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Can Moons Have Moons?

Snowboarder Gets Caught in Mini Avalanche

ChaosEngine says...

Glad they’re ok.

Worth remembering that the “smallest possible rating for an avalanche” is low, not none. The best explanation I heard on an avalanche course was “would you go to a bar with a low risk of being stabbed?”

Get out there, but be prepared.

Conservation of The Assassination of Archimedes

bremnet says...

Great sift - I'm by no means an art buff or anything close, but this process and the explanation is very fascinating and educational. What dedication on the part of the craftsman as well - an art in itself. Kudos.

Who Needs Wingsuits?

newtboy says...

No, sorry, ditching meat and dairy didn't cure his arthritis. It's likely that swimming and training to freedive relieved his symptoms by effectively oxygenating his blood more efficiently and to higher levels. There is no cure for arthritis.

Free diving requires excessively high iron levels in your blood, which is exceptionally difficult to achieve on a vegetarian or vegan diet. That's why very few top ranked freedivers (or other top ranked athletes) are vegan instead of all of them.

True, vegetables don't have cholesterol, but poly and monounsaturated fats they do contain can still raise human cholesterol levels when over consumed. It's just not as simple as plant good, meat bad.

No clue where you get this 20% boost of O2 use efficiency claim....have any references or even explanations? It contradicts everything I find that shows only around 1/2 the iron found in those few vegetables that contain iron is useable by the body unlike iron found in dark and red meats.

transmorpher said:

Interesting backstory to this diver Stig Pryds - like many other people , he cured his arthritis by ditching meat and dairy.

He's supposed to be in a wheelchair and on medication.

He started swimming as therapy for his arthritis too, and turns out he's the worlds best freediver......which no doubt makes him talented, but when you think about how not eating cholesterol (only in meat/dairy/eggs/fish) will clean out your arteries, it's no wonder his blood is able to stay oxygenated for longer periods. Along with eating greens, he'll be around 20% more efficient at utilizing oxygen and creating energy.

I wonder if he'll be in the upcoming James Cameron's Game Changers documentary.

Can This Change Everything for DJs

eric3579 says...

First off they use DVS technology which has been around and has nothing to do with what Phase is. I had no idea this was even a thing.

With Phase you don't need the special time coded vinyl record or needles.

There may be a better explanation somewhere but that's what i got in 15 min using google.

ChaosEngine said:

I have questions.

Maybe I missed it, but I feel like they didn’t really explain what it is or how it works.

I guess it’s some kind of replacement for a record needle, that uses an accelerometer(?) or something, but I’d really like more details.

Also (and I know nothing about DJing, so tell me if I’m being an idiot), surely using this kind of digital wireless thing (again not sure how it works) would defeat the purpose of using analog vinyl in the first place?

TED Talk: Whitopia

newtboy says...

I don't think they're intended to mean "it's infinitesimally possible, however incredibly unlikely and totally wrong as a blanket statement about any group of 50 white people", paired with your explanation I think it means "that's true in many places".

Kind of like agreeing that "50 black people are a violent criminal gang" is not entirely inaccurate because in certain specific places it might be possible....but as a blanket statement about ANY and EVERY group of 50 black people it's not only entirely inaccurate, it's insultingly racist.

Drachen_Jager said:

And your point is? You'll have to spell it out. Preferably without the hyperbole this time. What do you think the words, "Not entirely inaccurate..." mean?

Woman Tries To Block access to Apartment

newtboy says...

Granted. As I wrote above, I think it's likely they both were telling the truth....her leash propped the door open, so he assumed it opened with his fob, she assumed he didn't use one. Neither noticed what the other was doing and both assumed the worst....difference being his assumption was she's a jerk requiring no action, her assumption was he's an intruder in her secure building, requiring action.

Because this is a safety issue and there had been numerous requests by management to under no circumstances allow a stranger into the building without using their fob, and he knew that, and all he would have to do is waive his hand with the fob still in it at the scanner instead of force his way past her physically and be rude and suspicious (showing a random fob doesn't prove a bit it's for that building without using it successfully).....for those reasons combined, I put the lion's share of blame on him.

The entirety of the insanely overboard consequences fell on her before anyone had even partial explanation of her side.

As I also said, I think she should have called police the instant he pushed past her and just followed him, but she wasn't trying to escalate things like I think he was.

I can't be certain of her motives, but I've stopped people from just pushing into my secure building when I lived in one, blacks, whites, Mexicans, men, women, even kids. I made them all use their key or buzz the apartment they were visiting. Had anyone acted like he did, pushing in like a burglar, I would not have been nearly as calm and composed as she was, even if they were a white child....they steal too.

I'm glad you think the reaction as overboard, at least we can agree this didn't warrant death threats on either side.

ChaosEngine said:

It's kind of impossible to take any kind of sensible position without knowing the context of both sides.

Just because she's married to a black guy doesn't mean she doesn't have a bias against other black guys. There are plenty of studies that show even other black people have an unconscious bias against black dudes. It's not just personal, it's cultural and systemic.

So yeah, maybe he wasn't "reasonable" and maybe he didn't feel like being reasonable. Maybe he'd had a shit day and didn't feel like being interrogated on the way into his own apartment.

He said he had a key fob and even showed it to her. You can clearly see it in the video.

And I can think she was in the wrong without condoning death threats against her.

The World Is Laughing At Us

lucky760 says...

No, no, you must not have seen Trump's explanation; they weren't laughing *at* him, they were laughing *with* him because as he put it, they "were having a good time" together.

Sickening how delusional and psychopathic the leader of our country is.

We are three-quarters the way to ^this -- we have ^that for our president, but only ~half of our citizens have ^that audience's reaction.

Vox: Why we say “OK”.

MilkmanDan says...

I think that's correct, or at least I've heard that explanation also. I probably heard it discussed on the BBC show QI?

I guess that would make it sort of like Pig Latin, although at least to me it seems like the barrier to entry into the "in" group of Cockney rhyming slang is massively higher than the one for Pig Latin.

ChaosEngine said:

From my understanding the whole point of rhyming slang was obfuscation.

The idea was to be able to communicate in plain sight while "outsiders" (police, upper class, etc) missed the true intent, although this mostly speculation.

The Day Liberty Died

newtboy says...

No, it's just not germane.

You are ignoring they clearly identified the ship before jamming emergency channels and attacking it and it's lifeboats, war crimes even if they hadn't identified it, war crimes even if it was Egyptian.

You are also ignoring that the American ship apparently never fired (it certainly would have if it were Egyptian)and was identified, and that specifically American and international radio frequencies (not all frequencies, the jamming was targeted) were jammed, so there's only evidence they knew it was not a combatant, and none to indicate they thought it was one.

Yes, if we didn't have the tapes that were hidden for decades, that lie that they thought it was an enemy combatant might still fly. (It would not excuse the war crimes) Because we do have the tapes and testimonies proving they knew it was American, or at the extreme least given every possible doubt had confusion as to who the ship belonged to, that long standing excuse no longer stands up and another explanation for why they secretly knowingly attacked their allies and hid that fact must be correct.

bcglorf said:

"...there was only one combatant here. *facepalm"

Are you forgetting or ignoring that this incident occurred during the '6 day' war? Israel killed a whole ton of Egyptians in similar fashion that day too. I was making the very modest suggestion that arguing they mistook an American spyboat for an Egyptian spyboat is plausible, more plausible IMO than deliberately attacking an ally.

The Day Liberty Died

bcglorf says...


I get there is plenty of room to criticise Israeli actions and call them too aggressive. This is just not such an example, in any way, shape or form.

As vil said, this happened when Israel was actively at war. Nasser had blocked Israeli shipping and moved Egpytian forces onto the border. Israel then made a pre-emptive strike wiping out the Egyptian air-force, and then launching a ground offensive. The USS Liberty was running as an unmarked ship in the wrong place at the wrong time and Israel hit it too.

Israel knew it was a US military vessel or they didn't. If they didn't, it's highly possible they decided the unmarked military vessel was a threat and hit it. If they did, they decided it was a good idea to hit an American owned military vessel while starting/engaging a war with Egypt.

I can't reason out any situation where Israel thinks it's a good idea to deliberately kill and engage the US here, it's all bad for them. The most reasonable explanation is they attacked an unmarked military vessel in a war zone because they knew it wasn't their own.

vil said:

6 day war under way, standing orders to sink anything that moves near the shore, unmarked ship. Either pick a side or get out of the way.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

I've been saying that for over a year, only half joking.

His contradictory stances make me think he's a whole troll farm, used by multiple agents who don't coordinate very well.
Just yesterday he was trying the ploy 'Obama got fined for these crimes more than anyone, he's the real criminal here', today he's moved on to 'these aren't crimes' (with no explanation how so many are convicted of or plead guilty to non crimes).

It's as if two different people came up with two horribly conceived, contradictory "arguments" (they barely rise to that level, being poorly thought out and not based in fact or law) and posted them using the same account.

Then there's his writing mannerisms that often closely resemble a cheap Russian/English translation program, all too often misusing common phrases and terms in ways native English speakers would never speak.
Do you recall him ever saying something derogatory about Putin? I don't.

Granted, it's not proof, but evidence is mounting and there's little to contradict the theory.

JiggaJonson said:

I think it's time we start seriously considering the question:
Is bobknight33 a Russian troll?

Bad Rim Job

timtoner says...

When I first heard about the Carr wildfire, it was on the radio, so the explanation seemed to be that a "car fire" started a devastating wildfire. Then when I got home, I saw that the location was Carr, and rolled my eyes at my dumbness. THEN we learned that it was started by something very much like this, someone driving on his rim. So, yeah, funny/not funny.

Groundhog Day For A Black Man

newtboy says...

You got it right, that's the agenda as I see it, make racism seem so outrageous and pervasive that people act....but only white on black racism exists or matters in that agenda. If you have such a biased, racist agenda, it detracts from the message that racism is bad and makes you sound ignorant.
Yeah....he argued once that he believes in racist faucets as a real issue of institutional racism, not a function of physics, even when it was explained scientifically....but I sound ignorant.
And through the filter of that agenda any white vs black interaction that's not the white person kissing ass is obviously pure racial malice and bias, and the only possible explanation is because all white people are overtly racist....and I sound ignorant.
And outright lies are fine with that agenda, including 100% bullshit stories like the one about racist gangs kidnapping a kid that obviously never happened, and dozens of others that are never corrected when debunked...and I sound ignorant.
I've posted dozens and dozens of videos about racism, but I do it because I think it's a real problem not dog poo I get to shove someone's nose in, so I'm careful to not equate bullshit, lies, exaggeration, hyperbole, and other falsehoods with it, because that gives racists ammunition to "prove" racism is dead and only alive in some people's minds and agendas, and a license to ignore true stories of real racism as more of the same. Doing THAT is ignorant and harmful.
That's true no matter what the agenda is, and is especially misguided and ill advised when it's about something important.

mborchew said:

Whats the agenda? Magnify the racist society he lives in? God forbid white people look in the mirror, right? You sound ignorant.

Magneto man

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