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Genuine psychopath caught on camera

Jaace says...

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying sounds like you're justifying her throwing the cat in a garbage bin because she's afraid of it or getting toxoplasmosis, etc.

>> ^dag:

Some people hate cats. I know, my Internet friends, this is hard to believe - but I have met them. Usually they are people with allergies, a sand box in their backyard or with a phobia of toxoplasmosis.
FTR, I love kitties, but I read somewhere that one difference between a cat and a dog - is that if a dog is shut in a room with a dead owner, he will eventually starve to death with the body of his master. A cat, on the other hand - will have a little feast.

Genuine psychopath caught on camera

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Some people hate cats. I know, my Internet friends, this is hard to believe - but I have met them. Usually they are people with allergies, a sand box in their backyard or with a phobia of toxoplasmosis.

FTR, I love kitties, but I read somewhere that one difference between a cat and a dog - is that if a dog is shut in a room with a dead owner, he will eventually starve to death with the body of his master. A cat, on the other hand - will have a little feast.

Force Field Protects Cake From Feline Menace

How Genghis Khan Kisses A Woman

ForgedReality says...

"You're beautiful in your wrath. Were Wang younger and more nimble at dodging swords, I might give you to him and keep the furs. For they, too, are beautiful."

"I shall keep you, Bortai. I shall keep you, and responding to my passion, your hatred will kindle into love."

"Before that day dawns, Mongol, the vultures will have feasted on your heart!"


Yeah, bitch deserved it.

But seriously. John Wayne as a Mongolian?? I'm not sold.

HBO - Game of Thrones teaser trailer 0:22

GDGD says...

I was at a book signing for GRRM within a week of Feast coming out. When Boarders gave Martin some time to read chapters, talk about his characters and work, Martin said something along the lines of Dance is practically finished, and it could be expected out within the year. So, we had a 5 year wait for Feast after Swords, and what should have been another 1 year for Dance, is turning into 4.

>> ^LarsaruS:

Hopefully he wont do a Robert Jordan on you then... Have one last book left (apparently it was so large that it would have been split into 2 or 3 books) to finish but writes a prequel instead and then dies without finishing the series...
Disease 1 - Book lovers 0

>> ^malakai:

Let's hope that doesn't happen, because if it does i'll be infinitely more annoyed than when Jordan failed to finish the Wheel of Time series...

Been Had Money

enoch (Member Profile)

enoch (Member Profile)

John McCain 2010 TV Ad: "Complete The Danged Fence"

Yogi says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I fail to see what's funny about murder, thefts and destruction of property. Illegal immigration IS a big problem here in Arizona, and abolutely nothing about this commercial is terrible. The only thing about this commercial that should make you say "WTF" is the lack of manpower we have assigned to the border and the non-existence of a real fence.

I thought crime in Arizona has been going down. Some people make it sound like the illegal immigrants are destroying the place and they're cowering in their homes. The mindless Zombie Illegals feasting off rich pure American blood.

The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec Trailer

That's a very odd sound for a cat to make

QI - Christmas, Christianity and Mithras - Funny

HadouKen24 says...

>> ^scottishmartialarts:
Mithras was a Persian god, not Roman. Although his mystery cult was very, very popular among the Roman Legions. Wherever we have evidence of a Legion presence, we also find evidence of Mithras cult. As I recall Mithras was Ahura Mazda's (the infinitely good god of the Zoroastrian faith) general in his crusade against the devil Ahriman. Darius the Great's conquests were largely motivated out of missionary zeal to spread the Zoroastrian religion.

Well, Mithra was the Persian name. Adding the "s" on the end was just how it was Latinized. But the Roman Mithraic cult doesn't, as far as scholars can tell, have much in common with the Persian cult beyond the name and a few elements of symbolism--a lion-headed "Arrimanus," for instance, a clear Latinization of Ahriman. It's perfectly acceptable to refer to the Roman version of Mithras as a Roman god.

It has to be said, though, that Fry's facts about Mithras are just wrong. In the first place, we don't actually know what the central beliefs about Mithras were. They were Mysteries, not be written down or revealed to outsiders. The doctrines of Mithraism perished with its last follower. Reconstructions of Mithraic doctrine like the ones Fry read are merely speculative interpretations of the images found in the Mithraea--the caves where the Mysteries of Mithras were enacted.

However, some of the things Fry said are just plain wrong even as mere speculation. Mithras is never depicted as being born in a cave or manger, for instance, but emerging from a rock or an egg. He didn't die for anyone's sins or to give people eternal life. The central image of Mithras was instead the tauroctony--Mithras' slaying of a bull, usually assisted by a dog, a serpent, and a crab, clearly astrological symbolism. While there are a few superficial similarities with Christianity--as Fry mentioned, the head of the cult of Mithras was called Papa, just as the Pope is--they do not seem to go very deep.

And finally, it would be very strange for the December 25th date of Christmas to come from the cult of Mithras simply because it was a private mystery religion. Public celebrations just weren't allowed.

However, I'm a little surprised that Fry didn't mention Dies Natalis Solis Invicti--the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun. It was celebrated in the late Roman Empire around the same time as Christmas as a public holiday, and so is a prime candidate for being an influence on the date of Christmas.

His quick dismissal of Saturnalia as being only somewhat influential, though, is just plain wrong. Many of the traditions of Christmas clearly come out of Saturnalia--gift-giving, visiting friends, and lavish feasts and celebrations. Many elements of Northern European Christmas celebrations just as clearly come from the pagan holiday "Jol" or "Yule," such as hanging mistletoe as a sign of peace and love, and the ornamenting of an evergreen tree.

Amy Goodman detained & questioned about 2010 Olympics

rougy says...

Canada...if you fall to the right-wing bullshit, we are all going to hurt in a major way.

Amy Goodman is one of the faces we should see on network TV; she is one of the voices who has proven true, time after time.

I drove home from a Thanksgiving Feast in Las Cruces and was stopped at the checkpoint.

Read Police State.

Fat fucking idiot with a 9mm asking me where I lived, where I came from, where I was going.

Canada, don't go the way of your idiot paranoid neighbors.

Amy Goodman is probably the truest voice on cable/dish TV.

Don't go the way of the knuckle-draggers.

Mom Decapitates Baby, Feasts On Brains

Making of 'Left Behind' Kirk Cameron's Biblical Masterpiece

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