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Why Your Brain Thinks These Strawberries Are Red

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

bcglorf says...

You’re reading it wrong. The IPCC is showing temperature anomaly relative to a specific time frame, you have to compare against the same starting time frame or it is meaningless. Which is by the by an extremely frequently repeated trope used by the hard core denial side.

If you cant find comparable reference frames, use change from a common year. Go look at NOAA’s temps for 2000 and 2019 and take the delta, then compare that delta to the IPCC, you’ll find both fall around the sub 0.5C of change from 2000 to 2020, close ish at least to one another.

That may have been a lazy explanation. I went and looked for your 0.83 for 2018, which looks like it is referencing a NOAA release, it lists it's values as calibrated against the 1951-1980 mean.
The IPCC however lists their own numbers as calibrated against the 1986-2005 mean.
Obviously, the mean temp from 1951-1980 is gonna be much lower than the the mean from 1986-2005, so you can't to a direct comparison. If you look at the instrumental portion of the IPCC results you'll see how much it 'under' hits the NOAA data too, just because it's calibrated to a warmer baseline.
Make sense?

newtboy said:

Lol. Their chart predicts below .5C by 2020, we reached .83C last year. Stopping there.

VFX Artist Shows You TRUE POWER of Warships!

Sagemind says...

Way too mush positive enthusiasm for a machine that is purely made to kill people. These human killing machines are brutal in their efficiency. I almost feel like the music should be a sound of dred with a somber tone explanation. Discussing them as entertainment seems wrong to me. Not only that, but this is the decommissioned ship, they didn't even get to the more modern ships which can kill way more people, more accurately, and at greater distances.

Of course, this is all to promote a video game, and they want you excited to buy and play their game, and pump them full of micro-payments. I also know their are people that thrive on guns and killing, but as a human being, to me, this seems very uncomfortable.

No, I'm not anti-video game, just anti-realism in video games and killing people. Give me Aliens and sci-fi, or demons and monsters any day

Mueller Explains He Was Barred From Charging Don

newtboy says...

No, he, in plain English, explained why he could not do exactly that. You ignore the explanation and claim the opposite, like your illegitimate messiah.

Trump cucked you and is screwing your wife....I mean country.

bobknight33 said:

Muller could have come out ans said in plain wording that Trump was involved in illegal activity A, B and C.

However we do not have the prosecutorial authority to bring charges forward. It will have to be settled in the House and Senate.

But Muller didn't because he did not have enough to charge Trump with anything of real matter.

Right Wing Fakes Pelosi Videos To Make Her Sound Drunk

newtboy says...

Yes....I see. It's the old "think of how unthinkably dumb and naive the average person realize that fully half are dumber and more naive than that." problem.
That's why I think we need to see the Donald/Ivanka sex tape, aired for days on the news with no explanation but plenty of disgust, time stamped to prove Barron is their love child, released right before the primaries. It won't have to be done well, just good enough to confuse morons, which isn't hard.

Then the question would become 'Will that make a difference to the Cultists?'

wtfcaniuse said:

Unfortunately they don't have to do better than this. Hundreds of thousands of people believed Justin Trudeau wore fake eyebrows because they couldn't comprehend lighting and shadows. This sort of shit will work because there are tens of millions of Americans with below average intelligence who are either unwilling or incapable of questioning it.

Infinite Tucker Takes a Dive in a televised race.

newtboy says...

That's fine....just don't double the length with unconnected nonsense. The interview/explanation was funny, but not needed at all.

BSR said:

There's no interview at the end. @newt will not be appeased.

Infinite Tucker Takes a Dive in a televised race.

newtboy says...

Why is 1/2 the video dancing dumbness? It could have been the interview he gave right afterwards where he claimed he shut his eyes after the last hurdle, and saw his mom waiting for him when he opened them and jumped to her....a hilarious explanation imo.

Things about Relationships I wish someone told me about

oritteropo says...

In her longer explanation (5:54 to 6:43) she does say to start with communication, but end it if it continues to be toxic. She never says to isolate yourself, just to find more supportive friends and ditch the ones trying to use you.

newtboy said:

I found it interesting how it started by describing a significant other pointing out your friends foibles as intentionally controlling and isolating you, then later suggests that you looking for these foibles and isolating yourself is a positive move. Telling someone to isolate themselves is controlling, telling them you notice and object to others disrespecting or abusing you may be consoling.

I also found it telling that the suggestions are "end it....or try to communicate", in that order. Sounded amazingly backward.
I feel like the writer has had a long string of toxic relationships and no healthy ones.

I've been with my wife since 92, married her in 98, we are the only people in either of our extended families still on our first marriage, so I do have some small experience with maintaining a healthy relationship.

What happens when you SHOOT a Water Tower

AeroMechanical says...

I agree with the utility guy, I don't think someone shot it. At that range and with the glancing angle, I can't see any typical rifle punching clean through that much steel and leaving the paint on.

Of course I have no other explanation, and there could be some dude down there who owns a .50 rifle and armor piercing ammo who really hates the water company for some reason.

If so, I wonder if ...googling....~ 50g of lead in 250,000 gallons of water is over the safety limits.

Red Bull Wingsuit Pyrotechnics Over Downtown LA

Tim Apple

newtboy says...

And the story has changed again. Now he claims it was intentional to save time and words....which must be the real explanation because we all know how Donny hates to hear himself talk or waste time.

Rubik's Cube Magician SHOCKED America's Got Talent People

Plane Ran Out of Fuel at 41,000 Feet. Here's What Happened.

ulysses1904 says...

While we're on the subject, does anyone remember the news reports from around 1989 I think, of a private plane flying along the east coast of the U.S. near Florida and it was assumed the pilot was incapacitated. He wasn't responding to the radio but the jet pilots saw that the sun visor position had changed while they were tracking him so obviously someone was flying the plane.

I think he eventually landed but it was never clear what the explanation was for the lack of communication. It was a big deal at the time but I can't find any reference to it with Google.

My 4,566,300,000 Year Old Ring

Trump publicly blows his cover for national emergency

Drachen_Jager says...

But... he said he'd get all the best people.
He picked these criminals. Are you saying it's better if he picked people who were already criminals when he hired them? I mean, even if he picked at random, there's no way he'd end up with so many criminals in his cabinet.
Obviously he has an affinity for criminals at the very least. Can you come up with a better explanation? Do you think that's a good or a bad thing that he hires so many criminals?
Also don't forget he pardons unrepentant criminals like Sheriff Joe.
Trump is a con man. Like all con men, he attracts his own kind. He's shown up in several indictments where they have proof of his criminal behaviour, he just hasn't been indicted yet because (like most dictators) he enjoys special protections against prosecution.

bobknight33 said:

With all the leaking going and embedded swamp Trump in his administration Trump had done the right thing to fire/remove those individuates.

WRT Muller investigation. most process crimes and crimes that occurred before Trump or unrelated to Trump run for POTUS.

WRT to Michael Flynn,-- pure set up to entrap Flynn.

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