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Starship | SN8 | High-Altitude Flight Recap

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Smoke From Forest Fire in Oregon Reduces Visibility

newtboy says...

No, Bob. The "antifa is setting wildfires" claim is pure bullshit with zero evidence. I bet Trump is repeating it. The fires in Oregon were started by lightning. Edit: and downed power lines, and dragging trailer chains, ....

The cop who posted that bullshit lie with no evidence whatsoever has been suspended for spreading lies designed to instigate violence.

The fires are started by lightning mostly.

The wildfires are not caused by antifa or spontaneously exploding trees. They are caused by excessive dryness and decades of drought caused by anthropogenic climate change and dry summer thunderstorms that are increasing in number as our climate changes.

One was started by morons doing an explosive baby reveal.....yes, another one.

They are made worse by the criminal mismanagement of federal forest lands, which make up about 57% of the state's forests. Trump likes to blame California government for mismanagement of the forest, but is too ignorant to grasp that California only owns 3% of it's forests, and they're managed far better than the federal lands.

If you watched anything that wasn't pure propaganda, you would know this. Only right wing bat shit crazy propaganda hides those facts and pretends the fires are from liberals....Only fools believe the same people who've lied to them constantly for years.

bobknight33 said:

Are there many fires from arsonist , like Oregon State?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And today it was revealed that by February 7, on tape, privately Trump was telling people, including Bob Woodward, that Coronavirus was terrifyingly deadly, incredibly more dangerous than the worst flu and airborne, while telling you publicly don't worry, it's barely a cold and not a bit deadly, gone in a few weeks.
He's also on tape discussing how it's NOT just old people dying, "it's young people, plenty of young people", that was mid March, but you still insist it's only elderly and safe for young people because that's the lie he told YOU.
Weeks later he told Woodward he always wanted to play it down, which led to his lack of response and 90% of American deaths and severe permanent disabilities.
Has he not lied to you enough yet for you to question his veracity?

Also, finally Moscow Mitch revealed his Covid recovery moratorium on evictions (so get ready for the homeless population to explode), no money for citizens, counties, or states (so be prepared for a drastic cut in local services, including police because REPUBLICANS are defunding them) but plenty for the coal industry.
WTF?! Somehow socialistic subsidizing of coal is going to help the economy recover and minimize the harm done to citizens? Not likely.

Also, more videos released today of right wing gangs, proud boys, violently chasing and beating a small group of peaceful BLM protesters, beating them with weapons to the ground, jumping on them and punching them in the head over and over and over and over and over and over and over, then pepper spraying entire canisters in the face of the near unconscious victims...on top of videos of the asshole prayer pussy who was shot in Portland with HIS armed gang shooting pepper balls from his truck at crowds and rushing at and bear macing the guy who shot him back in self defense. Sure is one hell of a lot of right wing violence at these left wing peaceful protests....the lions share.

Also, today Barr turned the DOJ into Trump's personal law firm by attempting to substitute the federal government for Trump in personal lawsuits against him, which means you get to pay off his mistresses and rape victims while he walks away muttering "sucker" at you under his breath. The government does not exist to take care of one man at the expense of everyone else, talk about wealth transfer, that's handing Trump hundreds of millions of tax dollars and a stack of get out of court judgements free cards. No complaints when tables turn.

And yes, I know you don't believe it, tapes or no tapes, video or no video, court filings or no court filings, but you have to admit it's getting harder to believe the lies with more undeniable proof coming out by the hour, and you have only one source left to believe, Trump himself, the rest are just repeating his lies so aren't sources.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What?!? How is that possible? You said he's lost it, rambles incoherently, and has no plan. Don't tell me you were W-w-w-w....w-w-w-w....wrong.

His message was vote for me because I'm not Trump. Exactly what people need. FTFY

It took Trump 3 to erase those gains and then some. Too fast.
Cut taxes and removed regulations and billionaires did great, but not average citizens who lost purchasing power and didn't see a tax cut they can notice but now owes $88000 and rising fast thanks to the exploded debt and deficit, and has seen insane cost of living increases and decreases in public services in that time....and now thanks to his failure handing the pandemic, we're teetering on great depression.

Just look at over 50000000 jobs lost, and how many businesses lost, and GDP the worst drop ever exponentially, and no investment in America but massive leveraging our assets....that's jobs lost and wages dropping.

Um...I don't want sniffy poo Trump. I guess you forget he does far more than sniff little girls with his best friend Epstein, including his underage daughter, pageant contestants, even random ten year olds he sees in public and dreams out loud of dating soon.

Every day you get more deluded, it's almost impressive you keep bringing up Trump's disgusting habits by accident....maybe it's not an accident?

He might, the fix is overwhelmingly in on uncountable fronts and I won't underestimate the stupidity of the American voter again. If he manages to steal enough votes through his many schemes, he just might win the electoral college again....he's never won an election in 4 tries.

bobknight33 said:

yep I did, Joe was alert and presented himself well.

His message was vote for me because I'm not Trump. Not exactly what people need.

it took 8 years for Biden/Obama to bring America back. Too slow. Trump came in cut taxes and slashed regulations and America took off.
Just look at the DOW Up some 12000 points. That growth, That Jobs Thats better wages in the making.

You can have the little girl sniffer. Americans will pick Trump.

Trump will whoop Ass Nov 3rd.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republicans said anyone over 65 would have a death panel decide if they were worth treating, a flat out lie, and miles away from suggesting maybe we wouldn't authorize a heart and lung transplant for 90 year olds, or other multimillion dollar procedures...of course nothing would stop them from paying for the procedures themselves. Now, under republican leadership, death panels are what's happening by necessity in Texas.

I guess the rest of the world is Democrats, because the rest of the world shutdown, but really shutdown not a voluntary minimal social distancing 1/2 ass shutdown where most businesses and public spaces stayed open. Where shutdowns actually happened, Covid was quickly under control. Where they weren't or where they were lifted, Covid is America and Brazil.
150000 dead Americans citizens and counting is a nothing burger. 4 dead in Benghazi calls for shutting the government down until we lock her up.

I'll tell my politicians to follow at least minimal health guidelines and not open until two weeks of serious declines, and to make masks mandatory with large fines and jail time for repeat offenders.

If Trump had closed down and told his morons to wear masks, not incited them to gather in large groups without masks over and over, he could have been a hero, but instead he ignored the problem and encouraged the worst, most unsafe, guaranteed to extend shutdowns behavior and so we have the worst death rates on earth, with India closing fast.

Biden is good, but even he can't solve the Trump virus crisis in two months now...if he were president in Jan 2020, yeah, two months is about right.

bobknight33 said:

Obama said to the 1 person asking question that well maybe you 90 year grand mother would not get treatment under ACA.

Trump recession is caused by Democrats keeping states closed.
Covid is a nothing burger.
Its not # of cases Its about death rates.

Tell you politicians to open up.

Mask up, go to work pay your bills.

Covid is being used by Democrats to dump on Trump in hopes he he looses 2020.

IF Biden wins covid issue will be off the map within 2 months.

The Launch of Perseverance to Mars

BSR says...

I lived in Cape Canaveral during the shuttle program and have witnessed all but 5 launches live, once from within the 5 mile zone. The sound at that distance is very loud but, also different compared to a 15 mile distance away. The sound is very sharp and "cracks" unmuffled by air until it gets further away. You can feel the sound waves in your body. It is pretty emotional, even if you've been waiting for hours for liftoff and then the launch gets scrubbed.

I was in Georgia when Challenger exploded. I watched it live on TV and for a short while I couldn't understand why the launch looked so different on TV. It really took a few a seconds to realize what was happening. I cried that day.


newtboy says...

MAGA 2020 by getting rid of Chump and his chumpets.

You need a new line, Bobby. Your team's got no maga after taking America in the wrong direction for 4 years, leaving us bankrupt, with a multi trillion dollar deficit, an exploded debt, insane unemployment, biggest GDP drop in history, no trade agreements just trade wars, worst pandemic response on the planet, horrific racist response to anti racist police abuse protests, and multiple attempts to toss the constitution.

America was great before Trump won the electoral college after losing the vote by >3 million votes, we need someone who can make it great again.
Trump's MAGA- Moscow's Agents Govern America

TangledThorns said:


Farmer Was Sick Of People Parking On His Land

lucky760 says...

Funny, we share a lot of the same thoughts.

Yes, 20-second mildly interesting story dramatized and exploded out into an epic stock-footage filled campaign about the world turning on inconsiderate parkers.

"He considered lots of solutions and became desperate..." - not desperate enough to put up a sign?

And what's with the BS footage of rows and rows and rows and rows of cars which they made to seem like was happening on his land? When the showed his actual land there was just room enough for those two short rows of cars.

* lies

Largest ever 3D map of the universe

vil says...

"I especially appreciate the way everything very clearly looks like it exploded out of a central point."

No, that is not how it works. What you see in the model is our point of view. Whats closest to us is moving away slowly, what is further away is moving away faster.

If you choose any random point (you cant really, we are stuck here) and start your model there it would be similar but centered at your new point of observation.

Any random two points in space (in this model) will be moving away from each other with a speed that correlates to the distance between them (unless the two points are close and local conditions prevail temporarily).

The question of a "center of an explosion" and "where is it now" makes no sense. Everything that now is was in that centre, so now the center is everywhere (according to our current best model).

MakeWar | Defund The Police

newtboy says...

So, there's nothing worse to America than you, comrade? You are absolutely a tool of the Socialist / fascist / hoping to return to communist Russian government.
Your presidential pick is the biggest socialist, handing out and redistributing trillions upon trillions while exploding both deficit and debt at unheard of rates.
Your presidential pick is by far the most fascist in my lifetime, likely in American history, now escalating to using federal troops to pre-arrest people they think might become criminals sometime in the future (as a campaign ploy, now going from triggering the libs to pulling the trigger on the libs)....but not to go after actual active domestic terrorists like the boogaloos who committed the crimes you try to blame on blm.
Communism?! Do you think this is the early 70's. There's only one person trying to move towards communism, he's the president....of Russia, and his tools HAVE infiltrated are one.

Please retake English 1, Dimitry, your ridiculous claims make no sense at all if you can't write an English sentence, and only out you as a non English speaking foreigner infiltrating America.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing worse to America are ignorant elitist and Democrats.

Or should I say Tools of Socialist/ Fascist/ Communism movement that have infiltrated America.


newtboy says...

In part, he has more than one iron in the debt exploding fire.

He exploded the debt long before Covid.
The checks alone would have exploded the debt, but that was less than1/4 of the money spent on just the Trumpidemic his lack of leadership and understanding made 10 times worse than it could have been, and that's being generous, and that two trillion + doesn't count one dime of the trillions more in lost production....and he wants to spend/grift trillions more, but not a dollar for checks to taxpayers...maybe in late October but not now.
Then there's his tax cut for the rich, stimulated the economy and created jobs great, didn't it? (Hint, of course it didn't, it just bankrupt the treasury while jobs and the economy dissolved, his normal business practice, but America is the Trump Casino this time).
How much have his trade wars cost?
Then there's that short bit of wall nay fence Mexico didn't pay for, getting more expensive every day.

You're the one who is hyper anti socialism, and you were incredibly outraged at the size of the debt before Trump and insistent he would erase it term one, but you're keeping your socialist handout even as your boy raids and bankrupts the treasury with your blessing, aren't you.

bobknight33 said:

" explode the debt" by shoveling out coin to PEOPLEduring this covid mess.

You can give you coin back if you feel so badly.


bobknight33 says...

" explode the debt" by shoveling out coin to PEOPLEduring this covid mess.

You can give you coin back if you feel so badly.
"> 90% of Covid cases by his ineptitude, " Such Factual BS

newtboy said:


Only a moron AND liar could ever claim herpes ridden Dopey Don the daughter diddler, the proud forcible fingerbanger and syphilitic mass rapist, repeatedly convicted fraud and charity thief, sponsor and beneficiary of the Trumpandemic, biggest loser, bankruptcy magnate, ender of jobs and destroyer of economies is, in any way, superior to above reproach Biden, especially in morals or ethics.

The only thing he's done well is explode the debt and deficit at unheard of rates....probably 5-7 trillion already this year alone between loss of revenue and unethical massive unsupervised socialist handouts to his family and administration members, and endanger Americans causing > 90% of Covid cases by his ineptitude, dangerous suggestions, profiteering, and total lack of leadership.

Your desperation is strong enough to taste.


newtboy says...


Only a moron AND liar could ever claim herpes ridden Dopey Don the daughter diddler, the proud forcible fingerbanger and syphilitic mass rapist, repeatedly convicted fraud and charity thief, sponsor and beneficiary of the Trumpandemic, biggest loser, bankruptcy magnate, ender of jobs and destroyer of economies is, in any way, superior to above reproach Biden, especially in morals or ethics.

The only thing he's done well is explode the debt and deficit at unheard of rates....probably 5-7 trillion already this year alone between loss of revenue and unethical massive unsupervised socialist handouts to his family and administration members, and endanger Americans causing > 90% of Covid cases by his ineptitude, dangerous suggestions, profiteering, and total lack of leadership.

Your desperation is strong enough to taste.

bobknight33 said:

MEGA 2020 way better that Finger banging JOE!

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