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Tel Aviv - Incredible Amateur Audio/Video Mashup

GenjiKilpatrick says...

From the ages of 14 to 19, all I wanted to become.. was a crazy dancin' robot.

This was heavily influenced by two things:
A - 80's 90's Beat juggling & scratching
B - Crazy sounds & tools found in Fruity Loops/FL Studio software

I would spend hours & hours beatbox brainstorming, searching for new samples, teaching myself how to use each tool, tweaking & re-tweaking each song.

During those years, it was was my singular passion.

The only way to escape all the boredom, social anxiety, depression & loneliness. = /
It was the only truly enjoyable thing during those days.

Listen to the tracks - October & Sundays - if you care to..

See if you can't feel that awkward, friendless, barely aware 17 year old tuba player, just yearning to poplock, beatbox & robot-music-sound his way into some Daft Punk like anonymous fame.

..hard to believe it's been a decade..

Sagemind said:

Sure..., it's got a beat, but no soul.
This sort of thing, although creative - which is great, that is killing music today. Musicians no longer play instruments, or even know how. It's too perfect as it strips out any human element to lets us relate to it. Sad for the future of music, if this is what we have to look forward to...
--I know this is just my opinion, but it's mine.

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

Jinx says...

Everybody loses their shit over Sarkeesian et al because they are contentious. I think there is this perception that the attention that is generated as a result of all the frothing was somehow a cynical ploy to acquire fame, not for a cause, but for oneself. It's easy to feel how "SJWs" stole the limelight, that attention was diverted from rape to petty (in comparison at least) squabbles. I think it's a mistake to lay the blame on the originators of an opinion for the fact that it went viral. Fame is all our creation, not theirs.

00Scud00 said:

It's funny because I've often felt that the attitude I get from Sarkeesian and SJW's is that I'm a misogynist if I'm not publicly voicing my outrage every time someone posts something abusive or threatening to them on the internet.
But, if an educated upper middle class white woman gets threatened over the internet then everyone looses their minds, but some pornstar slut gets raped for real and in the backs of many people's minds you know they're thinking that she obviously had it coming. So yeah, I can see where Mercedes is coming from on this one.

RDJ helps give a kid a bionic arm

Asmo says...

This line of commentary is not dissimilar to various complaints about RDJ in the original YouTube.

Which kinda misses the nunace that RDJ really has only two things to bring to the table in terms of helping out with the bionic arm program. Celebrity and the attention it brings, and cash...

He could be a silent partner and quietly fund the guy actually building the arms (which is laudable), or he could use his celebrity as a vehicle to build awareness as well.

Now, thanks to him giving up a little of his time, a kid not only get's a kick ass bionic arm but he get's to talk to the guy that plays Iron Man (even though he understands it's not him), and the video goes viral. Even the conversation over RDJ self promoting vs helping out prolongs the exposure of the real hero here, the guy building the arms.

Even if people spent the time to look for programs like this, they wouldn't see even a fraction of the good work that is happening. Having a star use their fame to promote a great cause is a way of getting it noticed. I fail to see a downside, and further, challenge the people griping about it to try and promote a charity or organisation they feel are deserving without star power and see how well it goes.

I'm sure, however, that you could fund an arm for someone. Even lacking celebrity, you could change a life. Do you need cameras to be present before you do a good thing? \= )

TheFreak said:

Hey! I want to give a kid a bionic arm! That would be amazing to witness, when's my turn. Oh, wait, no cameras following me. Shucks.

Roger Federer Stunned By Kid's Perfect Lob Shot

Blank on Blank - Lou Reed on Guns & Ammo

SquidCap says...

Yup, same here. He made it sound like they were the only group that did anything worth anything back then. They would've never gotten anywhere without Warhol using his fame and promoting them extensively and were just stupidly artsy fartsy and pretentious; the mega-hipsters of the day.

I think why he disliked Beatles was that their debut album was released at the same time as Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.. Warhol got them record contract in the first place and the album bombed (allthou has some legendary songs, no doubt) but without him no one would've heard about them since of before.

Also Reed has probably the worst "rock" album on his merit: Metal Machine Music.. Some idiots take that album seriously It's just two guitars leaning against amplifiers...

Engels said:

Jesus I had no idea he was such a douche. Jaw on floor when he accuses others of being pretentious.

Mom Does Doll Do-Overs With A Natural Look And Wins Internet

MilkmanDan says...

Good on her for not wanting to become a manufacturer, etc. But in my opinion, the best response to this 15 minutes of fame / "going viral" would be to make a guide for other parents on her procedures, what paints etc. they need, and so on. Do it as a step by step with pictures, or make a YouTube video howto.

A New Level Of Archery Skills

kceaton1 says...

And that in itself is why a lot of people DO NOT do Guiness (or think they are the "all-knowing God" of records). Because in a lot of situations you have Guiness (and THEIR sponsors) make up arbitrary rules to support their "name to fame"; sometimes to draw an audience no less. Then they let their guy have at it, and then tell everyone to come challenge this "feat". Meanwhile, everyone else is doing all sorts of different things.

So not being with Guiness doesn't mean it is a hoax, but it may mean as @direpickle said, they have very specific "rules" if you want to break a record...

direpickle said:

67 seconds seems a pretty long time for just ten arrows, which suggests they have some requirements that would probably disqualify this guy here. Distance, accuracy, draw force of the bow, something?

Ellen Dance Dare Gone Wrong- With Cops

ulysses1904 says...

I'm sure plenty of hippies got pushed to the ground by cops when they tried to share their "groovy trip" with the world, like this flower child is doing. What did he expect, the cops to join in and kick off a "Fame" dance number in the street? Walk a mile in their shoes, cop hatred is actively trending and then tinker-bell sneaks up behind them and starts acting erratically. If some drunk snuck up behind one of your family in the street and started acting like this guy I suspect your language and actions would match these guys.

By the way it would have been nice to have witnessed an actual shove to the ground. I saw a shove, then the guy on the ground. With the intentionally evil music applied to the scene I'll consider this guy a drama queen until shown otherwise.

These Are The People That I Want to be With by MANGCHI

lucky760 says...

For the unaware, the lyricist and vocalist is Steve Lee, brother of Bobby Lee, comedian (formerly of Mad TV). The group is called Mangchi, which means Hammer in Korean.

The music is by Money Mark of Beastie Boys (among many others) fame.

David Choe, hundred-millionaire artist, forged this group in the fires of Mordor upon learning of Steve's talent for writing and rapping.

Steve believes there are lizard people in some other astral plane or whatever. And that's what this song is about.

Check out the album because there are actually several awesome songs that I really like and all in very different formats: http:///

See also:

Colbert interviews Anita Sarkeesian

Asmo says...

Your "obvious" solution has been progressing for years... Indeed Sarkeesian cherry picks games that offend her, but ignores that there are quite a few more games where women are protagonists, and /shock horror even dressed appropriately...

It's obviously not good enough for her, or apparently you...

As for your daughter and Mario, no, there's not something wrong with that. There are quite a few games (and more are coming) with female protagonists. Perhaps you should introduce her to Child of Light? Or let her play through the Longest Journey series? Guess what, not every game is going to give you the choice of a male/female protagonist, and I'm not sure why it's required. Honestly, I'd love it if reality TV shows about dumb socialites would disappear from the entertainment spectrum, but sadly I don't get to dictate to the media (or indeed the viewing public) what they should be doing.

In response to your points about the fight, you're right, and it should keep going and we should all try to support it. But Sarkeesian undermines that fight. Not because she dares to speak out, but how she does it. In her attacks, and they are attacks, she tars all male gamers as either deliberately misogynistic or hopelessly naive. That's great, really, you convince people to support you by insulting them continuously?

As for this snide little bit of crap...

"Look, I'm sorry people pointing out to you how fucked up it is how women are sometimes portrayed in games is somehow ruining your ability to enjoy games. But there are serious problems here. Maybe not problems for you, but problems for people like my daughter. "

This is a problem you and Anita share... Presumption. That just because I think she's a hack, that somehow she's ruining my fun (she isn't), that I support a male character domination of the industry (I don't), that there shouldn't be more strong female characters represented (there should) and so on and so forth. You have concocted a scenario in your head and jumped straight to the insults without ever bothering to find out what my opinion on the games (as opposed to the person blasting them) is...

Would it be sexist/misogynist to think that the woman in the article is batshit insane?

Not because she's a woman, but because of what she's saying, and how she's saying it. This is why I object to Sarkeesian and think she's a shameful opportunist who's willing to set back feminism in her quest for fame or perhaps relevance..

"You can still have your Damsel/Dude in Distress trope, by the way. I have no doubt lazy developers will continue to use it as a substitute for meaningful story. Just don't expect people not to call out the utter absurdity of it, is all I'm saying."

Oh, it's my trope now... /eyeroll

I can't point out how ridiculous it is to try and kill off a trope that pervades every aspect of human story telling since the dawn of time without it becoming my personal favourite? Pro tip, if you're trying to convince someone of a viewpoint, it usually helps not to be a patronising git... X D

SDGundamX said:

(shortened to keep the post from blowing out the page

Weird Al - Lame Claim to Fame [live]

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Lame Claim to Fame

Weird Al - Lame Claim to Fame [live]

Shia LaBeouf on His Arrest

artician says...

Fake beard?

Anyway, fuckit. Dude gets a lot of grief, but he's certainly not the worst entertainment-industry examples of young talent that can't handle the fame. I thought he handled that well enough, but mostly I credit him for actually explaining the situation pretty thoroughly (and assuming it's true, hilariously).

Anyone else see him in Necrophiliac? Certainly not near the best Von Trier film, but I'd argue it's the best Shia LaBeouf performance. Guy was nigh invisible in that, (thankfully, and again, to his credit).

Lawrence O'Donnell discusses Russell Brand's "Revolution"

artician says...

I don't quite agree. I think he has made a dent. It's a tiny, miniscule dent, but it's a dent. He uses what he has, his celebrity and money, to spread a message of change. Assuming enough Russel Brand types had the same line of political thinking, and put half their time into similar efforts as he does, I believe it would gain quite a bit of traction for... I dunno, if I'm being realistic, a couple equality-beneficial laws to pass? But if that's what it takes...
Also, I wasn't sure what you meant by the system only changing when the people who benefit from the system decide it should. I assume you're not referring to people like Brand who have benefited from the system to acquire wealth and fame from capitalism, but those who have 'real' power that actually control the system, is that right? I didn't mean it that way, but I'll have to reread my post to see if I conveyed that meaning unintentionally, or if I'm just too stupid to follow my own line of thinking. But first: coffee...

Enzoblue said:

If you follow your thinking to it's own conclusion, what your saying is that if the people that benefit most from the current system decide it needs changing, then that's the only time it will change? The Russel brand types have no where near the resources to even make a dent.

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