card game over some shitty MMO as a card game allows the players mind to fill in the blanks where as a MMO like this will likely be crammed full of utterly shit grind game play ,generic combat shoe horned together to work with latency issues ,pore animation and terrible story deliverd in the most artificial and detrimental way possible for commic book style narrative.

Im sure enoughf people will buy this purely because of the visual context that it will justify them to keep doing this sort of shit.

On the other hand if in the 1 in a million chance it works and works well then that would be really cool. I would rather have a decent MMO around a differnt IP though ( Stargate ,StarWars, StarTreck, ) Ips that actual benefit and probably could only ever realy work properly from MMO game play.

Dear Americans, (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Crosswords says...

Dear Canada,

Please do not be bitter you can't hold Thanksgiving on its real date. We understand come late November glacial advance makes it impossible to get to the store, and that your usual winter diet of clubbed baby seal and poutine does not make a proper thanksgiving feast. But fear not, us Americans are a kind and generous people who help their friends. We're fueling up our SUVs and breeding extra gaseous cows to speed up global warming, just for you.

Love, America

Christian Movie: How the Atheist Stole Christmas

spoco2 says...

Man I F*CKING LOVE how Christians try to say 'Hey, the TRUE meaning of Christmas is Jesus being born'

F*cking hell they are misguided, they all need to read something like The Origin of Christmas

* NOWHERE in the bible does it say when Jesus was born
* It's a appropriation of a Roman Pagan festival of lawlessness that ran for the week leading to the 25th of Dec. And that involved publicly murdering someone.

I fricken LOVE Christmas, but for what it has become, not for what they think it means.

It's a time to be surrounded by beautiful decorations, wonderful music (I enjoy Christian carols even as I don't like their lyrics), family, wonder for the kids, and the excitement of Santa Clause, and feasting. It's just a fricken beautiful time of year that does not need bloody Christians trying to suggest that THEY created it for THEIR messiah.

Having said that... I don't really mind a nativity being on display, as long as non christian displays are allowed too.

White House White Board: Tax Cuts

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Number One:
Our government is in debt. How do you cure debt?
Cut spending? Sure. Tho less spending doesn't remove debt you've already accumulated.
To pay off 14 trillion in Debt. You need 14 trillion in Income
Taxes = Income.

Taxes are not "income", as governments which didn't earn the $$$ use force to collect. Government is not a performance-based enterprise, it's a necessary evil.
Reducing government from a tick bigger than the dog it feasts upon to a reasonable size is part of the equation. The other part is LOWERING taxes for all, which paradoxically creates more revenue.
The obamateur's corrupt excuse of an administration--even with majority voting power--has failed.
Number Two:
No one who MAKES 1 million dollars a year EARNS 1 million dollars a year.
Earning implies you did work.
No single person can physically work to create one million dollars in equivalent value per year. Physically impossible.

Income is an indicator of how much others will pay for an individual's performance. While I think it's total nonsense that people worship some asshole that can slam dunk a ball through a metal ring, others highly value this skill, so much so they make these ring-dunkers multi-millionaires. And the team owners that pay these 'outrageous' salaries reap financial rewards that make those salaries a bargain.
The average American only EARNS about 2.4 mill in LIFETIME earnings.
Which means, anyone who MAKES a Million+ a year STOLE the money EARNED by the VALUE of other people's hard WORK in order to write themselves such fat paychecks.

Sounds like socialist claptrap. This "rigged game theory" is what justifies the redistribution of wealth (at gunpoint) that the obamas of the world believe in. If there is any 'stealing' going on, it's being done by the looters who hand out wealth to people who had absolutely no role in creating it.
The left in America apparently learned nothing from North Korean, Cuban and Soviet experiments about the failure that is communism, and nothing about rampant socialism from the collapse of Greece.
November 2nd. Change is coming.

And the right that borrows money to aviod tax-cuts, or avoids cutting defense when it is needed? And before it is said, ALL of the right is debt-lovers but deniers... 1/1000 at least. "Cut this program, cut that program, but NEVER, ever My programs..."

White House White Board: Tax Cuts

quantumushroom says...

Number One:
Our government is in debt. How do you cure debt?

Cut spending? Sure. Tho less spending doesn't remove debt you've already accumulated.

To pay off 14 trillion in Debt. You need 14 trillion in Income

Taxes = Income.

Taxes are not "income", as governments which didn't earn the $$$ use force to collect. Government is not a performance-based enterprise, it's a necessary evil.

Reducing government from a tick bigger than the dog it feasts upon to a reasonable size is part of the equation. The other part is LOWERING taxes for all, which paradoxically creates more revenue.

The obamateur's corrupt excuse of an administration--even with majority voting power--has failed.

Number Two:
No one who MAKES 1 million dollars a year EARNS 1 million dollars a year.

Earning implies you did work.
No single person can physically work to create one million dollars in equivalent value per year. Physically impossible.

Income is an indicator of how much others will pay for an individual's performance. While I think it's total nonsense that people worship some asshole that can slam dunk a ball through a metal ring, others highly value this skill, so much so they make these ring-dunkers multi-millionaires. And the team owners that pay these 'outrageous' salaries reap financial rewards that make those salaries a bargain.

The average American only EARNS about 2.4 mill in LIFETIME earnings.

Which means, anyone who MAKES a Million+ a year STOLE the money EARNED by the VALUE of other people's hard WORK in order to write themselves such fat paychecks.

Sounds like socialist claptrap. This "rigged game theory" is what justifies the redistribution of wealth (at gunpoint) that the obamas of the world believe in. If there is any 'stealing' going on, it's being done by the looters who hand out wealth to people who had absolutely no role in creating it.

The left in America apparently learned nothing from North Korean, Cuban and Soviet experiments about the failure that is communism, and nothing about rampant socialism from the collapse of Greece.

November 2nd. Change is coming.

Seth MacFarlane Slams The ADL For Not Doing Their Job!

criticalthud says...

Let me be clearer... fear propels religion. it feasts on it. it was BASED on it.
The way to be rid of religion is simply by observation into what it is, how it came about, and the psychology behind it. logic; not fear-based idiocy. Make the world more logical, not more inane.
Islam is as fucking dumb as any other religion. Keep proving that point and you'll make the world a better place. See it for what it is: DUMB.

Genuine psychopath caught on camera

PHJF says...

>> ^flechette:

>> ^dag:
FTR, I love kitties, but I read somewhere that one difference between a cat and a dog - is that if a dog is shut in a room with a dead owner, he will eventually starve to death with the body of his master. A cat, on the other hand - will have a little feast.

That's because cats are smart enough to want to survive.

I once had a neighbor catsitting for another neighbor. The litter box was kept in the basement. One day the catsitter absentmindedly closed the basement door. Rather than shit and piss anywhere else in the house, the cat held it until its kidneys shut down and it died. Yeah, real smart.

Genuine psychopath caught on camera

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think that's why we love cats. We are see ourselves in them.

>> ^Fletch:

Well, I don't think "loyalty" is high on the list of reasons why people own/love cats. They're kind of cuddley, but they're egoists to the core.>> ^dag:
Some people hate cats. I know, my Internet friends, this is hard to believe - but I have met them. Usually they are people with allergies, a sand box in their backyard or with a phobia of toxoplasmosis.
FTR, I love kitties, but I read somewhere that one difference between a cat and a dog - is that if a dog is shut in a room with a dead owner, he will eventually starve to death with the body of his master. A cat, on the other hand - will have a little feast.

Genuine psychopath caught on camera

shponglefan says...

>> ^dag:
Not trying to justify - just saying that rather than the illogical act of a psychopath, this may be the action of someone who sincerely and openly hates cats.>> ^Jaace:
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying sounds like you're justifying her throwing the cat in a garbage bin because she's afraid of it or getting toxoplasmosis, etc.
>> ^dag:
Some people hate cats. I know, my Internet friends, this is hard to believe - but I have met them. Usually they are people with allergies, a sand box in their backyard or with a phobia of toxoplasmosis.
FTR, I love kitties, but I read somewhere that one difference between a cat and a dog - is that if a dog is shut in a room with a dead owner, he will eventually starve to death with the body of his master. A cat, on the other hand - will have a little feast.

Quit trying to apologize for that c*nt. A person who hates cats would just ignore the cat. Putting someone's pet in a garbage bin where the animal could potentially remain and die of dehydration is the act of a psycho. Bitch deserves to be taken out of the gene pool.

Genuine psychopath caught on camera

Fletch says...

Well, I don't think "loyalty" is high on the list of reasons why people own/love cats. They're kind of cuddley, but they're egoists to the core.>> ^dag:

Some people hate cats. I know, my Internet friends, this is hard to believe - but I have met them. Usually they are people with allergies, a sand box in their backyard or with a phobia of toxoplasmosis.
FTR, I love kitties, but I read somewhere that one difference between a cat and a dog - is that if a dog is shut in a room with a dead owner, he will eventually starve to death with the body of his master. A cat, on the other hand - will have a little feast.

Genuine psychopath caught on camera

flechette says...

>> ^dag:

FTR, I love kitties, but I read somewhere that one difference between a cat and a dog - is that if a dog is shut in a room with a dead owner, he will eventually starve to death with the body of his master. A cat, on the other hand - will have a little feast.

That's because cats are smart enough to want to survive.

Genuine psychopath caught on camera

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Not trying to justify - just saying that rather than the illogical act of a psychopath, this may be the action of someone who sincerely and openly hates cats.>> ^Jaace:

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying sounds like you're justifying her throwing the cat in a garbage bin because she's afraid of it or getting toxoplasmosis, etc.

>> ^dag:
Some people hate cats. I know, my Internet friends, this is hard to believe - but I have met them. Usually they are people with allergies, a sand box in their backyard or with a phobia of toxoplasmosis.
FTR, I love kitties, but I read somewhere that one difference between a cat and a dog - is that if a dog is shut in a room with a dead owner, he will eventually starve to death with the body of his master. A cat, on the other hand - will have a little feast.

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